390 research outputs found

    Власні назви як елемент інтертекстуальності в поетичних творах XX століття

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    У роботі розглядаються проблеми інтертекстуальності та аналізуються власні назви як самостійні елементи інтертекстуальних зв’язків на матеріалі поетичних творів ХХ століття. Досліджуються особливості інтерпретації онімів як конденсованих символів, індивідуально- авторського переосмислення контексту світової і національної культури та історії у творах “неокласиків”. Розглядаються семантичні особливості художнього мовлення, визначаються функції, семантико-стилістичні та структурні особливості мовних засобів, простежуються тенденції своєрідного вживання власних назв у творчості “неокласиків”.В работе рассматриваются проблемы интертекстуальности и анализируются имена собственные как самостоятельные элементы интертекстуальных связей на материале поэзии ХХ столетия. Исследуются особенности интерпретации онимов как конденсированных символов, индивидуально-авторского переосмысления контекста мировой и национальной культуры и истории в творчестве “неоклассиков”. Рассматриваются семантические особенности художественной речи, семантико-стилистические и структурные особенности языковых средств, прослеживаются тенденции своеобразного использования имен собственных в творчестве “неоклассиков”.In work deals with the problems of intertextuality and analyzed their own names as separate elements intertextual connections on the material of poetry of the twentieth century. Investigates the features of the interpretation onyms as condensed symbols of author individual rethinking the context of global and national culture and history in the work of "neoclassicists". Lexical variety and semantic peculiarities of artistic language are examined. The functions, semantic-stylistic and structural peculiarities of language means are defined. The tendencies of distinctive word usage in language creativity of “neoclassics” are revealed and scientifically grounded

    Séminaire collectif du Groupe de recherches sur les missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique moderne

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    Bernard Vincent et Pierre-Antoine Fabre, directeurs d’étudesJean-Paul Zuñiga, maître de conférences à l’Université de Reims Cette année le séminaire s’est organisé pour l’essentiel autour des recherches personnelles des membres du groupe ainsi que de l’enquête collective en cours sur les lettres de demande de départ en mission des jeunes jésuites aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles (Indipetae). Les questions abordées ont cependant été axées autour de deux grands thèmes : la confrontation entre les fond..

    Séminaire du groupe collectif du Groupe de recherches sur les missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique moderne

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    Bernard Vincent et Pierre-Antoine Fabre, directeurs d’étudesJean-Paul Zuñiga, maître de conférences à l’Université de Reims Le séminaire du Groupe de recherches a poursuivi cette année dans la voie qu’il s’est tracée : la présentation de divers domaines dans lesquels s’inscrit le phénomène missionnaire à l’époque moderne et contemporaine. Ce séminaire vise ainsi d’une part à situer l’histoire religieuse (dans ses dimensions institutionnelle, culturelle, spirituelle, rituelle) dans des cadres ..

    Séminaire collectif du Groupe de recherches sur les missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique moderne

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    Bernard Vincent et Pierre-Antoine Fabre, directeurs d’étudesJean-Paul Zuñiga, maître de conférences Compte rendu non communiqué. Bernard Vincent, Jean-Frédéric Schaub, Wolfgang Kaiser, directeurs d’étudesJordi Canal, Enric Porqueres i Gené, Jean-Paul Zuñiga, maîtres de conférences Histoire et anthropologie du monde hispanique Compte rendu non communiqué

    Test 1157: John Deere 2630 and 2640 Diesel

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    EXPLANATION OF TEST REPORT GENERAL CONDITIONS East tractor is a production model equipped for common usage. Power consuming accessories can be disconnected only when it is convenient for the operator to do so in practice. Additional weight can be added as ballast if the manufacturer regularly supplies it for sale. The static tire loads and the inflation pressures muse conform to recommendations in the Tire Standards published by the Society of Automotive Engineers. PREPARATION FOR PERFORMANCE RUNS The engine crank case is drained and refilled with a measured amount of new oil conforming to specifications in the operator’s manual. The fuel used and the maintenance operations must also conform to the published information delivered with the tractor. The tractor is then limbered-up for 1 hour on drawbar work in accordance with the manufacturers published recommendations. The manufacturer’s representative is present to make appropriate decisions regarding mechanical adjustments. The tractor is equipped with approximately the amount of added ballast that is used during maximum drawbar tests. The tire tread-bar height must be at least 65% of new tread height prior to the maximum power run. BELT OR POWER TAKE-OFF PERFORMANCE Maximum Power and Fuel Consumption. The manufacturer’s representative makes carburetor, fuel pump, ignition and governor control settings which remain unchanged throughout tall subsequent runs. The governor and the manually operated governor control lever is set to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer for maximum power. Maximum power is measured by connecting the belt pulley or the power take-off to a dynamometer. The dynamometer load is then gradually increased until the engine is operating at the rated speed specified by the manufacturer for maximum power. The corresponding fuel consumption is measured. Varying Power and Fuel Consumption. Six different horsepower levels are used to show corresponding fuel consumption rates and how the governor causes the engine to react to the following changes in dynamometer load: 85% of the dynamometer torque at maximum power; minimum dynamometer torque, ½ the 85% torque; maximum power; ¼ and ¾ of the 85% torque. Since at tractor is generally subjected to varying loads the average of the results in this test serve well for predicting the fuel consumption of a tractor in general usage. DRAWBAR PERFORMANCE All engine adjustments are the same as those used in the belt or power take-off tests. If the manufacturer specifies a different rated crankshaft speed for drawbar operations, then the position of the manually operated governor control is changed to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer in the operating instructions. Varying Power and Fuel Consumption With Ballast. The varying power runs are made to show the effect of speed-control devices (engine governor, automatic transmissions, etc.) on horsepower, speed and fuel consumption. These runs are made around the entire test course with has two 180 degree turns with a minimum radius of 50 feet. The drawbar pull is set at 3 different levels as follows: (1) as near to the pull a maximum power as possible and still have the tractor maintain the travel speed at maximum horsepower on the straight sections of the test course; (2) 75% of the pull at maximum power; and (3) 50% of the pull at maximum power. Prior to 1958, fuel consumption data (10 hour test) were shown only for the pull obtained at maximum power for tractors having torque converters and at 75% of the pull obtained at maximum power for gear-type tractors. Maximum Power With Ballast. Maximum power is measured on straight level sections of the test course. Data are shown for not more that 12 different gears or travel speeds. Some gears or travel speeds may be omitted because of high slippage of the traction members or because the travel speed may exceed the safe-limit for the test course. The maximum safe speed for the Nebraska Test course has been set at 15 miles per hour. The slippage limits have been set at 15% and 7% for pneumatic tires and steel tracks or lugs, respectively. Higher slippage gives widely varying results. Maximum Power Without Ballast. All added ballast is removed from the tractor. The maximum drawbar power of the tractor is determined by the same procedure used for getting maximum power with ballast. The gear (or travel speed) is the same as that used in the 10-hours test. Varying Power and Travel Speed With Ballast. Travel speeds corresponding to drawbar pulls beyond the maximum power range are obtained to show the “lugging ability” of the tractor. The run starts with the pull at maximum power; then additional drawbar pull is applied to cause decreasing speeds. The run is ended by one of three conditions; (1) maximum pull is obtained, (2) the maximum slippage limit is reached, or (3) some other operating limit is reached

    Hierarchical Pressure In The Cockpit: An ERP Study

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    Many accident reports have stressed the fact that first officers sometimes follow risky choices made by captains, resulting in the mitigation of flight safety. While this tendency is well known in the field of aviation, few studies have examined the impact of captains’ influence on first officers’ decision-making and the associated neural correlates. The present study aimed to investigate the extent to which first officers are influenced by captains when the latter adopt a risky behavior. Student pilots who were about to complete their training participated in this study. In the first part of the experiment, they were presented with 50 different landing situations (i.e., pictures of Primary Flight Display, PFD)

    State-of-the-art laser adhesion test (LASAT)

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    This paper proposes a state-of-the-art laser adhesion test. It consists of testing material interfaces with laser-driven shock wave. Since the first demonstration in the 1980s by Vossen, many studies and developments have been done. This paper presents recent experiments and developments on the basic physics involved. Results show the ability of the technique to perform a quantitative adhesion test for a wide range of materials and configurations. Edge effect principle and ultra-short shock wave give perspectives for new applications for multi-layer combination of material. Fundamental principles are evidenced through experiments on bulk ductile materials before demonstrating their application to coated systems

    De las catacumbas a los últimos confines: violencia, sentido y representación en los periplos del martirio

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    En este trabajo propongo un análisis transversal de las figuras del mártir y del martirio. Recurriendo a la noción de mediación, en la primera parte analizo el rol protagónico de las representaciones del martirio en las prácticas de la memoria durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. Analizo algunas de las condiciones que contribuyeron a la emergencia de una "cultura del martirio" y el rol de las mediaciones en tal surgimiento. En la segunda parte, estudio la forma en que el (re)descubrimiento de las catacumbas romanas, abrió un campo de producción de sentido en torno a la figura del martirio. En la tercera parte, centrándome en la Compañía de Jesús, analizo algunas mediaciones a través de las cuáles las figuras del martirio transgredieron las fronteras de iglesias y conventos para proyectarse a los últimos confines en un mundo en plena expansión.Neste artigo proponho uma análise transversal das figuras do mártir e do martírio. Usando a noção de mediação, na primeira parte eu tento analisar o papel de liderança de representações de martírio em práticas de memória durante a segunda metade do século XVI. Eu analiso algumas das condições que contribuíram para o surgimento de uma "cultura do martírio" e o papel da mediação nesta emergência. Na segunda parte, eu estudo como a (re) descoberta das catacumbas romanas abriu um campo de produção de significados em torno da figura do martírio. Na terceira parte, com foco na Companhia de Jesus, analiso algumas mediações pelas quais as representações do martírio transgrediram as fronteiras de igrejas e conventos para se projetar nas fronteiras de um mundo em plena expansão mundial.This paper proposes a cross-sectional analysis of martyr and martyrdom. Through the notion of mediation, in the first part I analyze the leading role of representations of martyrdom in memory practices during the second half of the sixteenth century. I analyze some of the conditions that contributed to the emergence of a "martyrdom's culture" and the role of mediation in such emergence. The second part studies how the (re)discovery of the Roman catacombs encouraged the production of meanings around the figure of martyrdom. In the third part, focusing on the Society of Jesus, I analyze a few instances of mediation through which the figures of martyrdom transgressed the boundaries of churches and convents to project themselves to the last frontiers of a world in full expansion.Fil: Salamanca Villamizar, Carlos Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin