50 research outputs found

    Estudo do processo da serraria FZ Madeiras no município de Cascavel-PR

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    Orientador: Prof. Rui A. Maggi dos AnjosMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira.Resumo: Neste estudo, realizado na cidade de Cascavel-PR em dois periodos sendo o primeiro deles em Agosto de 2013 e o segundo em Janeiro e Fevereiro de 2014 na serraria FZ Madeiras pretendeu-se avaliar o rendimento de madeira serrada que envolve a classificação de toras divididas em 5 classes diamétricas entre 12 em e 52 em de diâmetro e amplitude de 8 em, com a metodologia de desdobro já utilizada na empresa, os rendimentos variaram de 38,36% a 59,86%, onde a média geral correspondeu a 50,43%. Determinação dos fatores de conversão st-m3 e m3·st com medição do volume em st de 3 caminhões de toras e posteriormente medição do volume em m3 destas cargas utilizando uma fita métrica,com uma média de volume (st) toras de 25,030 e um volume (m3 ) toras de 17,485 apresentou-se resultados de conversões st-m3 de 1,4315 e m3-st de 0,6986, isso significa que para se obter volume de toras de 1 m foram necessarios 1,4315 st, da mesma forma para se obter o volume de toras de 1 st foram necessários 0,6986 m3. Análise dos motivos e seus respectivos tempos de paradas da produção divididas em 5 classes, totalizando 6 horas e 42 minutos de estudo, onde o tempo total de paradas atingido foi de 32 ,04%. Frequência diamétrica de 3 cargas totalizando 254 toras, divididas em 5 classes diarnétricas entre 12 em e 52 em de diâmetro, amplitude de 8 em e uma análise da porcentagem de peças fora do padrão em um total de 434 peças de madeira serrada produzidas, tendo como parâmetro de peças fora do padrão com medidas abaixo de 2 mm a porcentagem, neste estudo 15,78% das peças estiveram fora do padrão

    Amorphous-silicon visible-light detector integrated on silicon nitride waveguides

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    : Visible-light integrated photonics is emerging as a promising technology for the realization of optical devices for applications in sensing, quantum information and communications, imaging, and displays. Among the existing photonic platforms, high-index-contrast silicon nitride (Si3N4) waveguides offer broadband transparency in the visible spectral range and a high scale of integration. As the complexity of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) increases, on-chip detectors are required to monitor their working point for reconfiguration and stabilization operations. In this Letter, we present a semi-transparent in-line power monitor integrated on Si3N4 waveguides that operates in the red-light wavelength range (660 nm). The proposed device exploits the photoconductivity of a hydrogenated amorphous-silicon (a-Si:H) film that is evanescently coupled to an optical waveguide. Experimental results show a responsivity of 30 mA/W, a sensitivity of -45 dBm, and a sub-µs time response. These features enable the use of the proposed photoconductor for high-sensitivity monitoring and control of visible-light Si3N4 PICs

    Tidal inlet seafloor changes induced by recently built hard structures

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    Tidal inlets are extremely dynamic environments that are often strongly modified by anthropogenic intervention. In this study, we describe the rapid evolution of a highly humanimpacted tidal inlet, studied through repeated high-resolution multibeam surveys and geomorphometric analysis. We document the rapid change induced by new hard coastal structures built to protect the historical city of Venice (Italy). A new breakwater erected between 2011 and 2013 induced the formation of large scour holes with the consequent erosion of about 170 x 103 ± 15.6% m3 of sediment until 2016. The construction of a new island in the middle of the inlet and the restriction of the inlet channel caused a general change of the inlet sedimentary regime from depositional to erosive with a net sediment loss of about 612 x 103 ± 42.7% m3, a reduction of the dune field area by more than 50% in about five years, and a coarsening in the sediment distribution. Our results give new insight on the tidal inlet resilience to changes, distinguishing two different phases in its recent evolution: (i) a very rapid response (from 2011 to 2013) of the seafloor morphology with scour-hole erosion at the new breakwater tips at a rate of about 45x103 m3/year and the disappearing of dune fields at a rate of 104x103 m2/year; and (ii) a general slowdown of the erosive processes from 2013 to 2016. Nevertheless, the erosion continues at the breakwater, though at a reduced rate, possibly representing a threat to the hard structure. In view of global mean sea level rise and consequent proliferation of hard structures along the coast all over the world, the combined use of very high resolution multibeam surveys and repeatable geomorphometric analysis proposed in this study will be crucial for the monitoring and future management of coastal environments

    Robotic treatment of a rare paramedian cystic lesion of the lower male urogenital tract

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    Abstract Objectives To report the diagnosis and the mini-invasive treatment of a rare paramedian cystic lesion of the lower male urogenital tract (CLMGU). Material and methods This is a case of a 46 old male with low urinary tract symptoms, azoospermia and mild erectile dysfunction. MRI Imaging showed a midline high signal intensity cystic lesion of a tear drop shape, extending above the base of the prostate to the level of the seminal vesicles. The lesion was located between the seminal vesicles and the urinary bladder. A direct communication of the intra-abdominal portion of both vas deferens with the cyst was found. MRI also showed small solid nodule within the upper portion of the cyst. The patient underwent a robotic surgery of the CLMGU. A Retzius-sparing approach was used to gain access to the seminal vesicles in order to carefully dissect and excise the lesion without any dissection of the anterior compartment. The CLMGU was excised with a nerve sparing technique. Results Operative time was 115 min. Blood loss was minimal. Length of stay was three days. No post-operative complications occurred. One month after surgery patient's IPSS improved considerably. Final pathology showed a cystic lesion containing papillary projections with squamous metaplasia. At 2 months follow up, urinary symptoms improved with no postoperative complications. Conclusion Robotic surgery allows a direct access to the Douglas space with an easy removal of the neoplasia. Our video represents a case of possible application of robotic surgery to improve dissection, overall surgical precision and functional outcomes

    Low‐leakage zero‐static power consumption analogue CMOS switch

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    Abstract The architecture of a low‐leakage switch in complementary metal‐oxide‐semiconductor (CMOS) technology developed to implement long‐term analogue memories for low‐power applications is presented. The switch reduces the leakage current using a cascade of modified pass‐transistors without active circuits, thus producing a negligible power consumption. The technique is simple, modular, robust, and reduces the leakage current down to tens of aA at room temperature using a TSMC 0.18 µm technology