121 research outputs found

    Joint United States-Brazil Billfish Research in the Western South Atlantic

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    A joint research project between Brazilian and U.S. scientists was initiated in 2004 to investigate the interaction of istiophorid billfishes with pelagic longline fisheries in the western equatorial South Atlantic Ocean. This project incorporates two general themes (1) an investigation into several aspects of pelagic longline operations by comparing catch results between circle and “J” style hooks, time-of-capture with hook time recorders, and by direct monitoring of pelagic longline gear behavior, and (2) an additional evaluation of billfish trophic ecology using a combination of satellite tag technology and traditional analyses (e.g., gut contents and ageing). Data obtained from this research will provide additional data for the evaluation of habitat-based stock assessment modeling efforts for billfish and other pelagic fish species

    Preliminary Results of Circle and J-Style Hook Comparisons in the Brazilian Pelagic Longline Fishery

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    Preliminary studies in western North Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries indicate that a change in terminal gear from J-style hooks to circle hooks may reduce bycatch mortality. However, such studies have not examined the impact of this change in the equatorial fishery. Catch composition, catch rates, hooking location, and condition at haulback were monitored during 26 sets in the commercial longline fishery operating in the western equatorial South Atlantic where circle (size 18/0, non-offset) and J-style (size 9/0 and 10/0, 10° offset) hooks were deployed in an alternating fashion. Catch rates for yellowfin tuna, swordfish, and a composite “all fishes” category were significantly (P \u3c 0.05) higher for circle hooks. Bigeye tuna, swordfish, sailfish, and yellowfin tuna were hooked significantly more often externally than internally. Yellowfin tuna were over eight times more likely to be hooked in the mouth with circle hooks than with J-style hooks. Bigeye tuna and sailfish showed significantly higher rates of survival at haulback with circle hooks. The results suggest that the use of size 18/0 non-offset circle hooks in the equatorial pelagic longline fishery may increase the survival of bycatch species at haulback with minimal detrimental effects on the catches of target species

    Fishing Gear Modifications to Reduce Elasmobranch Mortality in Pelagic and Bottom Longline Fisheries Off Northeast Brazil

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    One of the biggest challenges of fisheries research is reducing the bycatch of unwanted species. The incidental fishing mortality of species with low reproductive rates, such as elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays), is recognized as a key threat for their populations. In the present study, gear modifications related to the type of hook and position of the hook in the water column were tested to examine their effects on catch rates and mortality of elasmobranch species in both pelagic and coastal environments. Comparisons between circle (size 18/0, 0° offset) and J-style (size 9/0, 10° offset) hooks demonstrated that the circle hooks have a greater efficiency in reducing the mortality of most species caught, both in pelagic and coastal longline fisheries. Internal lodging of the hook was significantly less frequent for the individuals caught with circle hooks, which likely contributed to their higher survival rate at haulback. Additionally, circle hooks also increased the CPUE of elasmobranchs caught in the pelagic longline fishery, which was particularly evident for Carcharhinus falciformis and Prionace glauca. The position of the hook in the water column exhibited a strong influence on the species caught in the coastal bottom longline fishery. Suspending hooks in the middle of the water column reduced the bycatch of common demersal species, such as Carcharhinus acronotus, Ginglymostoma cirratum, and Dasyatis americana, while increasing the CPUE of potentially aggressive species, such as Galeocerdo cuvier and Carcharhinus leucas. The interaction of the type of hook utilized with its position in the water column appears to be an essential factor in the optimization of longline selectivity and minimization of bycatch mortality

    Incommensurate crystal structure, thermal expansion study and magnetic properties of (dimethylimidazolium)2[Fe2Cl6(μ-O)]

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    A thorough characterization of the title compound, (dimim)(2)[Fe2Cl6(mu-O)], consisting of a (mu-oxido)-bridged binuclear iron(III) complex and 1,3-dimethylimiazolium (dimim) cation, has been performed using a wide range of techniques. The room temperature disordered crystal structure of this compound transits to an incommensurately modulated crystal structure at 100 K; to our knowledge, the first one found for an imidazolium halometallate complex. The crystal structure was solved in the superspace group P (1) over bar(/alpha/beta/gamma)0 with modulation vector q = 0.1370(10) 0.0982(10) 0.326(2) at 100 K. Variable temperature synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction showed the presence of satellite peaks in addition to the main diffraction peaks up to 208 K. Furthermore, a thermal expansion study was performed with this technique from 100 to 383 K (near of its melting point) adressing questions about the nature and consequences of the ion self-assembly of this (mu-oxido)-bridged binuclear iron(III) complex, as well as the molecular motion of the imidazolium cation within the crystalline structure as a response to the temperature effect. Finally, we present a deep magnetic study based on magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and Mossbauer measurements, where the strong antiferromagnetic exchange coupling detected is due to the occurrence of a mu-oxido bridge between the Fe(III), giving rise to an intra-dimeric antiferromagnetic exchange coupling of -308 cm(-1).Financial support from Universidad de Cantabria (Proyecto Puente convocatoria 2018 funded by SODERCAN_FEDER), Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (GIU17/50 and PPG17/37) and Ministerio de Economia y Competividad (MAT2017-89239-C2-(1,2)-P). The authors gratefully acknowledge Technical and human support provided by SGIKer (UPV/EHU, MINECO, GV/EJ, ERDF, and ESF). Dr. Israel Cano thanks financial support from the European Community through a Marie Skodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (IF-EF; Programme/Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015; Proposal No: 704710-Sdchirnanocat). C2TN authors acknowledge the FCT (Portugal) support through the UID/Multi/04FeCl49/2013 project. The paper is (partly) based on results of experiments carried out at the ALBA Synchrotron Light Source in Barcelona

    Diet and lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Spain

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    This study aimed to evaluate changes in dietary and lifestyle habits during the period of confinement due to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-American countries. A cross-sectional investigation was conducted with 6,325 participants of both genders (68% women), over 18 years of age and from five countries: Brazil (N = 2,171), Argentina (N = 1,111), Peru (N = 1,174), Mexico (N = 686), and Spain (N = 1,183). Data were collected during the year 2020, between April 01 and June 30 in Spain and between July 13 and September 26, in the other countries studied using a self-administered online survey designed for the assessment of sociodemographic, employment, physical activity, health status, and dietary habits changes. Most participants (61.6%), mainly those from Spain, remained constant, without improving or worsening their pattern of food consumption. Among those who changed, a pattern of better eating choices prevailed (22.7%) in comparison with those who changed toward less healthy choices (15.7%). Argentina and Brazil showed the highest proportion of changes toward a healthier pattern of food consumption. Peruvians and Mexicans were less likely to make healthy changes in food consumption (OR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.4–0.6 and OR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.4–0.8, respectively), when compared to Argentinians. Most respondents did not change their pattern of meal consumption, but those who did reduced their consumption of main meals and increased intake of small meals and snacks. Although most participants affirmed to be doing physical activity at home, about one-half reported perception of weight gain. Individuals with alterations in sleep pattern (either by increasing or decreasing sleep time) were more likely to change their diets to a healthier pattern. In contrast, individuals with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and those who reported feeling anxious were more likely to perform changes to a less healthy eating pattern (OR: 1.72; 95% CI: 1.2–2.3 and OR: 1.21; 95% CI: 1.1–1.4, respectively). In conclusion, although most participants remained constant in their eating habits, lifestyle changes and anxiety feelings were reported. Among those who changed patterns of food consumption, healthier choices prevailed, with differences between countries. However, there were alterations in the distribution of meals, with higher consumption of snacks and small meals. These results can be used to guide policies to prevent deleterious consequences that may affect the incidence of chronic diseasesWe acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) which provided MCBM a productivity fellowship and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) which granted OE-M a Ph.D. scholarship. The project developed in Spain was supported by the Program of R&D activities between research groups of the Community of Madrid in Social Sciences and Humanities, co-financed with the European Social Fund (H2019/HUM-5802

    Docetaxel-induced prostate cancer cell death involves concomitant activation of caspase and lysosomal pathways and is attenuated by LEDGF/p75

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC) is characterized by poor response to chemotherapy and high mortality, particularly among African American men when compared to other racial/ethnic groups. It is generally accepted that docetaxel, the standard of care for chemotherapy of HRPC, primarily exerts tumor cell death by inducing mitotic catastrophe and caspase-dependent apoptosis following inhibition of microtubule depolymerization. However, there is a gap in our knowledge of mechanistic events underlying docetaxel-induced caspase-independent cell death, and the genes that antagonize this process. This knowledge is important for circumventing HRPC chemoresistance and reducing disparities in prostate cancer mortality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We investigated mechanistic events associated with docetaxel-induced death in HRPC cell lines using various approaches that distinguish caspase-dependent from caspase-independent cell death. Docetaxel induced both mitotic catastrophe and caspase-dependent apoptosis at various concentrations. However, caspase activity was not essential for docetaxel-induced cytotoxicity since cell death associated with lysosomal membrane permeabilization still occurred in the presence of caspase inhibitors. Partial inhibition of docetaxel-induced cytotoxicity was observed after inhibition of cathepsin B, but not inhibition of cathepsins D and L, suggesting that docetaxel induces caspase-independent, lysosomal cell death. Simultaneous inhibition of caspases and cathepsin B dramatically reduced docetaxel-induced cell death. Ectopic expression of lens epithelium-derived growth factor p75 (LEDGF/p75), a stress survival autoantigen and transcription co-activator, attenuated docetaxel-induced lysosomal destabilization and cell death. Interestingly, LEDGF/p75 overexpression did not protect cells against DTX-induced mitotic catastrophe, and against apoptosis induced by tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL), suggesting selectivity in its pro-survival activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results underscore the ability of docetaxel to induce concomitantly caspase-dependent and independent death pathways in prostate cancer cells. The results also point to LEDGF/p75 as a potential contributor to cellular resistance to docetaxel-induced lysosomal destabilization and cell death, and an attractive candidate for molecular targeting in HRPC.</p

    More accurate macro-models of solid oxide fuel cells through electrochemical and microstructural parameter estimation - Part II: Parameter estimation

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    This paper presents a systematic synergetic approach between experimental measurements, equivalent circuit modelling (described in Part I) and macro-scale modelling theory which has proved to be instrumental for the estimation of microstructural and electrochemical features of a Ni- YSZ|YSZ|Pr2NiO4+δ-GDC solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The aforementioned parameters have been used to generate a more accurate CFD macro-model which has been validated against the experimental results (presented in Part III)