178 research outputs found

    Full dimensional (15D) quantum-dynamical simulation of the protonated water-dimer II: infrared spectrum and vibrational dynamics

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    The infrared absorption spectrum of the protonated water dimer (H5O2+) is simulated in full dimensionality (15D) in the spectral range 0-4000 cm-1. The calculations are performed using the Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method for propagation of wavepackets. All the fundamentals and several overtones of the vibrational motion are computed. The spectrum of H5O2+ is shaped to a large extent by couplings of the proton-transfer motion to large amplitude fluxional motions of the water molecules, water bending and water-water stretch motions. These couplings are identified and discussed, and the corresponding spectral lines assigned. The large couplings featured by H5O2+ do not hinder, however, to describe the coupled vibrational motion by well defined simple types of vibration (stretching, bending, etc.) based on well defined modes of vibration, in terms of which the spectral lines are assigned. Comparison of our results to recent experiments and calculations on the system is given. The reported MCTDH IR-spectrum is in very good agreement to the recently measured spectrum by Hammer et al. [JCP, 122, 244301, (2005)].Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Diffusion Rates for Hydrogen on Pd(111) from Molecular Quantum Dynamics Calculations

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    Diffusion rates are calculated on the basis of van Hove's formula for the dynamical structure factor (DSF) related to particle scattering at mobile adsorbates. The formula is evaluated quantum mechanically using eigenfunctions obtained from three dimensional realistic models for H/Pd(111) derived from first principle calculations. Results are compatible with experimental data for H/Ru(0001) and H/Pt(111), if one assumes that the total rate obtained from the DSF is the sum of a diffusion and a friction rate. A simple kinetic model to support this assumption is presented.Comment: 11 pages including 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Monitoring the Birth of an Electronic Wavepacket in a Neutral Molecule with Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    Numerical simulations are presented to validate the possible use of cutting-edge attosecond time- resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to observe in real time the creation of an electronic wavepacket and subsequent electronic motion in a neutral molecule photoexcited by a UV pump pulse within a few femtoseconds

    Full dimensional (15D) quantum-dynamical simulation of the protonated water-dimer I: Hamiltonian setup and analysis of the ground vibrational state

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    Quantum-dynamical full-dimensional (15D) calculations are reported for the protonated water dimer (H5O2+) using the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method. The dynamics is described by curvilinear coordinates. The expression of the kinetic energy operator in this set of coordinates is given and its derivation, following the polyspherical method, is discussed. The PES employed is that of Huang et al. [JCP, 122, 044308, (2005)]. A scheme for the representation of the potential energy surface (PES) is discussed which is based on a high dimensional model representation scheme (cut-HDMR), but modified to take advantage of the mode-combination representation of the vibrational wavefunction used in MCTDH. The convergence of the PES expansion used is quantified and evidence is provided that it correctly reproduces the reference PES at least for the range of energies of interest. The reported zero point energy of the system is converged with respect to the MCTDH expansion and in excellent agreement (16.7 cm-1 below) with the diffusion Monte Carlo result on the PES of Huang et al. The highly fluxional nature of the cation is accounted for through use of curvilinear coordinates. The system is found to interconvert between equivalent minima through wagging and internal rotation motions already when in the ground vibrational-state, i.e., T=0. It is shown that a converged quantum-dynamical description of such a flexible, multi-minima system is possible.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Coherence revival during the attosecond electronic and nuclear quantum photodynamics of the ozone molecule

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    A coherent superposition of two electronic states of ozone (ground and Hartley B) is prepared with a UV pump pulse. Using the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree approach, we calculate the subsequent time evolution of the two corresponding nuclear wave packets and the coherence between them. The resulting wave packet shows an oscillation between the two chemical bonds. Even more interesting, the coherence between the two electronics states reappears after the laser pulse is switched off, which could be observed experimentally with an attosecond probe pulse

    State-To-State Inelastic Rotational Cross Sections in Five-Atom Systems with the Multiconfiguration Time Dependent Hartree Method

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    We present a MultiConfiguration Time Dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method as an attractive alternative approach to the usual quantum close-coupling method that approaches some computational limits in the calculation of rotational excitation (and de-excitation) between polyatomic molecules (here collisions between triatomic and diatomic rigid molecules). We have performed a computational investigation of the rotational (de-)excitation of the benchmark rigid rotor H2O-H2 system on a recently developed Potential Energy Surface of the complex using the MCTDH method. We focus here on excitations and de-excitations from the 000, 111, and 110 states of H2O with H2 in its ground rotational state, looking at all the potential transitions in the energy range 1-200 cm-1. This work follows a recently completed study on the H2O-H2 cluster where we characterized its spectroscopy and more generally serves a broader goal to describe inelastic collision processes of high dimensional systems using the MCTDH method. We find that the cross sections obtained from the MCTDH calculations are in excellent agreement with time independent calculations from previous studies but does become challenging for the lower kinetic energy range of the de-excitation process: that is, below approximately 20 cm-1 of collision energy, calculations with a relative modest basis become unreliable. The MCTDH method therefore appears to be a useful complement to standard approaches to study inelastic collision for various collision partners, even at low energy, though performing better for rotational excitation than for de-excitation

    The coupling of the hydrated proton to its first solvation shell

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    The transfer of a hydrated proton between water molecules in aqueous solution is accompanied by the large-scale structural reorganization of the environment as the proton relocates, giving rise to the Grotthus mechanism. The Zundel (H5O2+) and Eigen (H9O4+) cations are the main intermediate structures in this process. They exhibit radically different gas-phase infrared (IR) spectra, indicating fundamentally different environments of the solvated proton in its first solvation shell. The question arises: is there a least common denominator structure that explains the IR spectra of the Zundel and Eigen cations, and hence of the solvated proton? Full dimensional quantum simulations of these protonated cations demonstrate that two dynamical water molecules embedded in the static environment of the parent Eigen cation constitute this fundamental subunit. It is sufficient to explain the spectral signatures and anharmonic couplings of the solvated proton in its first solvation shell. In particular, we identify the anharmonic vibrational modes that explain the large broadening of the proton transfer peak in the experimental IR spectrum of the Eigen cation, of which the origin remained so far unclear. Our findings about the quantum mechanical structure of the first solvation shell provide a starting point for further investigations of the larger protonated water clusters with second and additional solvation shells.Comment: main article with 4 figures, methods, and supporting informatio

    Intermolecular rovibrational bound states of H2O–H2 dimer from a multiconfiguration time dependent Hartree approach

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    We compute the rovibrational eigenstates of the H2O–H2 Van der Waals complex using the accurate rigid-rotor potential energy surface of Valiron et al. (2008) with the MultiConfiguration Time Dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method. The J=0–2 rovibrational bound states calculations are done with the Block Improved Relaxation procedure of MCTDH and the subsequent assignment of the states is achieved by inspection of the wavefunctions’ properties. The results of this work are found to be in close agreement with previous time independent calculations reported for this complex and therefore supports the use of the MCTDH approach for the rovibrational spectroscopic study of such weakly bound complexes

    Charge transfer of polyatomic molecules in ion-atom hybrid traps: Stereodynamics in the millikelvin regime

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    Rate constants for the charge transfer reaction between N2{}_{2}H+{}^{+} and Rb in the mK regime are measured in an ion-atom hybrid trap and are found to be lower than the Langevin capture limit. Multireference ab initio computation of the potential energy surfaces involved in the reaction reveals that the low-temperature charge transfer is hindered by short-range features highly dependent on the collision angle and is promoted by a deformation of the molecular frame. The present study highlights the importance of polyatomic effects and of stereodynamics in cold molecular ion-neutral collisions.Comment: See supplemental material for details on electronic structure methods, estimates of transition probabilities and timescales, and other PES cut
