41 research outputs found

    Control of the skin scarring response

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    There comes a time when the understanding of the cutaneous healing process becomes essential due to the need for a precocious tissue repair to reduce the physical, social, and psychological morbidity. Advances in the knowledge on the control of interaction among cells, matrix and growth factors will provide more information on the Regenerative Medicine, an emerging area of research in medical bioengineering. However, considering the dynamism and complexity of the cutaneous healing response, it is fundamental to understand the control mechanism exerted by the interaction and synergism of both systems, cutaneous nervous and central nervous, via hypothalamus hypophysis-adrenal axis, a relevant subject, but hardly ever explored. The present study reviews the neuro-immune-endocrine physiology of the skin responsible for its multiple functions and the extreme disturbances of the healing process, like the excess and deficiency of the extracellular matrix deposition.Aproxima-se uma época na qual é fundamental a compreensão do processo cicatricial cutâneo frente à necessidade da restauração tecidual precoce, visando a diminuição das morbidades física, social e psicológica. O avanço no conhecimento acerca do controle das interações entre as células, a matriz e os fatores de crescimento dará maiores informações à Medicina Regenerativa, área de pesquisa emergente da bioengenharia médica. Entretanto, diante do dinamismo e complexidade da resposta cicatricial cutânea torna-se indispensável o entendimento do mecanismo de controle exercido pela interação e sinergismo do sistema nervoso cutâneo e o sistema nervoso central, via eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal, tema relevante, porém, pouco abordado. O presente estudo revisa a fisiologia neuro-imuno-endócrina da pele, responsável por suas múltiplas funções, e os distúrbios extremos do processocicatricial, como o excesso e deficiência de deposição da matriz extracelular.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia PlásticaUNIFESP, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia PlásticaSciEL

    Ground reaction force patterns during gait in patients with lower limb lymphedema

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    Although gait problems have been reported in patients with lower limb lymphedema (LLL), the gait pattern (GP) changes have not been documented yet. However, it is possible that patients with LLL show abnormal GP that can be related to biomechanical complications related to osteoarthritis or falls affecting the quality of life. Ground reaction force analysis during gait allows objective assessment of the patients and it can be used to plan a rehabilitation approach. Objective: To analyze the GRF during gait in patients LLL. Methods: An experimental descriptive study was realized with twenty-three LLL patients, both unilateral and bilateral and classified as moderate and severe, participated in the experiments. The patients walked on a force plate while the three ground reaction force (GRF) components, vertical, mediolateral (M-L) and anteroposterior (A-P), under their feet were recorded and analyzed. Results: In the patients with unilateral lymphedema, either moderate or severe, the vertical GRF components of the affected limb were similar to the sound one and also resembling those found in healthy adults. The M-L GRF was smaller in the non-affected side. In patients with bilateral lymphedema gait speed was significantly slower. More interestingly, the vertical GRF pattern was flat, not showing the typical 2-peak shape. Finally, the large M-L forces found suggest gait stability problems. Conclusions: The patients showed abnormal GRF patterns, including compensation with the non-affected leg. The GRF variability was higher in the patients with severe unilateral lymphedema. Bilateral lymphedema results in lower A-P forces. Stance phase duration was longer in patients with bilateral and severe lymphedem

    Image analysis software versus direct anthropometry for breast measurements

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    PURPOSE:To compare breast measurements performed using the software packages ImageTool(r), AutoCAD(r) and Adobe Photoshop(r) with direct anthropometric measurements.METHODS:Points were marked on the breasts and arms of 40 volunteer women aged between 18 and 60 years. When connecting the points, seven linear segments and one angular measurement on each half of the body, and one medial segment common to both body halves were defined. The volunteers were photographed in a standardized manner. Photogrammetric measurements were performed by three independent observers using the three software packages and compared to direct anthropometric measurements made with calipers and a protractor.RESULTS:Measurements obtained with AutoCAD(r) were the most reproducible and those made with ImageTool(r) were the most similar to direct anthropometry, while measurements with Adobe Photoshop(r) showed the largest differences. Except for angular measurements, significant differences were found between measurements of line segments made using the three software packages and those obtained by direct anthropometry.CONCLUSION:AutoCAD(r) provided the highest precision and intermediate accuracy; ImageTool(r) had the highest accuracy and lowest precision; and Adobe Photoshop(r) showed intermediate precision and the worst accuracy among the three software packages.Federal University of São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of SurgeryUNIFESPUNIFESP, Department of SurgeryUNIFESPSciEL

    Keloid and hypertrophic scar distribution according to Fitzpatrick skin phototypes

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    BACKGROUND: Keloid and hypertrophic scars have a common physiopathogenic origin and are defined as fibroproliferative scars. Fibroproliferative scars are frequent in individuals with darker skin. However, mixing of races renders it difficult to group patients with different skin tones according to morphological and static classifications (white for Caucasians; brown for individuals of Spanish descent (Hispanic/Latino); yellow for individuals of East Asian descent; and black for individuals of African descent) according to their response to sun exposure. It is known that when individuals whose ethnic origin is in colder countries move to tropical countries, they show a higher incidence of these types of scars, which mainly affect parts of the body that are more exposed to the sun. A correlation between fibroproliferative scars and Fitzpatrick phototype, a dynamic classification based on the skin's response to sun exposure, would contribute to an understanding of the pathophysiology of these scars. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of fibroproliferative scars according to Fitzpatrick phototypes. METHODS: We classified patients' fibroproliferative scars according to the Muir classification as Long-Term Evolution (keloid scars), Short-Term Evolution (hypertrophic scars), and Intermediate Group (mixed scars), while their skin types were grouped according to the Fitzpatrick classification. RESULTS: Fitzpatrick phototype III and mixed scars were predominant among the patients analyzed (p = 0.001). A correlation (p = 0.025) was observed between fibroproliferative scars and Fitzpatrick phototypes; the higher the phototype, the higher the tendency to develop keloid and mixed scar tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Fitzpatrick skin phototypes proved to be an efficient method to study keloid and hypertrophic scars.INTRODUÇÃO: Queloide e cicatriz hipertrófica são cicatrizes patológicas com natureza fisiopatogênica comum, denominadas, em conjunto, cicatrizes fibroproliferativas. São mais frequentes em indivíduos de pele mais escura. Contudo, a atual miscigenação dificulta o enquadramento dos pacientes com variadas tonalidades de pele em classificações morfológicas e estáticas (branco ou caucasoide, mulato, pardo, hispânico ou latino, amarelo ou oriental ou mongoloide e negro ou negroide), e diferentes quanto à exposição solar. Sabe-se que pessoas oriundas de países de clima temperado ou frio quando residem em países tropicais aumentam a incidência dessas cicatrizes, principalmente nas áreas de maior exposição solar. Uma relação entre as cicatrizes fibroproliferativas e os fototipos de Fitzpatrick, classificação dinâmica baseada no relato do paciente quanto a sua resposta cutânea após a exposição solar, poderia contribuir para a compreensão da fisiopatologia dessas cicatrizes. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a distribuição das cicatrizes fibroproliferativas segundo os fototipos de Fitzpatrick. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 146 pacientes provenientes do Ambulatório da Disciplina de Cirurgia Plástica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) (UNIFESP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil), portadores de qualquer tipo de cicatriz fibroproliferativa, em um ou mais locais do corpo. As cicatrizes fibroproliferativas dos pacientes foram classificadas de acordo com os critérios de Muir em cicatriz tipo queloide (Long-term Evolution, LTE), cicatriz tipo hipertrófica (Short-term Evolution, STE) e cicatriz tipo mista (Intermediate Group, IG), e os tipos de pele foram classificados segundo os fototipos de Fitzpatrick. RESULTADOS: O fototipo Fitzpatrick III e a cicatriz mista foram mais frequentes entre os pacientes avaliados (P = 0,001). Houve associação (P = 0,025) entre as cicatrizes fibroproliferativas e os fototipos de Fitzpatrick, ou seja, quanto maior o fototipo maior a tendência de desenvolvimento de cicatrizes dos tipos queloide e mista. CONCLUSÕES: Os fototipos de pele segundo Fitzpatrick mostraram-se válidos como critério a ser utilizado em estudos de queloide e cicatriz hipertrófica.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Brazilian Portuguese version of the Patient Scar Assessment Questionnaire

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    Introduction: Scars and their associated signs and symptoms have the potential to impact many aspects of health. Given the growing number of individuals with new scars, it is essential to have reliable, sensitive, and specific assessment tools that analyze the influence that scars can have on the quality of life. The objective is translate the Patient Scar Assessment Questionnaire (PSAQ) into Portuguese, adapt it to the Brazilian cultural context, and test its reproducibility, reliability, and validity. Methods: The questionnaire was applied to 121 individuals with post-surgical scars consecutively selected at a plastic surgery clinic from January 2015 to June 2016. The PSAQ consists of 39 questions divided into five subscales: appearance, symptoms, perception, satisfaction with appearance, and symptoms. Then its reproducibility, face, content, and construct validity were analyzed. Internal consistency was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and construct validation was performed by correlating the translated instrument with the QualiFibro and Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS) questionnaires. Results: Analysis of the internal consistency of the PSAQ subscales obtained values >0.70 in all domains, showing good internal consistency. Reproducibility was demonstrated using Pearson’s correlation and the Bland-Altman method, and the outcomes showed good reproducibility. In construct validation, a significant correlation was observed in all PSAQ domains with POSAS and QualiFibro. Conclusion: The PSAQ was translated into Portuguese and adapted to Brazilian culture, reproducible and presenting face, content, and construct validity

    Efeito in vitro do LED (Light Emitting Diode) de 470 nm em fibroblastos de quelóide

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    Purpose: To quantify keloid fibroblasts after irradiation with 470nm blue LED, in vitro. Methods: Fibroblasts from keloid and adjacent skin have been obtained from 6 patients. Cells have been cultivated and maintained in DMEM culture medium. In Petri dishes, they were irradiated with energy doses of 6J, 12J and 18J. After 24 h, counting was done by the average of the triplicates for each sample. Results: There were no significant differences in the number of irradiated keloid fibroblasts at the studied doses (p=0.261). In adjacent skin fibroblasts, differences were observed (p=0.025) concerning the doses of 18 J and 6 J (p=0.03). Conclusions: There was a reduction in the number of adjacent skin fibroblasts irradiated with 470nm blue LED at the energy dose of 18 J compared to the ones irradiated at the energy dose of 6 J. There were no changes in keloid fibroblasts counting at any of the doses applied, 24 h after irradiation.Objetivo: Quantificar fibroblastos de quelóide após irradiação com LED azul de 470nm, in vitro. Métodos: Foram obtidos fibroblastos de quelóide e pele adjacente, de seis pacientes. As células foram cultivadas e mantidas em meio de cultura DMEM. Em placas de Petri, receberam irradiação com doses de energia de 6J, 12J e 18J. Após 24 horas a contagem foi feita pela média da triplicata para cada amostra. Resultados: Não houve diferença na quantidade de fibroblastos de quelóide irradiados nas doses estudadas (p=0,261). Observou-se diferença nos fibroblastos de pele adjacente (p=0,025), com relação às doses de 18 J e 6 J (p=0,03). Conclusões: Houve redução dos fibroblastos de pele adjacente irradiados com LED azul de 470 nm na dose de energia de 18 J em relação à dose de 6 J. Não houve alteração na quantidade de fibroblastos de quelóide nas doses aplicadas após 24 horas da irradiação.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of SurgeryUNIFESP Head Department of SurgeryUNIFESP, Department of SurgeryUNIFESP, Head Department of SurgerySciEL

    Breast region measurements: direct or indirect anthropometry?

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    Introduction: Accurate female breast measurements are difficult due to the topography, volume, and projections present there. Therefore, this study aimed to compare breast region measurements obtained by direct (tape measurement) and indirect (computer-based photogrammetry) anthropometry. Methods: This is a transversal study. Forty women were evaluated, aged 18-60 years, body mass index of <29.2kg/m² that had 12 anatomical marks on the breast region and arms. These points' union formed 7 linear segments and 1 angle for each hemibody, and 1 segment common to both hemibodies. The photographs obtained in a standardized way were measured using computer-based photogrammetry with Image ToolTM software. The same segments were also measured by direct anthropometry, using a tape measure. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess whether each variable was normally distributed. The Pearson correlation test was applied to evaluate the correlation between different methods: the direct (tape measurement) and indirect (photogrammetry by Image ToolTM) anthropometry. The significance level adopted for statistical tests was 5% (p<0,05). Results: Significant differences were found in the comparisons between the tape measurement and computer-based photogrammetry for all segments analyzed (p>0.05). Conclusion: There is a correlation between the breast measurements obtained by direct (tape measurement) and indirect (photogrammetry by Image ToolTM software) anthropometry, especially the papilla measures