2,596 research outputs found

    Extended Uncertainty Principle for Rindler and cosmological horizons

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    We find exact formulas for the Extended Uncertainty Principle (EUP) for the Rindler and Friedmann horizons and show that they can be expanded to obtain asymptotic forms known from the previous literature. We calculate the corrections to Hawking temperature and Bekenstein entropy of a black hole in the universe due to Rindler and Friedmann horizons. The effect of the EUP is similar to the canonical corrections of thermal fluctuations and so it rises the entropy signalling further loss of information.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, REVTEX 4.1, minor changes, refs update

    Beating the Generator-Enumeration Bound for pp-Group Isomorphism

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    We consider the group isomorphism problem: given two finite groups G and H specified by their multiplication tables, decide if G cong H. For several decades, the n^(log_p n + O(1)) generator-enumeration bound (where p is the smallest prime dividing the order of the group) has been the best worst-case result for general groups. In this work, we show the first improvement over the generator-enumeration bound for p-groups, which are believed to be the hard case of the group isomorphism problem. We start by giving a Turing reduction from group isomorphism to n^((1 / 2) log_p n + O(1)) instances of p-group composition-series isomorphism. By showing a Karp reduction from p-group composition-series isomorphism to testing isomorphism of graphs of degree at most p + O(1) and applying algorithms for testing isomorphism of graphs of bounded degree, we obtain an n^(O(p)) time algorithm for p-group composition-series isomorphism. Combining these two results yields an algorithm for p-group isomorphism that takes at most n^((1 / 2) log_p n + O(p)) time. This algorithm is faster than generator-enumeration when p is small and slower when p is large. Choosing the faster algorithm based on p and n yields an upper bound of n^((1 / 2 + o(1)) log n) for p-group isomorphism.Comment: 15 pages. This is an updated and improved version of the results for p-groups in arXiv:1205.0642 and TR11-052 in ECC

    Restricted Space Algorithms for Isomorphism on Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    The Graph Isomorphism problem restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth or bounded tree distance width are known to be solvable in polynomial time [Bod90],[YBFT99]. We give restricted space algorithms for these problems proving the following results: - Isomorphism for bounded tree distance width graphs is in L and thus complete for the class. We also show that for this kind of graphs a canon can be computed within logspace. - For bounded treewidth graphs, when both input graphs are given together with a tree decomposition, the problem of whether there is an isomorphism which respects the decompositions (i.e. considering only isomorphisms mapping bags in one decomposition blockwise onto bags in the other decomposition) is in L. - For bounded treewidth graphs, when one of the input graphs is given with a tree decomposition the isomorphism problem is in LogCFL. - As a corollary the isomorphism problem for bounded treewidth graphs is in LogCFL. This improves the known TC1 upper bound for the problem given by Grohe and Verbitsky [GroVer06].Comment: STACS conference 2010, 12 page

    Reinterpreting deformations of the Heisenberg algebra

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    Minimal and maximal uncertainties of position measurements are widely considered possible hallmarks of low-energy quantum as well as classical gravity. While General Relativity describes interactions in terms of spatial curvature, its quantum analogue may also extend to the realm of curved momentum space as suggested, e. g. in the context of Relative Locality in Deformed Special Relativity. Drawing on earlier work, we show in an entirely Born reciprocal, i. e. position and momentum space covariant, way that the quadratic Generalized Extended Uncertainty principle can alternatively be described in terms of quantum dynamics on a general curved cotangent manifold. In the case of the Extended Uncertainty Principle the curvature tensor in position space is proportional to the noncommutativity of the momenta, while an analogous relation applies to the curvature tensor in momentum space and the noncommutativity of the coordinates for the Generalized Uncertainty Principle. In the process of deriving this map, the covariance of the approach constrains the admissible models to an interesting subclass of noncommutative geometries which has not been studied before. Furthermore, we reverse the approach to derive general anisotropically deformed uncertainty relations from general background geometries. As an example, this formalism is applied to (anti)-de Sitter spacetime.Comment: Error corrected, sections added, conclusions modified, 9 pages, no figure

    Precision measurement of the local bias of dark matter halos

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    We present accurate measurements of the linear, quadratic, and cubic local bias of dark matter halos, using curved "separate universe" N-body simulations which effectively incorporate an infinite-wavelength overdensity. This can be seen as an exact implementation of the peak-background split argument. We compare the results with the linear and quadratic bias measured from the halo-matter power spectrum and bispectrum, and find good agreement. On the other hand, the standard peak-background split applied to the Sheth & Tormen (1999) and Tinker et al. (2008) halo mass functions matches the measured linear bias parameter only at the level of 10%. The prediction from the excursion set-peaks approach performs much better, which can be attributed to the stochastic moving barrier employed in the excursion set-peaks prediction. We also provide convenient fitting formulas for the nonlinear bias parameters b2(b1)b_2(b_1) and b3(b1)b_3(b_1), which work well over a range of redshifts.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; v2 : added references (sec. 1, 4, 5), results at higher redshifts on fig. 4 and updated fitting formulas (eqs 5.2-5.3), v3 : clarifications throughout, version accepted by JCA

    Influence of defect-induced deformations on electron transport in carbon nanotubes

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    We theoretically investigate the influence of defect-induced long-range deformations in carbon nanotubes on their electronic transport properties. To this end we perform numerical ab-initio calculations using a density-functional-based tight-binding (DFTB) model for various tubes with vacancies. The geometry optimization leads to a change of the atomic positions. There is a strong reconstruction of the atoms near the defect (called "distortion") and there is an additional long-range deformation. The impact of both structural features on the conductance is systematically investigated. We compare short and long CNTs of different kinds with and without long-range deformation. We find for the very thin (9,0)-CNT that the long-range deformation additionally affects the transmission spectrum and the conductance compared to the short-range lattice distortion. The conductance of the larger (11,0)- or the (14,0)-CNT is overall less affected implying that the influence of the long-range deformation decreases with increasing tube diameter. Furthermore, the effect can be either positive or negative depending on the CNT type and the defect type. Our results indicate that the long-range deformation must be included in order to reliably describe the electronic structure of defective, small-diameter zigzag tubes.Comment: Materials for Advanced Metallization 201

    Separate Universe Simulations

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    The large-scale statistics of observables such as the galaxy density are chiefly determined by their dependence on the local coarse-grained matter density. This dependence can be measured directly and efficiently in N-body simulations by using the fact that a uniform density perturbation with respect to some fiducial background cosmology is equivalent to modifying the background and including curvature, i.e., by simulating a "separate universe". We derive this mapping to fully non-linear order, and provide a step-by-step description of how to perform and analyse the separate universe simulations. This technique can be applied to a wide range of observables. As an example, we calculate the response of the non-linear matter power spectrum to long-wavelength density perturbations, which corresponds to the angle-averaged squeezed limit of the matter bispectrum and higher nn-point functions. Using only a modest simulation volume, we obtain results with percent-level precision over a wide range of scales.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to MNRAS. References added, typos corrected. Added a paragraph on DE perturbation

    The angle-averaged squeezed limit of nonlinear matter N-point functions

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    We show that in a certain, angle-averaged squeezed limit, the NN-point function of matter is related to the response of the matter power spectrum to a long-wavelength density perturbation, P−1dnP(k∣δL)/dδLn∣δL=0P^{-1}d^nP(k|\delta_L)/d\delta_L^n|_{\delta_L=0}, with n=N−2n=N-2. By performing N-body simulations with a homogeneous overdensity superimposed on a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Lema\^itre-Walker (FRLW) universe using the \emph{separate universe} approach, we obtain measurements of the nonlinear matter power spectrum response up to n=3n=3, which is equivalent to measuring the fully nonlinear matter 3−3- to 5−5-point function in this squeezed limit. The sub-percent to few percent accuracy of those measurements is unprecedented. We then test the hypothesis that nonlinear NN-point functions at a given time are a function of the linear power spectrum at that time, which is predicted by standard perturbation theory (SPT) and its variants that are based on the ideal pressureless fluid equations. Specifically, we compare the responses computed from the separate universe simulations and simulations with a rescaled initial (linear) power spectrum amplitude. We find discrepancies of 10\% at k≃0.2−0.5 h Mpc−1k\simeq 0.2 - 0.5 \,h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1} for 5−5- to 3−3-point functions at z=0z=0. The discrepancy occurs at higher wavenumbers at z=2z=2. Thus, SPT and its variants, carried out to arbitrarily high order, are guaranteed to fail to describe matter NN-point functions (N>2N>2) around that scale.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to JCA
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