839 research outputs found

    Comparative Fiscal Federalism and the Post‐Covid EU: Between Debt Rules and Borrowing Power

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    This thematic issue examines two main research questions: What are the features, the determinants, and the implications of fiscal integration in a system of multilevel governance like the EU? And, what can the post-pandemic EU learn from established federations when it comes to fiscal integration? We attempt to conceptualize the patterns of EU fiscal integration. In so doing, we identify eight instruments of fiscal integration in a federal or multilevel polity, equally divided between fiscal capacity and fiscal regulation, depending on the side of the budget and the mode of integration (autonomous or dependent). For instance, as part of the fiscal capacity instrument of integration, we propose to distinguish between revenue and expenditure capacity. Revenue capacity is then further divided into tax capacity, based on EU/federal taxes, and budgetary capacity, based on non-independent sources, for instance, contributions from the member states. Expenditure capacity is divided into autonomous spending capacity, meaning direct spending by the EU, and a dependent transfer capacity, where the EU merely distributes resources (both grants and loans) to the member states

    G2S: A New Deep Learning Tool for Predicting Stool Microbiome Structure From Oral Microbiome Data

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    Deep learning methodologies have revolutionized prediction in many fields and show the potential to do the same in microbial metagenomics. However, deep learning is still unexplored in the field of microbiology, with only a few software designed to work with microbiome data. Within the meta-community theory, we foresee new perspectives for the development and application of deep learning algorithms in the field of the human microbiome. In this context, we developed G2S, a bioinformatic tool for taxonomic prediction of the human fecal microbiome directly from the oral microbiome data of the same individual. The tool uses a deep convolutional neural network trained on paired oral and fecal samples from populations across the globe, which allows inferring the stool microbiome at the family level more accurately than other available approaches. The tool can be used in retrospective studies, where fecal sampling was not performed, and especially in the field of paleomicrobiology, as a unique opportunity to recover data related to ancient gut microbiome configurations. G2S was validated on already characterized oral and fecal sample pairs, and then applied to ancient microbiome data from dental calculi, to derive putative intestinal components in medieval subjects

    a transverse and longitudinal mr imaging voxel based morphometry study in patients with primary cervical dystonia

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Findings of standard MR imaging examinations are usually normal in primary CD. These findings are now increasingly challenged by studies using advanced neuroimaging techniques detecting abnormalities in brain areas that may be functionally involved in the pathophysiology of CD. Our purpose was to evaluate GM volumes in patients with CD at baseline and 5 years later. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We enrolled 19 patients (F/M = 15:4, mean age = 53.2 + 11.2 years), 12 of whom were studied at baseline and again approximately 5 years later. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers acted as controls (F/M = 17:11, mean age = 47.5 + 15.6 years). The subjects were imaged with a 1.5T scanner by using a 3D T1-weighted sequence on 150 contiguous axial 1-mm-thick sections to apply VBM. RESULTS: At entry, VBM analysis disclosed significantly lower GM volumes in the left caudate head and putamen and in the premotor and primary sensorimotor cortices bilaterally in patients than in controls. No correlation was found between decreased GM volumes and patient age, severity of dystonia, or disease duration. At the 5-year follow-up, GM volumes in the left primary sensorimotor cortex in patients had decreased significantly from baseline. CONCLUSIONS: The findings obtained at entry and after a 5-year follow-up consistently showed decreased caudate, putamen, and sensorimotor cortex GM volumes in patients with CD, and they probably play a pathophysiologic role in CD

    Neuronal dynamics of signal selective motor plan cancellation in the macaque dorsal premotor cortex

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    Primates adopt various strategies to interact with the environment. Yet, no study has examined the effects of behavioural strategies with regard to how movement inhibition is implemented at the neuronal level. We used a modified version of the stop-task by adding an extra signal – termed the Ignore signal – capable of influencing the inhibition of movements only within a specific strategy. We simultaneously recorded multisite neuronal activity from the dorsal premotor (PMd) cortex of macaque monkeys during the task and applied a state-space approach. As a result, we found that movement generation is characterized by neuronal dynamics that evolve between subspaces. When the movement is halted, this evolution is arrested and inverted. Conversely, when the Ignore signal is presented, inversion of the evolution is observed briefly and only when a specific behavioural strategy is adopted. Moreover, neuronal signatures during the inhibitory process were predictive of how PMd processes inhibitory signals, allowing the classification of the resulting behavioural strategy. Our data further corroborate the PMd as a critical node in movement inhibition

    Altered speech-related cortical network in frontotemporal dementia

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    Background: In healthy subjects (HS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) demonstrated an increase in motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes during specific linguistic tasks. This finding indicates functional connections between speech-related cortical areas and the dominant primary motor cortex (M1). Objective: To investigate M1 function with TMS and the speech-related cortical network with neuroimaging measures in frontotemporal dementia (FTD), including the non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia (nfv-PPA) and the behavioral variant of FTD (bv-FTD). Methods: M1 excitability changes during specific linguistc tasks were examined using TMS in 24 patients (15 with nfv-PPA and 9 with bv-FTD) and in 18 age-matched HS. In the same patients neuroimaging was used to assess changes in specific white matter (WM) bundles and grey matter (GM) regions involved in language processing, with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Results: During the linguistic task, M1 excitability increased in HS, whereas in FTD patients it did not. M1 excitability changes were comparable in nfv-PPA and bv-FTD. DTI revealed decreased fractional anisotropy in the superior and inferior longitudinal and uncinate fasciculi. Moreover, VBM disclosed GM volume loss in the left frontal operculum though not in the parietal operculum or precentral gyrus. Furthermore, WM and GM changes were comparable in nfv-PPA and bv-FTD. There was no correlation between neurophysiological and neuroimaging changes in FTD. Atrophy in the left frontal operculum correlated with linguistic dysfunction, assessed by semantic and phonemic fluency tests. Conclusion: We provide converging neurophysiological and neuroimaging evidence of abnormal speech-related cortical network activation in FTD

    Impact of supporting people with advanced Parkinson’s disease on carer’s quality of life and burden

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the burden and the quality of life (QoL) perceived by caregivers assisting advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Patients and Methods: Consecutive advanced PD patients treated with levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) or continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion (CSAI) or care as usual (CU) and their care partners were recruited during routine visits according to a cross-sectional design. Caregiver’s distress was assessed by Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and a QoL survey to evaluate and understand the burden experienced by care partners during family and working activities. Results: A total of 126 patients (53 LCIG, 19 CSAI and 54 CU) and their care partners were enrolled. The ZBI score boxplot showed that LCIG and CU populations have a similar distribution (ZBI inter-quartile range [IQR] values respectively 18–42 for LCIG and 19–43 for CU group), while the CSAI group has a wider score range (IQR 16–52). Caregivers assisting patients in treatment with LCIG have more time to perform family or household duties (p=0.0022), or to engage in leisure activities (p=0.0073) compared to CU, while no difference was found when compared to CSAI group. Approximately 50% of the care partners showed mood changes in the last 6 months and LCIG and CSAI had less impact on caregiver’s mood compared to CU. Patients treated with LCIG were more independent in taking a bath or shower without assistance and were more able to move and walk without assistance. Conclusion: Care partners of advanced PD patients treated with device-aided therapies have more time for their own life and a better perception of their QoL with a tendency to an improvement of mood compared with those of patients treated with CU

    Bounded rationality and the Brexit negotiations:Why Britain failed to understand the EU

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    Research on the Brexit negotiations has linked the problems faced by Britain to flawed assumptions in the UK’s perception of EU interests. These include the idea that the EU would be open to compromise on key principles, that it would offer the UK a bespoke relationship, that national capitals would respond favourably to bilateral initiatives, and that EU unity would not hold. Yet the origins of these assumptions have been subject to little systematic scrutiny. How did such wrong-headed assumptions about the EU’s interests emerge? Drawing on insights from bounded rationality we identify three aspects of the decision-making environment linked with biased thinking: (1) ill-fitting routines and lessons, (2) a lack of decision-making openness, and (3) a lack of EU expertize and contact. We demonstrate our argument using data obtained from interviews in Brussels and London in 2017–18 and accounts of those involved in the decisions

    The expression of platelet serotonin transporter (SERT) in human obesity

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    Serotonin (5-HT) is a well-known modulator of eating behavior. However, the molecular mechanisms linking its action to body weight balance have been only partially elucidated. Since platelets are a suitable peripheral model to study 5-HT transport, metabolism and release, we herein evaluated the expression of the platelet 5-HT re-uptake system (SERT) by [3H]-paroxetine binding assay. A cohort of 114 unrelated individuals (34 males, 80 females; age, mean +/- SD: 38.57 +/- 12.47 years) without major psychiatric disorders, was recruited following a naturalistic design regarding age or gender and classified accordingly to their body mass index (BMI). Subjects were divided into 5 groups: normal-weight (NW), overweight (OW) and grade I-III obese (OB) individuals. For gender analyses, data were transformed into [3H]-paroxetine density (Bmax)/BMI ratios to overcome both the disparity of women vs. men number and anthropometric differences between sexes.[3H]-paroxetine Bmax (SERT density, fmol/mg proteins) was reduced in platelet membranes of grade II (p < 0.01) and III (p < 0.001) obese subjects vs. controls and in overweight subjects (p < 0.05) vs. grade III obese individuals. Considering all patients together, a strong negative correlation between Bmax and BMI (r = -0.449; P < 0.0001) was demonstrated. Conversely, [3H]-paroxetine KD (dissociation constant, nM) did not differ among groups. No gender-related variation concerning Bmax/BMI ratios was observed in this cohort of subjects.The down-regulation of SERT in platelet membranes of severe human obesity (BMI > 35 Kg/m2) confirms the involvement of 5-HT system in body weight gain. Moreover, this findings may help to elucidate those monoamine-endocrine networks acting on fat storage, adipocyte signaling and energy balance. Targeting 5-HT/5-HT-related markers will possibly uncover the existence of human obesity subtypes

    The Core Human Microbiome: Does It Exist and How Can We Find It? A Critical Review of the Concept

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    The core microbiome, which refers to a set of consistent microbial features across populations, is of major interest in microbiome research and has been addressed by numerous studies. Understanding the core microbiome can help identify elements that lead to dysbiosis, and lead to treatments for microbiome-related health states. However, defining the core microbiome is a complex task at several levels. In this review, we consider the current state of core human microbiome research. We consider the knowledge that has been gained, the factors limiting our ability to achieve a reliable description of the core human microbiome, and the fields most likely to improve that ability. DNA sequencing technologies and the methods for analyzing metagenomics and amplicon data will most likely facilitate higher accuracy and resolution in describing the microbiome. However, more effort should be invested in characterizing the microbiome’s interactions with its human host, including the immune system and nutrition. Other components of this holobiontic system should also be emphasized, such as fungi, protists, lower eukaryotes, viruses, and phages. Most importantly, a collaborative effort of experts in microbiology, nutrition, immunology, medicine, systems biology, bioinformatics, and machine learning is probably required to identify the traits of the core human microbiome
