90 research outputs found

    «Я-свидетель» в нарративной организации рассказов В.М. Гаршина

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    Целью этой статьи является анализ рассказов Гаршина в нарратологическом аспекте. При этом, однако, следует заметить, что поскольку, с одной стороны, избранный аспект невероятно широк, а, с другой стороны, для отдельных рассказов писателя характерно повествование от первого лица, то нам представляется вполне закономерным сконцентрировать наши аналитические усилия на роли и значении «Я-свидетеля» в нарративной организации его произведений

    Switching to efficient technologies in traditional biomass intensive countries: The resultant change in emissions

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    This paper aims to quantify the benefits of switching from a system dependent on traditional biomass to systems running on more efficient fuels and technologies. It is estimated that even when open fires burning fuelwood are replaced by improved cooking stoves (ICSs) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stoves, and biomass is processed in dedicated biomass power plants, a net reduction in CO2 emissions is still obtained. The ICS/LPG stove/biomass combustion power plant configuration could provide an average net reduction of 84 kg-C-e/tDM. Meanwhile, a net reduction of 105 kg-C-e/tDM could be obtained when implementing a ICS/LPG stove/biomass gasification power plant scheme. Main factors influencing the net reduction of CO2 emissions are technology efficiency and the fraction of non-renewable fuel wood use. The switch from traditional biomass to modern biomass in traditional biomass intensive countries must not only be done to reduce CO2 emissions but also to avoid indoor pollution and energy poverty. Health improvements should be more important than energy savings. Results also indicate that the use of modern biomass systems not only could provide a reduction of local environmental pollution, but also could boost the local economy by the creation of biomass infrastructures

    До відома авторів

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    This study shows how bioenergy potential and total greenhouse gas (GHG) balances of land-use change and agricultural intensification can be modeled in an integrated way. The modeling framework is demonstrated for first- and second-generation ethanol production in Ukraine for the timeframe 2010-2030 for two scenarios: a business as usual (BAU) scenario in which current trends in agricultural productivity are continued; and a progressive scenario, which projects a convergence of yield levels in Ukraine with Western Europe. The spatiotemporal development in land for food production is analyzed making use of the PCRaster Land Use Change (PLUC) model. The land-use projections serve as input for the analysis of the CO2, N2O, and CH4 emissions related to changes in land use and agricultural management, as well as the abatement of GHG emissions by replacing fossil fuels with bioethanol production from wheat and switchgrass. This results in annual maps (1 km2 resolution) of the different GHG emissions for the modeled timeframe. In the BAU scenario, the GHG emissions increase over time, whereas in the progressive scenario, a total cumulative GHG emission reduction of 0.8 Gt CO2-eq for wheat and 3.8 Gt CO2-eq for switchgrass could be achieved in 2030. When the available land is used for the re-growth of natural vegetation, 3.5 Gt CO2-eq could be accumulated. These emission reductions could increase when appropriate measures are taken. The spatiotemporal PLUC model + GHG module allows for spatiotemporal and integrated modeling of total GHG emissions of bioenergy production and intensification of the agricultural sector

    Current and future technical, economic and environmental feasibility of maize and wheat residues supply for biomass energy application:Illustrated for South Africa

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    AbstractThis study assessed the feasibility of mobilising maize and wheat residues for large-scale bioenergy applications in South Africa by establishing sustainable residue removal rates and cost of supply based on different production regions. A key objective was to refine the methodology for estimating crop residue harvesting for bioenergy use, while maintaining soil productivity and avoiding displacement of competing residue uses. At current conditions, the sustainable bioenergy potential from maize and wheat residues was estimated to be about 104 PJ. There is potential to increase the amount of crop residues to 238 PJ through measures such as no till cultivation and adopting improved cropping systems. These estimates were based on minimum residues requirements of 2 t ha−1 for soil erosion control and additional residue amounts to maintain 2% SOC level.At the farm gate, crop residues cost between 0.9 and 1.7 GJ1.About96 GJ−1. About 96% of these residues are available below 1.5 GJ−1. In the improved scenario, up to 85% of the biomass is below 1.3 GJ1.Forbiomassdeliveriesattheconversionplant,about36 GJ−1. For biomass deliveries at the conversion plant, about 36% is below 5 GJ−1 while in the optimised scenario, about 87% is delivered below 5$ GJ−1. Co-firing residues with coal results in lower cost of electricity compared to other renewables and significant GHG (CO2 eq) emissions reduction (up to 0.72 tons MWh−1). Establishing sustainable crop residue supply systems in South Africa could start by utilising the existing agricultural infrastructure to secure supply and develop a functional market. It would then be necessary to incentivise improvements across the value chain

    Між Антантою та більшовицькою Росією: основні напрями зовнішньої політики ЗУНР у 1920 – 1923 рр.

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    Показана реорганізація зовнішньополітичної служби Західно-Української Народної Республіки після еміграції її уряду до Відня, проаналізовано взаємини галицької дипломатії з країнами Антанти, Чехословаччиною, радянськими республіками, Україною і Росією на початку 20-х рр. ХХ ст.The article showed the reorganization of the foreign policy service of the West Ukrainian National Republic after emigration of its government to Vienna, analyzed the relationship between Galician diplomacy with the countries of the Entente, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet republics of Ukraine and Russia in the early 20-ies of XX century

    Integral analysis of environmental and economic performance of combined agricultural intensification & bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region

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    Agricultural intensification is a key strategy to help meet increasing demand for food and bioenergy. It has the potential to reduce direct and indirect land use change (LUC) and associated environmental impacts while contributing to a favorable economic performance of the agriculture sector. We conduct an integral analysis of environmental and economic impacts of LUC from projected agricultural intensification and bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region in 2030. We compare three agricultural intensification scenarios (low, medium, high) and a reference scenario, which assumes a business-as-usual development of agricultural production. The results show that with current inefficient management or with only very little intensification between 26% and 93% of the existing natural vegetation areas will be converted to agricultural land to meet increasing food demand. This results in the loss of biodiversity by 53% and increased water consumption by 111%. In the medium and high scenarios, the intensification allows meeting increased food demand within current agricultural lands and even generating surplus land which can be used to produce bioenergy crops. This results in the reduction of biodiversity loss by 8-13% with medium and high levels of intensification compared to the situation in 2018. Also, a positive economic performance is observed, stemming primarily from intensification of cattle production and additional energy crop production. Despite increasing irrigation efficiency in more intensive production systems, the water demand for perennial crops and cattle production over the dry season increases significantly, thus sustainable management practices that target efficient water use are needed. Agricultural productivity improvements, particularly for cattle production, are crucial for reducing the pressure on natural areas from increasing demand for both food products and bioenergy. This implies targeted investments in the agricultural sector and integrated planning of land use. Our results showed that production intensification in the Orinoquia region is a mechanism that could reduce the pressure on natural land and its associated environmental and economic impacts

    Kinetic Behavior of Torrefied Biomass in an Oxidative Environment

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    The combustion of four torrefied wood samples and their feedstocks (birch and spruce) was studied at slow heating programs, under well-defined conditions by thermogravimetry (TGA). Particularly low sample masses were employed to avoid the self-heating of the samples due to the huge reaction heat of the combustion. Linear, modulated and constant-reaction rate (CRR) temperature programs were employed in the TGA experiments in gas flows of 5 and 20% O2. In this way the kinetics was based on a wide range of experimental conditions. The ratio of the highest and lowest peak maxima was around 50 in the experiments used for the kinetic evaluation. A recent kinetic model of Várhegyi et al. [Energy & Fuels 2012, 26, 1323-1335] was employed with modifications. This model consists of two devolatilization reactions and a successive char burn-off reaction. The cellulose decomposition in the presence of oxygen has a self-accelerating (autocatalytic) kinetics. The decomposition of the non-cellulosic parts of the biomass was described by a distributed activation model. The char burn-off was approximated by power-law (n-order) kinetics. Each of these reactions has its own dependence on the oxygen concentration that was expressed by power-law kinetics, too. The complexity of the applied model reflects the complexity of the studied materials. The model contained 15 unknown parameters for a given biomass. Part of these parameters could be assumed common for the six samples without a substantial worsening of the fit quality. This approach increased the average experimental information for an unknown parameter by a factor of 2 and revealed the similarities in the behavior of the different samples

    Investing in CO2 transport infrastructure under uncertainty : A comparison between ships and pipelines

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    The aim of this study is to assess whether the value of flexibility can influence the investment decision between CO2 ship and pipeline transport and, therefore, the way the infrastructure develops. For this, the value of a carbon capture and storage project are calculated with the standard net present value (NPV) and with the least-squares Monte Carlo method, which is a real option approach (ROA).Results of the NPV and ROA show that ships are preferred for small volumes over large distances. For instance, for a design capacity of 2.5Mt/y, pipelines are preferred for 250km and ships for 500km. The ROA shows that the option value to abandon the project and to switch off the CO2 capture unit temporarily are about 2-4 and 5 times as high for the ship compared to the pipeline configurations, respectively. The option to connect to another storage reservoir has a value of >1000M€ for the 10MtCO2/y configurations. Consequently, this option turns the project values positive for the 10MtCO2/y pipeline and shipping configurations over a distance of 250 and 500km.Overall, the value of flexibility did not change the preferred transportation mode from pipeline to ship transport, at least for the considered options to abandon the project, switch off the capture unit temporarily and switch to another storage reservoir. However, under the assumptions made, all 10MtCO2/y cases were not profitable with the NPV approach, while they were profitable with the ROA