107 research outputs found

    On Behind the Physics of the Thermoelectricity of Topological Insulators

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    Topological Insulators are the best thermoelectric materials involving a sophisticated physics beyond their solid state and electronic structure. We show that exists a topological contribution to the thermoelectric effect that arises between topological and thermal quantum field theories applied at very low energies. This formalism provides us with a quantized topological mass proportional to the temperature T leading, through an electric potential V, to a Seebeck coefficient where we identify an anomalous contribution that can be associated to the creation of real electron-hole Schwinger’s pairs close to the topological bands. Finally, we find a general expression for the dimensionless figure of merit of these topological materials, considering only the electronic contribution, getting a value of 2.73 that is applicable to the Bi2Te3, for which it was reported a value of 2.4 after reducing its phononic contribution, using only the most basic topological numbers (0 or 1).Thanks to the CESGA, to AEMAT ED431E 2018/08 and the MAT2016-80762-R project for financial support.S

    Emergent topological fields and relativistic phonons within the thermoelectricity in topological insulators

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    Topological edge states are predicted to be responsible for the high efficient thermoelectric response of topological insulators, currently the best thermoelectric materials. However, to explain their figure of merit the coexistence of topological electrons, entropy and phonons can not be considered independently. In a background that puts together electrodynamics and topology, through an expression for the topological intrinsic field, we treat relativistic phonons within the topological surface showing their ability to modulate the Berry curvature of the bands and then playing a fundamental role in the thermoelectric effect. Finally, we show how the topological insulators under such relativistic thermal excitations keep time reversal symmetry allowing the observation of high figures of merit at high temperatures. The emergence of this new intrinsic topological field and other constraints are suitable to have experimental consequences opening new possibilities of improving the efficiency of this topological effect for their based technologyAuthors acknowledge to CESGA, AEMAT ED431E 2018/08, PID2019-104150RB-I00 and the MAT2016-80762-R project for financial supportS

    Anomalous response in the orbital magnetic susceptibility of 2d topological systems

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    2D compounds with nonzero Berry curvature are ideal systems to study exotic and technologically favorable thermoelectric and magnetoelectric properties. Within this class of materials, the topological trivial and nontrivial regimes have to present very different behaviors, which are encoded for the orbital susceptibility and magnetization. To try to reveal them, it is found that it was necessary to introduce a k-dependent mass term in the relativistic formalism of these materials. Thus, while a topologically trivial insulator is predicted to have a very limited response, in the nontrivial regime, a singular contribution to the orbital magnetic susceptibility, which is inversely proportional to the square of the quantum magnetic flux is unveiled. In this scenario, besides determining the measurement conditions a new route for enhancing the intrinsic orbital magnetism of topological materials widening the range of temperatures and magnetic fields without involving tiny bandgaps is foundThe authors acknowledge PID2019-104150RB-I00, AEMAT ED431E 2018/08 and the MAT2016-80762-R projects for financial support. The authors thank Juan Manuel Faílde for the helpful discussionsS

    Diatom communities in thermo-mineral springs of Galicia (NW Spain)

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    [Abstract] The species composition of diatom assemblages was studied in five unpolluted thermo-mineral springs in Galicia (NW Spain). Three are considered hot and two cold, and some contain hydrogen sulphide. A total of 68 taxa (24 genera) have been recorded. The Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H′) ranged between 0.63 and 2.01. The nMDS ordination showed that diatom assemblage composition was influenced mostly by conductivity, temperature and hydrogen sulphide concentration. Diatom assemblages found in the Galician springs differed from those in springs of other geographical locations with similar physical and chemical characteristics. The most species-rich genera were Nitzschia and Achnanthidium with 10 and 8 species, respectively. Achnanthidium exiguum and Achnanthidium saprophilum had the widest distribution. Denticula thermalis and Achnanthidium caledonicum were found in environments with relatively low mineralization and low temperature, whereas Rhopalodia gibberula, Rhopalodia operculata and Fragilaria crotonensis were found in mineral-rich springs with high temperatures. Achnanthidium exiguum, A. saprophilum, Achnanthes coarctata, Achnanthes exigua var. elliptica, Mayamaea atomus, Eunotia implicata, Gomphonema minusculum, Gomphonema minutum and Cosmioneis pusilla were present in the spring with high H2S content

    Actuación de enfermería ante la violencia de género

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    [Resumen] INTRODUCCIÓN: La Violencia de Género siempre ha sido una lacra latente en nuestro entorno, silenciada por la sociedad. Estas mujeres acuden al sistema sanitario por diferentes motivos, pudiendo ser identificadas en cualquier servicio. El médico y la enfermera son habitualmente las primeras personas a las que la mujer acude, por ello deberíamos estar preparados para detectar el maltrato, realizar un seguimiento del proceso y servirles de apoyo en la toma de decisiones. En este sentido, en los últimos años han surgido diferentes herramientas dirigidas a los profesionales sanitarios que tratan de facilitar la detección de malos tratos. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar, tanto la existencia de protocolos y guías de práctica clínica en torno a la violencia de género en España, como la calidad y contenidos de los mismos. METODOLOGÍA: La búsqueda se llevó a cabo de febrero a marzo de 2016. Dada la falta de visibilidad de los mismos (considerados literatura gris), hemos tenido que recurrir a diferentes buscadores, tanto especializados en guías clínicas como buscadores generales. Las variables de estudio analizadas han sido 4: variables formales (año, institución elaboradora…); de contenido (indicadores de sospecha, factores de riesgo, características de heridas…); variables de enfermería (uso de escalas o sreenings, entrevista, prevención…) y variables de malos tratos (valoración psicosocial, de la fase del proceso de cambio, del riesgo…). RESULTADOS: Hemos localizado un total de 18 documentos con un índice muy bajo de reconocimiento enfermero en las variables estudiadas. Siendo únicamente 5 protocolos los que atribuyen competencias a la enfermería y el resto ni la menciona o infravalora sus aptitudes. También tenemos que destacar la existencia de múltiples protocolos deficientes o desactualizados que generan gastos innecesarios y por último, la falta de prevención de este problema, lo que genera todavía más gastos por la detección tardía.[Resumo] INTRODUCCIÓN: A violencia de xénero sempre foi una lacra latente no noso entorno, silenciada pola sociedade. Estas mulleres acuden ó sistema sanitario por diferentes motivos, poidendo ser identificadas en calquer servizo. O médico e a enfermeira son habitualmente as primeiras persoas ás que a muller acude, por isto deberíamos estar preparados para detectar o maltrato, realizar un seguemento do proceso e servirlles de apoio na toma de decisións. Neste sentido, nos últimos anos, surxiron diferentes ferramentas dirixidas ós profesionais sanitarios que procuran facilitar a detección dos malos tratos. O obxectivo deste traballo é identificar, tanto a existencia de protocolos e guías de práctica clínica en torno á violencia de xénero en España, como a calidade e contido dos mesmos. METODOLOXÍA: A búsqueda levouse a cabo dende febreiro ata marzo do 2016. Dada á falta de visibilidade dos mesmos (considerados literatura gris), tivemos que mergullar en diferentes buscadores, tanto especializados en guías clínicas como buscadores xerais. As variables de estudo analizadas foron 4: variables formais (ano, institución elaboradora…); de contido (indicadores de sospeita, factores de risco, características das feridas…); variables de enfarmaría (uso de escalas ou screenings, entrevista, prevención…) e variables de malos tratos (valoración psicosocial, da fase do proceso de cambio, o risco…) RESULTADOS: Localizamos un total de 18. Cun índice moi baixo de recoñecemento enfermeiro nas variables estudadas. Foron únicamente 5 protocolos os que asignan competencias á enfarmaría e o resto nin a menciona ou intravalora as súas aptitudes. Tamén temos que destacar a presenza de múltiples protocolos deficentes ou desactualizados que xeran gastos innecesarios e por último, a falta de prevención deste problema, o que xera todavía mais gastos pola detección tardía.[Abstract] INTRODUCTION: Gender Violence has always been a latent scourge in our environment, silenced by society. These women who have been victims of gender violence, come to the health system for many reasons, they can be identified in any service. The doctor and nurse are usually the first people that women go, to so we should be prepared to detect abuse, track the process for and support in decision-making. In this regard, in recent years different tools have been emerged aimed at health professionals who try to make detection of abuse. The aim of this essay is to identify, both the existence of protocols and clinical practice guidelines around gender violence has been comited in Spain, as the quality and contents thereof. METHODOLOGY: The research was done from February to March 2016. Because of the lack of visibility of the articles about gender violence (considered gray literature), we had to use diferent searchers, both specialized in clinical guidelines and general searcher. The study variables analyzed were 4: formal variables (year, institution developer...); subject variables I and II (indicators of suspicion, risk factors, characteristics of the wounds...); nursing variables (use of ladders or sreenings, interview, prevention...) and variables of ill-treatment (psychosocial assessment, phase change process, risk...) RESULTS: We have found an amount of 18, with a very low rate of nurse recognition in the studied variables. Only 5 protocols confer competences to the infirmary and the rest neither mentioned them nor value their skills. We also need to highlight the existence of many protocols deficient or outdated generating unnecessary costs, What is more, lack of prevention is generating even more costs because of the late detection of most cases of gender violence.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2015/201

    Factores determinantes do comercio interrexional. Modelización econométrica para España

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    Traballo de Fin de Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas. Curso 2014-2015Neste traballo abórdase o estudo do comercio interrexional e dos seus factores determinantes, analizando a influencia de ditos factores no ámbito español a partires dunha modelización econométrica. Conclúese que as variables con maior relevancia nas transaccións interrexionais son o nivel de emprego, os gastos en I+D e o valor engadido bruto da comunidade (cunha incidencia positiva no volume comercial interrexional), mentres que outras variables como o nivel salarial, os prezos dos bens e o PIB teñen menos peso explicativo na competitividade comercial das rexións. Obsérvase tamén que a crise económica supuxo unha diminución do volume de comercio interrexional, aínda que non ten un papel demasiado relevante na explicación das vendas interrexionais

    Therapeutic characteristics of Galician mineral and thermal waters (NW-Spain) ascribed to their local/regional geological setting

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    [Abstract] Galicia is located in the NW corner of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). From a geological point of view, the territory belongs to the Hercynian chain and, more specifically, to a large outcrop dominated by igneous and metamorphic rocks called the Hesperian Massif or Iberian Massif. In some sectors the Hesperian Massif is partially covered by more recent sedimentary deposits. The geology of Galicia is very complex due to the age of the rocks that make up its substrate and their diversity. Thus, the hydrogeological behaviour of the underground medium (hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical characteristics) will determine the therapeutic properties of the water emanating from the surface. In Galicia, aquifers are generally shallow with low mineralization, except for those whose waters come from deep fractured mediums. The chemical characteristics of the water are directly related to the geological matrix. The groundwater flows through the geological medium and is mineralogically enriched by heterogeneous chemical reactions. Galicia turns out to be an area rich in the potential exploitation, applications and use of different water resources. These resources are thermal, mineral-natural and mineral-medicinal waters. In this work, we have developed a study that relates the geology, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemica