Anomalous response in the orbital magnetic susceptibility of 2d topological systems


2D compounds with nonzero Berry curvature are ideal systems to study exotic and technologically favorable thermoelectric and magnetoelectric properties. Within this class of materials, the topological trivial and nontrivial regimes have to present very different behaviors, which are encoded for the orbital susceptibility and magnetization. To try to reveal them, it is found that it was necessary to introduce a k-dependent mass term in the relativistic formalism of these materials. Thus, while a topologically trivial insulator is predicted to have a very limited response, in the nontrivial regime, a singular contribution to the orbital magnetic susceptibility, which is inversely proportional to the square of the quantum magnetic flux is unveiled. In this scenario, besides determining the measurement conditions a new route for enhancing the intrinsic orbital magnetism of topological materials widening the range of temperatures and magnetic fields without involving tiny bandgaps is foundThe authors acknowledge PID2019-104150RB-I00, AEMAT ED431E 2018/08 and the MAT2016-80762-R projects for financial support. The authors thank Juan Manuel Faílde for the helpful discussionsS

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