153 research outputs found

    Development and bloom in hybrids of wild passion fruit cultivated in different types of pots and shading levels

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    Ornamental hybrids of passion flowers are thoroughly diffused in many countries and used in the decoration of houses and gardens. However, the cultivation of ornamental passion fruits practically unexploited in Brazil. This study aimed at evaluating the growth and blooming of F1 hybrids of Passiflora L. (P. sublanceolata J.M. MacDougal [ex P. palmeri var. sublanceolata Killip] vs. P. foetida var. foetida L.) cultivated in ceramic and concrete pots under different shading levels. The vegetative and flower evaluations were carried out weekly, in clonal cuttings 60 days after rooting. The height, leaf length and width, the number of internodes and leaves and stem diameter were evaluated using a randomized complete design in a factorial scheme which corresponded to two genotypes, two types of pot, three shading levels (25 %, 50 %, 75 %) and seven weeks of evaluation, with four replications. For the variable number of flowers, the same experimental design was adopted. However, the number of evaluations was modified for three periods, but this was not considered for the flower diameter and leaf area. The shading levels of 25 % and 50 % were the most favorable to the growth in height, whereas hybrid genotypes under 25 % shade had greater increase in the number of leaves, internodes and stem diameter, showing tolerance to moderate shade. The higher values for length, width and leaf area were observed at 75 % shade. The greatest number of flowers was verified at 25 % shadow in concrete pots. As for the types of pot, the ceramic ones were more favorable to the growth of hybrid plants during the first weeks of acclimatization to the treatments, and the concrete ones were more propitious to blooming. Thus, the use of hybrid plants in concrete pots for the ornamentation of internal environments is recommended, if they are well illuminated

    Metabolitos de Aspergillus fumigatus endofítico e seu efeito in vitro contra o agente causal da tuberculose

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most deadly communicable infectious diseases, causing 1.4 million deaths in 2015 worldwide due to many conditions, including the inadequate treatment and the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of the causal agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Therefore, drugs developed from natural sources, as microorganisms and plant extracts, are a frequent target for the research and discovery of antimicrobial compounds. The current study started the characterization of compounds produced by an Aspergillus fumigatus isolated from copaíba (Copaifera multijuga) that efficiently inhibits M. tuberculosis by releasing the compounds into the fermentation broth under specific culture conditions. A preliminary assay was carried out with a correlate species, M. smegmatis, aiming to detect an antimicrobial effect related to A. fumigatus fermentation broth. The direct use of this substrate in antibiosis assays againstM. tuberculosis H37Rv strain (ATCC 27294) allowed the detection of antimicrobial activity with a minimal inhibitory concentration of 256 μg mL-1, demonstrating that purification processes developed by the Biotage Flash Chromatography System are robust and reliable techniques for purification of compounds from natural sources. Also, this chromatographic system can be used in combination with specific biochemical tests, improving the search for reliable results. We conclude that this fraction can express a broad action range, inhibiting both Mycobacterium species used as target organisms.A tuberculose continua a ser uma das doenças infecciosas transmissíveis mais mortais, causando 1,4 milhão de mortes em 2015 em todo o mundo devido a vários fatores, incluindo o tratamento inadequado e o surgimento de cepas multirresistentes do agente causal, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Portanto, as drogas desenvolvidas a partir de fontes naturais, como micro-organismos e extratos de plantas, são um alvo freqüente para a pesquisa e descoberta de compostos antimicrobianos. O presente estudo foi um ponto de partida para caracterizar compostos produzidos por um Aspergillus fumigatus isolado de copaíba (Copaifera multijuga) que inibe eficientemente M. tuberculosis, liberando os compostos no caldo de fermentação em condições de cultura específicas. Realizou-se um ensaio preliminar com uma espécie correlata, M. smegmatis, com o objetivo de detectar um efeito antimicrobiano relacionado ao caldo de fermentação de A. fumigatus. O uso direto deste substrato em ensaios de antibiose contra a estirpe H37Rv de M. tuberculosis (ATCC 27294) permitiu a detecção de atividade antimicrobiana com uma concentração inibitória mínima de 256 μg mL-1, demonstrando que os processos de purificação desenvolvidos pelo Biotage Flash Chromatography System são técnicas robustas e confiáveis para purificar compostos de fontes naturais. Além disso, este sistema cromatográfico pode ser usado em combinação com testes bioquímicos específicos, melhorando a busca de resultados confiáveis. Concluímos que esta fração pode expressar uma ampla gama de ação, inibindo ambas as espécies de Mycobacterium utilizadas como organismos-alvo