290 research outputs found

    Model Komunikasi Coaching Untuk Pasangan Pernikahan di Bawah Umur (Remaja) Akibat Kehamilan Pranikah

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    Anyone does not want a premarital pregnancy, especially when she is still a teenager (under 20 years. It has an impact on the physical and psychological things). This research aims to examine and analyze in-depth moral values in the form of beliefs, awareness, needs and explore the achievement of goals for premarital pregnant teenager for post-marital life, so that teenagers who have pressure from various parties because of premarital pregnancy and must undergo marriage at a young age can still gain a supposed role in their social life in the future, carried out through the intervention of a family coach, adopted from SCMR by David K. Berlo. This research method is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The instrument that is used is an in-depth interview with a professional coach as a facilitator. Based on the results of the analysis that premarital pregnant adolescents who experience continuous coaching sessions will be more optimistic about the future because it rediscovers Needs, Values, Beliefs, Awareness, and Achievement of Goals as the guide to continue their life

    Pengaruh Terpaan Drama Seri Korea Di Media Streaming Viu Terhadap Perilaku Budaya & Gaya Hidup Dikalangan Wanita Di Indonesia

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    Kesuksesan Drama Korea memiliki jumlah penggemar yang sangat besar di Indonesia terletak dari segi ceritanya yang sangat sederhana namun bermakna, tidak seperti drama dari negara lainnya seperti Jepang contohnya, yang terkadang terlihat lebih kaku alur ceritanya dibandingkan dengan drama Korea. Meskipun memiliki Genre yang sama dengan kebanyakan drama asia lainnya yaitu percintaan, namun drama Korea menawarkan kisah cerita yang segar, menarik, penuh inspiratif dibandingkan drama asia lainnya. Dan bahkan yang lebih menariknya adalah terkadang penonton tidak bisa memprediksi akhir cerita dari drama korea tersebut, dikarenakan alur ceritanya yang berbeda dengan drama TV lainnya. Sehingga membuat yang menonton akan ketagihan untuk menonton lagi episode – episode berikutnya.Dampak pengaruh yang dihasilkan dari menonton drama – drama Korea di Media Streaming VIU , khususnya para wanita di Indonesia ini menimbulkan pengaruh sikap ingin mengikuti atau meniru model,  gaya, budaya atau pola hidup dari idola – idola artis atau aktor Korea, baik itu dari pakaian yang mereka gunakan, bahasa, makanan, budaya dan lain sebagainya sehingga mereka berusaha untuk menunjukan dengan bangga identitas diri lewat produk Korea agar terlihat seperti orang Korea

    Keterbukaan Diri (Self Disclosure) Penerima Vaksin Covid-19 kepada Petugas Kesehatan dalam Pelayanan Masyarakat

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    Self-disclosure is one of the important communication skills when establishing relationships and interacting with other people. This study aims to determine the openness of recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine with health workers in serving the community. Using a qualitative approach with interview techniques, observation and documentation. The results showed that self-disclosure (self-disclosure) of covid-19 vaccine recipients with health workers in public health services included aspects, accuracy (communicating to the right people), motivation (desire to be healthy by avoiding post-vaccination risks), time (moment of disclosure). themselves when health workers need information about the health of vaccinated recipients). Attitudes that support interpersonal communication between health workers and recipients of COVID-19 vaccinations include openness (openness about the condition of the recipients of vaccinations), Empathy (a sense of empathy between officers and recipients of vaccinations), support (professional confectionery), Positivity (positive attitude), Equality (the common goal is to support the government's program in stopping the spread of covid-19), Confidence (stability and comfort), readiness (attention to the other person, ready to listen, and respond)

    Probiotics and allergy

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    The road to nowhere? A critical case study of the political discourses in the debates around the decision to construct a bypass road around Aberdeen.

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    This research examined the role of communication “ and in particular public relations (PR) and public affairs activities “ in the decision-making processes around the proposal to build a bypass road around the city of Aberdeen. The study focused on the relative power of various discourses embodied in the arguments and strategies pursued by the promoters and opponents of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Road (AWPR) to affect eventual outcomes. The research sought to revisit theoretical accounts of democratic decision-making as conceptualised by Habermas (1984) in the deliberations of the public sphere, and Foucault (1970) on the role of discourse in structuring civil debates. In his classic study of New Haven, Dahl (2005) found empirical evidence to support a pluralist paradigm. Yet in Flyvbjergs (1998a) study of urban planning in Aalborg, Denmark, Lukess theories on the second dimension of power and a Foucauldian conceptualistion of power were found to have more acute explanatory power. These major theories have been applied tentatively to the field of public relations by Burkart (2009) who advocates for the utility of a consensus-oriented approach to public relations (COPR). Motion and Leitch (2009) theorise that discourse analysis provides important analytic tools for PR practitioners. This research used the AWPR issue as a case study spanning four key decision-making phases from 2004 to 2012. These stages include representations to the Scottish Parliament; a public local inquiry (PLI); judicial review to the Court of Session in Edinburgh, and a hearing in the UK Supreme Court. The research drew upon triangulated methodologies including Faircloughs (2012) political discourse analysis; observations at public meetings; and semi-structured interviews The research found that whilst both sides promoted a range of established discourses and PR strategies, the relative power of these discourses and the implementation of the strategies was determining. Political discourse analysis of key texts from the pivotal post PLI phase of the case study provided evidence of the dominance of discourses around economic development and community over weaker environmental discourses. Save Camphills campaign was more effective due in large part to the calibre of the professional public relations advice retained. Road Sense used public relations strategies in the early phases of their campaign but the implementation of these activities tended to be tactical, partial or counter-productive. Road Sense focused resources on a legislative strategy which largely eschewed any further attempt to engage with government, community and media stakeholders. The route of judicial review was unsuccessful due to a combination of second dimension power factors, including the reluctance of the UK courts to intervene in planning issues despite the existence of European directives to protect the environment. The AWPR case study concluded that examples of decision-making, as demonstrated by Save Camphills success in altering the route, confirm the existence of both the public sphere and pluralism in action. Yet, following Lukes (2005) and Flyvbjerg (1998a), there is equally evidence of a second dimension power variable which yielded more plausible explanatory accounts of the decision-making in favour of the Scheme at the PLI, and subsequently in the Courts. The case study also finds that a Foucauldian interpretation of discourse is required to fully appreciate the weakness of the environmental agenda at the local level especially when pitted against prevailing discourses of economic growth and the popularity of the contemporary car culture. Against this background, Road Senses PR strategies were secondary to their ultimate legislative strategy and lacked the requisite consistency on goal alignment and relationship building in lobbying and media relations. For campaigns to be effectual, public relations professionals must audit the power of prevailing discourses as theorised by Motion and Leitch (2009) before Burkarts consensus-oriented public relations (COPR) approach can realise pluralist outcomes consistent with deliberative democracy

    Pelatihan Komunikasi Efektif bagi Guru - Guru BK SMA di Wilayah Kota Depok, dengan Tema “Membangun Komunikasi Efektif dengan Siswa / Remaja Kekinian"

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    The strength of a teacher in teaching is heavily influenced by the effective communication practiced by Dikelas-kelas. Learners are so cool with every word and story that the teacher developed. They are as stunted in the strains of beautiful melodies that splash. While this is the teaching of the teacher, the learners have the convenience of capturing it. Effective communication is very important for the learning process, because as a process where the existence of students with diverse cultures, family background and differences of viewpoints and self-stability are still vulnerable will determine The success of communication itself. The success of communication in the teaching and learning process is not only determined by the teachers but also the mental readiness condition in the teaching-learning process, as well as will be supported by environmental conditioning and Management of the school itself. There is a wide range of breakthroughs in improving communication skills for BK teachers, because BK teachers have the duties, responsibilities, and authority in the implementation of tutoring and counseling services for learners. Related to the student's self-development that suits the needs, potential, talents, interests, and personality of students at school/Madrasah.To improve students ' learning performance, BK teachers are required to create a conducive situation and encourage students to learn more optimally both in independent learning and in class learning with enthusiasm. In order to learn to teach more communicative, there is also necessary proximity between master BK and students as an effort to establish a trust between the two. As a manifestation and concern for the communication process that occurred in the school between the BK teachers and high school students in Depok, then the STIAMI Institute conducts effective communication training for the teachers of BK SMA. With the aim of building and improving the communication skills of master BK to support the process of teaching more effectively through communication. The target audience of this dedication is the teachers of BK SMA in Depok. The cost of devotion is obtained from the Department of Communication in the STIAMI Institute in 2015. The event was held on 20 December 2016 at the STIAMI II campus on JL. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 3 Beji Depok, followed by 50 teachers of BK SMA. From the results of the evaluation of the results and benefits of this dedication activities include improving the communication skills of the BK SMA teachers in understanding students in the face of the learning process according to their age and "kinship". The participants were enthusiastic and actively participated in this training activity. This training is to be done on a wider target and the material can be developed on teachers other than BK teachers. Thus, it is hoped that someday help BK teachers and other teachers to develop and improve the quality of Communication to the students, so that the quality of learning is increased because it has awakened trust between teachers and students in the area of Depok

    Program Serambi Islami Edisi Jum’at pada Sesi Teletilawah (Upaya Tvri untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Membaca Alquran Secara Tartil Bagi Pemirsa)

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    Quran is "the way of life" for Muslims. Reading Quran with tarteel is a must (Fardhu Ain). Therefore, TVRI as a public television that has a vision of educating the life of the nation contributed to invite audiences to improve their ability to read Quran with tarteel. This study aimed to determine what efforts made by TVRI to improve audiences’ knowledge in reading Quran with tarteel. Qualitative research method used in this study with in-depth interview. Informant in this study was a producer who has ideas to create programs TELETILAWAH Serambi Islami on Friday edition. The analysis used Theories of influences on Mass Media Content introduced by Pamela J Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese. The results of this study found a large number of audiences’ attention to these programs and increased their awareness to read the Quran with tarteel

    Utility of routine screening for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in patients with bronchiectasis

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    Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a cause of bronchiectasis. Guidelines for bronchiectasis from the British Thoracic Society do not recommend to routinely test patients for AATD. In contrast, guidelines for AATD recommend routine screening. This contradiction, in part, results from the lack of data from large studies performing comprehensive screening. We screened 1600 patients with bronchiectasis at two centres in the UK from 2012 to 2016. In total, only eight individuals with AATD were identified representing 0.5% of the overall population. We conclude that routine screening for AATD in bronchiectasis in the UK has a low rate of detection. Further studies are required in different geographical regions, which may have a higher prevalence of AATD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Peran Public Relations Dalam Pemanfaatan Instagram Sebagai Alat Publikasi Untuk Meningkatkan Layanan Masyarakat Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cilincing (Studi Kasus Pada Akun Instagram @ puskesmascilincing)

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    Media are tools that are used to convey messages from communicators to the public. Public relations can not be separated from the media, because public relations needs media to publication the information about the company or organization. In the process of its performance, the Cilincing District Health Center certainly needs to convey information to its audience whether it is necessary to receive programs, services and so on. This does not include media information for programs and such information. This study aims to analyze the role of public relations in Instagram social media as a publication to improve community services in the Cilincing District Health Center. The research method in this study is qualitative, with descriptive research using case studies. Data collection techniques in this study by conducting in-depth interviews, observation, discipline and literature. The role of public relations is the role of expert advisors, the role of communication facilitators, the role of problem solving process facilitators, and the role of communication technicians. Public relations are active in utilizing Instagram as a publication tool in the Cilincing District Health Center, through the results related to the community relations role of the Cilincing District Health Center only


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi public relations yang di lakukan oleh Klinik Pusat Fertilitas Bocah Indonesia dalam menyebarkan informasi melalui media sosial Instragram, serta kendala dalam menyusun strategi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Bocah Indonesia menggunakan tiga strategi public relations, ketiga strategi tersebut yaitu strategi persuasif, strategi edukasi-informasi, dan strategi publikasi. Dalam pelaksanaan ketiga strategi tersebut, Bocah Indonesia menemukan beberapa kendala, diantaranya yaitu konten Instragram yang sepi likes dan komentar yang berpengaruh pada engagement yang menurun, keterbatasan pembuatan konten karena harus memperhatikan kode etik medis, dan keterbatasan pembuatan konten informasi yang mengedukasi karena pembahasan isu mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan fertilitas hanya itu-itu saja. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Bocah Indonesia memang rutin menggunakan Instragram untuk menyebarkan informasi pada audience mereka, dan menerapkan strategi diatas untuk menyebarkan informasi melalui interaksi-interaksi dan rekasi yang ditimbulakan audience, kemudian untuk permasalahan ketidakkonsistenan likes dan komentar bergantung pada seberapa menarik konten tersebut seperti konten giveaway memang dibuat khusus untuk menarik interaksi followers beradasarkan likes dan juga komentar
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