10,642 research outputs found

    Laser net - A concept for monitoring wingtip vortices on runways

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    Network of laser beams passes over runway to photodetectors on opposite side, magnitude of beam deflection indicates magnitude of density gradient encountered. Visual display of beam deflections affects go, no-go decision for takeoff and landing

    Anisotropic damage mechanics for viscoelastic ice

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    We present a formulation of continuum damage in glacier ice that incorporates the induced anisotropy of the damage effects but restricts these formally to orthotropy. Damage is modeled by a symmetric second rank tensor that structurally plays the role of an internal variable. It may be interpreted as a texture measure that quantifies the effective specific areas over which internal stresses can be transmitted. The evolution equation for the damage tensor is motivated in the reference configuration and pushed forward to the present configuration. A spatially objective constitutive form of the evolution equation for the damage tensor is obtained. The rheology of the damaged ice presumes no volume conservation. Its constitutive relations are derived from the free enthalpy and a dissipation potential, and extends the classical isotropic power law by elastic and damage tensor dependent terms. All constitutive relations are in conformity with the second law of thermodynamic

    A viscoelastic Rivlin-Ericksen material model applicable to glacier ice

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    We present a viscoelastic constitutive relation which describes transient creep of a modified second grade fluid enhanced with elastic properties of a solid. The material law describes a Rivlin-Ericksen material and is a generalization of existing material laws applied to study the viscoelastic properties of ice. The intention is to provide a formulation tailored to reproduce the viscoelastic behaviour of ice ranging from the instantaneous elastic response, to recoverable deformation, to viscous, stationary flow at the characteristic minimum creep rate associated with the deformation of polycrystalline ice. We numerically solve the problem of a slab of material shearing down a uniformly inclined plate. The equations are made dimensionless in a form in which elastic effects and/or the influence of higher order terms (i.e., strain accelerations) can be compared with viscous creep at the minimum creep rate by means of two dimensionless parameters. We discuss the resulting material behaviour and the features exhibited at different parameter combinations. Also, a viable range of the non-dimensional parameters is estimated in the scale analysis

    Leaf Traits Within Communities: Context May Affect the Mapping of Traits to Function

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    The leaf economics spectrum (LES) has revolutionized the way many ecologists think about quantifying plant ecological trade-offs. In particular, the LES has connected a clear functional trade-off (long-lived leaves with slow carbon capture vs. short-lived leaves with fast carbon capture) to a handful of easily measured leaf traits. Building on this work, community ecologists are now able to quickly assess species carbon-capture strategies, which may have implications for community-level patterns such as competition or succession. However, there are a number of steps in this logic that require careful examination, and a potential danger arises when interpreting leaf-trait variation among species within communities where trait relationships are weak. Using data from 22 diverse communities, we show that relationships among three common functional traits (photosynthetic rate, leaf nitrogen concentration per mass, leaf mass per area) are weak in communities with low variation in leaf life span (LLS), especially communities dominated by herbaceous or deciduous woody species. However, globally there are few LLS data sets for communities dominated by herbaceous or deciduous species, and more data are needed to confirm this pattern. The context-dependent nature of trait relationships at the community level suggests that leaf-trait variation within communities, especially those dominated by herbaceous and deciduous woody species, should be interpreted with caution

    Chronic ethanol exposure increases microtubule content in PC12 cells

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic ethanol exposure has been shown to result in changes in neuronal cyto-architecture such as aberrant sprouting and alteration of neurite outgrowth. In PC12 cells, chronic ethanol treatment produces an increase in Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)-induced neurite outgrowth that appears to require the epsilon, but not delta, isoform of Protein Kinase C (PKC). Neurites contain a core of microtubules that are formed from polymerization of free-tubulin. Therefore, it would be expected that an increase in neurite outgrowth would correlate with an increase in microtubule content. We examined the effect of chronic ethanol exposure on microtubule content in PC12 cells and the role of PKC epsilon and delta in ethanol's effect on microtubule levels. RESULTS: Chronic ethanol exposure of wild-type and vector control PC12 cells resulted in a significant increase in microtubule content and a corresponding decrease in free tubulin. There was also a significant increase in microtubule content in PC12 cells expressing a dominate-negative inhibitor of epsilon PKC; cells which have previously been shown to have no ethanol-induced increase in neurite outgrowth. In contrast, ethanol had no effect on microtubule content in PC12 cells expressing a dominate-negative inhibitor of delta PKC. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that chronic ethanol exposure alters the relative ratio of free tubulin to microtubule-associated tubulin, an important component of the cytoskeleton. Further, the data from the PKC dominant-negative cell lines suggest that the effects of ethanol on microtubule content do not correlate with the effects of ethanol on neurite outgrowth. The delta isoform of PKC appears to be necessary for the ethanol-induced increase in microtubule content. These studies demonstrate an effect of chronic ethanol exposure which may contribute to previously documented alterations of neuronal cyto-architecture

    Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Retina and Potential for Protection and Recovery

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    Recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms in the cascade of events resulting in retinal cell death in ocular pathologies like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration led to the common descriptive term of neurodegenerative diseases of the retina. The final common pathophysiologic pathway of these diseases includes a particular form of metabolic stress, resulting in an insufficient supply of nutrients to the respective target structures (optic nerve head, retina). During metabolic stress, glutamate is released initiating the death of neurones containing ionotropic glutamate (N-methyl-D-aspartat, NMDA) receptors present on ganglion cells and a specific type of amacrine cells. Experimental studies demonstrate that several drugs reduce or prevent the death of retinal neurones deficient of nutrients. These agents generally block NMDA receptors to prevent the action of glutamate or halt the subsequent pathophysiologic cycle resulting in cell death. The major causes for cell death following activation of NMDA receptors are the influx of calcium and sodium into cells, the generation of free radicals linked to the formation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and/or advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALEs) as well as defects in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Substances preventing these cytotoxic events are considered to be potentially neuroprotective

    Metabolomic Profiling to Identify Molecular Biomarkers of Cellular Response to Methotrexate In Vitro

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Variation in methotrexate (MTX) efficacy represents a significant barrier to early and effective disease control in the treatment of autoimmune arthritis. We hypothesize that the utilization of metabolomic techniques will allow for an improved understanding of the biochemical basis for the pharmacological activity of MTX, and can promote the identification and evaluation of novel molecular biomarkers of MTX response. In this work, erythroblastoid cells were exposed to MTX at the physiologic concentration of 1,000 nM and analyzed using three metabolomic platforms to give a broad spectrum of cellular metabolites. MTX pharmacological activity, defined as cellular growth inhibition, was associated with an altered cellular metabolomic profile based on the analysis of 724 identified metabolites. By discriminant analysis, MTX treatment was associated with increases in ketoisovaleric acid, fructose, galactose, and 2‐deoxycytidine, and corresponding reductions in 2‐deoxyuridine, phosphatidylinositol 32:0, orotic acid, and inosine monophosphate. Inclusion of data from analysis of folate metabolism in combination with chemometric and metabolic network analysis demonstrated that MTX treatment is associated with dysregulated folate metabolism and nucleotide biosynthesis, which is in line with its known mechanism of action. However, MTX treatment was also associated with alterations in a diversity of metabolites, including intermediates of amino acid, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism. Collectively, these findings support a robust metabolic response following exposure to physiologic concentrations of MTX. They also identify various metabolic intermediates that are associated with the pharmacological activity of MTX, and are, therefore, potential molecular biomarker candidates in future preclinical and clinical studies of MTX efficacy in autoimmune arthritis

    Sensible heat transfer in the Gemini and Apollo pressure suits

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    Sensible heat transfer effects in Gemini and Apollo pressure suit