48 research outputs found

    reusing analysis schemas in odb applications a chart based approach

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    This paper presents a method for creating, indexing and reusing analysis schemas in developing Object-oriented Data-base (ODB) applications. Analysis schemas are specified by using analysis charts, a user-oriented set of forms structured according to the TQL++ Object-oriented specification model, and are classified according to their structural characteristics and content. A set of analysis charts forms a reusable schema, referred to as an analysis stack. The developer can retrieve and examine stacks by accessing analysis charts containing relevant entity names and structures. Charts are connected by links reproducing TQL++ relationships and connecting 'similar' schemas. The paper presents the measures of similarity between charts and describes the organization of charts in a reuse repository. A Thesaurus of relevant terms and synonyms is coupled with the repository. The Thesaurus and the repository are the basis for guiding developers in deriving new ODB applications through a sequence of steps proposed by a CHarting and Analysis for Reuse Tool (CHART). The methodology for reusing analysis schemas, based on navigation in the repository, and the support tool are described

    Design and code reuse based on fuzzy classification of components

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    A bottleneck in software reuse is the classification schema and retrieval method of components. Particularly when large repositories of components are available, classification and retrieval for reuse should be flexible to allow the selection also of components which, although not perfectly matching requirements, are adaptable with a limited effort. This paper presents a fuzzy classification model for a repository storing descriptors of components. These descriptors include fuzzy-weighted keyword pairs describing components functionalities extracted from code and its design documentation. A mechanism for semi-automatic extraction of keywords, and for automatic assignement of fuzzy weights to keyword pairs based on text retrieval algorithms is provided

    Varying Resource Consumption to Achieve Scalable Web Services

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    Web service deployment is hampered by the possibility of sudden variations in request volumes. Mechanisms exist to enhance scalability in times of heavy load when the delivered content is static. However, web services typically involve dynamic content, delivered through application servers which may have little to no support for adapting to varying loads in order to ensure timely delivery. In this paper we discuss why scaling dynamic content delivery under load is difficult, we present a technique for controlled service degradation to achieve this scalability, and we present experimental results evaluating its benefits

    Fuzzy techniques for software reuse

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    This paper discusses uncertainties in software develop ment for reuse and maintenance. In particular, we present how fuzzy techniques can help in handling a source of uncertainty: the classification of components and their retrieval for reuse according to software behavioral properties. Behavioral classification is inherently impre.cise, due to the fact that any components may exhibit several behaviors, depending on the application viewpoint. A model is described based on a repository where software descriptors are stored. Descriptors contain lexical elements, characterizing software behavior, weighted using fuzzy sets. Fuzzy weighting expresse the imprecision of behavioral descriptions, and allows one to explore the repository via imprecise queries. The retrieval has adaptive capabilities based on observation by the system of users' choices of candidate components

    Automatic thesaurus construction supporting fuzzy retrieval of reusable components

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    Effective access to repositories of reusable components should rely on retrieval functionalities based also on imprecise queries. This paper presents a fuzzy retrieval model based on keywords describing the functionalities of reusable components. Fuzzy weights are assigned to these keywords automatically. Retrieval is supported by a Thesaurus where a fuzzy synonymia relationship is used to compute adaptability of reusable components to the needs expressed by the user fuzzy query. The adaptability index is ameliorated along time via a quality function reporting feedback on the system usage

    A descriptor-based approach to OO code reuse

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    The COOR environment exploits the advantages of OO code to promote software reuse, performing classification and analysis using a Software Descriptor method based on a fuzzy query language for component retrieval. Fuzzy weighting mechanisms highlight relevant features of components for reuse in specific industrial application domains

    Software reuse in-the-small : automating group rewarding

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    A multi-level, model-independent, closed loop approach to software reuse to make tuning of reuse systems mostly automatic, and includes a reward system for development of reusable components was presented. The approach relied on the assumption that an adequate computer-support for reuse should be available in order to work in small. The proposed technique was found to be suitable for small teams for development in-the-small by fixing some locally measured reuse coefficient