346 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia, sebagai lembaga peradilan (yudikatif) baru, yang berwenang menguji konstitusionalitas suatu undang-undang dan bagaimana prosedur pengujian undang-undang terhadap undang-undang dasar yang dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode peneltian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Kedudukan Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai lembaga negara baru dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia pasca-amandemen UUD 1945, dan selanjutnya memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan uji materiil suatu undang-undang terhadap undang-undang dasar, apakah terjadi pertentangan atau tidak, adalah merupakan indikasi suatu negara demokrasi. Kehadiran Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah jawaban bagi para pencari keadilan yang merasa hak konstitusionalnya dilanggar dengan berlakunya suatu undang-undang. 2. Hukum Acara Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah hukum formil yang berfungsi untuk menegakkan hukum materilnya, yaitu bagian dari hukum konstitusi yang menjadi wewenang Mahkamah Konstitusi. Berbeda dengan hukum acara lain hukum acara Mahkamah Konstitusi memiliki karakteristik khusus, karena hukum materil yang hendak ditegakkan tidak merujuk pada undang-undang atau kitab undang-undang tertentu, melainkan konstitusi sebagai hukum dasar sistem hukum itu sendiri. Prosedur pengujian undang-undang oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah dilakukan mengenai formil dan materilnya. Formil adalah berkenaan dengan bagaimana undang-undang itu di buat, siapa yang membuatnya sedangkan materiil adalah isi daripada suatu undang-undang yang dianggap bertentangan dengan konstitusi. Permohonan yang diajukan oleh pemohon harus didaftarkan melalui kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk diperiksa kelengkapan administrasinya, selanjutnya dilakukan proses pendahuluan, pemeriksaan pokok perkara hingga putusan. Dan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut adalah jenis putusan yang berkarakter final dan mengikat.Kata kunci: Analisis Yuridis, Kewenangan, Mahkamah Konstitusi, Pengujian Undang-Undang, Undang-Undang Dasar Di Indonesi

    Programmable Immersive Peripheral Environmental System (PIPES): A Prototype Control System for Environmental Feedback Devices

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    This paper describes an environmental feedback device (EFD) control system aimed at simplifying the VR development cycle. Programmable Immersive Peripheral Environmental System (PIPES) affords VR developers a custom approach to programming and controlling EFD behaviors while relaxing the required knowledge and expertise of electronic systems. PIPES has been implemented for the Unity engine and features EFD control using the Arduino integrated development environment. PIPES was installed and tested on two VR systems, a large format CAVE system and an Oculus Rift HMD system. A photocell based end-to-end latency experiment was conducted to measure latency within the system. This work extends previously unpublished prototypes of a similar design. Development and experiments described in this paper are part of the VR community goal to understand and apply environment effects to VEs that ultimately add to usersâ perceived presence


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    This study aims to identify and explain the provision of teacher compensation and its obstacles at the Pasir Putih Adventist College, Baru Village, Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency. The type of research is a descriptive survey with a quantitative approach. The research data was obtained secondary and primary with the internal population from all middle school teachers right/index and the Principal of the Pasir Putih Adventist School, amounting to 9 people. The entire population was used as a research sample with a census sampling technique. Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Based on the results of the previous data analysis, it can be concluded that the results of the study are as follows: Compensation for the teachers of the Pasir Putih Adventist Middle School is good or 77.8%. These results are in accordance with the responses submitted by each research indicator, namely the direct compensation indicator received by the Pasir Putih Adventist Middle School teacher which is in the good category. The teachers have received salaries, incentives, and allowances provided by the foundation every month. Then this indirect compensation indicator is in the good category. These results certainly have provided an illustration that the compensation applied by the foundation in the form of indirect compensation has been very good, so it is hoped that this incentive indicator can also have a good impact on teacher achievement. The obstacle in providing compensation is that there is no assessment in providing incentives and family gathering activities or entertaining teachers from the tiredness of teaching and learning activities by taking walks (picnics), so that teachers to get together have to pay their own expenses

    A qualitative exploration into how male students with mental health problems experience stigma

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    "This study explored how male students with mental health problems experience stigma. An all-male sample was selected as previous literature has revealed their frequent inability to consult mental health services (Lindsey et al, 2010), their negative attitudes towards help- seeking behaviours (Chandra & Minkovitz, 2006), and their abundance of self-stigma endorsement (Judd et al, 2008). It is therefore suggested that males are the gender group that are the most affected by mental health stigma; this makes their personal experiences with stigma an important area to further explore. An awareness and understanding of these experiences may be key to stigma reduction for one of its most affected groups. Qualitative methods were employed within the research. Five male student’s experiences were explored utilising semi-structured interviews as the method of data collection, a thematic analysis was performed to analyse the data. This produced four overarching themes: 1) feelings of separation from society 2) self-stigmatising effects 3) gender identities 4) stigma experienced from society Each of the overarching themes allowed for insight into how the male students experience stigma, the most prominent theme that emerged across the data was gender identities. It is suggested that being male, and furthermore ideas about masculinity, have negative effects for males with mental health problems. The current study suggests this intensifies their experiences with stigma, and as a result, curative measures are suggested.

    Paul's eschatology

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    Novel approaches to assess cellular interactions and their role in the pathology and treatment of lymphoproliferative disorders

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    Background: Migration and homing are essential to B-lymphocyte mediated immunity, and are driven by rapid, directed, and appropriate reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton. Important observations have linked the cytoskeletal-rearrangements made by leukaemic B-lymphocytes of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) to disease pathology. In particular, cytoskeletal alterations mediated by B-cell receptor (BCR) engagement or chemokine-binding are recognised to be central to the migration of CLL cells to lymphoid tissues, where they engage in the complex cellular and molecular interactions that underlie their survival, proliferation, and drug resistance. Further emphasising this importance, has been the observation that highly effective small molecule inhibitors that target key components of the BCR signalling machinery, such as Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK), disrupt the migratory behaviour of CLL cells, and that this may, at least in part, underlie their clinical effect. Detailed characterisation of the highly dynamic cytoskeletal alterations in CLL may, therefore, inform novel therapeutic interventions, particularly for subsets with unmet clinical needs, such as those with mutations affecting the tumour protein P53 (TP53), ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), or Notch receptor 1 (NOTCH1) genes, which are all more frequent in IGHV-unmutated disease. This work describes the development of techniques to characterise and quantify morphological responses to inhibitors, aiming to produce a quantitative description of cytoskeletal changes relating to specific signalling pathways, and to suggest rational drug combinations in the disorder. Methods: Primary CLL cells were cultured at high density with autologous T-lymphocytes and monocytes in the presence of specific signal inhibitors. The morphological responses of leukaemic cells were determined using a range of microscopic techniques, including scanning electron microscopy, and immunocytofluorescent detection of cytoskeletal and plasma membrane components. Cytoskeletal alterations were evaluated via computer-aided morphometric analyses of cell shape parameter, homotypic cellular interactions, and migration, generating a precise description of changes to the polymerised F-actin cytoskeleton and cell behaviour. Matrigel™ matrix models were combined with transmission electron microscopy to study cellular morphology within a 3D tumour microenvironment (TME)-like setting. Immunogold labelling of specific proteins within neoplastic lymphocytes was performed to allow visualisation of protein localisation changes in response to signal inhibition at the ultrastructure level. Results: This study tested inhibitors targeting different signalling pathways as a ‘proof of principle’ evaluation to determine whether the morphological and behavioural responses induced could be effectively distinguished from one another and quantitatively described. Inhibition of BTK by ibrutinib resulted in uniform populations of globular cells with retained polarity and, consequently, increased amoeboid motility. BTK blockage is recognised to impair integrin-mediated retention of leukaemic cells within tissue niches, leading to the observed peripheral blood lymphocytosis seen in CLL patients receiving ibrutinib. Reduced integrin-mediated motility was associated with impaired homotypic cellular interactions within IGHV-mutated cases specifically, indicating that this subgroup may have a greater dependency on elongated-type migration for permitting pro-survival cellular contact than their IGHV-unmutated counterparts. Disruption of Rho-associated protein kinase 1 (ROCK1) activity by Y-27632 lead to impaired actomyosin-mediated retraction of cytoskeletal processes. Loss of the ROCK1-induced cytoskeletal asymmetry required for effective cell migration resulted in reduced CLL cellular interactions; however, CXCL12-driven motility was attenuated in IGHV¬-mutated cases alone. The Abelson kinase 1 (ABL1) inhibitor imatinib caused CLL cells to acquire a globular phenotype with frequent microvilli, similar to that of B-lymphocytes isolated directly from the peripheral blood. Transient cellular interactions were markedly reduced by imatinib, whereas elongated-type motility, being a largely ABL1-independent process, was unaltered. The morphological and behavioural responses of CLL cells were compared to those observed in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) cell lines. These cells lines, which were utilised as a surrogate model for BTK inhibitor sensitivity in CLL, demonstrated that the establishment of anterior-posterior morphology, mediated by the activity of ROCK1 and ABL1, is essential for effective trafficking of B-lymphocytes to protective niches, regardless of ibrutinib sensitivity. Blockage of NOCTH1 signalling by gamma-secretase inhibitors (GSIs) PF-03084014 and R04929097 resulted in varying morphological responses, possibly indicating differences in NOTCH1 activation between CLL cases. Despite chemotaxis being identified as a key NOTCH1-regulated process, CLL and NOTCH1-mutated MCL cells demonstrated enhanced directional transmigration with GSI treatments. MCL cell lines were utilised to model the effects of GSI sensitivity in CLL. In contrast, NOTCH1-unmutated MCL cells displayed unaltered migration with PF-03084014 pre-treatment, consistent with reports of low GSI sensitivity in MCL cells exhibiting unmutated NOTCH1, and reduced chemotaxis with R04929097. The developed 3D ex vivo culture system preserved CLL cell viability, migration, and dynamic cellular interactions, as demonstrated by flow cytometry and time-lapse live-cell imaging. Interrogation with transmission electron microscopy enabled high-resolution visualisation of cell morphology within a TME-like setting; however, further optimisation of immunogold labelling of effector proteins is required. Conclusion: Using novel imaged-based morphometric analyses, distinct signal inhibitor-induced cytoskeletal adaptations were identified in CLL B-lymphocytes. This approach may be applied to prognostically-defined subgroups or resistant cases to provide in-depth characterisation of morphological responses to novel therapeutic agents and to assess treatment responses within the TME. These observations, when combined with transcriptional data, may allow more effective combinational targeting of behavioural signatures unique to the patient and, thus, improve treatment outcomes in the disease.Plymouth and District Leukaemia Fun

    Vacuole Formation in Wheat Starchy Endosperm

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    The formation of vacuoles in wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Highbury) starchy endosperm cells was studied using electron microscopy. Some vacuoles were always present, even in the coenocytic cytoplasm. The first formed endosperm cells were highly vacuolated, but became filled with cytoplasm as they grew older. Various-sized pieces of cytoplasm were found in vacuoles of developing endosperm cells, probably as a result of autophagic sequestration. The membranes of the autographic vacuoles appeared to originate from the rough endoplasmic reticulum and from extensions of already-formed vacuoles. Autographic activity was confirmed by localizing the hydrolytic enzyme acid phosphatase within the vacuoles. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) also stained positive for this enzyme

    The economics of Theocracy

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    This paper models theocracy as a regime where the clergy in power retains knowledge of the cost of political production but which is potentially incompetent or corrupt. This is contrasted with a secular regime where government is contracted out to a secular ruler, and hence the church loses the possibility to observe costs and creates for itself a hidden-information agency problem. The church is free to choose between regimes – a make-or-buy choice – and we look for the range of environmental parameters that are most conducive to the superiority of theocracy and therefore to its occurrence and persistence, despite its disabilities. Numerical solution of the model indicates that the optimal environment for a theocracy is likely to be one in which the “bad” (high-cost) state is disastrously bad but the probability of its occurrence is not very high. A broad review of the historical evidence yields some suggestive support to the predictions of the model. Finally, the model is shown to be applicable to the make-or-buy-government choices of other groups, such as organized labor and the military
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