18,253 research outputs found

    Interactive Management and Updating of Spatial Data Bases

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    The decision making process, whether for power plant siting, load forecasting or energy resource planning, invariably involves a blend of analytical methods and judgement. Management decisions can be improved by the implementation of techniques which permit an increased comprehension of results from analytical models. Even where analytical procedures are not required, decisions can be aided by improving the methods used to examine spatially and temporally variant data. How the use of computer aided planning (CAP) programs and the selection of a predominant data structure, can improve the decision making process is discussed

    Improved linings for integrating spheres

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    Sphere surface is covered with plain weave of glass fibers coated with polytetrafluoroethylene and one or two layers of magnesium oxide vapor. The resultant lining is suitable for measurement of radiation in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared wavelengths, is not damage prone, and is easily cleaned

    Underlying symmetries of realistic interactions and the nuclear many-body problem

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    The present study brings forward important information, within the framework of spectral distribution theory, about the types of forces that dominate three realistic interactions, CD-Bonn, CDBonn+ 3terms and GXPF1, in nuclei and their ability to account for many-particle effects such as the formation of correlated nucleon pairs and enhanced quadrupole collective modes. Like-particle and proton-neutron isovector pairing correlations are described microscopically by a model interaction with Sp(4) dynamical symmetry, which is extended to include an additional quadrupole-quadrupole interaction. The analysis of the results for the 1f7/2 level shows that both CD-Bonn+3terms and GXPF1 exhibit a well-developed pairing character compared to CD-Bonn, while the latter appears to build up more (less) rotational isovector T = 1 (isoscalar T = 0) collective features. Furthermore, the three realistic interactions are in general found to correlate strongly with the pairing+quadrupole model interaction, especially for the highest possible isospin group of states where the model interaction can be used to provide a reasonable description of the corresponding energy spectra.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Semi-automatic selection of summary statistics for ABC model choice

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    A central statistical goal is to choose between alternative explanatory models of data. In many modern applications, such as population genetics, it is not possible to apply standard methods based on evaluating the likelihood functions of the models, as these are numerically intractable. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a commonly used alternative for such situations. ABC simulates data x for many parameter values under each model, which is compared to the observed data xobs. More weight is placed on models under which S(x) is close to S(xobs), where S maps data to a vector of summary statistics. Previous work has shown the choice of S is crucial to the efficiency and accuracy of ABC. This paper provides a method to select good summary statistics for model choice. It uses a preliminary step, simulating many x values from all models and fitting regressions to this with the model as response. The resulting model weight estimators are used as S in an ABC analysis. Theoretical results are given to justify this as approximating low dimensional sufficient statistics. A substantive application is presented: choosing between competing coalescent models of demographic growth for Campylobacter jejuni in New Zealand using multi-locus sequence typing data