5,216 research outputs found

    Inverse type II seesaw mechanism and its signature at the LHC and ILC

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    The advent of the LHC, and the proposal of building future colliders as the ILC, both programmed to explore new physics at the TeV scale, justifies the recent interest in studying all kind of seesaw mechanisms whose signature lies on such energy scale. The natural candidate for this kind of seesaw mechanism is the inverse one. The conventional inverse seesaw mechanism is implemented in an arrangement involving six new heavy neutrinos in addition to the three standard ones. In this paper we develop the inverse seesaw mechanism based on Higgs triplet model and probe its signature at the LHC and ILC. We argue that the conjoint analysis of the LHC together with the ILC may confirm the mechanism and, perhaps, infer the hierarchy of the neutrino masses.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figure

    Evolution of the phase-space density and the Jeans scale for dark matter derived from the Vlasov-Einstein equation

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    We discuss solutions of Vlasov-Einstein equation for collisionless dark matter particles in the context of a flat Friedmann universe. We show that, after decoupling from the primordial plasma, the dark matter phase-space density indicator Q remains constant during the expansion of the universe, prior to structure formation. This well known result is valid for non-relativistic particles and is not "observer dependent" as in solutions derived from the Vlasov-Poisson system. In the linear regime, the inclusion of velocity dispersion effects permits to define a physical Jeans length for collisionless matter as function of the primordial phase-space density indicator: \lambda_J = (5\pi/G)^(1/2)Q^(-1/3)\rho_dm^(-1/6). The comoving Jeans wavenumber at matter-radiation equality is smaller by a factor of 2-3 than the comoving wavenumber due to free-streaming, contributing to the cut-off of the density fluctuation power spectrum at the lowest scales. We discuss the physical differences between these two scales. For dark matter particles of mass equal to 200 GeV, the derived Jeans mass is 4.3 x 10^(-6) solar masses.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Coalescence Rate of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries Derived from Cosmological Simulations: Detection Rates for LISA and ET

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    The coalescence history of massive black holes has been derived from cosmological simulations, in which the evolution of those objects and that of the host galaxies are followed in a consistent way. The present study indicates that supermassive black holes having masses greater than ∼109M⊙\sim 10^{9} M_{\odot} underwent up to 500 merger events along their history. The derived coalescence rate per comoving volume and per mass interval permitted to obtain an estimate of the expected detection rate distribution of gravitational wave signals ("ring-down") along frequencies accessible by the planned interferometers either in space (LISA) or in the ground (Einstein). For LISA, in its original configuration, a total detection rate of about 15yr−115 yr^{-1} is predicted for events having a signal-to-noise ratio equal to 10, expected to occur mainly in the frequency range 4−9mHz4-9 mHz. For the Einstein gravitational wave telescope, one event each 14 months down to one event each 4 years is expected with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5, occurring mainly in the frequency interval 10−20Hz10-20 Hz. The detection of these gravitational signals and their distribution in frequency would be in the future an important tool able to discriminate among different scenarios explaining the origin of supermassive black holes.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the IJMP

    The massive 3-loop operator matrix elements with two masses and the generalized variable flavor number scheme

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    We report on our latest results in the calculation of the two--mass contributions to 3--loop operator matrix elements (OMEs). These OMEs are needed to compute the corresponding contributions to the deep-inealstic scattering structure functions and to generalize the variable flavor number scheme by including both charm and bottom quarks. We present the results for the non-singlet and Agq,QA_{gq,Q} OMEs, and compare the size of their contribution relative to the single mass case. Results for the gluonic OME Agg,QA_{gg,Q} are given in the physical case, going beyond those presented in a previous publication where scalar diagrams were computed. We also discuss our recently published two--mass contribution to the pure singlet OME, and present an alternative method of calculating the corresponding diagrams.Comment: 20 pages Latex, 5 Figures, different style file

    Relação entre o intervalo de partos e o custo total de produção de leite por vaca no rebanho.

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    O intervalo de partos foi a variavel de maior impacto nos custos de producao de vacas da raca holandesa de primeira e segunda lactacoes, seguida da producao total de leite. A idade ao primeiro parto e o valor genetico relacionaram-se apenas com o custo de producao de vacas holandesas de primeira lactacao. No caso de vacas mesticas (HZ) de primeira e segunda lactacao apenas o intervalo de partos e a producao total de leite relacionaram-se com o custo total.Resumo expandido

    Raças e tipos de cruzamentos para produção de leite.

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    3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections in Deep-Inelastic Scattering with Two Heavy Quark Lines

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    We consider gluonic contributions to the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients at 3-loop order in QCD with two heavy quark lines in the asymptotic region Q2≫m1(2)2Q^2 \gg m_{1(2)}^2. Here we report on the complete result in the case of two equal masses m1=m2m_1 = m_2 for the massive operator matrix element Agg,Q(3)A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}, which contributes to the corresponding heavy flavor transition matrix element in the variable flavor number scheme. Nested finite binomial sums and iterated integrals over square-root valued alphabets emerge in the result for this quantity in NN and xx-space, respectively. We also present results for the case of two unequal masses for the flavor non-singlet OMEs and on the scalar integrals ic case of Agg,Q(3)A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}, which were calculated without a further approximation. The graphs can be expressed by finite nested binomial sums over generalized harmonic sums, the alphabet of which contains rational letters in the ratio η=m12/m22\eta = m_1^2/m_2^2.Comment: 10 pages LATEX, 1 Figure, Proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Weimar April 201

    Recent progress on the calculation of three-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering

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    We report on our latest results in the calculation of the three-loop heavy flavor contributions to the Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering in the asymptotic region Q2≫m2Q^2 \gg m^2. We discuss the different methods used to compute the required operator matrix elements and the corresponding Feynman integrals. These methods very recently allowed us to obtain a series of new operator matrix elements and Wilson coefficients like the flavor non-singlet and pure singlet Wilson coefficients.Comment: 11 pages Latex, 2 Figures, Proc. of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, April 2014, Weimar, German
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