395 research outputs found

    Um olhar sobre a inclusão

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    Nos últimos anos, os princípios ligados à educação inclusiva assumiram proporções hegemónicas na educação. Portugal abraçou os mesmos princípios ao ratificar a Declaração de Salamanca, em 1994. Não obstante, ainda depara com inúmeras dificuldades na implementação dos ideais defendidos a nível político. Uma das dificuldades prende-se com a definição pouco precisa do conceito de inclusão, que origina a tomada de medidas avulso e circunstanciais. Neste artigo pretende-se apresentar uma visão sobre conceito de inclusão, procurando distinguir entre os conceitos de integração e de inclusão. De acordo com a visão apresentada, a inclusão assenta em quatro eixos fundamentais: (1) é um direito fundamental, (2) obriga a repensar a diferença e a diversidade, (3) implica repensar a escola (e o sistema educativo) e (4) pode constituir um veículo de transformação da sociedade.Projecto financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Changing Practices, Changing Identities: A Study with Students at Risk of Educational Exclusion

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    This study discusses how students at risk of educational exclusion can restore their identity and improve learning and scientific literacy. This qualitative research adopts an interpretative orientation. Twenty-eight secondary school students, aged 16 to 20 participated. Data was collected of the interactions between students in lessons, focus group interview and written documents. Data analysis was inductive, consistent with a naturalistic research paradigm, and consisted of uncovering salient patterns, singularities, and themes associated with research aims. Several students, at risk of educational exclusion, value this kind of practice. By changing practice, the learning social context varied, as well as students’ identities and their relationships with knowledge, teachers and school

    Student Perceptions of Secondary Science Teachers’ Practices Following Curricular Change

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    Inquiry-based teaching has emerged as a highly valued strategy in science education. In Portugal, the science curriculum has been redesigned in order to promote such teaching. This implies substantial change in teacher practice. It is therefore important to understand students’ perceptions of teacher practice. Aim: In this study, we describe student perception of teacher practices and look for associations between the perceptions and student motivation. Method: Three low-achieving, secondary-level science classes were studied. Motivation was measured by two scales (Intrinsic and Extrinsic); Perceptions were measured in four dimensions. Results: Significant associations (p < .05) were observed between intrinsic motivation and (a) Perception of the use of Laboratory Work; (b) Perception of Science-Technology-Society and (c) Perceived Student Autonomy. No association was noted between intrinsic motivation and the Perception of Teacher as Facilitator. Conclusions: Results are generally consistent with previous literature. Teacher professional development lags behind curricular change. Teachers require new conceptions of assessment.Projeto financiado pelo CIEFCU

    Tornar-se professora no ensino superior

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    O presente artigo baseia-se numa investigação realizada por duas professoras, uma experiente e outra principiante, durante o primeiro ano em que esta deu aulas no ensino superior e teve como principais objetivos compreender como é que o pensamento e a prática estão inter-relacionados e como é que estes podem explicar o processo de construção do conhecimento profissional. Para além disso, sendo uma investigação-ação, teve ainda como objetivo estimular a reflexão da professora principiante como forma de promover o seu desenvolvimento profissional.Projeto financiado pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação do Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisbo

    Transformative Orientation in Learning to Teach Physics and Chemistry

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    Initial teacher training (ITT) involves different perspectives regarding the role of theoretical versus practical knowledge in teaching and requires an answer to how students integrate theory and practice and how learning environments contribute to this integration. Many authors have been advocating the idea of teachers as researchers of their own practice as a way to establish connections between theoretical knowledge and the knowledge gained from their practice. The ITT program of the University of Lisbon is based on a conceptual framework that proposes that student-teachers construct professional knowledge from researching their own practice in a context of supervised practice. This paper aims at describing the interpretations that student-teachers make about the Portuguese science curriculum, as well as describe the research questions and methods that they used for collecting data concerning students learning, and their evaluation of the learning process. For that, 31 written reports were analyzed. While involved in the design of the didactic proposals, student-teachers were encouraged to interpret the formal curriculum and turn it into a teaching curriculum, and to critically reflect on the curriculum. By researching their own practice, they developed new understanding regarding students’ difficulties, promoting students’ conceptual change and managing classroom and students’ behavior

    Science Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: Collaboration as a Trigger of Change

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    This research aims to study a collaborative process between teachers and a facilitator and to examine how this process contributes for changing Physics and Chemistry teachers’ beliefs and practices. In order to achieve these goals, a specific program of professional development was studied, which characteristics were sourced on literature concerning the relationship between beliefs and practices and between reflection and collaboration. Five Physics and Chemistry teachers were involved in a qualitative study.  The results show that the collaboration, grounded on a trusting relationship and on a constant negotiation of meanings, was essential for teachers to overcome their fears and uncertainties, to stimulate teachers to develop different practices and to leave their comfort zone and review some of their beliefs

    Predictive dissolution test

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Farmacêutica, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de FarmáciaEsta dissertação explora o conceito de Real Time Release aplicado à dissolução de comprimidos. O objetivo é propor uma estratégia de controlo de qualidade apropriada alternativa para um medicamento, cuja forma farmacêutica é comprimido revestido por película contendo ibuprofeno ativo, através da análise da guideline ICH Q6A e outros conceitos regulamentares. O ensaio de dissolução é dos testes mais relevantes pela indústria farmacêutica em formas farmacêuticas orais, nomeadamente no controlo de qualidade final dos lotes fabricados. O aumento do conhecimento nesta área e a aplicação de métodos de monitorização mais eficientes são fundamentais para a melhoria do processo de fabrico e do seu controlo. A metodologia envolveu as seguintes etapas: (1) desenvolvimento de análises de risco para identificar os parâmetros que impactam os atributos críticos de qualidade, que constituem ensaios que devem estar dentro de limites apropriados para assegurar a eficácia, qualidade e segurança de um medicamento, do ensaio de dissolução na formulação em estudo; (2) confirmar que os dados apresentam variabilidade suficiente para serem considerados no estudo de avaliação de robustez (3) se considerados suficientes, através de uma análise de robustez, investigar a relação existente entre os fatores identificados no projeto e respetivos perfis de dissolução. Os parâmetros identificados como possivelmente impactantes da cinética de dissolução são: tamanho da partícula de substância ativa, espessura do revestimento, dureza do comprimido e quantidade de substância ativa. Estes parâmetros são monitorizados em rotina, através de testes realizados durante o processo o fabrico, constituindo, assim, uma das abordagens previstas na guideline Real Time Release Testing. Com base nos resultados obtidos, comprovou-se que, para o medicamento em estudo, é viável eliminar o teste de dissolução das especificações do medicamento em estudo. A confirmação da robustez do processo e da formulação do medicamento em estudo asseguram que o perfil de dissolução tem um comportamento previsível e conforme as especificações.This dissertation explores the concept of Real Time Release applied to the dissolution of tablets. The goal is to propose an alternative appropriate quality control strategy for medicine, whose pharmaceutical formulation is a film-coated tablet containing active ibuprofen, through the analysis of the ICH Q6A guideline and other regulatory concepts. The dissolution test is one of the most relevant tests carried out by the pharmaceutical industry in oral dosage forms, namely in the final quality control of manufactured batches. The increasing knowledge in this area and the application of more efficient monitoring methods are fundamental for the improvement of the manufacturing process and its control. The methodology involved the following steps: (1) development of risk analyses to identify the parameters that impact the critical quality attributes, which consists on those parameters that must be wihtih appropriate limits to ensure the adequate afficacy, quality and safety of a medicine, of the dissolution test in the formulation under study; (2) to evaluate the available data regarding its variability (3) if considered sufficient, through a robustness analysis, to investigate the relationship between the factors identified in the project and the respective dissolution profiles. The parameters identified as possibly impacting the dissolution profile are: active pharmaceutical ingredient particle size, coating thickness, tablet hardness and amount of active pharmaceutical ingredient. These parameters are already monitored in routine, through tests carried out during the manufacturing process, thus constituting one of the approaches considered in the Real Time Release Testing guideline. Based on the results obtained, it was proved that, for medicine under study, it’s feasible to eliminate the dissolution test from the specifications of the medicine under study. Confirmation of the robustness of the process and the formulation of the medicine under study ensures that the dissolution profile has a predictable behaviour and according to specifications.Com o patrocínio da Empresa Generis Farmacêutica S.A

    A discussão de controvérsias sociocientíficas na formação de professores

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    A promoção da compreensão da natureza da ciência constitui um dos eixos fundamentais dos currículos de ciências actuais, procurando que os alunos entendam a produção do conhecimento científico e tomem decisões sobre assuntos de base científica com impacto directo na sua vida. Contudo, a investigação demonstra que os professores não integram esta vertente no seu ensino, comprometendo as aprendizagens dos alunos sobre esta temática. Num outro sentido, a investigação atribui potencialidades à discussão de assuntos sociocientíficos controversos na escola na construção de uma imagem de ciência mais real. Com este estudo, pretende-se compreender como é que um conjunto de 29 professores-formandos, de um mestrado em Educação, avalia as potencialidades deste tipo de metodologia. Apesar das avaliações bastante positivas, constata-se a necessidade de continuar a apoiar estes professores na implementação destas actividades com os seus alunos de modo a desenvolverem o conhecimento necessário à sua implementação

    NOD2 mutations and colorectal cancer - Where do we stand?

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    Due to the overwhelming burden of colorectal cancer (CRC), great effort has been placed on identifying genetic mutations that contribute to disease development and progression. One of the most studied polymorphisms that could potentially increase susceptibility to CRC involves the nucleotide-binding and oligomerization-domain containing 2 (NOD2) gene. There is growing evidence that the biological activity of NOD2 is far greater than previously thought and a link with intestinal microbiota and mucosal immunity is increasingly sought after. In fact, microbial composition may be an important contributor not only to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) but also to CRC. Recent studies have showed that deficient NOD2 function confers a communicable risk of colitis and CRC. Despite the evidence from experimental models, population-based studies that tried to link certain NOD2 polymorphisms and an increase in CRC risk have been described as conflicting. Significant geographic discrepancies in the frequency of such polymorphisms and different interpretations of the results may have limited the conclusions of those studies. Since being first associated to IBD and CRC, our understanding of the role of this gene has come a long way, and it is tempting to postulate that it may contribute to identify individuals with susceptible genetic background that may benefit from early CRC screening programs or in predicting response to current therapeutic tools. The aim of this review is to clarify the status quo of NOD2 mutations as genetic risk factors to chronic inflammation and ultimately to CRC. The use of NOD2 as a predictor of certain phenotypic characteristics of the disease will be analyzed as well
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