244 research outputs found

    Dimensional crossover of a boson gas in multilayers

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    We obtain the thermodynamic properties for a non-interacting Bose gas constrained on multilayers modeled by a periodic Kronig-Penney delta potential in one direction and allowed to be free in the other two directions. We report Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) critical temperatures, chemical potential, internal energy, specific heat, and entropy for different values of a dimensionless impenetrability P0P\geqslant 0 between layers. The BEC critical temperature TcT_{c} coincides with the ideal gas BEC critical temperature T0T_{0} when P=0P=0 and rapidly goes to zero as PP increases to infinity for any finite interlayer separation. The specific heat CVC_{V} \textit{vs} TT for finite PP and plane separation aa exhibits one minimum and one or two maxima in addition to the BEC, for temperatures larger than TcT_{c} which highlights the effects due to particle confinement. Then we discuss a distinctive dimensional crossover of the system through the specific heat behavior driven by the magnitude of PP. For T<TcT<T_{c} the crossover is revealed by the change in the slope of logCV(T)\log C_{V}(T) and when T>TcT>T_{c}, it is evidenced by a broad minimum in CV(T)C_{V}(T).Comment: Ten pages, nine figure

    Two-Fermion Bound States within the Bethe-Salpeter Approach

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    To solve the spinor-spinor Bethe-Salpeter equation in Euclidean space we propose a novel method related to the use of hyperspherical harmonics. We suggest an appropriate extension to form a new basis of spin-angular harmonics that is suitable for a representation of the vertex functions. We present a numerical algorithm to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation and investigate in detail the properties of the solution for the scalar, pseudoscalar and vector meson exchange kernels including the stability of bound states. We also compare our results to the non relativistic ones and to the results given by light front dynamics.Comment: 32 pages, XIII Tables, 8 figure

    Análise de endemismo de táxons neotropicais de Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)

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    The definition of areas of endemism is central to studies of historical biogeography, and their interrelationships are fundamental questions. Consistent hypotheses for the evolution of Pentatomidae in the Neotropical region depend on the accuracy of the units employed in the analyses, which in the case of studies of historical biogeography, may be areas of endemism. In this study, the distribution patterns of 222 species, belonging to 14 Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) genera, predominantly neotropical, were studied with the Analysis of Endemicity (NDM) to identify possible areas of endemism and to correlate them to previously delimited areas. The search by areas of endemism was carried out using grid-cell units of 2.5° and 5° latitude-longitude. The analysis based on groupings of grid-cells of 2.5° of latitude-longitude allowed the identification of 51 areas of endemism, the consensus of these areas resulted in four clusters of grid-cells. The second analysis, with grid-cells units of 5° latitude-longitude, resulted in 109 areas of endemism. The flexible consensus employed resulted in 17 areas of endemism. The analyses were sensitive to the identification of areas of endemism in different scales in the Atlantic Forest. The Amazonian region was identified as a single area in the area of consensus, and its southeastern portion shares elements with the Chacoan and Paraná subregions. The distribution data of the taxa studied, with different units of analysis, did not allow the identification of individual areas of endemism for the Cerrado and Caatinga. The areas of endemism identified here should be seen as primary biogeographic hypotheses.A definição de áreas de endemismo é central aos estudos de Biogeografia Histórica e suas inter-relações são questões fundamentais. Hipóteses consistentes sobre a evolução de Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) na Região Neotropical dependem da acuidade das unidades empregadas nas análises, que no caso de estudos de biogeografia histórica, podem ser áreas endêmicas. Neste trabalho foram estudados os padrões de distribuição de 222 espécies, pertencentes a 14 gêneros de Pentatomidae, com ocorrência predominantemente neotropical, com base em uma Análise de Endemicidade (NDM) a fim de inferir possíveis áreas endêmicas e relacioná-las a áreas previamente delimitadas. A busca por áreas endêmicas foi realizada com quadrículas de 2,5° e 5° latitude-longitude. A análise com base em agrupamentos de 2,5° latitude-longitude permitiu identificar 51 áreas de endemismo, sendo que o consenso destas áreas resultou em quatro agrupamentos de quadrículas. A segunda análise, com quadrículas de 5° latitude-longitude, resultou em 109 áreas de endemismo. O consenso flexível empregado resultou em 17 áreas de endemismo. As análises foram sensíveis à identificação de áreas de endemismo na Mata Atlântica em diferentes escalas. A região Amazônica foi identificada como uma área única no consenso, sendo que a porção sudeste compartilha elementos com as sub-regiões do Chaco e Paraná. Os dados de distribuição dos táxons estudados, com diferentes unidades de análises, não permitiram a identificação de áreas endêmicas para o Cerrado e a Caatinga. As áreas de endemismo aqui identificadas devem ser tratadas como hipóteses biogeográficas primárias.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Laboratório de Entomologia Sistemática Departamento de ZoologiaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Departamento de Zoologia Programa de Pós-Graduação em EntomologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências BiológicasUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências BiológicasSciEL

    Do borrão às aguadas: os engenheiros militares e a representação da Capitania de São Paulo

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    A análise do papel dos engenheiros militares perpassa as discussões sobre regiões específicas, mesmo quando eles, aparentemente, estão ausentes delas. Sua presença ou ausência sempre foi sinônimo de interesse e de projeto colonizador mais ou menos dirigido. Este ensaio tem como objeto de estudo a cartografia dos engenheiros militares atuantes na Capitania de São Paulo, território comumente visto como economicamente periférico e mais autônomo face aos desígnios da Coroa portuguesa. Com foco no corpus cartográfico de alguns profissionais que aqui atuaram, trata indiretamente da multifacetada atuação desses engenheiros, bem como do processo de feitura das cartas geográficas, corográficas e topográficas, do borrão às aguadas. Investigar a cartografia de alguns desses profissionais permite não apenas explorar a riqueza de suas biografias, como, também, acompanhar o processo de produção técnica dos mapas e os desígnios políticos envolvidos no devassamento e representação das terras descobertas no Novo Mundo.Analyzing the role of military engineers means venturing into discussions about specific regions, even those from which they are apparently absent. Their presence or absence has always been synonymous with interest and a more or less directed colonization project. This essay examines the maps produced by the military engineers working in the Captaincy of São Paulo, a territory often looked upon as one of little economic import and a rather autonomous area in light of the plans of the Portuguese Crown. By focusing on the cartographic corpus bequeathed by certain professionals serving in this region, we deal indirectly with the multifaceted role of these engineers as well as with the process of making geographic, chorographic and topographic charts - all the way from the sketch to watercolored maps. Perusing the charts constructed by some of these professionals enabled us not only to delve into the rich details of their biographies but also to observe the technical mapmaking process and to unravel the political designs behind the exploration and representation of the lands discovered in the New World

    Profile of Central and Effector Memory T Cells in the Progression of Chronic Human Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease is a parasitic infection caused by protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi that affects approximately 11 million people in Latin America. The involvement of the host's immune response on the development of severe forms of Chagas disease has not been fully elucidated. Studies on the immune response against T. cruzi infection show that the immunoregulatory mechanisms are necessary to prevent the deleterious effect of excessive immune response stimulation and consequently the fatal outcome of the disease. A recall response against parasite antigens observed in in vitro peripheral blood cell culture clearly demonstrates that memory response is generated during infection. Memory T cells are heterogeneous and differ in both the ability to migrate and exert their effector function. This heterogeneity is reflected in the definition of central (TCM) and effector memory (TEM) T cells. Our results suggest that a balance between regulatory and effectors T cells may be important for the progression and development of the disease. Furthermore, the high percentage of central memory CD4+ T cells in indeterminate patients after stimulation suggests that these cells may modulate host's inflammatory response by controlling cell migration to tissues and their effector role during chronic phase of the disease