13 research outputs found

    Early decomposition of Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande and Potamogeton pectinatus L. leaves

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    The decomposition of Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus was studied in laboratory in order to determine the release of nitrogen and phosphorus to water. We compare differences in short-term decomposition rates between R. cirrhosa and P pectinatus, and we discuss the possible effect of the decomposition on the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. Senescent leaves of the two macrophyte species were put into plastic vessels with filtered water from La Tancada lagoon (Ebro River Delta, NE Spain). We analyzed biomass, C, N and ash content in the macrophytes samples and pH, conductivity, temperature and alkalinity and oxygen, N and P concentration in the water. We observed a decrease in oxygen concentration and pH, and an increase in alkalinity during the first 12 hours of incubation. Phosphorus and nitrogen as ammonium increases were higher in water with macrophytes than in water without macrophytes (control). Oxydized nitrogen decrease and SRP and ammonium increase were observed coinciding with dissolved oxygen depletion. Pattern of variation in N content was different in both macrophytes related to the chemical nature of the detritus and to inorganic nutrient concentration in the water. A quick nitrogen release in inorganic form during the four days of incubation was observed. Increase of SRP concentration may be related to leaching and to P solubility increase under anaerobic conditions.Descomposici贸n temprana de las hojas de Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande y Potamogeton pectinatus L. Se estudi贸 en el laboratorio la descomposici贸n de las hojas de Ruppia cirrhosa y Potamogeton pectinatus con el fin de determinar la liberaci贸n de nitr贸geno y f贸sforo al agua. Se comparan las diferencias en las tasas de descomposici贸n a corto plazo entre Ruppia cirrhosa y Potamogeton pectinatus y se comenta el posible efecto de la descomposici贸n en las caracter铆sticas f铆sicas y qu铆micas del agua. Se colocaron hojas senescentes de las dos especies de macr贸fitos en contenedores de pl谩stico con agua filtrada de la laguna de la Tancada (Delta del Ebro, NE Espa帽a). Se analiz贸 la biomasa y el contenido de C, N y cenizas en las muestras de macr贸fitos y pH, conductividad, temperatura, alcalinidad y concentraci贸n de ox铆geno, N y P en el agua. Se observ贸 una reducci贸n en la concentraci贸n de ox铆geno y el pH, y un aumento en la alcalinidad durante las primeras 12 horas de incubaci贸n. Los aumentos de f贸sforo y nitr贸geno en forma de amonio fueron mayores en el agua con macr贸fitos que en el agua sin macr贸fitos (control). Se observ贸 una disminuci贸n del nitr贸geno oxidado y un aumento del SRP y del amonio en coincidencia con la depleci贸n de ox铆geno disuelto. La pauta de variaci贸n en el contenido en N fue distinta en las dos especies de macr贸fitos, en relaci贸n con la naturaleza qu铆mica de los detritos y con la concentraci贸n de nutrientes inorg谩nicos en el agua. Se observ贸 una r谩pida liberaci贸n de nitr贸geno en forma inorg谩nica durante los cuatro d铆as de la incubaci贸n. El aumento en la concentraci贸n de SRP puede estar relacionada con la lixiviaci贸n y con el aumento de la solubilidad del P en condiciones anaerobias

    Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from agricultural sewage by wetlands under contrasting hydrologic regimes

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    Two wetla煤ds dominated by Phragmites australis, which were previously rice fields, were used under contrasting hydrological regimes, intermittently and permanently flooded. The aim was to study their role as filters of nitrogen and phosphorus contained in the water transponed through the network of channels used to irrigate ricefields in the delta of the Ebro River (NE Spain). In both wetlands, most of the forms of nitrogen and phosphorus were retained, except dissolved organic nitrogen in the intermittently flooded wetland and particulate nitrogen and dissolved organic phosphorus in the continuously flooded wetland. The intermittently flooded wetland retained 70.7 kg N ha-' and 1 kg P while the permanently flooded wetland retained 62.1 kg N ha-' and 0.55 kg P ha'. The wetland that was flooded intermittently showed a higher retention efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus than the continuously flooded wetlandEliminaci贸n de nitr贸geno y f贸sforo de aguas servidas agr铆colas por humedales sometidos a reg铆menes hidrol贸gicos distintos. Dos marismas dominadas por Phragmites australis, que anteriormente hab铆an sido campos de arroz, se estudiaron bajo dos reg铆menes hidrol贸gicos distintos, una alternando per铆odos de inundaci贸n con per铆odos de desecaci贸n y la otra con inundaci贸n continua, para conocer su papel como filtros del nitr贸geno y el f贸sforo contenidos en el agua de irrigaci贸n de los arrozales del Delta del Ebro (NE Espa帽a). Ambas marismas act煤an como retenedoras de la mayor铆a de las formas de nitr贸geno y f贸sforo, excepto nitr贸geno org谩nico disuelto en la inundada intermitentemente y nitr贸geno particulado y f贸sforo organico disuelto en la inundada continuamente. La marisma inundada de forma intermitente retuvo 70.7 kg N ha-' y 1 kg P ha ', mientras que la inundada de forma continua retuvo 62.1 kg N ha-' y 0.55 kg P ha-'. La marisma sometida a un r茅gimen hidrol贸gico de inundaci贸n y desecaci贸n intermitentes mostr贸 una mayor eficiencia en la retenci贸n de nitr贸geno y f贸sforo que la inundada permanentemente

    Heterogeneidad espaciotemporal del sedimento de los arrozales del delta del Ebro (NE de Espa帽a)

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    Time-space heterogeneity in the sediments of the ricefields from the Ebro delta (NE Spain). Nutrients and other physical and chemical parameters were studied in ricefield sediments of the Ebro Delta in order to describe their changes during the growing periodo C, N, P, Ca, Al, Mg, organic matter and water content were analyzed. Also granulometric analysis were performed. A comparison of sediment nutrient contents and particle size in four ricefilds was made in order to know which are the differences between ricepaths in the Ebro Delta.The results show that rice growth and denitrification seem to play an important role in the variation of nitrogen concentration with time. In the other hand changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the inundation water during growing period explained the variation of phosphorus concentration in the tast phases of the cultivation periodo From the studied parameters, organic matter contents and texture of sediments were the best parameter to explain the differences between ricefields in the Ebro Delta.Time-space heterogeneity in the sediments of the ricefields from the Ebro delta (NE Spain). Nutrients and other physical and chemical parameters were studied in ricefield sediments of the Ebro Delta in order to describe their changes during the growing periodo C, N, P, Ca, Al, Mg, organic matter and water content were analyzed. Also granulometric analysis were performed. A comparison of sediment nutrient contents and particle size in four ricefilds was made in order to know which are the differences between ricepaths in the Ebro Delta.The results show that rice growth and denitrification seem to play an important role in the variation of nitrogen concentration with time. In the other hand changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the inundation water during growing period explained the variation of phosphorus concentration in the tast phases of the cultivation periodo From the studied parameters, organic matter contents and texture of sediments were the best parameter to explain the differences between ricefields in the Ebro Delta

    L'an脿lisi dels telenot铆cies vespre de TV3 sobre les onades de calor dels anys 2009, 2012, 2015 i 2022 a Catalunya

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    L'objectiu del treball 茅s analitzar la praxi informativa de TV3 en la producci贸 i narraci贸 de peces informatives durant els episodis d'onades de calor els anys 2009, 2012, 2015 i 2022. A partir de les conclusions de l'an脿lisi, la recerca te貌rica i les entrevistes amb experts, es pret茅n concloure amb un seguit de recomanacions de car脿cter deontol貌gic per tal que les cadenes p煤bliques catalanes tinguin unes pautes per poder elaborar de forma cient铆fica, rigorosa i imparcial les not铆cies vinculades a la tem脿tica ambiental, tenint en compte l'actual situaci贸 de crisi clim脿tica.El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la praxis informativa de TV3 en la producci贸n y narraci贸n de piezas informativas durante los episodios de olas de calor en los a帽os 2009, 2012, 2015 y 2022. A partir de las conclusiones del an谩lisis, la investigaci贸n te贸rica y las entrevistas con expertos, se pretende concluir con una serie de recomendaciones de car谩cter deontol贸gico para que las cadenas p煤blicas catalanas tengan unas pautas para poder elaborar de forma cient铆fica, rigurosa e imparcial las noticias vinculadas a la tem谩tica ambiental, teniendo en cuenta la actual situaci贸n de crisis clim谩tica.The objective of the work is to analyze the informative praxis of TV3 in the production and narration of informative pieces during episodes of heat waves in 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2022. Based on the conclusions of the analysis, the theoretical research and the interviews with experts, it is intended to conclude with a series of recommendations of a deontological nature so that Catalan public TV have a guidelines to be able to elaborate in a scientific, rigorous and impartial way the news related to the environmental issue, taking into account the current situation of climate crisis

    Homenaje a Enrique Bustamante

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    Exposici贸 organitzada per la Biblioteca de Comunicaci贸 i Hemeroteca General entre el 28 de juny i l'1 de juliol de 2022, amb motiu del VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociaci贸n Espa帽ola de Investigaci贸n de la Comunicaci贸n "Comunicaci贸n y ciudad conectada". L'exposici贸 es va instal路lar a la vitrina de la Sala de Revistes de la Biblioteca d'Humanitats (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres) i combinava documents amb fotografies i objectes personals aportats per la fam铆lia d'Enrique Bustamante. L'exposici贸 es completava amb una presentaci贸 de fotografies projectada en una pantall

    Dels horts ecol貌gics urbans als horts rts ecol貌gics socials

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