652 research outputs found

    Counter formation

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    Counter-formation establishes a foundation to envision a more accurate shape and field of inter-relations across disciplines and contexts that are not only receptive but appropriative and elaborative. By approaching the space of the counter-form, my ambition is to generate a responsive structure and an archive of fragments to build upon - a blank canvas with a variable format to recast vision and action. Counter-formation places emphasis on the transformative, liminal space that allows one to encounter contexts from within, between, and around to organize or break them in a different fashion

    Advances and visions in large-scale hydrological modelling: findings from the 11th Workshop on Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling

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    Large-scale hydrological modelling has become increasingly wide-spread during the last decade. An annual workshop series on large-scale hydrological modelling has provided, since 1997, a forum to the German-speaking community for discussing recent developments and achievements in this research area. In this paper we present the findings from the 2007 workshop which focused on advances and visions in large-scale hydrological modelling. We identify the state of the art, difficulties and research perspectives with respect to the themes "sensitivity of model results", "integrated modelling" and "coupling of processes in hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere". Some achievements in large-scale hydrological modelling during the last ten years are presented together with a selection of remaining challenges for the future

    Assessment of nutrient entry pathways and dominating hydrological processes in lowland catchments

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    International audienceThe achievement of a good water quality in all water bodies until 2015 is legally regulated since December 2000 for all European Union member states by the European Water Framework Directive (EU, 2000). The aim of this project is to detect nutrient entry pathways and to assess the dominating hydrological processes in complex mesoscale catchments. The investigated Treene catchment is located in Northern Germany as a part of a lowland area. Sandy, loamy and peat soils are characteristic for this area. Land use is dominated by agriculture and pasture. Drainage changed the natural water balance. In a nested approach we examined two catchment areas: a) Treene catchment 517 km2, b) Kielstau catchment 50 km2. The nested approach assists to improve the process understanding by using data of different scales. Therefore these catchments serve not only as an example but the results are transferable to other lowland catchment areas. In a first step the river basin scale model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Arnold et al., 1998) was used successfully to model the water balance. Furthermore the water quality was analysed to distinguish the impact of point and diffuse sources. The results show that the tributaries in the Kielstau catchment contribute high amounts of nutrients, mainly nitrate and ammonium. For the parameters nitrate, ammonium and phosphorus it was observed as a tendency that the annual loads were increasing along the river profile of the Kielstau

    Estimation of ungauged Bahr el Jebel flows based on upstream water levels and large scale spatial rainfall data

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    The study derives Bahr el Jebel flow data at Mongalla, combining upstream flow from Lake Albert and torrential runoff derived from the Collaborative Historical African Rainfall Model (CHARM) rainfall data in the catchment between Lake Albert and Mongalla using GIS techniques. The results provide an updated rating curve for Lake Albert outflows and currently unavailable flow data at Mongalla, the entry to the Sudd swamp, with a high level of confidence for the period after 1983; data which are essential for detailed hydrological assessments of the swamp system with its significant importance for the economies and lives of people in the area

    Influences of land use changes on the dynamics of water quantity and quality in the German lowland catchment of the StĂśr

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    Understanding the impacts of land use changes (LUCCs) on the dynamics of water quantity and quality is necessary for the identification of mitigation measures favorable for sustainable watershed management. Lowland catchments are characterized by a strong interaction of streamflow and near-surface groundwater that intensifies the risk of nutrient pollution. In this study, we investigated the effects of long-term changes in individual land use classes on the water and nutrient balance in the lowland catchment of the upper Stör in northern Germany. To this end, the hydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) and partial least squares regression (PLSR) were used. The SWAT model runs for three different land use maps (1987, 2010, and 2019) were conducted, and the outputs were compared to derive changes in water quantity (i.e., evapotranspiration – ET; surface runoff – SQ; base flow – BF; water yield – WYLD) and quality variables (i.e., sediment yield – SED; load of total phosphorus – TP; load of total nitrogen – TN). These changes were related to land use changes at the subbasin scale using PLSR. The major land use changes that significantly affected water quantity and quality variables were related to a decrease in arable land and a respective increase in pasture and urban land during the period of 1987–2019. Changes in landscape indictors such as area size, shape, dominance, and aggregation of each land use class accounted for as much as 61 %–88 % (75 % on average) of the respective variations in water quantity and quality variables. [...] The cause–effect results of this study can provide a quantitative basis for targeting the most influential change in landscape composition and configuration to mitigate adverse impacts on water quality in the future

    Application of a virtual watershed in academic education

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    International audienceHydrologic models of watersheds often represent complex systems which are difficult to understand regarding to their structure and dynamics. Virtual watersheds, i.e. watersheds which exist only in the virtual reality of a computer system, are an approach to simplify access to this real-world complexity. In this study we present the virtual watershed KIELSHED-1, a 117 km2 v-shaped valley with grassland on a "Cambisol" soil type. Two weather scenarios are delivered with the watershed: a simplified artificial weather scenario based on long-term data of a German weather station as well as an unmodified data record. The input data and parameters are compiled according to the conventions of the SWAT 2000 hydrological model. KIELSHED-1 is mainly used for education, and illustrative application examples, i.e. calculation of water balance, model calibration, development of land use scenarios, give an insight to the capabilities of the virtual watershed

    Untersuchungen zur intrazellulären Speicherung verschiedener Plasmamembranproteine in einer Fibroblastenzellinie aus der Ratte

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    Die Zusammensetzung der Plasmamembran tierischer Zellen kann unter anderem durch regulierte Exozytose und durch hydrolytische Abspaltung von Ektodomänen membran-assoziierter Proteine (Ectodomain Shedding) modifiziert werden. Regulierte Exozytose spezialisierter Vesikel, den sogenannten GSVs (GLUT4 containing small vesicles), dient der intrazellulären Speicherung des Glucosetransporters4 (GLUT4) sowie seinem insulin-abhängigen Einbau in die Plasmamembran. Die proteolytische Abspaltung der Ektodomänen von Zelloberflächenproteinen wie z.B. des Heparin-bindenden epidermalen Wachstums-faktors (heparin binding-epidermal growth factor = HB-EGF) fßhrt zur Modifikation der Plasmamembranzusammensetzung. Wir zeigten, dass GSVs in vielen Säugerzellen fßr die intrazelluläre Speicherung spezifischer Plasmamembranproteine und deren stimulations-abhängigen Transfer in die Plasmamembran zuständig sind. Um GSVs eindeutig identifizieren zu kÜnnen, wurden Rat1-Zellen stabil mit GLUT4myc als heterologem Marker fßr dieses spezifische Speicherkompartiment transfiziert. Die intrazelluläre GLUT4-Lokalisation in den als positiv identifizierten Rat1/GLUT4myc-Klonen entsprach dem fßr CHO/GLUT4-Zellen beschriebenen Verteilungsmuster. In der Folge wurden mehrere potentiell vesikel-assoziierte Membranproteine in die Untersuchungen zur Membran-zusammensetzung einbezogen: eine endogene proHB-EGF hydrolysierende Proteaseaktivität und die Metalloproteasen ADAM10 und TACE. Es zeigte sich, dass GSVs eine Proteaseaktivität enthielten, die VSVG-proHB-EGF hydrolysierte. Eine Colokalisation der beiden endogenen Metalloproteasen ADAM10 und TACE mit GLUT4 in GSVs konnte gezeigt werden. Untersuchungen zeigten, dass beide endogenen Proteasen ADAM10 und TACE in Rat1/GLUT4myc-Zellen mit einer Subpopulation von GSVs assoziiert zu sein scheinen. Die Stimulation des G-Protein-gekoppelten Thrombinrezeptors lÜste in diesen Zellen eine regulierte Exozytose der GSVs aus. Die Metalloproteasen-enthaltenden GSVs reagierten jedoch nicht auf diese Art der Stimulation. Sie bildeten mÜglicherweise eine Reservepopulation von GSVs, die erst bei stärkerer Stimulation mobilisiert werden kann. Unter Ruhebedingungen schien auch diese Vesikelpopulation ßber andere intrazelluläre Kompartimente, nicht jedoch ßber die Plasmamembran, zu rezirkulieren

    NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an katalytischer RNA : ein Spleißosom basiertes lariatformendes Ribozym ; die Konformation der 2'-Hydroxylgruppe in RNA und deren Rolle in der Strukturstabilität

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    In Eukaryonten findet der Prozess des Spleißens im Spleißosom, einer sich permanent reorganisierenden, molekularen Maschine, statt. In diesem Prozess werden die kodierenden Sequenzen, die Exons, von den nicht kodierenden Sequenzen, den Introns, getrennt und zusammengefügt. Durch die permanente Reorganisation des Spleißosoms war es bisher nicht möglich, die dreidimensionale Struktur der unterschiedlichen Komplexe in einer hohen Auflösung zu bestimmen. Tuschl et al. haben ein Ribozym entwickelt. Dieses bildet über den Angriff einer 2'-Hydroxylgruppe eines Adenosins auf das Phosphatrückgrat eines Guanosins ein Lariat. Diese Reaktion ist vergleichbar dem ersten Schritt der Spleißreaktion. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Ribozym vor der Ausbildung der Lariatstruktur charakterisiert. Eine Voraussetzung zur Strukturaufklärung mit NMR ist die Zuordnung der Resonanzen. Die Zuordnung zeigte, dass ein Teil der linearen Form des Ribozyms in zwei Konformationen vorliegt. Hier findet ein langsamer konformationeller Austausch statt, der die Resonanzüberlagerung erhöht und damit die Zuordnung der Signale erschwert. Aus diesem Grund wurden unterschiedliche Isotopen markierte Proben für die Zuordnung verwendet. Zur Verifizierung der Sekundärstruktur wurden neben NMR-Experimenten Mutationsstudien am Ribozym eingesetzt. Das Ribozym bildet zwischen g1-c12 und g17-c27 eine Helix. Die Helix weist neben kanonischen Basenpaarungen auch nicht kanonische Basenpaarungen auf. Die Adenosine am Anfang der Helix interagieren mit Nukleotiden in 3'-Position des branchpoint Adenosins. Dadurch befindet sich das branchpoint Adenosin a48 nahe dem g1. Zwischen diesen beiden Nukleotiden findet die Umesterung statt, in der das Lariat gebildet wird. Nach der Lariatbildung sind in den NMR Spektren nur noch die Resonanzen der kurzen Helices P1 und P2 zu beobachten. Die anderen Resonanzen unterliegen einem konformationellen Austausch. Die Struktur des Ribozyms verändert sich also nach der Lariatbildung beträchtlich. In der Spleißreaktion, aber auch in anderen katalytischen Prozessen besitzt die 2'-Hydroxylgruppe der RNA eine essentielle Funktion. Auch die wesentlichen strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen der RNA und DNA sind auf die 2'-Hydroxylgruppe zurückzuführen. Bislang liegen jedoch nur moleküldynamische Berechnungen und NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an einzelnen Nukleotiden vor, die sich mit der Konformation der 2'-Hydroxylgruppe beschäftigen. In dieser Arbeit wurden erstmals die Konformationen der 2'-Hydroxylgruppen einer dreißig Nukleotide umfassenden RNA, der TAR-RNA, mit Hilfe von 3J-Kopplungen und NOEs bei niedrigen Temperaturen in Lösung ermittelt. Die Konformationsanalyse ergibt, dass die 2'-Hydroxylgruppen der unteren Helix der TAR-RNA in einem konformationellen Gleichgewicht zwischen der O3'- und der Basendomäne vorliegen. In beiden Orientierungen können sich die 2'-Hydroxylgruppen am Aufbau eines Netzwerks aus Wassermolekülen beteiligen, in dem zwei Wassermoleküle die große Furche der RNA Helix überspannen. Durch den Wechsel der 2'-Hydroxylgruppen zwischen der O3'- und Basen-Domäne unterliegt das Netzwerk einer stetigen Reorganisation.Eukaryotic splicing, whereby the coding exon sequences are separeted from the noncoding introns of pre-mRNA, is mediated through the spliceosome. Tuschl and coworkers designed a ribozyme which is based on the U2- und U6-snRNAs of the active complex of the spliceosome. As in the first step of splicing, it forms a lariat structure. In this transesterfication reaction a 2’-hydroxyl group of an adenosine attacks the phosphate backbone of a guanosine. The leaving group in the ribozyme is a pyrophosphate rather than the 5’-exon in the spliceosome. Due to the permanent reorganization of the spliceosome, the structure of the active complex is unknown. For this reason the lariat forming ribozyme can provide insight into the structural and functional features of the splicing reaction. Resonance Assignment is crucial for structure determination by NMR. Half of the linear ribozyme, including the short helix P2, is subject to a conformational exchange on a millisecond timescale. The exchange impedes the assignment because these nucleotides exhibit two different sets of resonances leading to resonance overlap. For the investiagtion of the lariat forming ribozyme a number of samples with differential isotopic labelling together with NMR experiments based on the NOE with filtering and editing techniques were found to be most suitable. The linear ribozyme forms a helix between nucleotides g1-c12 and g17-c27 as shown by NMR experiments and mutational studies. In this helix, canonical as well as non-canonical basepairs are included. Nucleotide g49, next to the branchpoint adenosine a48, is in close proximity to guanosine g1. This juxtaposes the 2’-hydroxy group of a48 next to the triphosphate at the 5’-end of the ribozyme and allows the transesterfication reaction. After lariat formation, the NMR spectra only show the resonances of the short helices P1 and P2. The other resonances are subject to a conformational exchange in the micro- to millisecond timescale. Upon lariat formation various structural changes occur within the ribozyme. The 2’-hydroxyl group of RNA plays an important role in, not only splicing, but numerous other catalytic processes. It is also responsible for the structural and functional differences between RNA and DNA. The conformation of this functional group has only been studied by molecular dynamic simulations and NMR of single nucleotides. In this work a conformational analysis of the 2’-hydroxyl group for the 30-mer HIV-2 transactivation response element (TAR) RNA was performed with 3J-couplings and NOEs at low temperature in solution. The analysis shows that the 2’-hydroxyl groups of the lower stem are in conformational exchange between the O3’ domain and the base domain. The 2’-hydroxyl proton interacts electrostatically in the O3’ domain wih the oxygen atom of the phosphate backbone, in the base domain with the O2 or N3 atom. The 2’-hydroxyl groups of paired nucleotides adopt two conformations. In the first, both groups are within the base domain. In the second one group shift to the O3’ domain. In both situations it enables a water network to form within the minor groove

    Le diagnostic des infestations en milieu patrimonial : approches techniques et mÊthodologiques

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    La mise en place dans les institutions muséales de moyens spécifiques de lutte contre les insectes passe – comme le montre cette contribution – par une analyse précise des facteurs favorisant la présence de ces insectes ainsi que par une connaissance des matériels et des différentes techniques de repérage et d’identification.The implementation in museums of specific means to fight insect infestations passes through a precise analysis of factors that favour the presence of insects, in addition to a knowledge of materials and different location and identification techniques
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