93 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the effect of prebiotics (MOS), probiotics (Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus sibtillis) and growth promoter in broiler diets)

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    Um experimento com 2400 aves foi realizado para comparar o efeito do uso de probiótico (Bacillus licheniformis e Bacillus subtilis), probiótico mais mananoligossacarídeos (MOS), promotor de crescimento (avilamicina) e uma dieta controle sem aditivos. As dietas básicas eram constituídas por milho e farelo de soja. Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado e os dados obtidos avaliados pela análise da variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Os parâmetros analisados foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade. Concluiu-se que na primeira semana o probiótico e o MOS apresentaram um ganho de peso significativamente melhor que os demais grupos. A conversão alimentar do probiótico na primeira semana foi melhor do que a do promotor de crescimento (pA study with 2,400 broilers was carried out to compare the effect of probiotics, (Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis) probiotics plus mananoligosaccharides (MOS), or growth promoter (Avilamycin) and a control diet without aditives. Diets were based on corn and soybean meal. A completely randomized experimental design was used, and the data were evaluated by analysis of variance and test of Tukey at a level of 5%. The following parameters were measured: feed intake, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and mortality. It was concluded that the effect of the inclusion of probiotics and MOS in the starter diets was significantly higher for the weight gain than the other groups. The feed ratio was significantly higher at the first week as compared to the inclusion of MOS, or to the growth promoter and the control diet. In the full period the effect of the inclusion of probiotics , MOS and growth promoter was significantly higher for the weight gain than the control diet


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    No ano agrícola de 1998/1999, o experimento foi conduzido no município de São José do Pinhais (Pr), com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade nutricional do girassol como forrageira. Dois genótipos comerciais (DK-180 e Rumbosol-91) foram caracterizados morfologicamente e avaliados quanto à sua composição bromatológica em três estádios de desenvolvimento. O delineamento experimental baseouse em arranjo fatorial 2x3 (2 genótipos e 3 estádios), com seis repetições (unidade experimental) para as características estudadas. O plantio de genótipos foi realizado em novembro de 1998 e a colheita realizada em 85, 97 e 111 dias após, para o genótipo DK-180, e 97, 105 e 112 dias, para o genótipo Rumbosol-91. Nas análises bromatológicas, o genótipo DK-180 foi considerado o de melhor qualidade (


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    Alimentos ricos em gorduras saturadas, como as carnes, contribuem para o aumento da incidência de obesidade e problemas cardiovasculares, comuns na população brasileira. A carne moída comercializada na maioria dos supermercados é encontrada com diferenças de qualidade e preço, variando, de mesma forma, os seus teores de gordura. O Ministério da Agricultura (DIPOA), fixa como o máximo teor de gordura da carne moída em 15%. O presente trabalho avaliou diferentes tipos de carne moída e os seus teores de gordura em uma rede de supermercados existente no município de Curitiba, Paraná. Constataram-se diferenças significativas (

    Survey of 800+ data sets from human tissue and body fluid reveals xenomiRs are likely artifacts

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    miRNAs are small 22-nucleotide RNAs that can post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. It has been proposed that dietary plant miRNAs can enter the human bloodstream and regulate host transcripts; however, these findings have been widely disputed. We here conduct the first comprehensive meta-study in the field, surveying the presence and abundances of cross-species miRNAs (xenomiRs) in 824 sequencing data sets from various human tissues and body fluids. We find that xenomiRs are commonly present in tissues (17%) and body fluids (69%); however, the abundances are low, comprising 0.001% of host human miRNA counts. Further, we do not detect a significant enrichment of xenomiRs in sequencing data originating from tissues and body fluids that are exposed to dietary intake (such as liver). Likewise, there is no significant depletion of xenomiRs in tissues and body fluids that are relatively separated from the main bloodstream (such as brain and cerebro-spinal fluids). Interestingly, the majority (81%) of body fluid xenomiRs stem from rodents, which are a rare human dietary contribution but common laboratory animals. Body fluid samples from the same studies tend to group together when clustered by xenomiR compositions, suggesting technical batch effects. Last, we performed carefully designed and controlled animal feeding studies, in which we detected no transfer of plant miRNAs into rat blood, or bovine milk sequences into piglet blood. In summary, our comprehensive computational and experimental results indicate that xenomiRs originate from technical artifacts rather than dietary intake


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    Na região sul do Brasil, no fim do inverno e início da primavera as pastagens estão em início de crescimento, apresentando alto teor de extrato etéreo, rico em ácidos graxos insaturados, com baixo teor de fibra estrutural e baixo teor de matéria seca, proporcionando queda de produção e alteração da composição de ácidos graxos do leite. Em estudo conduzido em uma indústria de laticínios na região metropolitana de Curitiba procurou-se correlacionar as variações nutricionais estacionais das forragens e a sua influência nos teores de gordura e acidez do leite. Foram coletadas amostras de forragens nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro de 2001. As alterações verificadas pela mudança de tipo de forragem (Brachiaria decumbens e Lolium multiflorum) determinaram alterações significativas (

    Reliable kidney size determination by magnetic resonance imaging in pathophysiological settings

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    AIM: Kidney diseases constitute a major health challenge, which requires non-invasive imaging to complement conventional approaches to diagnosis and monitoring. Several renal pathologies are associated with changes in kidney size, offering an opportunity for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarkers of disease. This work uses dynamic MRI and an automated bean-shaped model (ABSM) for longitudinal quantification of pathophysiologically relevant changes in kidney size. METHODS: A geometry-based ABSM was developed for kidney size measurements in rats using parametric MRI (T(2), T(2)* mapping). The ABSM approach was applied to longitudinal renal size quantification using occlusion of the (i) suprarenal aorta or (ii) the renal vein, (iii) increase in renal pelvis and intratubular pressure, and (iv) injection of an X-ray contrast medium into the thoracic aorta to induce pathophysiologically relevant changes in kidney size. RESULTS: The ABSM yielded renal size measurements with accuracy and precision equivalent to the manual segmentation, with >70-fold time savings. The automated method could detect a ~7% reduction (aortic occlusion)and a ~5%, a ~2% and a ~6% increase in kidney size (venous occlusion, pelvis and intratubular pressure increase and injection of X-ray contrast medium, respectively). These measurements were not affected by reduced image quality following administration of ferumoxytol. CONCLUSION: Dynamic MRI in conjunction with renal segmentation using an ABSM supports longitudinal quantification of changes in kidney size in pathophysiologically relevant experimental setups mimicking realistic clinical scenarios. This can potentially be instrumental for developing MRI-based diagnostic tools for various kidney disorders and for gaining new insight into mechanisms of renal pathophysiology

    Deriving Global OH Abundance and Atmospheric Lifetimes for Long-Lived Gases: A Search for CH 3 CCl 3 Alternatives

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    An accurate estimate of global hydroxyl radical (OH) abundance is important for projections of air quality, climate, and stratospheric ozone recovery. As the atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl chloroform (CH₃CCl₃) (MCF), the commonly used OH reference gas, approaches zero, it is important to find alternative approaches to infer atmospheric OH abundance and variability. The lack of global bottom‐up emission inventories is the primary obstacle in choosing a MCF alternative. We illustrate that global emissions of long‐lived trace gases can be inferred from their observed mixing ratio differences between the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (SH), given realistic estimates of their NH‐SH exchange time, the emission partitioning between the two hemispheres, and the NH versus SH OH abundance ratio. Using the observed long‐term trend and emissions derived from the measured hemispheric gradient, the combination of HFC‐32 (CH₂F₂), HFC‐134a (CH₂FCF₃, HFC‐152a (CH₃CHF₂), and HCFC‐22 (CHClF₂), instead of a single gas, will be useful as a MCF alternative to infer global and hemispheric OH abundance and trace gas lifetimes. The primary assumption on which this multispecies approach relies is that the OH lifetimes can be estimated by scaling the thermal reaction rates of a reference gas at 272 K on global and hemispheric scales. Thus, the derived hemispheric and global OH estimates are forced to reconcile the observed trends and gradient for all four compounds simultaneously. However, currently, observations of these gases from the surface networks do not provide more accurate OH abundance estimate than that from MCF