9 research outputs found

    The sponge microbiome within the greater coral reef microbial metacommunity

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    Much recent marine microbial research has focused on sponges, but very little is known about how the sponge microbiome fits in the greater coral reef microbial metacommunity. Here, we present an extensive survey of the prokaryote communities of a wide range of biotopes from Indo-Pacific coral reef environments. We find a large variation in operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness, with algae, chitons, stony corals and sea cucumbers housing the most diverse prokaryote communities. These biotopes share a higher percentage and number of OTUs with sediment and are particularly enriched in members of the phylum Planctomycetes. Despite having lower OTU richness, sponges share the greatest percentage (>90%) of OTUs with >100 sequences with the environment (sediment and/or seawater) although there is considerable variation among sponge species. Our results, furthermore, highlight that prokaryote microorganisms are shared among multiple coral reef biotopes, and that, although compositionally distinct, the sponge prokaryote community does not appear to be as sponge-specific as previously thought.publishe

    Quantification of carbon and phosphorus co-limitation in bacterioplankton: new insights on an old topic

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    Because the nature of the main resource that limits bacterioplankton (e.g. organic carbon [C] or phosphorus [P]) has biogeochemical implications concerning organic C accumulation in freshwater ecosystems, empirical knowledge is needed concerning how bacteria respond to these two resources, available alone or together. We performed field experiments of resource manipulation (2×2 factorial design, with the addition of C, P, or both combined) in two Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems with contrasting trophic states (oligotrophy vs. eutrophy) and trophic natures (autotrophy vs. heterotrophy, measured as gross primary production:respiration ratio). Overall, the two resources synergistically co-limited bacterioplankton, i.e. the magnitude of the response of bacterial production and abundance to the two resources combined was higher than the additive response in both ecosystems. However, bacteria also responded positively to single P and C additions in the eutrophic ecosystem, but not to single C in the oligotrophic one, consistent with the value of the ratio between bacterial C demand and algal C supply. Accordingly, the trophic nature rather than the trophic state of the ecosystems proves to be a key feature determining the expected types of resource co-limitation of bacteria, as summarized in a proposed theoretical framework. The actual types of co-limitation shifted over time and partially deviated (a lesser degree of synergism) from the theoretical expectations, particularly in the eutrophic ecosystem. These deviations may be explained by extrinsic ecological forces to physiological limitations of bacteria, such as predation, whose role in our experiments is supported by the relationship between the dynamics of bacteria and bacterivores tested by SEMs (structural equation models). Our study, in line with the increasingly recognized role of freshwater ecosystems in the global C cycle, suggests that further attention should be focussed on the biotic interactions that modulate resource co-limitation of bacteria.This research was supported by Junta de Andalucía (Excelencia P09-RNM-5376 to JMMS) and the Spanish Ministry Ciencia e Innovación (CGL2011-23681 to PC)

    Sponge prokaryote communities in Taiwanese coral reef and shallow hydrothermal vent ecosystems

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    Previously, it was believed that the prokaryote communities of typical ‘low-microbial abundance’ (LMA) or ‘non-symbiont harboring’ sponges were merely subsets of the prokaryote plankton community. Recent research has, however, shown that these sponges are dominated by particular clades of Proteobacteria or Cyanobacteria. Here, we expand on this research and assess the composition and putative functional profiles of prokaryotic communities from LMA sponges collected in two ecosystems (coral reef and hydrothermal vent) from vicinal islands of Taiwan with distinct physicochemical conditions. Six sponge species identified as Acanthella cavernosa (Bubarida), Echinodictyum asperum, Ptilocaulis spiculifer (Axinellida), Jaspis splendens (Tetractinellida), Stylissa carteri (Scopalinida) and Suberites sp. (Suberitida) were sampled in coral reefs in the Penghu archipelago. One sponge species provisionally identified as Hymeniacidon novo spec. (Suberitida) was sampled in hydrothermal vent habitat. Each sponge was dominated by a limited set of operational taxonomic units which were similar to sequences from organisms previously obtained from other LMA sponges. There was a distinct bacterial community between sponges collected in coral reef and in hydrothermal vents. The putative functional profile revealed that the prokaryote community from sponges collected in hydrothermal vents was significantly enriched for pathways related to DNA replication and repair.publishe

    Spatial and temporal analysis of estuarine bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton using culture-dependent and culture-independent methodologies

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    Bacterioneuston may play a key role in water–air exchange of gases and in processing organic matter and pollutants that accumulate at the sea-surface microlayer (SML). However, the phylogenetic diversity of bacterioneuston has been poorly characterized. We analyzed 24 samples each from the SML and underlying water (UW) at three sites in the Ria de Aveiro estuary, Portugal. Cultivation and culture-independent techniques were used to compare bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton. Culturable heterotrophic bacteria were enriched in the SML. The culturable community was dominated by Psychrobacter and Acinetobacter. The presence of high numbers of Psychrobacter was a notable result. Differences were confined to a few genera overrepresented in UW samples (Kocuria, Agrococcus and Vibrio). 16S rDNA DGGE profiles were highly stable in terms of number and position of bands between sampling sites and dates but cluster analysis revealed a slight tendency for grouping according to sampled layer. SML-specific DGGE bands affiliated with Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Low similarity between nucleotide sequences of DGGE-bands and previously reported sequences suggest the occurrence of SML-specific populations. Enrichment of SML for Pseudomonas and Aeromonas was questioned and the diversity of both communities was analyzed. Consistent differences between SML and UW aeromonads communities were not identified. In terms of Pseudomonas, a culturable operational taxonomic unit was consistently overrepresented within SML samples. Taken together, our results indicate that the similarity between SML and UW communities depends on spatial and temporal factors