251 research outputs found

    Fracture with loss of the proximal femur in a child. A case report.

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    An 8 year old child was involved in a road accident and sustained a large wound in the left groin; radiographs showed a fracture with loss of the proximal femur. After skeletal traction for 80 days, there was bony regeneration of the proximal femur. At 8 months she was able to walk without support and her left leg was 2 cm only shorter than the right

    IL4 induces IL6-producing M2 macrophages associated to inhibition of neuroinflammation in vitro and in vivo

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    Background: Myeloid cells, such as macrophages and microglia, play a crucial role in neuroinflammation and have been recently identified as a novel therapeutic target, especially for chronic forms. The general aim would be to change the phenotype of myeloid cells from pro- to anti-inflammatory, favoring their tissue-trophic and regenerative functions. Myeloid cells, however, display a number of functional phenotypes, not immediately identifiable as pro- or anti-inflammatory, and associated to ambiguous markers. Methods: We employed in vitro assays to study macrophage polarization/differentiation in the presence of classical polarizing stimuli such as IFNγ (pro-inflammatory) and IL4 (anti-inflammatory). We induced neuroinflammation in mice by immunization with a myelin antigen and treated diseased mice with intracisternal delivery of an IL4-expressing lentiviral vector. We analyzed clinical, pathological, and immunological outcomes with a focus on myeloid cells. Results: We found that IL6, usually considered a pro-inflammatory cytokine, was released in vitro by macrophages treated with the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL4. We show the existence of macrophages expressing IL6 along with classical anti-inflammatory markers such as CD206 and demonstrate that these cells are immunosuppressive in vitro. In neuroinflamed mice, we show that IL4 delivery in the central nervous system (CNS) is associated with clinical and pathological protection from disease, associated with increased IL6 expression in infiltrating macrophages. Conclusions: IL6 is known to mediate both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects, having two distinct ways to induce cell-signaling: either through the membrane bound receptor (anti-inflammatory) or through trans-signaling (pro-inflammatory). We show here that IL6-expressing macrophages are associated to protection from neuroinflammation, suggesting that IL6 anti-inflammatory properties prevail in the CNS, and calling for a general reconsideration of IL6 in macrophage polarization

    Cerebrospinal fluid levels of L-glutamate signal central inflammatory neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis

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    Excessive extracellular concentrations of L-glutamate (L-Glu) can be neurotoxic and contribute to neurodegenerative processes in multiple sclerosis (MS). The association between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) L-Glu levels, clinical features, and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with MS remains unclear. In 179 MS patients (relapsing remitting, RR, N = 157; secondary progressive/primary progressive, SP/PP, N = 22), CSF levels of L-Glu at diagnosis were determined and compared with those obtained in a group of 40 patients with non-inflammatory/non-degenerative disorders. Disability at the time of diagnosis, and after 1 year follow-up, was assessed using the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). CSF concentrations of lactate and of a large set of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory molecules were explored. CSF levels of L-Glu were slightly reduced in MS patients compared to controls. In RR-MS patients, L-Glu levels correlated with EDSS after 1 year follow-up. Moreover, in MS patients, significant correlations were found between L-Glu and both CSF levels of lactate and the inflammatory molecules interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, and IL-1 receptor antagonist. Altered expression of L-Glu is associated with disability progression, oxidative stress, and inflammation. These findings identify CSF L-Glu as a candidate neurochemical marker of inflammatory neurodegeneration in MS. (Figure presented.)

    Cerebrospinal fluid levels of L-glutamate signal central inflammatory neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis

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    Excessive extracellular concentrations of L-glutamate (L-Glu) can be neurotoxic and contribute to neurodegenerative processes in multiple sclerosis (MS). The association between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) L-Glu levels, clinical features, and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with MS remains unclear. In 179 MS patients (relapsing remitting, RR, N = 157; secondary progressive/primary progressive, SP/PP, N = 22), CSF levels of L-Glu at diagnosis were determined and compared with those obtained in a group of 40 patients with non-inflammatory/non-degenerative disorders. Disability at the time of diagnosis, and after 1 year follow-up, was assessed using the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). CSF concentrations of lactate and of a large set of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory molecules were explored. CSF levels of L-Glu were slightly reduced in MS patients compared to controls. In RR-MS patients, L-Glu levels correlated with EDSS after 1 year follow-up. Moreover, in MS patients, significant correlations were found between L-Glu and both CSF levels of lactate and the inflammatory molecules interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, and IL-1 receptor antagonist. Altered expression of L-Glu is associated with disability progression, oxidative stress, and inflammation. These findings identify CSF L-Glu as a candidate neurochemical marker of inflammatory neurodegeneration in MS. (Figure presented.)

    Use of ultrasonography exams to determinate the parturition day by Yorkshire canine breed

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    The purpose of this study was verify the efficacy of ultrasonography to determinate the parturitionday by Yorkshire canine breed also to determinate a measures pattern embryonic vesicle diameter crown rumplenght biparietal diameter body diameter torax diameter abdomen diameter and femur length and also toestablish the linear regression formula to be used by veterinarians for this breed. The length of pregnancy fromthe date of the first mated to the first parturition signs resulted in 63,57 days. So to predict the date of parturitionwas used a multiple linear regression analyses. It was possible determinate a formula to predict the date ofparturition utilizing crown-rump length, biparietal diameter and femur length obtained a major correlation(R 0,998)., ,²Oobjetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficácia do método ultra-sonografico visando prever a data departo em cadelas da raça Yorkshire. Também foi objetivo determinar um padrão de mensurações de vesículagestacional, comprimento do feto, diâmetro biparietal, diâmetro do corpo, diâmetro do tórax, diâmetro deabdome e comprimento do fêmur, além de estabelecer uma fórmula de regressão linear para ser utilizada poroutros veterinários ultra-sonografistas nesta raça.Aduração da gestação a partir da data de primeira cópula atéos primeiros sinais de parto resultou numa média de 63,57 dias. Para poder predizer a data de gestação foirealizada uma análise de regressão linear multivariada. Foi possível determinar uma fórmula para prever a datade parturição em cadelas da raça Yorkshire utilizando o comprimento fetal diâmetro biparietal e comprimentodo fêmur obtendo-se significativa correlação (R =0,998)

    Use of transgenic Aedes aegypti in Brazil: risk perception and assessment.

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    The OX513A strain of Aedes aegypti, which was developed by the British company Oxitec, expresses a self-limiting transgene that prevents larvae from developing to adulthood. In April 2014, the Brazilian National Technical Commission on Biosafety completed a risk assessment of OX513A and concluded that the strain did not present new biological risks to humans or the environment and could be released in Brazil. At that point, Brazil became the first country to approve the unconstrained release of a genetically modified mosquito. During the assessment, the commission produced a comprehensive list of ? and systematically analysed ? the perceived hazards. Such hazards included the potential survival to adulthood of immature stages carrying the transgene ? should the transgene fail to be expressed or be turned off by exposure to sufficient environmental tetracycline. Other perceived hazards included the potential allergenicity and/or toxicity of the proteins expressed by the gene, the potential for gene flow or increased transmission of human pathogens and the occupation of vacant breeding sites by other vector species. The Zika epidemic both elevated the perceived importance of Ae. aegypti as a vector ? among policy-makers and regulators as well as the general public ? and increased concerns over the release of males of the OX513A strain. We have therefore reassessed the potential hazards. We found that release of the transgenic mosquitoes would still be both safe and of great potential value in the control of diseases spread by Ae. aegypti, such as the chikungunya, dengue and Zika virus disease
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