131 research outputs found

    Hierarchical characterization of complex networks

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    While the majority of approaches to the characterization of complex networks has relied on measurements considering only the immediate neighborhood of each network node, valuable information about the network topological properties can be obtained by considering further neighborhoods. The current work discusses on how the concepts of hierarchical node degree and hierarchical clustering coefficient (introduced in cond-mat/0408076), complemented by new hierarchical measurements, can be used in order to obtain a powerful set of topological features of complex networks. The interpretation of such measurements is discussed, including an analytical study of the hierarchical node degree for random networks, and the potential of the suggested measurements for the characterization of complex networks is illustrated with respect to simulations of random, scale-free and regular network models as well as real data (airports, proteins and word associations). The enhanced characterization of the connectivity provided by the set of hierarchical measurements also allows the use of agglomerative clustering methods in order to obtain taxonomies of relationships between nodes in a network, a possibility which is also illustrated in the current article.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figure

    Virus Prevalence in Egg Samples Collected from Naturally Selected and Traditionally Managed Honey Bee Colonies across Europe

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    Monitoring virus infections can be an important selection tool in honey bee breeding. A recent study pointed towards an association between the virus-free status of eggs and an increased virus resistance to deformed wing virus (DWV) at the colony level. In this study, eggs from both naturally surviving and traditionally managed colonies from across Europe were screened for the prevalence of different viruses. Screenings were performed using the phenotyping protocol of the 'suppressed in ovo virus infection' trait but with qPCR instead of end-point PCR and a primer set that covers all DWV genotypes. Of the 213 screened samples, 109 were infected with DWV, 54 were infected with black queen cell virus (BQCV), 3 were infected with the sacbrood virus, and 2 were infected with the acute bee paralyses virus. It was demonstrated that incidences of the vertical transmission of DWV were more frequent in naturally surviving than in traditionally managed colonies, although the virus loads in the eggs remained the same. When comparing virus infections with queen age, older queens showed significantly lower infection loads of DWV in both traditionally managed and naturally surviving colonies, as well as reduced DWV infection frequencies in traditionally managed colonies. We determined that the detection frequencies of DWV and BQCV in honey bee eggs were lower in samples obtained in the spring than in those collected in the summer, indicating that vertical transmission may be lower in spring. Together, these patterns in vertical transmission show that honey bee queens have the potential to reduce the degree of vertical transmission over time

    Virus Prevalence in Egg Samples Collected from Naturally Selected and Traditionally Managed Honey Bee Colonies across Europe

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    Monitoring virus infections can be an important selection tool in honey bee breeding. A recent study pointed towards an association between the virus-free status of eggs and an increased virus resistance to deformed wing virus (DWV) at the colony level. In this study, eggs from both naturally surviving and traditionally managed colonies from across Europe were screened for the prevalence of different viruses. Screenings were performed using the phenotyping protocol of the ‘suppressed in ovo virus infection’ trait but with qPCR instead of end-point PCR and a primer set that covers all DWV genotypes. Of the 213 screened samples, 109 were infected with DWV, 54 were infected with black queen cell virus (BQCV), 3 were infected with the sacbrood virus, and 2 were infected with the acute bee paralyses virus. It was demonstrated that incidences of the vertical transmission of DWV were more frequent in naturally surviving than in traditionally managed colonies, although the virus loads in the eggs remained the same. When comparing virus infections with queen age, older queens showed significantly lower infection loads of DWV in both traditionally managed and naturally surviving colonies, as well as reduced DWV infection frequencies in traditionally managed colonies. We determined that the detection frequencies of DWV and BQCV in honey bee eggs were lower in samples obtained in the spring than in those collected in the summer, indicating that vertical transmission may be lower in spring. Together, these patterns in vertical transmission show that honey bee queens have the potential to reduce the degree of vertical transmission over time

    Data standardization of plant-pollinator interactions

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    Background: Animal pollination is an important ecosystem function and service, ensuring both the integrity of natural systems and human well-being. Although many knowledge shortfalls remain, some high-quality data sets on biological interactions are now available. The development and adoption of standards for biodiversity data and metadata has promoted great advances in biological data sharing and aggregation, supporting large-scale studies and science-based public policies. However, these standards are currently not suitable to fully support interaction data sharing. Results: Here we present a vocabulary of terms and a data model for sharing plant–pollinator interactions data based on the Darwin Core standard. The vocabulary introduces 48 new terms targeting several aspects of plant–pollinator interactions and can be used to capture information from different approaches and scales. Additionally, we provide solutions for data serialization using RDF, XML, and DwC-Archives and recommendations of existing controlled vocabularies for some of the terms. Our contribution supports open access to standardized data on plant–pollinator interactions. Conclusions: The adoption of the vocabulary would facilitate data sharing to support studies ranging from the spatial and temporal distribution of interactions to the taxonomic, phenological, functional, and phylogenetic aspects of plant–pollinator interactions. We expect to fill data and knowledge gaps, thus further enabling scientific research on the ecology and evolution of plant–pollinator communities, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and the development of public policies. The proposed data model is flexible and can be adapted for sharing other types of interactions data by developing discipline-specific vocabularies of terms.Fil: Salim, José A. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Saraiva, Antonio M.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Zermoglio, Paula Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones En Recursos Naturales, Agroecologia y Desarrollo Rural. - Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Instituto de Investigaciones En Recursos Naturales, Agroecologia y Desarrollo Rural.; ArgentinaFil: Agostini, Kayna. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Wolowski, Marina. Universidade Federal de Alfenas; BrasilFil: Drucker, Debora P.. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (embrapa);Fil: Soares, Filipi M.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Bergamo, Pedro J.. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Varassin, Isabela G.. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Freitas, Leandro. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Maués, Márcia M.. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (embrapa);Fil: Rech, Andre R.. Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri; BrasilFil: Veiga, Allan K.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Acosta, Andre L.. Instituto Tecnológico Vale; BrasilFil: Araujo, Andréa C. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul; BrasilFil: Nogueira, Anselmo. Universidad Federal do Abc; BrasilFil: Blochtein, Betina. Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Freitas, Breno M.. Universidade Estadual do Ceará; BrasilFil: Albertini, Bruno C.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Maia Silva, Camila. Universidade Federal Rural Do Semi Arido; BrasilFil: Nunes, Carlos E. P.. University of Stirling; BrasilFil: Pires, Carmen S. S.. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (embrapa);Fil: Dos Santos, Charles F.. Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Queiroz, Elisa P.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Cartolano, Etienne A.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: de Oliveira, Favízia F. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Amorim, Felipe W.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Fontúrbel, Francisco E.. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: da Silva, Gleycon V.. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia; BrasilFil: Consolaro, Hélder. Universidade Federal de Catalão; Brasi

    Data standardization of plant–pollinator interactions

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    Background: Animal pollination is an important ecosystem function and service, ensuring both the integrity of natural systems and human well-being. Although many knowledge shortfalls remain, some high-quality data sets on biological interactions are now available. The development and adoption of standards for biodiversity data and metadata has promoted great advances in biological data sharing and aggregation, supporting large-scale studies and science-based public policies. However, these standards are currently not suitable to fully support interaction data sharing. Results: Here we present a vocabulary of terms and a data model for sharing plant–pollinator interactions data based on the Darwin Core standard. The vocabulary introduces 48 new terms targeting several aspects of plant–pollinator interactions and can be used to capture information from different approaches and scales. Additionally, we provide solutions for data serialization using RDF, XML, and DwC-Archives and recommendations of existing controlled vocabularies for some of the terms. Our contribution supports open access to standardized data on plant–pollinator interactions. Conclusions: The adoption of the vocabulary would facilitate data sharing to support studies ranging from the spatial and temporal distribution of interactions to the taxonomic, phenological, functional, and phylogenetic aspects of plant–pollinator interactions. We expect to fill data and knowledge gaps, thus further enabling scientific research on the ecology and evolution of plant–pollinator communities, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and the development of public policies. The proposed data model is flexible and can be adapted for sharing other types of interactions data by developing discipline-specific vocabularies of termsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os impactos da acne vulgar na qualidade de vida do paciente

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    A acne vulgar afeta cerca de 80% dos adolescentes e adultos jovens de 11 a 30 anos em todo o mundo. Essa pesquisa tem por objetivo trazer os impactos psicossociais da acne vulgar (Acne vulgaris) e a conduta médica que deve ser aplicada nesse contexto, visando um efetivo tratamento da acne. A metodologia teve como base revisão de literatura, tendo como fontes trabalhos divulgados em bancos de dados científicos, como SCiELO e PubMed, com os seguintes descritores: “acne vulgaris”, “acne treatment” e “acne social impacts”. Foi usado como aporte teórico, principalmente, Azulay (2017) e De Resende (2021). Desta forma, foi usado como critérios de inclusão: estudos de 2015 a 2022, aos quais foram usados artigos completos, gratuitos, que estivessem nas línguas portuguesas, inglesas e ou espanhol, excluindo trabalhos duplicados e de metanalise, além da já supracitada literatura médica em dermatologia, no intuito de se obter as mais recentes e adequadas fontes sobre o objetivo proposto para revisão bibliográfica, no intuito de selecionar as mais recentes e adequadas fontes sobre o objetivo proposto. A acne tem um impacto significativo na autoestima e qualidade de vida de quem sofre com esse problema. Vários estudos mostraram alterações psicológicas, incluindo ansiedade, inibição social, depressão e ideação suicida em pacientes com acne. Mesmo com o avanço da medicina dermatológica, ainda não há tratamento 100% eficaz para a acne vulgar, e mesmo os tratamentos mais fortes, como o uso da isotretinoína, não privam o paciente de que a mesma reincida. Assim, conhecer o funcionamento dos tratamentos da acne é fundamental para que falsas expectativas não sejam criadas. Há dois princípios a ter em conta em qualquer tratamento da acne: iniciar o tratamento o mais cedo possível e, após a conclusão do mesmo, os fármacos tópicos deverão continuar a ser utilizados por um período mínimo de seis a 12 meses. Dito isso, é importante saber que um tratamento bem sucedido fundamenta-se na educação do paciente e na promoção da sua adesão à terapêutica. Conclui-se, portanto, que é de suma importância que o médico dermatologista tenha ciência para além das questões estéticas, e coloque em pauta durante a consulta como aquela doença e o próprio tratamento estão afetando a qualidade de vida e o psicológico do paciente. Além disso, o médico deve ficar atento se há alguma negligência por parte do paciente no tratamento, seja não utilizando os fármacos ou não conseguindo adquirir os mesmos, e se estão sendo utilizados de forma correta, pois muitos geram efeitos adversos se usados de maneira errada, como os despigmentantes que podem gerar manchas mais graves se usados de forma incorreta, piorando a situação do paciente