922 research outputs found

    Biologia do bicho do cesto Oiketicus kirbyi (Lands.-Guilding, 1827) (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) em folhas de Eucalyptus spp

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    The bagworm Oiketicus kirbyi (Lands.-Guilding), an extremely polyphagous insect, is a pest of several crops of economic importance mainly in the southern region on Brazil. It occurs in eucalipt plantations although no outbreaks have been registered until today. This paper deals with the biology of 0. kirbyi on Eucalyptus spp. leaves. The insect was reared in laboratory conditions (temperature of 25±3°C, relative humidity of 70±10%, and photophase of 13 hours) and the following mean values were obtained: egg period of 43.1 days; larval period of 140 days (males) and 151 days (females); pupal period of 38.2 days (males); adult longevity of 3.0 days (males) and 3.9 days (females), and oviposition period of 2.1 days. Other data obtained were: dimensions of egg, pupa, adult and head capsules; number of larval instars; mating period and estimation of leaf damage.O bicho do cesto, Oiketicus kirbyi (Lands.-Guilding, 1827), inseto extremamente polífago, é praga de várias culturas de importância econômica, principalmente na região sul do Brasil. Sua ocorrência em áreas reflorestadas com eucalipto é freqüente, embora não tenha causado, ainda, danos econômicos de monta. Este trabalho trata da biologia deste inseto em folhas de Eucalyptus spp., com a finalidade de trazer subsídios para o caso de eventuais surtos de O. kirbyi em florestas implantadas. O bicho do cesto foi criado em laboratório em temperatura de 25±3°C, umidade relativa de 70± 10% e fotofase de 13 h. Os seguintes valores médios foram obtidos: período embrionário de 43,1 dias, período larval de 140 dias (machos) e 151 dias (fêmeas), período pupal de 38,2 dias (machos), longevidade dos adultos de 3,0 dias (machos) e 3,9 dias (fêmeas) e período de oviposição 2,1 dias. Foram determinadas, também, as dimensões de ovos, pupas, adultos e das cápsulas cefálicas, o número de ínstares larvais, período de cópula, além da estimativa do dano foliar

    Didactic demonstration of the interaction between electric currents

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    We present the first crucial experiment by Ampère that shows the interaction of two metallic wires carrying steady currents. We discuss its importance in the history of physics. We also present a modern reproduction of the procedures and observations of Ampère with low cost materials.Apresentamos a primeira experiência crucial de Ampère mostrando a interação entre dois fios metálicos conduzindo correntes elétricas. Discutimos sua importância na história da física. Descrevemos uma reprodução moderna dos procedimentos e observações de Ampère com materiais de baixo custo.60561

    Specific heat and magnetic measurements in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Ho0.5Ca0.5MnO3 samples

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    We studied the magnetization as a function of temperature and magnetic field in the compounds Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Ho0.5Ca0.5MnO3. It allowed us to identify the ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and charge ordering phases in each case. The intrinsic magnetic moments of Nd3+ and Ho3+ ions experienced a short range order at low temperatures. We also did specific heat measurements with applied magnetic fields between 0 and 9 T and temperatures between 2 and 300 K in all three samples. Close to the charge ordering and ferromagnetic transition temperatures the specific heat curves showed peaks superposed to the characteristic response of the lattice oscillations. Below 10 K the specific heat measurements evidenced a Schottky-like anomaly for all samples. However, we could not successfully fit the curves to either a two level nor a distribution of two-level Schottky anomaly. Our results indicated that the peak temperature of the Schottky anomaly was higher in the compounds with narrower conduction band.Comment: submitted to PR

    Spatial correlations in vote statistics: a diffusive field model for decision-making

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    We study the statistics of turnout rates and results of the French elections since 1992. We find that the distribution of turnout rates across towns is surprisingly stable over time. The spatial correlation of the turnout rates, or of the fraction of winning votes, is found to decay logarithmically with the distance between towns. Based on these empirical observations and on the analogy with a two-dimensional random diffusion equation, we propose that individual decisions can be rationalised in terms of an underlying "cultural" field, that locally biases the decision of the population of a given region, on top of an idiosyncratic, town-dependent field, with short range correlations. Using symmetry considerations and a set of plausible assumptions, we suggest that this cultural field obeys a random diffusion equation.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures; added sociophysics references

    Effect of oral ingestion of an extract of the herb Uncaria tomentosa on the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in rats

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of the oral ingestion of an extract of the herb Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw) on the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4) in rats. The animals (male Wistar rats, 2 months old, 180-220 g), were treated (1 mL) with an U. tomentosa extract (32 mg/mL, N = 5) or 0.9% NaCl solution (control, N = 5) for 7 days. After this period, Na99mTcO4 (3.7 MBq, 0.3 mL) was injected through the ocular plexus and after 10 min the rats were killed, the organs isolated and counted in a well-gamma counter. A significant (P < 0.05) alteration in Na99mTcO4 uptake i) from 0.57 +/- 0.008 to 0.39 +/- 0.06 %ATI/organ (P < 0.05) and from 0.57 +/- 0.17 to 0.39 +/- 0.14 %ATI/g (P < 0.05) was observed in the heart, ii) from 0.07 +/- 0.02 to 0.19 +/- 0.07 %ATI/g in the pancreas, and iii) from 0.07 +/- 0.01 to 0.18 +/- 0.07 %ATI/g (P < 0.05) in muscle after treatment with this extract. Although these results were obtained with animals, caution is advisable in the interpretation of the nuclear medicine examination when the patient is using this herb. This finding is probably an example of drug interaction with a radiopharmaceutical, a fact that could lead to misdiagnosis of the examination in clinical practice with unexpected consequences for the patient

    Theory of output coupling for trapped fermionic atoms

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    We develop a dynamic theory of output coupling, for fermionic atoms initially confined in a magnetic trap. We consider an exactly soluble one-dimensional model, with a spatially localized delta-type coupling between the atoms in the trap and a continuum of free-particle external modes. Two important special cases are considered for the confinement potential: the infinite box and the harmonic oscillator. We establish that in both cases a bound state of the coupled system appears for any value of the coupling constant, implying that the trap population does not vanish in the infinite-time limit. For weak coupling, the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam exhibits peaks corresponding to the initially occupied energy levels in the trap; the height of these peaks increases with the energy. As the coupling gets stronger, the energy spectrum is displaced towards dressed energies of the fermions in the trap. The corresponding dressed states result from the coupling between the unperturbed fermionic states in the trap, mediated by the coupling between these states and the continuum. In the strong-coupling limit, there is a reinforcement of the lowest-energy dressed mode, which contributes to the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam more strongly than the other modes. This effect is especially pronounced for the one-dimensional box, which indicates that the efficiency of the mode-reinforcement mechanism depends on the steepness of the confinement potential. In this case, a quasi-monochromatic anti-bunched atomic beam is obtained. Results for a bosonic sample are also shown for comparison.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, added discussion on time-dependent spectral distribution and corresponding figur

    Generation of arbitrary two dimensional motional state of a trapped ion

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    We present a scheme to generate an arbitrary two-dimensional quantum state of motion of a trapped ion. This proposal is based on a sequence of laser pulses, which are tuned appropriately to control transitions on the sidebands of two modes of vibration. Not more than (M+1)(N+1)(M+1)(N+1) laser pulses are needed to generate a pure state with upper phonon number MM and NN in the xx and yy direction respectively.Comment: to appear in PR