57 research outputs found

    Les modalites de copie et le niveau de maîtrise de l’écrit par l’enfant

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    La copie de texte, généralement considérée comme une activitécognitive de bas niveau, a fait l’objet d’une obvervation attentiveauprès d’enfants de 1° année d’école primaire dans un milieu défavorisé.Le postulat adopté, tout à fait autre, est que les modalités ducopie indiquent le niveau de maîtrise de l’écrit atteint par l’enfant.Une analyse qualitative de réponses a alors été effectuée à partirdes unités saisies à chaque regard par l' enfant. Cette analyse nousa conduit à distinguer quatre niveux successifs: 1) construction desunités de Γ écrit, 2) prédominance de la lettre, 3) groupes de lettresprononçables, 4) niveau du mot avec appui syllabique. La discussionindique quelqes prolongements possibles à l’aide de cette tâche.The act of copying a text, that is generally considered a low levelcognitive activity, was the object of an attentive observation concerningchildren on the first year of primary school in a disadvantagedenvironment. We adopted a completely different principalaccording to which the modalities of copying show the level of children’smastering of writing. A quantitative analysis of answers wasdone strarting by unities catched by each glance of children’s eyes.This analysis has driven us to distinguish the four following levels:1) construction of writing units, 2) predominance of letter, 3) pronouncablegroups of letters, 4) word leved with syllabic support.Discussion shows some possible prolongments helping this task

    An integrating factor matrix method to find first integrals

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    In this paper we developed an integrating factor matrix method to derive conditions for the existence of first integrals. We use this novel method to obtain first integrals, along with the conditions for their existence, for two and three dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems with constant terms. The results are compared to previous results obtained by other methods

    Computer aided synthesis: a game theoretic approach

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    In this invited contribution, we propose a comprehensive introduction to game theory applied in computer aided synthesis. In this context, we give some classical results on two-player zero-sum games and then on multi-player non zero-sum games. The simple case of one-player games is strongly related to automata theory on infinite words. All along the article, we focus on general approaches to solve the studied problems, and we provide several illustrative examples as well as intuitions on the proofs.Comment: Invitation contribution for conference "Developments in Language Theory" (DLT 2017

    Reconhecimento antecipado de problemas ortográficos em escreventes novatos: quando e como acontecem

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    A aprendizagem da ortográfica constitui um processo complexo, envolvendo questões lexicais e gramaticais. Muitos estudos sobre essa aprendizagem tratam os problemas ortográficos de modo independente e separado da produção textual. Neste estudo defendemos a importância de se analisar a aprendizagem da ortografia a partir da perspectiva proposta pela Genética Textual, colocando em destaque a gênese do processo de escritura e criação textual. Apresentamos o Sistema Ramos, metodologia de investigação que registra o processo de escritura em tempo e espaço real da sala de aula. Esse Sistema oferece informações multimodais (fala, escrita, gestualidade) sobre o que alunos, em duplas, reconhecem como problemas ortográficos (PO) e os comentários espontâneos feitos quando estão escrevendo o texto. Este estudo analisa justamente o momento em que aconteceram esses reconhecimentos e os comentários de duas alunas no 2º ano de escolaridade, durante a produção de seis histórias inventadas. Mais do que uma análise quantitativa dos tipos de PO identificados no produto, apresentamos uma análise enunciativa e microgenética de reconhecimentos de PO e seus comentários, particularmente aqueles PO antecipados pelas escreventes. Os resultados indicam: i. Reconhecimentos ensejam comentários nem sempre relacionados ao PO identificado; ii. Reconhecimentos e comentários estão relacionados aos conteúdos ortográficos ensinados em sala de aula; iii. Alguns PO reconhecidos envolvem a articulação de diferentes níveis linguísticos. Esses aspectos podem contribuir para a compreensão da aprendizagem da ortografia em situações didáticas propiciadas pela escrita colaborativa a dois.The acquisition of spelling competence is a complex process, involving lexical and grammatical questions. Research, however, almost always places the spelling from an autonomous point of view and disconnected from the other components of writing. In this text, we present the relevance of the Ramos System that captures students in an ecological situation of text production in pairs, allowing access to the processes for solving orthographic problems. Collaborative writing also grants access to comments made by students during the process of textual linearization. Our study focuses on the recognition of spelling problems (SP) and the comments made regarding such problems by two 2nd grade students during the production of six invented stories. More than a quantitative analysis of the types of SP identified in the product, we were interested in making a qualitative and fine analysis of oral recognitions of SP, particularly those SP anticipated by the writers. Our results indicate that: i. Recognition motivates comments that are not always related to the identified SP; ii. Recognition and comments are related to the orthographic contents taught in the classroom; iii. Some of the recognized SP involve the articulation between different linguistic levels. These aspects can contribute for the comprehension of orthographic learning in didactic situations provided by collaborative writing.publishe

    Probabilistic automata of bounded ambiguity

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    Probabilistic automata are a computational model introduced by Michael Rabin, extending nondeterministic finite automata with probabilistic transitions. Despite its simplicity, this model is very expressive and many of the associated algorithmic questions are undecidable. In this work we focus on the emptiness problem, which asks whether a given probabilistic automaton accepts some word with probability higher than a given threshold. We consider a natural and well-studied structural restriction on automata, namely the degree of ambiguity, which is defined as the maximum number of accepting runs over all words. We observe that undecidability of the emptiness problem requires infinite ambiguity and so we focus on the case of finitely ambiguous probabilistic automata. Our main results are to construct efficient algorithms for analysing finitely ambiguous probabilistic automata through a reduction to a multi-objective optimisation problem, called the stochastic path problem. We obtain a polynomial time algorithm for approximating the value of finitely ambiguous probabilistic automata and a quasi-polynomial time algorithm for the emptiness problem for 2-ambiguous probabilistic automata

    Effective literacy teaching practices in Portugal: A study in first grade

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    Semialgebraic invariant synthesis for the Kannan-Lipton orbit problem

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    The Orbit Problem consists of determining, given a linear transformation A on Qd, together with vectors x and y, whether the orbit of x under repeated applications of A can ever reach y. This problem was famously shown to be decidable by Kannan and Lipton in the 1980s. In this paper, we are concerned with the problem of synthesising suitable invariants P ⊆ Rd, i.e., sets that are stable under A and contain x and not y, thereby providing compact and versatile certificates of non-reachability. We show that whether a given instance of the Orbit Problem admits a semialgebraic invariant is decidable, and moreover in positive instances we provide an algorithm to synthesise suitable invariants of polynomial size. It is worth noting that the existence of semilinear invariants, on the other hand, is (to the best of our knowledge) not known to be decidable.</p

    Semialgebraic invariant synthesis for the Kannan-Lipton Orbit Problem

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    The Orbit Problem consists of determining, given a linear transformation A on Qd , together with vectors x and y, whether the orbit of x under repeated applications of A can ever reach y. This problem was famously shown to be decidable by Kannan and Lipton in the 1980s. In this paper, we are concerned with the problem of synthesising suitable invariants P ⊆ R d , i.e., sets that are stable under A and contain x and not y, thereby providing compact and versatile certificates of non-reachability. We show that whether a given instance of the Orbit Problem admits a semialgebraic invariant is decidable, and moreover in positive instances we provide an algorithm to synthesise suitable invariants of polynomial size. It is worth noting that the existence of semilinear invariants, on the other hand, is (to the best of our knowledge) not known to be decidable