398 research outputs found

    Half-BPS quotients in M-theory: ADE with a twist

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    We classify Freund-Rubin backgrounds of eleven-dimensional supergravity of the form AdS_4 x X^7 which are at least half BPS; equivalently, smooth quotients of the round 7-sphere by finite subgroups of SO(8) which admit an (N>3)-dimensional subspace of Killing spinors. The classification is given in terms of pairs consisting of an ADE subgroup of SU(2) and an automorphism defining its embedding in SO(8). In particular we find novel half-BPS quotients associated with the subgroups of type D_n (for n>5), E_7 and E_8 and their outer automorphisms.Comment: 16 pages; V2: notational inconsistencies addressed, final version to be published in JHE


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    The opportunity cost generated by the sacrifice of expectant cows was estimated, in a slaughterhouse in Veracruz, México, during a period of four weeks. The number of animals sacrificed was 5045, with 1993 (39.5 %) females and 3052 (60.4 %) males. Of the cows, 1148 were expectant, of which 394 showed fetuses of 1-3 months of gestation, 424 of 3-6 months, and 330 of 6-9 months. Considering the prices reported by the Ministry of Economy and the National System of Information and Market Integration, it was found that for 1091 fetuses recorded in the sample, minus a 5 % of mortality, the producers ceased to earn 167,795dollarsovertheunborncalves,167,795 dollars over the unborn calves, 419,598 dollars over the calves at weaning, and 245,473dollarsovermilkproduction;thisshowsthatthesacrificeofexpectantfemalesrepresentsahighopportunitycostfortheeconomyoflivestockproducersSecalculoˊelcostodeoportunidadgeneradoporelsacrificiodevacasgestantesenunrastrodeVeracruzMeˊxico,enunperiododecuatrosemanas.Elnuˊmerodeanimalessacrificadosfuede5045,resaltando1993(39.5245,473 dollars over milk production; this shows that the sacrifice of expectant females represents a high opportunity cost for the economy of livestock producersSe calculó el costo de oportunidad generado por el sacrificio de vacas gestantes en un rastro de Veracruz México, en un periodo de cuatro semanas. El número de animales sacrificados fue de 5045, resaltando 1993 (39.5%) hembras y 3052 (60.4%) machos. De las vacas, 1148 resultaron gestantes a las cuales, 394 registraron fetos de 1-3 meses de gestación, 424 con 3-6 meses, y 330 con 6-9 meses. Considerando precios de la Secretaría de Economía y Sistema Nacional de Información e Integración de Mercados, se obtuvo que por 1091 fetos registrados en la muestra, menos un 5% de mortalidad, los productores dejaron de percibir 167,795 dólares por becerros no nacidos, 419,598doˊlaresporbecerrosaldestete,y419,598 dólares por becerros al destete, y 245,473 dólares por producción de leche, reflejando que el sacrificio de hembras gestantes representa un alto costo de oportunidad en la economía de los productores ganaderos


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    The percentage of conception in cows (Bos indicus) of the Sardo Negro breed subjected to a protocol of estrus synchronization and fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) in Chinameca Veracruz, México, was evaluated. One hundred and fifty eight (158) multiparous cows were used and selected in two groups, one with cows with calf, and another with cows without calf, treated with a protocol of intravaginal device (IVD) with 1.0 g of progesterone, and in addition injected with 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (sincrodiol); at the moment of IVD withdrawal, 2 ml of prostaglandin f2a (sincroplex) and 400 I.U. of eCG (novormon) were injected; the next day they received in addition1 mg of estradiol benzoate (sincrodiol). The FTAI was carried out 54-56 hours after having withdrawn the IVD device. The percentage of total conception was45% (71/158). Group one obtained 41% (31/95), while group two 51% (32/53); the statistical analysis showed that there is no significance between the groups. These results allow concluding that heat synchronization using IVD (P4) with FTAI are reproductive technological tools that allow achieving acceptable percentages of conception in cows of the Sardo Negro breed, even in presence of the calf.Se evaluó el porcentaje de concepción en vacas (Bos indicus) de la raza sardo negro, sometidas a un protocolo de sincronización de estro, e inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF) en Chinameca Veracruz, México. Se utilizaron 158 vacas multíparas, se seleccionaron dos grupos; uno de vacas con becerro, y otro de vacas sin becerro, tratados con un protocolo de dispositivo intravaginal DIV con 1.0 g de progesterona, además se inyectaron 2 mg de benzoato de estradiol (sincrodiol), al retiro el DIV, se inyectaron 2 ml prostaglandina f2a (sincroplex) y 400 U.I. de eCG (novormon), el día siguiente recibieron además 1 mg de benzoato de estradiol (sincrodiol) la IATF se realizó 54-56 horas después de haber retirado el dispositivo DIV. El porcentaje de concepción total fue de 45% (71/158). El grupo uno obtuvo 41% (31/95), mientrasque el grupo dos 51% (32/53), el análisis estadístico mostró que no existe significancia entre los grupos, estos resultados permiten concluir que la sincronización de celo utilizando DIV (P4) con IATF, son herramientas tecnológicas reproductivas que permiten lograr procentajes de concepción aceptables en vacas raza sardo negro, aun con la presencia de becerro

    Identification of Mexican Maize Races (Zea mays L.) with Drought Tolerance using Osmotic Potential Experiments for Genetic Breeding

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    Received: July 13th, 2023 ; Accepted: September 23rd, 2023 ; Published: October 23rd, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] (Zea mays L.) is the third most important cereal crop worldwide after wheat and rice per cultivated area with 249,225,876 hectares and the most important crop for number of harvested grain tons with 1,482,997,259 in 2021. Some native Mexican maize races could be a source for drought tolerance to improve commercial cultivars and hybrids. The experiments were conducted using various osmotic pressures (OP) induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) (0, -0.05, -0.15, -0.30 and -0.49 MPa) simulating an increase of drought stress in ten maize genotypes. The main objectives of this study were the evaluation of germination and seedling growth components in response to drought stress and the identification of sources of drought tolerance in Mexican maize races. Apachito-r showed an increased germination in 110.4%, Cristalino-079 had a decreased germination in 98.7% and Cristalino-279 reduced its germination in a 91.1% compared to the control. Apachito-r outstands in root length at -0.05 OP increasing 200.1% and at -0.49 increasing 129.8%. The values for stem length were decreasing as the OP was increasing and only Apachito-r showed a significant difference at -0.30 MPa decreasing 39.8% respect to its control. Cristalino-279 showed significant difference in the variable root fresh weight and its value outstand at -0.15 increasing 267.2%, at -0.30 increasing 281.6% and at -0.49 MPa increasing 189.3% compared to the control in water. The variable root dry weight had the highest value for Apachito-r at -0.05 MPa increasing in a 189.4%, decreasing at -0.15 in 72% and at -0.30 MPa in a 79.8% and increasing at -0.49 MPa in 112.3%. Also noteworthy are E-zapata-r increasing 190.5% and Cristalino-061 increasing 142.9% at -0.30. E-zapata-r at -0.49 increased 115.1%. Cristalino-279 showed significant difference in the variable stem fresh weight and its value outstand at -0.05, -0.15 and -0.30 MPa increasing 146.7%, 103.7% and 60.2% respectively. Finally, in stem dry weight the tendency was to decrease as OP was increasing, however Cristalino-279 showed differences at -0.30 decreasing in 89.5% and at -0.49 MPa increasing in a 143.5% respect to the control. The most drought tolerant genotypes were Cristalino-279, Apachito-r, Azul and 8-carreras-PP. The most tolerant genotypes showed greater root length, greater root fresh and dry weight, better germination and greater stem length. Resistant and susceptible genotypes are ideal material to understand the physical and chemical mechanisms related to drought tolerance. Cristalino-279 shows the best level of drought tolerance at all levels of osmotic pressure, this genotype can be used as a source of drought tolerance for the improvement of commercial maize


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    Medellín reconocida como la ciudad innovadora del mundo y epicentro de la cuarta revo­lución industrial, tiene un reto y un compromiso con estos dos momentos, modernizar la educación apor­tando al desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento enfocados a la ciencia y la tecnología, y promover en todos los entornos habilidades para la vida. Uno de los desafíos más importantes en la educación es el desarrollo de una formación integral, lograr que los estudiantes y maestros, apropien disciplinas que necesitan para un desarrollo más sistémico en lo profesional. STEM por sus siglas en ingles Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, es una metodología que posiblemente se ha aplicado en el entorno local, sin darle la connotación que tiene, considerada necesaria para el eficiente desarrollo de los profesionales del futuro. Las disciplinas que se agrupan en esta metodología permiten integrar habilidades duras y blandas en un solo ejercicio, buscando desarrollar competencias necesarias para responder a las actuales necesidades del mercado. El objetivo de esta propuesta de reflexión es realizar una revisión sobre la aplicación de la metodología STEM en la educación en Medellín, aplicando la metodología sistemática para hacer el rastreo y la revisión bibliográfica

    Deformed Matrix Theories with N=8 and Fivebranes in the PP Wave Background

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    M(atrix) theory is known to be mass-deformed in the pp-wave background and still retains all 16 dynamical supersymmetries. We consider generalization of such deformations on super Yang-Mills quantum mechanics (SYQM) with less supersymmetry. In particular this includes N=8 U(N) SYQM with a single adjoint and any number of fundamental hypermultiplets, which is a pp-wave deformation of DLCQ matrix theory of fivebranes. With k >= 1 fivebranes, we show that a rich vacuum structure exists, with many continuous family of solutions that preserve all dynamical supersymmetries. The vacuum moduli space contains copies of CP^{k-1} of various sizes.Comment: latex file, 23 pages, no figures, typos corrected, now in JHEP styl

    Evaluation of polyherbal methionine and choline in feedlot rations for lambs

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    Requirements of lambs for choline and methionine have not been clearly established, but because of their metabolic relationship, the availability of these two nutrients may affect protein synthesis and energy balance. Therefore, a trial was carried out to evaluate the effect on productive performance and blood metabolites of including methionine and choline from polyherbal mixtures in finishing lamb diets. Forty Hampshire x Suffolk lambs weighing 26.9 ± 2.8 kg were used for a 45-day experiment. The treatments were arranged as a 2x2 factorial, in which the factors were dietary supplementation with herbal methionine and choline at two levels (0% and 0.4% of dry matter (DM)). The treatments had no effects on the lambs’ productive variables (daily feed intake, average daily gain, and feed to gain ratio), carcass characteristics and lipid metabolites (P >0.05). The results indicated that the inclusion of polyherbal mixtures containing methionine, choline and their combination at 0.4% of DM in finishing lamb diets showed no benefits in productive response or in blood metabolites related to lipid metabolism. Keywords: amino acid, lipid metabolites, productive performance, ruminally protected, vitami

    Reusing intravaginal progesterone releasing devices for oestrous synchoronization in ewes

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    In this study, the second use of an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device or controlled intravaginal drug release device (CIDR) was evaluated. After a first use of 11 days, the CIDR was again used for either nine or 12 days with 200 or 300 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) being injected on its removal. Sixty-four ewes were randomly distributed to four treatments (n=16/group): CIDR9+eCG200, CIDR9+eCG300, CIDR12+eCG200, and CIDR12+eCG300. The eCG was administered intramuscularly on withdrawal of the device. Thus, the experiment was a completely randomized design with a 2×2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Oestrus presentation did not differ between treatments (P =0.29). However, with the dose of 200 IU of eCG, oestrus presentation tended to increase (P =0.08). The onset and duration of oestrus, percentage of gestation, and return to oestrus did not differ between treatments (P >0.05). Progesterone concentration in serum was greater (P < 0.05) in ewes treated with CIDR12+eCG300. Prolificacy was greatest (1.44) with the CIDR12+eCG300 treatment and was different (P = 0.001) from the treatments CIDR9+eCG200 (1.21) and CIDR9+eCG300 (1.20), but not from the CIDR12+eCG200 treated ewes (1.31). The CIDR12+eCG300 treatement produced the highest percentage of twin births (45.8%) (P =0.001). Leaving the device in place for 12 days increased (P =0.001) the incidence of twin births. Use of the CIDR for a second time synchronized oestrus in ewes successfully with better fertility being obtained when the device was left in place for 12 days, and 300 IU of eCG was injected on its removal. Key words: gonadotropin, progesterone device, synchronizatio

    BPS preons and the AdS-M-algebra

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    We present here the AdS generalization of BPS preons, which were introduced as the hypothetical constituents of M-theory preserving all but one supersymmetries. Our construction, suggested by the relation of `lower dimensional preons' with higher spin theories, can be considered as a deformation of the M-algebraic description of the single supersymmetry broken by a preon, and provides another reason to identify the AdS generalization of the M-algebra, which we call the AdS-M-algebra, with osp(1|32).Comment: Plain latex, no figures, 19 pages minor corrections, one ref. added, as published in JHEP 04 (2008) 06