465 research outputs found

    Cobertura de solo.

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    Benefícios da cobertura de leguminosas. Pueraria phaseoloides. Centrosema pubescens. Calopogonio mucunoides. Calopogonio coeruleum.bitstream/item/210446/1/Cobertura-de-solo.pdfTrabalho apresentado no 3º Curso Intensivo de Heveicultura para Técnicos Agrícolas

    Shelf life of minimally processed cassava roots submitted to different conservation methods.

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    The useful life of minimally processed cassava roots submitted to different conservation methods was evalu­ated. Cassava roots in natura were physically characterized, minimally processed and stored after submission to treatments in different packaging types. During storage period, the product was submitted to physicochemi­cal, sensorial and microbiological analyzes. Storage time and treatment influenced on minimally processed cassava roots quality. When only the sensorial analysis is considered, the useful life of minimally processed cassava roots was of 28 days for all treatments, except for the roots submitted to the CONTROL and CA treat­ments, which had a 24-day shelf life. However, at 14 days of storage, CONTROL, VAC, CA, and H2O treat­ments showed high psychotrophic count. Mold and yeast counts were also high for CONTROL and VAC treat­ments at 14 days of storage. At 28 days of storage, psychrotrophs, molds and yeasts count was high for all treatments. In general, the most recommended treatments, due to having a longer shelf life, were CA and H2O reaching a maximum period of 14 days of storage. Considering the cooking time and the other physicochemical analyzes, the 2.5% H2O+CA treatment is not recommended for the commercialization of minimally processed cassava roots

    Disseminação e danos da cochonilha-das-raízes da mandioca Protortonia navesi Fonseca (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) em viveiro telado.

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    Agronomic and biochemical evaluation of cassava clones with roots that have pink pulp.

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    RESUMO: Os programas de melhoramento genético de mandioca de mesa estão focados no desenvolvimento de variedades biofortificadas que aliem aos caracteres agronômicos a presença de carotenoides nas raízes de reserva. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar características agronômicas e bioquímicas em clones de mandioca de mesa com polpa rosada. Os nove genótipos foram avaliados por duas safras em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Dentre os clones avaliados se destacaram: i) para altura da primeira ramificação (390/08, 345/08 e a testemunha IAC 576-70); ii) para altura da planta (390/08, 345/08 e 378/08); iii) para peso da parte aérea sem a cepa (390/08, 406/08, 378/08 e 341/08); iv) para porcentagem de amido nas raízes (378/08, 413/08, 390/08 e a testemunha IAC 576-70); v) para produtividade de raízes (IAC 576-70 e 341/08, 390/08, 406/08 e 387/08). Na safra 2011/2012, todos os clones cozinharam em até 30 minutos, indicando que todos apresentam boas qualidades culinárias. Com relação ao teor de carotenoides totais nas raízes, os clones que se destacaram foram 406/08 e 341/08. Todos os clones avaliados apresentaram teores de HCN nas raízes de reserva de mandioca, inferiores a 100 mg kg-1. Os clones 341/08 e 406/08 apresentam potencial agronômico e bioquímico para cultivo direto pelos produtores na região do Cerrado do Brasil Central e/ou para a utilização como genitores em programas de melhoramento genético de mandioca de mesa. ABSTRACT: Sweet cassava breeding programs are focused on the development of bio fortified cultivars that combine significant amounts of carotenoids in their reserve roots with desirable agronomic. The objective of this research was to evaluate agronomic and biochemical traits in sweet cassava clones with roots that have pink pulp. The nine genotypes were evaluated in two seasons in a randomized block design with three replications. Among the evaluated clones, the following stood out: i) for the height of the first branch (390/08, 345/08 and the control IAC 576-70); ii) for plant height (390/08, 345/08 e 378/08); iii) for shoot weight without original steam cutting (390/08, 406/08, 378/08 e 341/08); iv) for the percentage of starch in roots (378/08, 413/08, 390/08 and the control IAC 576-70); and v) for the root yield (the control IAC 576-70 and 341/08, 390/08, 406/08 e 387/08). In the 2011/2012 season, all clones cooked within 30 minutes, indicating that they all have good culinary qualities. Regarding the total carotenoid content in the roots, the clones that stood out were 406/08 and 341/08. All clones evaluated had HCN content below 100 mg kg-1. Clones 341/08 and 406/08 have agronomic and biochemical potential for direct cultivation by producers in the Cerrado region of Central Brazil and / or for use as stock in sweet cassava breeding programs.Título em português: Avaliação agronômica e bioquímica de clones de mandioca com polpa rosada

    Utilização da aveia para suínos em terminação.

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    Utilização de soja tostada para suínos em crescimento e terminação.

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    Exigência de fósforo disponível para frangos de corte nas fases de crescimento e terminação.

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    Mandioca no Cerrado : questões práticas.

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    Índice de assuntos Importância da cultura, 7 Principais problemas da cultura no Cerrado, 8 Fatores que contribuem para os principais problemas, 9 Características e variedades mais cultivadas, 10 Implementando um sistema de produção, 14 Critérios para escolha da variedade, 15 Escolha da área de plantio, 17 Preparo do solo, 17 Conservação do solo, 18 Adubação e correção do solo, 19 Seleção e preparo das manivas-sementes, 23 Plantio, 25 Tratos culturais ou controle do mato, 27 Irrigação, 28 Pragas, 30 Doenças, 33 Colheita, transporte e armazenamento, 35 Conservação e processamento, 37 Alimentação animal, 39 Receitas de pratos doces, 47 Receitas de pratos salgados, 64 Onde obter mais informações, 95bitstream/item/225324/1/Cartilha-mandioca-3a-edicao.pdf3. ed

    Does biomass production depend on plant community diversity?

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    In order to ensure the sustainability of agroecosystems, biodiversity must be a priority. Agroforestry, which includes trees, is an example of such diverse systems. We evaluated plant diversity and aboveground biomass production to assess whether areas under fallow following traditional cultivation return to their initial condition. Also, plant diversity and aboveground biomass production were assessed in agroforestry systems (AFS) to determine if these were similar to unmanaged ecosystems. Another objective of the study was to observe the influence of plant diversity on aboveground biomass production in plant communities and also in the population of the dominant species, Cordia oncocalyx. Plant diversity was evaluated by assessing species richness, as well as using Shannon’s (H0) and Pielou’s (J0) indices. Aboveground plant biomass was evaluated in two AFS: agrosilvopastoral (ASP) and silvopastoral (SP), and also in a traditionally managed agricultural system (AG), areas that had been under fallow for six years (F6) and nine years (F9) and an area of unmanaged caatinga (CAT) vegetation. We observed that the ASP system had a lower diversity and number of species, especially tree species. However, it sustained the same total biomass production as CAT and fallow areas. The SP system, despite having lower H0 and J0 indices as well as lower total biomass production, had a similar number of species to CAT and cropped and fallow systems AG, F6 and F9. Plant biomass in F6 and F9 had recovered to productivity levels of unmanaged CAT vegetation; however the diversity indices were not restored to the same level. Plant diversity did not have an effect on the productivity of the agroecosystems. Likewise, annual biomass production by C. oncocalyx is not dependent upon diversity, but it is influenced by the growth stage of individuals