5,890 research outputs found

    Materials Matter: An Exploration of the Curatorial Practices of Consumers as Collectors

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    Structured Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the interplay between the curatorial practices of consumers as collectors and the materiality of the collected objects. In particular, this study explores how the material substances of collected objects shapes curatorial practices and how the ongoing use of the collected objects challenges curatorial practices. Methodology/approach Taking advantage of the publicization of once-private collections on social media, we collect 111 YouTube videos created by plastic shoe aficionados. Drawing from visual anthropology and theorizations of materiality, we analyze consumer interactions with the objects they collect. Findings This study’s findings elucidate consumers’ interactions with the material substances of the objects they collect and demonstrate how these interactions shape the ways in which consumers curate their collections, including how they wear, care for, catalog, and display the collected objects. Research implications Our findings have implications for theorization on consumer collections, consumer identity, and consumer participation in brand communities and are relevant for consumer researchers who study the interactions and relationships between consumers and consumption objects. Originality/value of paper This study is the first to re-examine consumers as collectors to extend and update consumer research on the curatorial practices of physical, wearable collectibles. This study sets the foundations for further research to advance our understanding of consumers as collectors as well as to illuminate other theories and aspects of consumer research that consider consumer– object interactions

    Avaliação das Vasculopatias Não Ateroscleróticas por Ecografia-Doppler

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    The non-atherosclerotic vasculopathies are an uncommon group of disorders, with diverse etiopathogenesis, involving younger patients when compared with atherosclerotic disease. Clinical presentation varies from acute vascular events - ischemic or hemorrhagic- to uncharacteristic neurologic syndromes. Although the cerebral angiography is the gold standard diagnostic method due to its high sensibility, its specificity is low mainly when compared to imaging evaluation of the arterial wall with carotid and vertebral ultrasound-doppler. We reinforce the importance of this non-invasive and radiation-free exam, not only in the diagnosis but also in the monitoring of these patients - young patients who need a regular and extended evaluationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Renal Involvement in Monoclonal Gammopathies

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    The use of histological analysis for the detection of somatic embryos in sugarcane

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    The aim of this study was to establish an in vitro system for the induction, maturation and regeneration of somatic embryo in sugarcane from buds of cultivar RB 867515. Embryogenic calluses were obtained on semi-solid MS medium supplemented with 4.42 mg L-1 2,4-D. After four weeks of culture of explants on the callus induction medium, globular structures were obtained. At the end of 20 days in maturation medium, somatic embryos were observed. Histological analysis showed somatic embryos with caulinarand root apex, protodermal tissue, and the vascular system, which  apparently has no connection with the vascular tissue explant that gave rise to it confirming the presence of the somatic embryo. The embryos were transferred to regeneration medium containing 1 mg L-1 GA3 and BAP, and after 1 to 2 weeks of culture, green points were observed, indicating the beginning of the formation of shoots. Key words: Saccharum spp, bud culture, 2.4-D, morphogenetic pathway, embryogenesis, plant regeneration

    Bioactive Properties and Phenolic Composition of Wood-Aged Beers: Influence of Oak Origin and the Use of Pale and Dark Malts

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    Ageing beer in contact with wood is a common technological procedure that has been used for centuries to improve colour, structure, and certain flavours. Herein, the impact of the addition of French and American oak wood to two beer styles, pale and dark, on beer phenolic composition (total phenolics, total flavonoids, and HPLC-DAD) and bioactivity (FRAP, DPPH, anti-inflammatory activity in RAW 264.7, and antiproliferative in Caco-2 cells) was assessed. Thirteen phenolics were quantified with values according to previous reports. Dark malt resulted in higher values of total phenolics, to which m-hydroxybenzoic, syringic, p-coumaric acids, and xanthohumol contributed considerably; the exception was (+)-catechin and salicylic acid, which were found to be higher in pale beers. American oak significantly increased 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic, vanillic, and syringic acids up to roughly 3, 2, and 10 times, respectively, when compared with French wood. FRAP and DPPH values varied between pale and dark beers, with a less pronounced effect after wood addition. All samples presented considerable cellular antioxidant and anti-inflammatory as well as antiproliferative activity, but differences were found only for the antiproliferative activity, which was higher for the dark beers, which reached about 70% inhibition. Overall, the influence of malts was more pronounced than that of wood, in the studied conditions, highlighting the overwhelming impact of malts on the bioactivity of beer

    Hospitalization of Children with Rotavirus Infection

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    Introdução. A infecção por rotavírus é a principal causa de diarreia aguda em todo o mundo. Nos países desenvolvidos não constitui uma causa importante de morte, mas cursa com uma alta morbilidade. Objectivo. Caracterizar a infecção por rotavírus em crianças hospitalizadas em dois Departamentos de Pediatria de Lisboa. Material e métodos. Revisão casuística dos internamentos com o diagnóstico de infecção por rotavírus, num hospital central especializado e num hospital geral na Zona Metropolitana de Lisboa, entre Janeiro e Dezembro de 2005. O diagnóstico foi efectuado através da identificação de antigénios virais nas fezes por “enzyme immunoassay”. Resultados. Foram analisados 92 casos; 82% ocorreram entre Dezembro e Março e 52,8% em crianças entre os três e os doze meses. Em metade dos casos registou-se bom nível socio-económico. Os factores de risco epidemiológicos encontrados foram: frequência de instituição de ensino ou ama em 21/38 (55%), contacto com pessoas com sintomatologia semelhante em 10/53 (19%) e irmãos com idade inferior a cinco anos em 25/76 (33%) das crianças. As infecções nosocomiais foram responsáveis por 26% dos casos estudados. A clínica cursou com: diarreia aquosa (96%), vómitos (87%) e febre (69%). Ocorreram complicações em 19/92 (21%) crianças e estas foram mais frequentes em lactentes com menos de seis meses de idade (35% vs. 16%, p=0,058). A mediana da duração de internamento foi cinco dias e o custo hospitalar directo variou entre 629,63 e 2342,38 euros. Discussão. O número de internamentos por infecção por rotavírus, especialmente em lactentes, a frequência de infecções nosocomiais por este agente, as complicações inerentes e os elevados custos, reflectem a importância da infecção por este agente em países desenvolvidos como Portugal

    Five-Year Outcome in Stroke Patients Submitted to Thrombolysis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Little is known on long-term follow-up after thrombolysis in ischemic stroke patients because the majority of studies evaluated outcome at 3 to 12 months. We aimed to assess 5-year outcome after intravenous thrombolysis (IVT). METHODS: Cohort study based on the prospective registry of all consecutive ischemic stroke patients submitted to IVT in our Stroke Unit. Five-year outcome, including living settings, functional outcome, stroke recurrence, and mortality, was ascertained by telephonic interviews and additional review of clinical records. Multivariate analyses were performed to identify predictors of outcome and mortality. Excellent outcome was defined as modified Rankin scale 0 to 1. RESULTS: Five-year outcome was available for 155/164 patients submitted to IVT. At 5 years, 32.9% of patients had an excellent outcome (95% confidence interval (CI) =25.5-43.3) and mortality was 43.9% (95%CI=36.1-51.7). Increasing age (odds ratio =0.93, 95% CI =0.90-0.97) and increasing National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) 24 h after thrombolysis (odds ratio =0.81, 95% CI =0.74-0.90) were independently associated with a lower likelihood of an excellent 5-year outcome. Age (hazards ratio =1.07, 95% CI =1.03-1.11) and excellent functional outcome 3 months after thrombolysis (hazards ratio =0.28, 95%CI=0.12-0.66) were independently associated with mortality during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: One third of ischemic stroke patients have excellent 5-year outcome after IVT. Younger age, lower NIHSS 24 h after IVT, and excellent 3-month functional outcome are independent predictors of excellent 5-year outcome

    Differential effects of the essential oils of Lavandula luisieri and Eryngium duriaei subsp. juresianum in cell models of two chronic inflammatory diseases

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    CONTEXT: Effective drugs to treat osteoarthritis (OA) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are needed. OBJECTIVE: To identify essential oils (EOs) with anti-inflammatory activity in cell models of OA and IBD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: EOs from Eryngium duriaei subsp. juresianum (M. Laínz) M. Laínz (Apiaceae), Laserpitium eliasii subsp. thalictrifolium Sennen & Pau (Apiaceae), Lavandula luisieri (Rozeira) Rivas-Martínez (Lamiaceae), Othantus maritimus (L.) Hoff. & Link (Asteraceae), and Thapsia villosa L. (Apiaceae) were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The anti-inflammatory activity of EOs (5-200 μg/mL) was evaluated by measuring inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation (total and phosphorylated IκB-α), in primary human chondrocytes and the intestinal cell line, C2BBe1, stimulated with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) or interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), respectively. RESULTS: The EO of L. luisieri significantly reduced iNOS (by 54.9 and 81.0%, respectively) and phosphorylated IκB-α (by 87.4% and 62.3%, respectively) in both cell models. The EO of E. duriaei subsp. juresianum caused similar effects in human chondrocytes, but was inactive in intestinal cells, even at higher concentrations. The EOs of L. eliasii subsp. thalictrifolium and O. maritimus decreased iNOS expression by 45.2 ± 8.7% and 45.2 ± 6.2%, respectively, in C2BBe1 cells and were inactive in chondrocytes. The EO of T. villosa was inactive in both cell types. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This is the first study showing anti-inflammatory effects of the EOs of L. luisieri and E. duriaei subsp. juresianum. These effects are specific of the cell type and may be valuable to develop new therapies or as sources of active compounds with improved efficacy and selectivity towards OA and IBD

    Variations in Inflammatory Markers in Acute Myocardial Infarction: a Longitudinal Study

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    Actualmente a inflamação é considerada uma componente importante na aterosclerose, desde o seu início até à ruptura da placa seguida de trombose e da progressiva obstrução do vaso. A ruptura da cápsula fibrótica da placa expõe factores de tecido presentes no seu núcleo necrótico que induzem o processo inflamatório, promovendo a adesão celular e a coagulação e que conduzem à formação do trombo. Por seu turno, várias citocinas e moléculas de adesão celular contribuem activamente para o desenvolvimento da placa. Em particular a citocina TNF-a e a molécula de adesão intercelular (ICAM-1) poderão ser indicadoras de inflamação enquanto que as formas solúveis de P-selectina e de CD40 ligando (sCD40L) poderão dar a magnitude da activação plaquetária. Neste trabalho foram estudados 17 doentes com enfarte de miocárdio submetidos a angioplastia (grupo AMI) e 16 doentes com confirmação angiográfica de ausência de doença coronária. Os doentes do grupo AMI foram seguidos nas primeiras 24h de evolução do enfarte agudo de miocárdio antes da administração de medicação e da intervenção angiográfica e ao longo do período de recuperação, 2 e 40 dias após enfarte. Foram medidas no soro por imunoensaio as concentrações de TNF-a e das formas solúveis de CD40L, ICAM-1 e P-selectina. Foram observadas variações significativas de sP-selectina relativamente aos controlos. Imediatamente após o enfarte de miocárdio verificou-se um aumento de sP-selectina, seguido de uma descida brusca dos seus níveis às 48h, e de um incremento para valores idênticos aos observados no grupo de controlo ao 40º dia. As variações observadas nas concentrações de sCD40L não foram significativas relativamente aos controlos. No entanto, verificou-se uma tendência de diminuição da concentração até 48h após o enfarte de miocárdio, seguindo-se um aumento que atingiu valores ligeiramente superiores ao do grupo controlo no 40º dia. As concentrações de TNF-a medidas foram sistematicamente superiores às verificadas no grupo controlo, tendo-se ainda observado uma subida gradual desde o enfarte de miocárdio até ao 40º dia, sendo este incremento significativo. Os valores de sICAM-1 não apresentaram quaisquer variações após o enfarte nem relativamente ao grupo controlo. As variações observadas sugerem um papel importante destes marcadores no processo inflamatório e na evolução do enfarte de miocárdio. O aumento brusco da concentração de sP-selectina após o enfarte de miocárdio evidencia a activação plaquetária e trombose. Na evolução do enfarte, e à medida que as variáveis hemodinâmicas retornam a valores estáveis, devido à medicação aplicada, o aumento de sCD40L e TNF-a em circulação pode reflectir o papel destas moléculas na recuperação endotelial e do miocárdio