1,566 research outputs found

    First order quantum phase transitions

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    Quantum phase transitions have been the subject of intense investigations in the last two decades [1]. Among other problems, these phase transitions are relevant in the study of heavy fermion systems, high temperature superconductors and Bose-Einstein condensates. More recently there is increasing evidence that in many systems which are close to a quantum critical point (QCP) different phases are in competition. In this paper we show that the main effect of this competition is to give rise to inhomogeneous behavior associated with quantum first order transitions. These effects are described theoretically using an action that takes into account the competition between different order parameters. The method of the effective potential is used to calculate the quantum corrections to the classical functional. These corrections generally change the nature of the QCP and give rise to interesting effects even in the presence of non-critical fluctuations. An unexpected result is the appearance of an inhomogeneous phase with two values of the order parameter separated by a first order transition. Finally, we discuss the universal behavior of systems with a weak first order zero temperature transition in particular as the transition point is approached from finite temperatures. The thermodynamic behavior along this line is obtained and shown to present universal features.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Invited talk at ICM2006, Kyoto. To appear in JMM

    An elastic model for the In-In correlations in In(x)Ga(1-x)As semiconductor alloys

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    Deviations from randomicity in In(x)Ga(1-x) As semiconductor alloys induced by elastic effects are investigated within the Keating potential. Our model is based on Monte Carlo simulations on large (4096 atoms) supercells, performed with two types of boundary conditions: Fully periodic boundary conditions represent the bulk, while periodic boundary conditions along the x and y directions and a free surface in the z direction simulate the epitaxial growth environment. We show that In-In correlations identified in the bulk tend to be enhanced in the epitaxially grown samples.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, published in Solid State Communication

    The effect of coupling circuits on impulsive noise in power line communication

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    Abstract: Most researchers in the Power Line Communications (PLC) field have adopted the practice of using idealized impulse noise models directly at the input of the demodulator, as is widely done in simulations. The effect of the coupling circuit on the impulse noise tend to be ignored. However, coupling circuits produce transients. This paper focuses on investigating the effect of the coupling circuit on the impulse noise. Experimental measurements are used to determine the effect of the coupling circuit. An equivalent circuit of the coupling circuit is developed and further simulations are conducted to gain in-depth knowledge on how the impulse noise is affected by the coupling circuit. A literature survey suggests that this topic has not been studied yet

    The Role of Rosmarinic Acid on the Bioproduction of Gold Nanoparticles as Part of a Photothermal Approach for Breast Cancer Treatment.

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    Breast cancer is a high-burden malignancy for society, whose impact boosts a continuous search for novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Among the recent therapeutic approaches, photothermal therapy (PTT), which causes tumor cell death by hyperthermia after being irradiated with a light source, represents a high-potential strategy. Furthermore, the effectiveness of PTT can be improved by combining near infrared (NIR) irradiation with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as photothermal enhancers. Herein, an alternative synthetic method using rosmarinic acid (RA) for synthesizing AuNPs is reported. The RA concentration was varied and its impact on the AuNPs physicochemical and optical features was assessed. Results showed that RA concentration plays an active role on AuNPs features, allowing the optimization of mean size and maximum absorbance peak. Moreover, the synthetic method explored here allowed us to obtain negatively charged AuNPs with sizes favoring the local particle accumulation at tumor site and maximum absorbance peaks within the NIR region. In addition, AuNPs were safe both in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, the synthesized AuNPs present favorable properties to be applied as part of a PTT system combining AuNPs with a NIR laser for the treatment of breast cancer

    Avaliação da maturação em azeitona ‘Cobrançosa’ e ‘Galega Vulgar’ com recurso a diferentes metodologias baseadas na cor dos frutos

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    No presente trabalho estudaram-se três métodos de avaliação do estado de Maturação da azeitona, baseados na coloração dos frutos das cultivares ‘Cobrançosa’ e ‘Galega Vulgar’ em estados precoces de maturação, bem como a sua relação com a acumulação de gordura. Os métodos estudados foram: IM – índice de maturação de Jaén (com 8 grupos de cor); IMS – índice de maturação simplificado com apenas três classes de cor; CI – índice de cor (Colour Index) utilizando o Sistema CIE de cor L*a*b*. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que os índices de maturação baseados na cor dos frutos são úteis para caracterizar a evolução do teor em gordura durante a maturação da azeitona. O método simplificado apresentou uma elevada correlação com o índice de Jaén, sendo bastante mais rápido e de mais fácil utilização pelo olivicultor

    Perforated peptic ulcer: main factors of morbidity and mortality.

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    World J Surg. 2003 Jul;27(7):782-7. Perforated peptic ulcer: main factors of morbidity and mortality. Noguiera C, Silva AS, Santos JN, Silva AG, Ferreira J, Matos E, Vilaça H. Surgery Department, Surgery 1, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Largo do Prof. Abel Salazar, 4099-001 Oporto, Portugal. Abstract It is well stated in the literature that medical treatment for peptic ulcer is based on a combination of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and antibiotics to eradicate Helicobacter pylori. This treatment is associated with a high rate of immediate success and a low rate of recurrence at 12 months, although it is not effective in all patients. Peptic ulcer (PU) perforation is a serious problem that leads to high complication and mortality rates. Surgical treatment, with its various possibilities, constitutes the ideal treatment. Surgical intervention in these cases, however, can be directed to treating the perforation alone, or it can offer definitive treatment of the ulcer itself. With the hope of establishing why such complications and mortality were seen in the patients in our hospital population, we gathered the facts about PU perforations and the types of surgery performed. We studied 210 consecutive patients (150 men, 60 women) who had undergone surgery at our hospital because of perforation between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 2000. The patients' median age was 53.0 +/- 20.6 years (men 47.7 +/- 17.3 years; women 66.3 +/- 22.0 years). Altogether, 86 patients had significant associated illnesses, 62 were admitted more than 24 hours after the perforation, and 25 were admitted in shock. We performed resections in 10 patients; 88 patients were treated by suturing the perforation with or without a patch of epiploon; and 112 underwent a troncular vagotomy with drainage (VT + Dr). A total of 21 patients died (10%). Significant risk factors that led to complications were identified by statistical studies. They were a perforation that had been present more than 24 hours, the coexistence of significant associated illnesses, and resection surgery. The significant risk factors that led to death were the presence of shock at admission, the coexistence of significant illnesses, and resection surgery. There was no statistically significant difference concerning morbidity and mortality between simple closure of the perforation and definitive surgery (VT + Dr). PMID: 14509505 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Early gastric cancer: ten years of experience

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    World J Surg. 2002 Mar;26(3):330-4. Epub 2001 Dec 21. Early gastric cancer: ten years of experience. Nogueira C, Silva AS, Santos JN, Silva AG, Ferreira J, Matos E, Vilaça H. Surgery Department, Surgery 1, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Largo Prof. Abel Salazar, 4000 Oporto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract Gastric cancer is a disease in which the main treatment is surgical extirpation. The modifications introduced in the surgical treatment over the last decades were accompanied by a clear increase of survival, which reaches global values of 61% at 5 years in Japan. One of the reasons that contribute to this improvement is early diagnosis of the lesions. In the period between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1999 662 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma were treated in the Service of Surgery 1 of our hospital; 110 were refused surgical treatment. Of the resected patients, 91 (21.4%) were classified as early gastric cancer according to the definition of the Japanese Society of Digestive Endoscopy. There were 30 women and 61 men, with a median age of 60.2 +/- 15 years; 3 patients had a preoperative diagnosis of gastric ulcer; 2 others were operated without recent histology; and 1 patient was urgently resected for a bleeding ulcer. In all the remaining patients biopsy confirmed the presence of cancer (89%) or serious dysplasia (4.6%). The lesions had been distributed essentially in the medium 1/3 (48.3%) and distal 1/3 of the stomach. Subtotal gastrectomy was accomplished in 48 patients, total gastrectomy in 40, total desgastrogastrectomy in 3, and in 9 patients the surgery involved the spleen (8 patients) and the spleen and tail of the pancreas in 1 patient. Lymphadenectomy was not performed in 5 patients, lymph nodes by the first lymph node barrier were removed in 25 patients and by the second barrier in 61 patients (67%). Median tumor size was 26 +/- 1.8 mm. The lesion reached the mucosa in 46 patients and the mucosa and submucosa in 45. In 6 patients the removed lymph nodes were microscopically invaded (6.7%). Five patients died (5.7%). The median follow-up of the patients is 41 +/- 26 months; 7 patients died (8.1%) during this period; 4 died unequivocally of disease progression. The median survival of patients was 85% at 5 years and 80% at 10 years. In our series, survival was affected by the presence of invaded lymph nodes, not by the penetration in depth of the lesion or the size of the tumor. PMID: 11865370 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Lignin-enriched tricalcium phosphate/sodium alginate 3D scaffolds for application in bone tissue regeneration

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    The bone is a connective, vascularized, and mineralized tissue that confers protection to organs, and participates in the support and locomotion of the human body, maintenance of homeostasis, as well as in hematopoiesis. However, throughout the lifetime, bone defects may arise due to traumas (mechanical fractures), diseases, and/or aging, which when too extensive compromise the ability of the bone to self-regenerate. To surpass such clinical situation, different therapeutic approaches have been pursued. Rapid prototyping techniques using composite materials (consisting of ceramics and polymers) have been used to produce customized 3D structures with osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. In order to reinforce the mechanical and osteogenic properties of these 3D structures, herein, a new 3D scaffold was produced through the layer-by-layer deposition of a tricalcium phosphate (TCP), sodium alginate (SA), and lignin (LG) mixture using the Fab@Home 3D-Plotter. Three different TCP/LG/SA formulations, LG/SA ratio 1:3, 1:2, or 1:1, were produced and subsequently evaluated to determine their suitability for bone regeneration. The physicochemical assays demonstrated that the LG inclusion improved the mechanical resistance of the scaffolds, particularly in the 1:2 ratio, since a 15 % increase in the mechanical strength was observed. Moreover, all TCP/LG/SA formulations showed an enhanced wettability and maintained their capacity to promote the osteoblasts' adhesion and proliferation as well as their bioactivity (formation of hydroxyapatite crystals). Such results support the LG inclusion and application in the development of 3D scaffolds aimed for bone regeneration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deterioracão da carne de peru embalada em aerobiose e em atmosfera modificada sua relação com os teores de azoto básico volátil total

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    8º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. Congresso. Beja, Portugal. 4 – 7 Março 2007Este estudo teve como objectivos a determinacão do prazo de validade de carne de peru de diferentes categorias de cor em aerobiose e atmosfera modificada e o estabelecimento de uma relacão entre a qualidade microbiológica da carne e o azoto básico volátil total (ABVT). Os peitos de carcaças de peru foram seleccionados através dos parâmetros Luminosidade (L) e pH: L≥51 e pH5,8 para cor escura. As amostras de carne fatiada (peitos de peru fatiados) provindas de diferentes dias de colheita, foram embaladas individualmente: um grupo em aerobiose e outro em atmosfera modificada (MAP) contendo a mistura de gases 50%N2 e 50%CO2. As amostras foram armazenadas no escuro em refrigeração (0±1ºC). O grupo de amostras embaladas em aerobiose foi avaliado em relação às suas características microbiológicas e foi determinado o azoto básico volátil total aos 0, 5 e 12 dias de armazenamento, prolongando-se essa avaliação para as amostras embaladas em atmosfera modificada até aos 19 e 25 dias. A carne de cor escura com 12 dias de armazenamento a 0ºC em aerobiose apresentou contagens significativamente mais elevadas de aeróbios a 30°C, psicrotróficos e ABVT do que a carne de outras categorias. O período de validade microbiológico da carne de peru fatiada embalada em MAP prolongou-se durante mais uma semana na carne de cor clara e intermédia (20 dias) do que na escura nas condições deste estudo. Valores de ABVT de 20-30 mg NH3/100 mg de carne de peru correspondem a estados avançados de deterioracão da carne, indicando-se como limite de aceitabilidade na carne de peru crua fresca valores de ABVT de 14 mg de NH3/100mg