63 research outputs found
Estudo das alterações no metabolismo da soja em decorrência da infecção por Aphelenchoides besseyi.
Título em inglês: Study of changes in soybean metabolism due to infection by Aphelenchoides besseyi
The origin of human pathogenicity and biological interactions in Chaetothyriales
Fungi in the order Chaetothyriales are renowned for their ability to cause human infections. Nevertheless, they are not
regarded as primary pathogens, but rather as opportunists with a natural habitat in the environment. Extremotolerance is
a major trend in the order, but quite diferent from black yeasts in Capnodiales which focus on endurance, an important
additional parameter is advancing toxin management. In the ancestral ecology of rock colonization, the association with
metabolite-producing lichens is signifcant. Ant-association, dealing with pheromones and repellents, is another mainstay
in the order. The phylogenetically derived family, Herpotrichiellaceae, shows dual ecology in monoaromatic hydrocarbon
assimilation and the ability to cause disease in humans and cold-blooded vertebrates. In this study, data on ecology, phylogeny, and genomics were collected and analyzed in order to support this hypothesis on the evolutionary route of the species of
Chaetothyriales. Comparing the ribosomal tree with that of enzymes involved in toluene degradation, a signifcant expansion
of cytochromes is observed and the toluene catabolism is found to be complete in some of the Herpotrichiellaceae. This
might enhance human systemic infection. However, since most species have to be traumatically inoculated in order to cause
disease, their invasive potential is categorized as opportunism. Only in chromoblastomycosis, true pathogenicity might be
surmised. The criterion would be the possible escape of agents of vertebrate disease from the host, enabling dispersal of
adapted genotypes to subsequent generations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Perspectives on the Trypanosoma cruzi-host cell receptor interaction
Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The critical initial event is the interaction of the trypomastigote form of the parasite with host receptors. This review highlights recent observations concerning these interactions. Some of the key receptors considered are those for thromboxane, bradykinin, and for the nerve growth factor TrKA. Other important receptors such as galectin-3, thrombospondin, and laminin are also discussed. Investigation into the molecular biology and cell biology of host receptors for T. cruzi may provide novel therapeutic targets
Avaliação química da adição de feijão vermelho e margarina em biscoitos à base de arroz.
A mistura do arroz e feijão garante uma excelente combinação nutricional, oferecendo uma perfeita complementação aminoacídica além de fornecer energia, vitaminas e minerais. A farinha de arroz e de feijão são nutricionalmente convenientes na fabricação de produtos sem glúten, podendo ser uma alternativa para a elaboração de produtos que tenham como base de sua composição a farinha de trigo.SLACA, 12. De 4 a 7 de Novembro de 2017. Ref. 70243
Milk yield and composition, feed intake and stocking rate of crossbread cows in tropical grasses managed in a rotational grazing system
The objective of this study was to evaluate milk yield and composition, dry matter intake, and stocking rate in pastures with tanzania grass (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia), star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis cv. Estrela-Africana), and marandu grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu). The grasses were managed in a rotational grazing system with Holstein x Zebu crossbreed cows, with a 30-day resting period and three days of paddock occupation. The pastures were fertilized with 1,000 kg/ha/year using the 20:05:20 (NPK) formula, split in three applications during the rainy season. It was used a complete random block experimental design with three factors being studied and two replications. In the experiment, four cows/paddock were used and, when it was necessary, regulator animals were added in order to obtain a supply of 7% body weight green forage dry matter. The animals were individually fed concentrate at 2 kg/day during the experimental period. Milk yield did not differ among the three grasses, with values of 9.1; 9.1; and 8.7 kg/cow/day for pastures with tanzania grass, star grass and marandu grass, respectively. Similarly, grass did not affect milk chemical composition. Stocking rate was similar among the three grasses, with values of 4.6; 4.5 and 5.0 UA/ha for tanzania grass, star grass and marandu grass, respectively. The highest dry matter intake was observed for tanzania grass with 2.6% of the body weight while stargrass (2.3%) and marandu grass (2.4%) did not differ among each other. The highest dry matter intake on tanzania grass pasture was not reflected on milk yield per animal. Milk yield and composition and stocking rate are similar among the evaluated grasses.Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produção e composição química do leite, o consumo de matéria seca e a taxa de lotação em pastagens de capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia), grama-estrela (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst cv. Estrela-Africana) e capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha Stapf cv. Marandu). As gramíneas foram manejadas sob regime de lotação rotacionada com vacas mestiças Holandês x Zebu, com 30 dias de intervalo de desfolha e três dias de ocupação do piquete e foram adubadas com 1.000 kg/ha/ano da fórmula 20:05:20 (NPK), parcelada em três vezes durante a época das chuvas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com três fatores em estudo e duas repetições. Foram utilizadas quatro vacas por piquete e, quando necessário, foram acrescentados animais reguladores objetivando obter oferta de massa seca de forragem verde de 7% do peso vivo. Os animais receberam individualmente 2 kg/dia de concentrado no período experimental. A produção de leite não diferiu entre as três gramíneas, com valores de 9,1; 9,1 e 8,7 kg/vaca/dia para as pastagens de capim-tanzânia, grama-estrela e capim-marandu, respectivamente. Da mesma forma, não houve efeito da gramínea na composição química do leite. A taxa de lotação foi semelhante entre as três gramíneas, com os valores de 4,6; 4,5 e 5,0 UA/ha para o capim-tanzânia, a grama-estrela e o capim-marandu. Maior consumo de matéria seca foi observado no capim-tanzânia com 2,6% do PV, enquanto a grama-estrela (2,3%) e o capim-marandu (2,4%) não diferiram entre si. O maior consumo de matéria seca na pastagem de capim-tanzânia não refletiu na produção de leite por animal. A produção e composição química do leite e a taxa de lotação sao similares entre as gramíneas avaliadas
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