106 research outputs found

    Curve and skeleton based shape deformation In product design

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    In this report we present an intuitive curve and skeleton based approach for digital product modelling. Morphing-like deformations have been developed to allow for the evaluation of a larger set of alternative shapes compared to the set of shapes generated by the current modelling tools. The method helps designers to search in the product domain for alternative shapes in a straightforward way and eliminates the work-arounds. Through a slide-bar control, these alternative shapes are generated by the transformation of an initial shape into the target one by means of a suitable skeleton extraction transparent to the user and a user-defined profile curve for the target surface. The initial shape is abstracted by a skeleton and a distance function from the skeleton to the surface. For the target surface two categories have been considered, namely revolution-like and sweep-like surfaces. They are both defined through curves: an axis or a path and a profile. The user has to specify only the profile curve, as the axis or the path is represented by the skeletal curve extracted from the initial surface. The distribution of the morphing-like deformation is computed based on the skeletal curve, the distance function and the user-defined profile curve. The use of the skeleton guarantee the generated shapes belong to specific product domains and are therefore context-dependent

    El Nuevo Orden Internacional de la Información y la Comunicación

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    Artículo sobre el Nuevo Orden Internacional de la Información y la Comunicación; se repasan sus antecedentes en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) a principios de los setenta, en donde se discutía la promoción del establecimiento de políticas nacionales de comunicación. Se habla sobre la evolución del proyecto, su implementación en América Latina, los logros que alcanzó, sus detractores y la necesidad de una reformulación a partir de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

    Le torri di avvistamento ed il sistema di comunicazione. La costa ligure tra Rapallo e Portofino

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    Pubblicazione finanziata con i fondi MIUR nell\u2019ambito dei programmi di ricerca Prin 2003-2005: \u201cArchitetture e luoghi del Mediterrane. Misura, analisi, storia, comprensione, valutazione per la gestione dei processi trasformativi\u201d (coordinatore nazionale prof. M. Giovannini

    Animus ac ratio nella rappresentazione. Il disegno della realt\ue0, dell'invenzione, dell'inganno

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    Le accezioni del disegno e le implicazioni che da tali accezioni possono derivar

    L'arredo urbano e la comunicazione. I problemi dell'immagine urbana

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    Disegno e comunicazione: il ruolo dell'immagine per una migliore "qualit\ue0 della vita". Proposte progetturali per l'individuazione di un metodo di riqualificazione urban

    Comunicare per immagini

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    Potenzialit\ue0 del disegno come linguaggio universale; esempi progettual