347 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh lokasi dan fasilitas terhadap keputusan memilih. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu karyawan SMK Swasta Teladan Sumut I yang berjumlah 96 responden  sedangkan teknik penentuan dengan sampel jenuh. Sehingga sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 96 responden. Kemudian 30 responden dipilih untuk digunakan dalam uji instrument penelitian sedangkan sisanya 66 responden dijadikan sampel. Adapun sumber data dalam penelitian ini dari data primer dan data sekunder. Dimana data primer dari observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Sedangkan data sekunder dapat dari data yang sudah didokumentasikan. Sedangkan teknik analisa data yang digunakan yaitu regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda yaitu  2,906 + 0,290X1 + 0,287X2  + e yang menjukkan lokasi dan fasilitas pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan memilih sekolah. Sedangkan hasil uji (t) atau uji parsial menunjukkan bahwa lokasi dan fasilitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan memilih . Hasil koefisien determinasi dengan nilai regresi korelasi sebesar 64,2% variasi variabel terikat yaitu lokasi dan fasilitas belajar pada model dapat menjelaskan variabel keputusan memilih sekolah pada SMK Swasta Teladan Sumut-1 sedangkan sisanya sebesar 35,8% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar model. Kata Kunci : lokasi, fasilitas pendidikan, keputusan memilih  sekolah


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    Peran World Trade Organization dalam mengatur jalannya transaksi perdagangan internasional sangat penting, tidak terkecuali perdagangan yang melibatkan isu lingkungan. Mengingat, dewasa ini liberalisasi perdagangan kerap menjadi alasan pembenar untuk melewati batas perlindungan lingkungan. Artikel ini berfokus pada kajian terkait upaya perlindungan lingkungan oleh WTO di era liberalisasi perdagangan. Metode penelitian dalam artikel ini dilakukan secara yuridis-normatif dan menggunakan data sekunder atau literature review. Hasil kajian artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa perdagangan internasional dan perlindungan lingkungan merupakan dua substansi yang berjalan beriringan. Dalam konteks liberalisasi perdagangan internasional di bidang lingkungan, peran WTO melalui kebijakannya telah mengatur agar perdagangan internasional tidak merusak ekosistem lingkungan (sustainable development) dan pembatasan perdagangan di bidang lingkungan tidak memutus mata rantai transaksi internasional. Salah satu upaya dalam perlindungan lingkungan ialah dengan penerapan eco-label untuk produk kemasan. Namun, di sisi lain dengan adanya liberalisasi perdagangan yang merambah sampai di bidang lingkungan sedikit banyak berimplikasi pada lingkungan trofis seperti negara Indonesia

    The Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Commitment and Learning Perception Towards Employees Performance (A Case Study of PT XYZ’S Employees That Participate in the Training at Padang Learning Unit)

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    Since 2016, there has been a reduction trend in the amount of PT XYZ employees that participated in the training at Padang Udiklat, eventhough PT XYZ is one of the biggest State-owned Enteprise of Indonesia (BUMN). This reduction trend is directly in proportion with the performance value results of the operational unit in Padang Udiklat regional in the last four semesters added with the reduction trend of Organizational Commitment in accordance with the employees’ results of Engagement Survey held by The XYZ head office (Holding) in 2017. Based on these, this study aims to determine whether Organizational Commitment and employee’s Learning Perception are correlated with and affected Individual Performance.  The subject of this study is the BUMN employees who participated in the Traning at Education and Training Unit (Udiklat) Padang in the third quarter of 2018. Although, the results showed that Perception Learning and Organizational Commitment are only capable of influencing Individual Performance as much as 32.3%. However, this study showed that both of these variables have a positive correlation and are significant towards PT XYZ employees performance. For further research, it is advised to conduct the research on a larger scope, namely, the employees of PT XYZ (Persero) nationwide and not only the employees of a certain region who participated the training in just one Training Unit. Keywords: Individual Performance ; Learning Perception ; Organizational Commitmen

    The Effect of Implementation of Government Accounting Standards and Internal Control System on The Quality of Financial Statements of Disdukcatpil District Langkat

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    In the context of accountability, it is necessary to implement an appropriate, clear and measurable financial reporting system in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability. With the financial reports, both central and regional finances are expected to be managed properly in order to manage public funds in a transparent, economical, efficient, effective and accountable manner. The existence of these financial statements needs to be considered further, the usefulness of the report as a mere obligation without using the financial statements as a source of information to determine and take policies in developing and growing the region. This study uses a method, namely a quantitative approach. This research begins with observations as preparation for the final stage, namely reporting the results of the study. The research time starts from January 17, 2022 until it is finished. This research was conducted directly on the company. The type of data used is Primary data. Primary data is taken from direct observation and then conducting interviews with related parties. The data used are data from interviews. The selected population are employees of DISDUKCATPIL. The results of this study are the effect that occurs between the Government Accounting System and the Financial Statement Quality variable is not statistically significant at the 5% significance level. The effect that occurs between the Government Internal Control System and the Financial Statement Quality variable is statistically significant at the 5% significance level. The Government Accounting System and the Government Internal Control System simultaneously or simultaneously affect the Financial Report Quality variable at a significance level of 5%

    The Concept of “Martabat Tujuh” Al-Burhanpuri (Study of the Creation of the Universe in the Perspective of Philosophical Sufism)

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    When discussing the creation of the universe, the discussion will never be separated from the three objects of philosophical study, namely God as the creator, man and the universe as the created object, and at the same time being the object undergoing the process of creation. God, humans and the universe, are three objects that are always interesting to discuss. The manifestation of the existence of the three becomes a perennial study. For philosophers, these three problems become “fertile” areas of thought in the framework of developing true knowledge (correct knowledge) about these three problems. In the realm of Islamic thought, these three objects have always received major attention among Muslim philosophers, including the Sufis. Even in the context of Sufism (Sufism), these three objects become eternal discussions, especially at the level of Sufism which has philosophical nuances, or commonly known as “Falsafi Sufism”. At this level, the concept of “Martabat Tujuh”, a concept that talks about the creation of al-Buhanpuri’s version of the universe, is tried to be presented


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya Keunikan kearifan lokal hukum adat sebagai salah satu bentuk cara mempertahankan Identitas dan kedaulatan tanah di desa rejoagung kecamatan semboro Kabupaten Jember, Adapun Metode yang di pakai dalam penelitian ini menggunkan metode kualitatif dengan dengan teknik triangulasi data. Hasil dari penelitian Kepemilikan dan pengelohan tanah dalam perjalanannya berkorelasi dengan adat budaya masyarakatnya, terdapat peraturan adat yang sangat dipatuhi oleh masyarakat Desa Rejoagung secara turun-temurun dalam rangka menjaga identitas sebagai desa wisata rohani dan kedaulatan tanahnya yaitu larangan agar tidak menjual tanahnya kepada penduduk luar desa, jika terpaksa dijual harus mengikuti aturan desa yang sudah diberlakukan. Larangan ini merupakan sebuah larangan yang tidak tertulis namun sangat dipatuhi dan dijalankan hingga sekarang oleh masyarakat Desa Rejoagung sehingga aturan adat tentang pertanahan di Desa Rejoagung dapat menjadi langkah preventif untuk menghindari perselisihan tanah di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal Rejo Agung, Kedaulatan tanah AbstractThis study aims to determine the uniqueness of local wisdom of customary law as a form of how to maintain the identity and sovereignty of the land in the village of Rejoagung, Seboro district, Jember Regency. The method used in this study uses qualitative methods with data triangulation techniques. The results of the reseach Land ownwership and management in its journey are correlated with the cultural customs of the community, there are customary regulations that are strictly obeyed by the people Rejoagung Village from generation to generation in order to maintain their identity as spiriyual tourism village and the sovereignty of their land, namely the prohibition not to sell their land to residents outside the village., if forced to be sold must follow the village rules that have been enforced. This prohibition is an unwritten prohibition but is strictly adhered to and carried outby the people of Rejoagung Village so that customary rules regarding land in Rejoagung can be preventive measure to avoid land disputes in Indonesia.Keywords: Local Wisdom Rejoagung Village, Sovereignty of the Lan


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    Korupsi tidak hanya soal tindak pidana korupsi, melainkan juga perilaku-perilaku koruptif yang dapat dilakukan pula oleh warga negara biasa. Penelitian ini bermula pijak pada analisis kondisi exposure mahasiswa pengurus organisasi kemahasiswaan di Universitas YARSI yang menjadi pintu masuk bagi pembangunan gagasan untuk mengampanyekan nilai dan prinsip antikorupsi kepada seluruh mahasiswa Universitas YARSI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum sosiologis yang menangkap gejala-gejala sosial dan menganalisisnya dari sudut pandang keilmuan (pendidikan) hukum. Ada sejumlah hal elementer dalam hal kognisi responden mengenai pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia yang menunjukkan skala yang perlu mendapatkan intervensi kurikuler. Demikian mengerucut pada gagasan melahirkan mata kuliah Pendidikan Antikorupsi ke dalam kurikulum pendidikan tinggi yang mengadopsi semangat penyelenggaraan kelas kolaboratif dan partisipatif melalui pemanfaatan studi kasus (case study) dan pembelajaran kelompok berbasis proyek (team-based project)
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