2,861 research outputs found

    Indoor Thermal Comfort of Pregnant Women in Hospital: A Case Study Evidence

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    Despite studies on thermal comfort being consolidated in the scientific literature, people\u2019s well-being in some specific conditions and places, such as hospitals, requires to be further explored. The paper describes the methodological approach adopted to evaluate thermal comfort level and perception of pregnant women hosted in the obstetric ward of a test-bed case (Sant\u2019Orsola hospital in Bologna, Italy). The methodology adopts a mixed approach that compares the results of on-site monitoring by probe (as quantitative data) with the ones of a survey (questionnaire form) delivered to the involved subjects (as qualitative data) to understand if metabolic alteration may influence the pregnant women\u2019s perception of comfort conditions. The first follows ISO 7730, the second, ISO 10551. The comparison between the instrumental collected data and the outcomes of the survey revealed a wide gap between TSV (Thermal Sensation Vote) and PMVm (Predicted Mean Vote, measured on-site). The reason can be identified in the use of a standardized metabolic unit from ISO that does not correctly reflect the physiologic condition of pregnant women. Following a trial and error methodology, a met value for pregnant women is accordingly proposed. Moreover, an adaptive thermal comfort approach is adopted. This research is a first step towards the definition of specific thermal comfort in a hospital ward hosting pregnant women and more generally offers a reflection about the need to define specific met in the standards for some particular categories (children, elderly, pregnant women, etc.) when investigating thermal comfort

    Impact of bisphenol A (BPA) on early embryo development in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis: Effects on gene transcription.

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    Bisphenol A (BPA), a monomer used in plastic manufacturing, is weakly estrogenic and a potential endocrine disruptor in mammals. Although it degrades quickly, it is pseudo-persistent in the environment because of continual inputs, with reported concentrations in aquatic environments between 0.0005 and 12 \u3bcg/L. BPA represents a potential concern for aquatic ecosystems, as shown by its reproductive and developmental effects in aquatic vertebrates. In invertebrates, endocrine-related effects of BPA were observed in different species and experimental conditions, with often conflicting results, indicating that the sensitivity to this compound can vary considerably among related taxa. In the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis BPA was recently shown to affect early development at environmental concentrations. In this work, the possible effects of BPA on mussel embryos were investigated at the molecular level by evaluating transcription of 13 genes, selected on the basis of their biological functions in adult mussels. Gene expression was first evaluated in trocophorae and D-veligers (24 and 48 h post fertilization) grown in physiological conditions, in comparison with unfertilized eggs. Basal expressions showed a general up-regulation during development, with distinct transcript levels in trocophorae and D-veligers. Exposure of fertilized eggs to BPA (10 \u3bcg/L) induced a general upregulation at 24 h pf, followed by down regulation at 48 h pf. Mytilus Estrogen Receptors, serotonin receptor and genes involved in biomineralization (Carbonic Anydrase and Extrapallial Protein) were the most affected by BPA exposure. At 48 h pf, changes in gene expression were associated with irregularities in shell formation, as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), indicating that the formation of the first shelled embryo, a key step in mussel development, represents a sensitive target for BPA. Similar results were obtained with the natural estrogen 17\u3b2-estradiol. The results demonstrate that BPA and E2 can affect Mytilus early development through dysregulation of gene transcription

    Efficacia del trattamento fisioterapico sul dolore e la qualità di vita delle donne affette da sindrome del dolore pelvico cronico: una revisione della letteratura

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    Il dolore pelvico cronico è un dolore riferito all’area pelvica e persistente o ricorrente da almeno 6 mesi, non ciclico e non correlato alla gravidanza. Esso ha una prevalenza consistente nella popolazione femminile in età riproduttiva, e può essere causato da diverse patologie oppure essere di natura idiopatica. Quando persiste per un tempo superiore ai 6 mesi si instaurano meccanismi patologici di sensibilizzazione centrale del dolore, che peggiorano i sintomi. La qualità della vita dei pazienti affetti è dunque ridotta poiché questa malattia va ad interessare la sfera biologica, psicologica e sociale della persona, limitandola nelle attività quotidiane. Le terapie disponibili per migliorare i sintomi sono quelle indirizzate alla patologia di base, ma nel caso non ci sia una causa apparente del disturbo le terapie sono eterogenee e molto spesso invasive. Obiettivo: condurre una revisione sistematica della letteratura per indagare le possibilità terapeutiche fisioterapiche e la loro efficacia nel trattamento della sindrome del dolore pelvico cronico. Materiali e metodi: è stata condotta una ricerca nelle principali banche dati (Pubmed, Cinhal, The Cochrane Library e PEDro) e nelle bibliografie di revisioni sistematiche e libri sull’argomento. Si è limitata la ricerca al sesso femminile e agli RCT. Risultati: sono stati inclusi 11 RCT che analizzano l’efficacia del trattamento fisioterapico, comparato ad un placebo o ad un’altra terapia, sul dolore e la qualità di vita. Conclusioni: a causa dell’alta eterogeneità dei trattamenti e delle sotto classificazioni della sindrome del dolore pelvico cronico esaminati non è possibile concludere che il trattamento fisioterapico sia valido nell’ambito del dolore pelvico cronico in generale. Sembra verosimile affermare che il trattamento fisioterapico porti a miglioramenti in donne affette da endometriosi, sindrome del dolore pelvico cronico, vulvodinia e dispareunia, ma resta incerta la sua efficacia sulla vescica dolorosa

    ATLAS and forward physics

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    In this contribution ATLAS forward physics program is illustrated. ATLAS forward detectors, including the upgrade project AFP, are described and the first measurements are shown

    Physiological Roles of Serotonin in Bivalves: Possible Interference by Environmental Chemicals Resulting in Neuroendocrine Disruption

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    Contaminants of Emerging Concerns (CECs) are defined as chemicals not commonly monitored in aquatic ecosystems, but with the potential to cause adverse effects on biota. CECs include Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and Neuro-Endocrine disruptors (NEDs) of vertebrates. However, most invertebrates only rely on neuroendocrine systems to maintain homeostatic processes. Although conserved neuroendocrine components have been characterized in ecologically relevant groups, limited knowledge on invertebrate neuroendocrinology makes it difficult to define EDCs and NEDs in most species. The monoamine serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) acts both as a neurotransmitter and as a peripheral hormone in mammals. In molluscs, 5-HT is involved in multiple physiological roles and molecular components of the serotonergic system have been identified. This review is focused on the effects of CECs on the serotonergic system of bivalve molluscs. Bivalves are widespread in all aquatic environments, estuarine and coastal areas in particular, where they are exposed to a variety of chemicals. In bivalves, 5-HT is involved in gametogenesis and spawning, oocyte maturation and sperm motility, regulates heart function, gill ciliary beating, mantle/siphon function, the ‘‘catch’’ state of smooth muscle and immune responses. Components of 5-HT transduction (receptors and signaling pathways) are being identified in several bivalve species. Different CECs have been shown to affect bivalve serotonergic system. This particularly applies to antidepressants, among the most commonly detected human pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. In particular, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are frequently detected in seawater and in bivalve tissues. Information available on the effects and mechanisms of action of SSRIs on the serotonergic system of adult bivalves is summarized. Data are also reported on the effects of CECs on development of neuroendocrine pathways of early larval stages, in particular on the effects of model EDCs in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Overall, available data point at the serotonergic system as a sensitive target for neuroendocrine disruption in bivalves. The results contribute drawing Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) for model EDCs and SSRIs in larvae and adults. However, basic research on neuroendocrine signaling is still needed to evaluate the potential impact of neuroendocrine disruptors in key invertebrate groups of aquatic ecosystems

    Obsessive-Compulsive, Psychotic, and Autism Dimensions Overlap in Real World: A Case Report

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    BackgroundObsessions, compulsions, and stereotypes are common psychopathological manifestations of obsessive-compulsive, psychotic, and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). These nosological entities may be present in comorbidity, with relevant clinical difficulties in the differential diagnosis process. Moreover, ASDs are a complex group of disorders, with a childhood onset, which also persist into adulthood and present heterogeneous symptom patterns that could be confused with psychotic disorders.Methods and ResultsWe report a case of a 21-year-old man characterized by sexual and doubt obsessions; disorganized, bizarre, and stereotyped behaviors and compulsions; and social withdrawal, inadequate social skills, visual dispersions, and hypersensitivity to light stimuli. Obsessive and compulsive features were initially included within the differential diagnosis of psychotic and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders. However, aforementioned psychopathological elements did not improve when multiple antipsychotic drugs (olanzapine, haloperidol, and lurasidone) were administered in the hypothesis of schizophrenia and even worsened with clozapine therapy at a dose of 100 mg/d. Obsessions and compulsions progressively reduced during the fluvoxamine 14-week treatment paradigm at a dose of 200 mg/d. Considering the persistent deficits in social communication and interactions as well as the restricted interests pattern, a differential diagnostic hypothesis of ASD was formulated, and it was then confirmed at the final evaluation at a third-level health care center.ConclusionsWe discuss similarities and differences in the psychopathology of obsessions, compulsions, and stereotypes in the previously mentioned disorders, to underline factors that can help in the differential diagnosis of similar cases, and consequently in the appropriateness of treatment choice

    Visible and Infra-red Light Emission in Boron-Doped Wurtzite Silicon Nanowires

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    Silicon, the mainstay semiconductor in microelectronic circuitry, is considered unsuitable for optoelectronic applications owing to its indirect electronic band gap, which limits its efficiency as a light emitter. Here we show the light emission properties of boron-doped wurtzite silicon nanowires measured by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy at room temperature. A visible emission, peaked above 1.5 eV, and a near infra-red emission at 0.8 eV correlate respectively to the direct transition at the Γ point and to the indirect band-gap of wurtzite silicon. We find additional intense emissions due to boron intra-gap states in the short wavelength infra-red range. We present the evolution of the light emission properties as function of the boron doping concentration and the growth temperature

    Ley Micaela en el sistema universitario nacional: Propuesta pedagógica para la formación y sensibilización en género y sexualidades

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    La Ley nº 27.499, conocida como "Ley Micaela", establece la capacitación obligatoria en la temática de género y violencia contra las mujeres para todas las personas que se desempeñen en la función pública en los tres poderes del Estado.Su denominación es en homenaje a Micaela García, una joven entrerriana que fue víctima de femicidio en 2017. Desde la sanción de esta ley, Micaela es el nombre de la apuesta política e institucional para incorporar una mirada sensible al género y las sexualidades, favoreciendo la prevención, la sanción y la erradicación de las violencias machistas, y promoviendo relaciones de igualdad en la diversidad.La Red Interunivesitaria por la Igualdad de Género y contra las Violencias (RUGE) es el fruto del avance de los activismos universitarios feministas para la institucionalización y jerarquización de las políticas de género en las instituciones públicas de educación superior. En 2018, se incorpora como organización en el marco del Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) con la misión de colaborar en el diseño y desarrollo de políticas que contribuyan a erradicar las desigualdades y violencias basadas en género en todo el sistema universitario.Este cuadernillo, elaborado en el marco de la articulación entre RUGE-CIN y la Iniciativa Spotlight a través de ONU Mujeres, tiene por objetivo contribuir a promover y multiplicar estas capacitaciones a partir de la construcción de una propuesta pedagógica de sensibilización y formación en género y sexualidades para las instituciones universitarias públicas.Fil: Rovetto, Florencia Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Fabbri, Luciano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin

    Uso del blog como herramienta de construcción de conocimientos en la clase de lengua extranjera

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    Este proyecto nace a partir de la asistencia a cursos vinculados al uso de las nuevas tecnologías (a través del CIIE La Plata, el colegio Liceo V. Mercante, el Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente y la Especialización Docente de nivel Superior en Educación y TIC del Ministerio Nacional de Educación), los cuales proponen entre sus objetivos usar las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) con fines pedagógicos y estimular la reflexión sobre nuestras prácticas a los efectos de resignificarlas, actualizarlas y mejorarlas. Algunos de los interrogantes que guiarán nuestra discusión para el presente trabajo son los siguientes: - ¿Se puede lograr una conciliación entre los materiales seleccionados, los objetivos propuestos por la institución en la que trabajamos, nuestras prácticas áulicas reales y las tecnologías que están a nuestro alcance? - ¿Podemos lograr que nuestras clases estén basadas en tareas (tasks) utilizando los materiales disponibles e incorporando las TICs para promover la producción de nuevos saberes para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje? - ¿Podemos aspirar a mejorar las trayectorias educativas de los alumnos y enriquecer nuestras prácticas mediante la inclusión y utilización de las TICs en la tarea cotidiana?Liceo "Víctor Mercante