17 research outputs found

    Integration of aqueous (micellar) two-phase systems on the proteins separation

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    A two-step approach combining an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) and an aqueous micellar two-phase system (AMTPS), both based on the thermo-responsive copolymer Pluronic L-35, is here proposed for the purification of proteins and tested on the sequential separation of three model proteins, cytochrome c, ovalbumin and azocasein. Phase diagrams were established for the ATPS, as well as co-existence curves for the AMTPS. Then, by scanning and choosing the most promising systems, the separation of the three model proteins was performed. The aqueous systems based on Pluronic L-35 and potassium phosphate buffer (pH = 6.6) proved to be the most selective platform to separate the proteins (SAzo/Cyt = 1667; SOva/Cyt = 5.33 e SAzo/Ova = 1676). The consecutive fractionation of these proteins as well as their isolation from the aqueous phases was proposed, envisaging the industrial application of this downstream strategy. The environmental impact of this downstream process was studied, considering the carbon footprint as the final output. The main contribution to the total carbon footprint comes from the ultrafiltration (~ 49%) and the acid precipitation (~ 33%) due to the energy consumption in the centrifugation. The ATPS step contributes to ~ 17% while the AMTPS only accounts for 0.30% of the total carbon footprint.publishe

    On parallel Branch and Bound frameworks for Global Optimization

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    Branch and Bound (B&B) algorithms are known to exhibit an irregularity of the search tree. Therefore, developing a parallel approach for this kind of algorithms is a challenge. The efficiency of a B&B algorithm depends on the chosen Branching, Bounding, Selection, Rejection, and Termination rules. The question we investigate is how the chosen platform consisting of programming language, used libraries, or skeletons influences programming effort and algorithm performance. Selection rule and data management structures are usually hidden to programmers for frameworks with a high level of abstraction, as well as the load balancing strategy, when the algorithm is run in parallel. We investigate the question by implementing a multidimensional Global Optimization B&B algorithm with the help of three frameworks with a different level of abstraction (from more to less): Bobpp, Threading Building Blocks (TBB), and a customized Pthread implementation. The following has been found. The Bobpp implementation is easy to code, but exhibits the poorest scalability. On the contrast, the TBB and Pthread implementations scale almost linearly on the used platform. The TBB approach shows a slightly better productivity

    Hunting for cultivable Micromonospora strains in soils of the Atacama Desert

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    Innovative procedures were used to selectively isolate small numbers of Micromonospora strains from extreme hyper-arid and high altitude Atacama Desert soils. Micromonosporae were recognised on isolation plates by their ability to produce filamentous microcolonies that were strongly attached to the agar. Most of the isolates formed characteristic orange colonies that lacked aerial hyphae and turned black on spore formation, whereas those from the high altitude soil were dry, blue-green and covered by white aerial hyphae. The isolates were assigned to seven multi- and eleven single-membered groups based on BOX-PCR profiles. Representatives of the groups were assigned to either multi-membered clades that also contained marker strains or formed distinct phyletic lines in the Micromonospora 16S rRNA gene tree; many of the isolates were considered to be putatively novel species of Micromonospora. Most of the isolates from the high altitude soils showed activity against wild type strains of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens while those from the rhizosphere of Parastrephia quadrangulares and from the Lomas Bayas hyper-arid soil showed resistance to UV radiation