52 research outputs found

    A student-centered approach for developing active learning: the construction of physical models as a teaching tool in medical physiology

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    BACKGROUND: Teaching physiology, a complex and constantly evolving subject, is not a simple task. A considerable body of knowledge about cognitive processes and teaching and learning methods has accumulated over the years, helping teachers to determine the most efficient way to teach, and highlighting student's active participation as a means to improve learning outcomes. In this context, this paper describes and qualitatively analyzes an experience of a student-centered teaching-learning methodology based on the construction of physiological-physical models, focusing on their possible application in the practice of teaching physiology. METHODS: After having Physiology classes and revising the literature, students, divided in small groups, built physiological-physical models predominantly using low-cost materials, for studying different topics in Physiology. Groups were followed by monitors and guided by teachers during the whole process, finally presenting the results in a Symposium on Integrative Physiology. RESULTS: Along the proposed activities, students were capable of efficiently creating physiological-physical models (118 in total) highly representative of different physiological processes. The implementation of the proposal indicated that students successfully achieved active learning and meaningful learning in Physiology while addressing multiple learning styles. CONCLUSION: The proposed method has proved to be an attractive, accessible and relatively simple approach to facilitate the physiology teaching-learning process, while facing difficulties imposed by recent requirements, especially those relating to the use of experimental animals and professional training guidelines. Finally, students' active participation in the production of knowledge may result in a holistic education, and possibly, better professional practices

    Study of using marker assisted selection on a beef cattle breeding program by model comparison

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    [EN] A data set of a commercial Nellore beef cattle selection program was used to compare breeding models that assumed or not markers effects to estimate the breeding values, when a reduced number of animals have phenotypic, genotypic and pedigree information available. This herd complete data set was composed of 83,404 animals measured for weaning weight (WW), post-weaning gain (PWG), scrotal circumference (SC) and muscle score (MS), corresponding to 116,652 animals in the relationship matrix. Single trait analyses were performed by MTDFREML software to estimate fixed and random effects solutions using this complete data. The additive effects estimated were assumed as the reference breeding values for those animals. The individual observed phenotype of each trait was adjusted for fixed and random effects solutions, except for direct additive effects. The adjusted phenotype composed of the additive and residual parts of observed phenotype was used as dependent variable for models' comparison. Among all measured animals of this herd, only 3160 animals were genotyped for 106 SNP markers. Three models were compared in terms of changes on animals' rank, global fit and predictive ability. Model 1 included only polygenic effects, model 2 included only markers effects and model 3 included both polygenic and markers effects. Bayesian inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods performed by TM software was used to analyze the data for model comparison. Two different priors were adopted for markers effects in models 2 and 3, the first prior assumed was a uniform distribution (U) and, as a second prior, was assumed that markers effects were distributed as normal (N). Higher rank correlation coefficients were observed for models 3_U and 3_N, indicating a greater similarity of these models animals' rank and the rank based on the reference breeding values. Model 3_N presented a better global fit, as demonstrated by its low DIC. The best models in terms of predictive ability were models 1 and 3_N. Differences due prior assumed to markers effects in models 2 and 3 could be attributed to the better ability of normal prior in handle with collinear effects. The models 2_U and 2_N presented the worst performance, indicating that this small set of markers should not be used to genetically evaluate animals with no data, since its predictive ability is restricted. In conclusion, model 3_N presented a slight superiority when a reduce number of animals have phenotypic, genotypic and pedigree information. It could be attributed to the variation retained by markers and polygenic effects assumed together and the normal prior assumed to markers effects, that deals better with the collinearity between markers. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We are grateful to the Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), Merialilgenity and Conselho Nacional de apoio a Pesquisa (CNPq) for the financial support, to Agro-Pecuaria CFM for data set and the Institut de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentarias de Cataluña (IRTA) as the host institution for its full backing while preparing the research and the manuscript.Rezende, F.; Ferraz, J.; Eler, J.; Silva, R.; Mattos, E.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. (2012). Study of using marker assisted selection on a beef cattle breeding program by model comparison. Livestock Science. 147(1-3):40-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2012.03.017S40481471-

    Adubação nitrogenada e potássica de cafeeiro fertirrigado na fase de formação, em plantio adensado

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o parcelamento e a dose de nitrogênio e potássio mais adequados para o primeiro e segundo anos de formação do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica) fertirrigado por gotejamento, no sul de Minas Gerais. Dois experimentos foram instalados simultaneamente com plantio adensado (6.666 plantas ha-1): em um, a adubação foi realizada em quatro aplicações ao ano e, no outro, em 12 aplicações. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições em ambos os experimentos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por doses, aplicadas via fertirrigação, equivalentes a 70, 100, 130, 160 e 190% da recomendada para N e K2O, para o cultivo em sequeiro. Foi realizado tratamento controle com cultivo em sequeiro e adubação com a dose padrão: 100% da recomendada. No primeiro e segundo anos, em ambos os tipos de parcelamento, não houve diferença significativa entre as doses, quanto ao crescimento do cafeeiro. O parcelamento em 12 aplicações é mais adequado para adubação de primeiro e segundo anos pós-plantio. Cafeeiros em formação fertirrigados por gotejamento apresentam maior crescimento e menor demanda por adubação com N e K do que os cultivados em sequeiro