125 research outputs found

    Contractions, deformations and curvature

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    The role of curvature in relation with Lie algebra contractions of the pseudo-ortogonal algebras so(p,q) is fully described by considering some associated symmetrical homogeneous spaces of constant curvature within a Cayley-Klein framework. We show that a given Lie algebra contraction can be interpreted geometrically as the zero-curvature limit of some underlying homogeneous space with constant curvature. In particular, we study in detail the contraction process for the three classical Riemannian spaces (spherical, Euclidean, hyperbolic), three non-relativistic (Newtonian) spacetimes and three relativistic ((anti-)de Sitter and Minkowskian) spacetimes. Next, from a different perspective, we make use of quantum deformations of Lie algebras in order to construct a family of spaces of non-constant curvature that can be interpreted as deformations of the above nine spaces. In this framework, the quantum deformation parameter is identified as the parameter that controls the curvature of such "quantum" spaces.Comment: 17 pages. Based on the talk given in the Oberwolfach workshop: Deformations and Contractions in Mathematics and Physics (Germany, january 2006) organized by M. de Montigny, A. Fialowski, S. Novikov and M. Schlichenmaie

    Lie–Hamilton systems on curved spaces: A geometrical approach

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    Producción CientíficaA Lie–Hamilton system is a nonautonomous system of first-order ordinary differential equations describing the integral curves of a t-dependent vector field taking values in a finite-dimensional Lie algebra, a Vessiot–Guldberg Lie algebra, of Hamiltonian vector fields relative to a Poisson structure. Its general solution can be written as an autonomous function, the superposition rule, of a generic finite family of particular solutions and a set of constants. We pioneer the study of Lie–Hamilton systems on Riemannian spaces (sphere, Euclidean and hyperbolic plane), pseudo-Riemannian spaces (anti-de Sitter, de Sitter, and Minkowski spacetimes) as well as on semi-Riemannian spaces (Newtonian spacetimes). Their corresponding constants of motion and superposition rules are obtained explicitly in a geometric way. This work extends the (graded) contraction of Lie algebras to a contraction procedure for Lie algebras of vector fields, Hamiltonian functions, and related symplectic structures, invariants, and superposition rules

    Integrable geodesic motion on 3D curved spaces from non-standard quantum deformations

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    The link between 3D spaces with (in general, non-constant) curvature and quantum deformations is presented. It is shown how the non-standard deformation of a sl(2) Poisson coalgebra generates a family of integrable Hamiltonians that represent geodesic motions on 3D manifolds with a non-constant curvature that turns out to be a function of the deformation parameter z. A different Hamiltonian defined on the same deformed coalgebra is also shown to generate a maximally superintegrable geodesic motion on 3D Riemannian and (2+1)D relativistic spaces whose sectional curvatures are all constant and equal to z. This approach can be generalized to arbitrary dimension.Comment: 7 pages. Communication presented at the 14th Int. Colloquium on Integrable Systems 14-16 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republi

    Superintegrability on Three-Dimensional Riemannian and Relativistic Spaces of Constant Curvature

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    A family of classical superintegrable Hamiltonians, depending on an arbitrary radial function, which are defined on the 3D spherical, Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces as well as on the (2+1)D anti-de Sitter, Minkowskian and de Sitter spacetimes is constructed. Such systems admit three integrals of the motion (besides the Hamiltonian) which are explicitly given in terms of ambient and geodesic polar coordinates. The resulting expressions cover the six spaces in a unified way as these are parametrized by two contraction parameters that govern the curvature and the signature of the metric on each space. Next two maximally superintegrable Hamiltonians are identified within the initial superintegrable family by finding the remaining constant of the motion. The former potential is the superposition of a (curved) central harmonic oscillator with other three oscillators or centrifugal barriers (depending on each specific space), so that this generalizes the Smorodinsky-Winternitz system. The latter one is a superposition of the Kepler-Coulomb potential with another two oscillators or centrifugal barriers. As a byproduct, the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector for these spaces is deduced. Furthermore both potentials are analysed in detail for each particular space. Some comments on their generalization to arbitrary dimension are also presented

    Curved momentum spaces from quantum (Anti-)de Sitter groups in (3+1) dimensions

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    Producción CientíficaCurved momentum spaces associated to the k-deformation of the (3+1) de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter algebras are constructed as orbits of suitable actions of the dual Poisson-Lie group associated to the k-deformation with non-vanishing cosmological constant. The k-de Sitter and k-Anti-de Sitter curved momentum spaces are separately analysed, and they turn out to be, respectively, half of the (6+1)-dimensional de Sitter space and half of a space with SO(4, 4) invariance. Such spaces are made of the momenta associated to spacetime translations and the ‘hyperbolic’ momenta associated to boost transformations. The known k-Poincaré curved momentum space is smoothly recovered as the vanishing cosmological constant limit from both of the constructions.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects MTM2013-43820-P / MTM2016-79639-P)Junta de Castilla y León (projects BU278U14 / VA057U16)European Cooperation in Science and Technology (Action MP1405 QSPACE

    The anisotropic oscillator on curved spaces: A new exactly solvable model

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    We present a new exactly solvable (classical and quantum) model that can be interpreted as the generalization to the two-dimensional sphere and to the hyperbolic space of the two-dimensional anisotropic oscillator with any pair of frequencies and . The new curved Hamiltonian depends on the curvature of the underlying space as a deformation/contraction parameter, and the Liouville integrability of relies on its separability in terms of geodesic parallel coordinates, which generalize the Cartesian coordinates of the plane. Moreover, the system is shown to be superintegrable for commensurate frequencies , thus mimicking the behaviour of the flat Euclidean case, which is always recovered in the limit. The additional constant of motion in the commensurate case is, as expected, of higher-order in the momenta and can be explicitly deduced by performing the classical factorization of the Hamiltonian. The known and anisotropic curved oscillators are recovered as particular cases of , meanwhile all the remaining curved oscillators define new superintegrable systems. Furthermore, the quantum Hamiltonian is fully constructed and studied by following a quantum factorization approach. In the case of commensurate frequencies, the Hamiltonian turns out to be quantum superintegrable and leads to a new exactly solvable quantum model. Its corresponding spectrum, that exhibits a maximal degeneracy, is explicitly given as an analytical deformation of the Euclidean eigenvalues in terms of both the curvature and the Planck constant . In fact, such spectrum is obtained as a composition of two one-dimensional (either trigonometric or hyperbolic) Pösch–Teller set of eigenvalues.Física Teórica, Atómica y ÓpticaMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects MTM2013-43820-P and MTM2014-57129-C2-1-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. BU278U14 and VA057U16