307 research outputs found

    Electrohydraulic Forming of Light Weight Automotive Panels

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    This paper describes the results of development of the electrohydraulic forming (EHF) process as a near-net shape automotive panel manufacturing technology. EHF is an electro-dynamic process based upon high-voltage discharge of capacitors between two electrodes positioned in a fluid-filled chamber. This process is extremely fast, uses lowercost single-sided tooling, and potentially derives significantly increased formability from many sheet metal materials due to the elevated strain rate. Major results obtained during this study include: developing numerical model of the EHF; demonstrating increased formability for high-strength materials and other technical benefits of using EHF; developing the electrode design suitable for high volume production conditions; understanding the limitations on loads on the die in pulsed forming conditions; developing an automated fully computer controlled and robust EHF cell; demonstration of electrohydraulic springback calibration and electrohydraulic trimming of stamped panels; full scale demonstration of a hybrid conventional and EHF forming process for automotive dash panel

    Time- and rate-dependent alterations of the QT interval precede the onset of torsade de pointes in patients with acquired QT prolongation.

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    Abstract Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the QT interval dynamics that precede torsade de pointes are consistent with the initiation of this arrhythmia by early afterdepolarization-induced triggered activity. Background. Early afterdepolarization-induced triggered activity has been suggested as an electrophysiologic mechanism for torsade de pointes. Consequently, the initiation of torsade de pointes should involve time- and rate-dependent alterations of ventricular repolarization similar to those known to modulate the development of early afterdepolarizations. Methods. RR and QT intervals were measured in digitized 24-h ambulatory electrocardiographic recordings obtained from seven patients with acquired prolongation of ventricular repolarization. Each patient had one or more episodes of torsade de pointes. The relation between RR and QT intervals was determined before, during and after multiple episodes of torsade de pointes. Results. In patients with multiple episodes of ventricular arrhythmias, the onset of the arrhythmias was associated with a critical prolongation of the QT interval. In some episodes, prolongation of the QT interval was associated with sudden prolongation of the sinus cycle length, whereas in other episodes, the QT interval prolonged progressively at a constant cycle length. Conclusions. The association between a critically prolonged QT interval and the onset of ventricular arrhythmias suggests that the initial complex of torsade de pointes is an early afterdepolarization-induced triggered response. However, prolongation of the QT interval itself was not sufficient to account for the initiation of torsade de pointes, suggesting that other, as yet unidentified factors are required. (J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;30:209–17

    Canonical quantization of cylindrical gravitational waves with two polarizations

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    The canonical quantization of the essentially nonlinear midisuperspace model describing cylindrically symmetric gravitational waves with two polarizations is presented. A Fock space type representation is constructed. It is based on a complete set of quantum observables. Physical expectation values may be calculated in arbitrary excitations of the vacuum. Our approach provides a non-linear generalization of the quantization of the collinearly polarized Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2

    Gravitational fields as generalized string models

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    We show that Einstein's main equations for stationary axisymmetric fields in vacuum are equivalent to the motion equations for bosonic strings moving on a special nonflat background. This new representation is based on the analysis of generalized harmonic maps in which the metric of the target space explicitly depends on the parametrization of the base space. It is shown that this representation is valid for any gravitational field which possesses two commuting Killing vector fields. We introduce the concept of dimensional extension which allows us to consider this type of gravitational fields as strings embedded in D-dimensional nonflat backgrounds, even in the limiting case where the Killing vector fields are hypersurface orthogonal.Comment: latex, 25 page

    Gravitating Magnetic Monopole in the Global Monopole Spacetime

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    In this paper we study the regular self-gravitating 't Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole in a global monopole spacetime. We show that for the large distance, the structure of the manifold corresponds to the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m spacetime with a solid angle deficit factor. Although we analyze static and spherically symmetric solutions, it is not possible to solve analytically the system of coupled differential equations and only numerical evaluations can provide detailed information about the behavior of this system at the neighborhood of the defect's core. So, for this reason we solve numerically the set of differential equations for the metric tensor and for the matter fields for different values of the Higgs field vacuum expectation value, η\eta, and the self-coupling constant, λ\lambda.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, LaTex forma

    Longitudinal study of informed consent in innovative therapy research: experience and provisional recommendations from a multicenter trial of intracerebral grafting.

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    BACKGROUND: There is an urgent need to assess and improve the consent process in clinical trials of innovative therapies for neurodegenerative disorders. METHODS: We performed a longitudinal study of the consent of Huntington's disease patients during the Multicenter Fetal Cell Intracerebral Grafting Trial in Huntington's Disease (MIG-HD) in France and Belgium. Patients and their proxies completed a consent questionnaire at inclusion, before signing the consent form and after one year of follow-up, before randomization and transplantation. The questionnaire explored understanding of the protocol, satisfaction with the information delivered, reasons for participating in the trial and expectations regarding the transplant. Forty-six Huntington's disease patients and 27 proxies completed the questionnaire at inclusion, and 27 Huntington's disease patients and 16 proxies one year later. RESULTS: The comprehension score was high and similar for Huntington's disease patients and proxies at inclusion (72.6% vs 77.8%; P > 0.1) but only decreased in HD patients after one year. The information satisfaction score was high (73.5% vs 66.5%; P > 0.1) and correlated with understanding in both patients and proxies. The motivation and expectation profiles were similar in patients and proxies and remained unchanged after one year. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitively impaired patients with Huntington's disease were capable of consenting to participation in this trial. This consent procedure has presumably strengthened their understanding and should be proposed before signing the consent form in future gene or cell therapy trials for neurodegenerative disorders. Because of the potential cognitive decline, proxies should be designated as provisional surrogate decision-makers, even in competent patients

    Kaluza-Klein and Gauss-Bonnet cosmic strings

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    We make a systematic investigation of stationary cylindrically symmetric solutions to the five-dimensional Einstein and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations. Apart from the five-dimensional neutral cosmic string metric, we find two new exact solutions which qualify as cosmic strings, one corresponding to an electrically charged cosmic string, the other to an extended superconducting cosmic string surrounding a charged core. In both cases, test particles are deflected away from the singular line source. We extend both kinds of solutions to exact multi-cosmic string solutions.Comment: 26 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 but Not Insulin Predicts Cognitive Decline in Huntington's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Huntington\u27s disease (HD) is one of several neurodegenerative disorders that have been associated with metabolic alterations. Changes in Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and/or insulin input to the brain may underlie or contribute to the progress of neurodegenerative processes. Here, we investigated the association over time between changes in plasma levels of IGF-1 and insulin and the cognitive decline in HD patients. METHODS: We conducted a multicentric cohort study in 156 patients with genetically documented HD aged from 22 to 80 years. Among them, 146 patients were assessed at least twice with a follow-up of 3.5 ± 1.8 years. We assessed their cognitive decline using the Unified Huntington\u27s Disease Rating Scale, and their IGF-1 and insulin plasmatic levels, at baseline and once a year during the follow-up. Associations were evaluated using a mixed-effect linear model. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional analysis at baseline, higher levels of IGF-1 and insulin were associated with lower cognitive scores and thus with a higher degree of cognitive impairment. In the longitudinal analysis, the decrease of all cognitive scores, except the Stroop interference, was associated with the IGF-1 level over time but not of insulin. CONCLUSIONS: IGF-1 levels, unlike insulin, predict the decline of cognitive function in HD

    Comparison of low--energy resonances in 15N(alpha,gamma)19F and 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne and related uncertainties

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    A disagreement between two determinations of Gamma_alpha of the astro- physically relevant level at E_x=4.378 MeV in 19F has been stated in two recent papers by Wilmes et al. and de Oliveira et al. In this work the uncertainties of both papers are discussed in detail, and we adopt the value Gamma_alpha=(1.5^{+1.5}_{-0.8})10^-9eV for the 4.378 MeV state. In addition, the validity and the uncertainties of the usual approximations for mirror nuclei Gamma_gamma(19F) approx Gamma_gamma(19Ne), theta^2_alpha(19F) approx theta^2_alpha(19Ne) are discussed, together with the resulting uncertainties on the resonance strengths in 19Ne and on the 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne rate.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Field Theoretical Quantum Effects on the Kerr Geometry

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    We study quantum aspects of the Einstein gravity with one time-like and one space-like Killing vector commuting with each other. The theory is formulated as a \coset nonlinear σ\sigma-model coupled to gravity. The quantum analysis of the nonlinear σ\sigma-model part, which includes all the dynamical degrees of freedom, can be carried out in a parallel way to ordinary nonlinear σ\sigma-models in spite of the existence of an unusual coupling. This means that we can investigate consistently the quantum properties of the Einstein gravity, though we are limited to the fluctuations depending only on two coordinates. We find the forms of the beta functions to all orders up to numerical coefficients. Finally we consider the quantum effects of the renormalization on the Kerr black hole as an example. It turns out that the asymptotically flat region remains intact and stable, while, in a certain approximation, it is shown that the inner geometry changes considerably however small the quantum effects may be.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX. The hep-th number added on the cover, and minor typos correcte