1,851 research outputs found

    Light Neutralino Dark Matter in the NMSSM

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    Neutralino dark matter is generally assumed to be relatively heavy, with a mass near the electroweak scale. This does not necessarily need to be the case, however. In the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) and other supersymmetric models with an extended Higgs sector, a very light CP-odd Higgs boson can naturally arise making it possible for a very light neutralino to annihilate efficiently enough to avoid being overproduced in the early Universe. In this article, we explore the characteristics of a supersymmetric model needed to include a very light neutralino, 100 MeV < \mcnone < 20 GeV, using the NMSSM as a prototype. We discuss the most important constraints from Upsilon decays, b→sγb \to s \gamma, Bs→μ+μ−B_s \to \mu^+ \mu^- and the magnetic moment of the muon, and find that a light bino or singlino neutralino is allowed, and can be generated with the appropriate relic density. It has previously been shown that the positive detection of dark matter claimed by the DAMA collaboration can be reconciled with other direct dark matter experiments such as CDMS II if the dark matter particle is rather light, between about 6 and 9 GeV. A singlino or bino-like neutralino could easily fall within this range of masses within the NMSSM. Additionally, models with sub-GeV neutralinos may be capable of generating the 511 keV gamma-ray emission observed from the galactic bulge by the INTEGRAL/SPI experiment. We also point out measurements which can be performed immediately at CLEO, BaBar and Belle using existing data to discover or significantly constrain this scenario.Comment: References updated, accepted for publication in PR

    Optically Controlled Spin-polarization Memory Effect On Mn Delta-doped Heterostructures

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)( We investigated the dynamics of the interaction between spin-polarized photo-created carriers and Mn ions on InGaAs/GaAs: Mn structures. The carriers are confined in an InGaAs quantum well and the Mn ions come from a Mn delta-layer grown at the GaAs barrier close to the well. Even though the carriers and the Mn ions are spatially separated, the interaction between them is demonstrated by time-resolved spin-polarized photoluminescence measurements. Using a pre-pulse laser excitation with an opposite circular-polarization clearly reduces the polarization degree of the quantum-well emission for samples where a strong magnetic interaction is observed. The results demonstrate that the Mn ions act as a spin-memory that can be optically controlled by the polarization of the photocreated carriers. On the other hand, the spin-polarized Mn ions also affect the spin-polarization of the subsequently created carriers as observed by their spin relaxation time. These effects fade away with increasing time delays between the pulses as well as with increasing temperatures.6Brazilian financial agency CNPq [149365/2010-1, 229659/2013-6]Brazilian financial agency CAPESBrazilian financial agency FAPESP [2011/20985-6, 2011/50975-2, 2010/11393-5]Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation [8.1054.2014/K]Russian Foundation for Basic Research [13-07-00982a, 13-02-97140-reg]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Machine learning enabled Raman amplifiers

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    Ultra-wideband (UWB) optical communication systems, envision to operate in O+E+S+C+l band, are a viable solution to cope with the network’s exponential traffic growth [1] . One of the main challenges to provide beyond C-band transmission is a lack of optical amplifiers. Since the erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) are limited to C and L bands only, new technologies will have to be explored to cover the remaining bands. Some examples of amplifiers able to provide amplification beyond C–band are: bismuth doped fibre amplifiers (BDFA) [2] , semiconductor optical amplifiers, (SOAs) [3] and Raman amplifiers (RAs) [4] . Compared to the solutions based on BDFA and SOA, optical amplifiers based RAs offer a higher degree of commercial maturity [5] . Most importantly, RA amplifiers can provide gain in any band provided a proper allocation of pump powers and wavelength

    A field-theoretic approach to the Wiener Sausage

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    The Wiener Sausage, the volume traced out by a sphere attached to a Brownian particle, is a classical problem in statistics and mathematical physics. Initially motivated by a range of field-theoretic, technical questions, we present a single loop renormalised perturbation theory of a stochastic process closely related to the Wiener Sausage, which, however, proves to be exact for the exponents and some amplitudes. The field-theoretic approach is particularly elegant and very enjoyable to see at work on such a classic problem. While we recover a number of known, classical results, the field-theoretic techniques deployed provide a particularly versatile framework, which allows easy calculation with different boundary conditions even of higher momenta and more complicated correlation functions. At the same time, we provide a highly instructive, non-trivial example for some of the technical particularities of the field-theoretic description of stochastic processes, such as excluded volume, lack of translational invariance and immobile particles. The aim of the present work is not to improve upon the well-established results for the Wiener Sausage, but to provide a field-theoretic approach to it, in order to gain a better understanding of the field-theoretic obstacles to overcome.Comment: 45 pages, 3 Figures, Springer styl

    Implementation of Family Life and HIV/AIDS Education in Nigerian Schools: A Qualitative Study on Scope, Delivery and Challenges

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    This study utilized data from Focus Group Discussions and In-depth Interviews among secondary school students and teachers to examine the scope, delivery and challenges of FLHE implementation within states and across geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Structural Functionalism, Rational Choice and Differential Association theories were adopted as theoretical framework. Results show that several patterns in classroom teaching of FLHE are identifiable across the country. The study found that FLHE is taught at the Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary levels with variations among States on the beginning levels. The main mode of FLHE delivery is classroom instruction; other modes include assembly talk and sensitization by organizations. Despite paucity of Information, Education and Communication materials and inadequate personnel requirement, different stakeholders noted that FLHE has been beneficial to students. Therefore, effective implementation of FLHE will go a long way to ensuring that young people in Nigeria are equipped with necessary information to enable them exhibit the right attitude and behaviour towards sexuality issues. Keywords: FLHE implementation, reproductive health, young people, youth corpers, sexual attitude.RésuméCette étude a utilisé des données provenant des groupes de discussion à cible et des entrevues en profondeur entre élèves et enseignants des écoles secondaires afin d'examiner la portée, l’actualisation et la mise en oeuvre de défis de la VFES au sein des Etats et entre les zones géopolitiques au Nigeria. Le fonctionnalisme structural, le choix rationnel et les théories l’association différentielle ont été adoptés comme cadre théorique. Les résultats montrent que plusieurs tendances dans l'enseignement en classe de la VFES sont identifiables à travers le pays. L'étude a révélé que la VFES est enseigné dans les deux cycles de l’école avec des variations entre les États à l’égard du niveau de commencement. Le principal mode de la réalisation de la VFES est l'enseignement en classe; d'autres modes comprennent des discours pendant la réunion matinale et la sensibilisation par les organisations. Malgré la rareté de l'information, l’éducation et les matériels de communication et les besoins insuffisants en personnel, les différents intervenants ont noté que la VFES a été bénéfique pour les élèves. Par conséquent, la mise en oeuvre effective de la VFES aidera beaucoup à assurer que les jeunes gens au Nigeria sont équipées d’informations nécessaires pour leur permettre de démontrer une bonne attitude et un bon comportement à l'égard des questions de sexualité. Mots-clés: la mise en oeuvre FLHE, santé de la reproduction, les jeunes, jeunesse, attitude sexuell

    Measurement of the Charge Collection Efficiency after Heavy Non-Uniform Irradiation in BaBar Silicon Detectors

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    We have investigated the depletion voltage changes, the leakage current increase and the charge collection efficiency of a silicon microstrip detector identical to those used in the inner layers of the BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) after heavy non-uniform irradiation. A full SVT module with the front-end electronics connected has been irradiated with a 0.9 GeV electron beam up to a peak fluence of 3.5 x 10^14 e^-/cm^2, well beyond the level causing substrate type inversion. We irradiated one of the two sensors composing the module with a non-uniform profile with sigma=1.4 mm that simulates the conditions encountered in the BaBar experiment by the modules intersecting the horizontal machine plane. The position dependence of the charge collection properties and the depletion voltage have been investigated in detail using a 1060 nm LED and an innovative measuring technique based only on the digital output of the chip.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figures. Presented at the 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 18-21, Rome, Italy. Accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    Kepler constraints on planets near hot Jupiters

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    We present the results of a search for planetary companions orbiting near hot Jupiter planet candidates (Jupiter-size candidates with orbital periods near 3 d) identified in the Kepler data through its sixth quarter of science operations. Special emphasis is given to companions between the 2∶1 interior and exterior mean-motion resonances. A photometric transit search excludes companions with sizes ranging from roughly two-thirds to five times the size of the Earth, depending upon the noise properties of the target star. A search for dynamically induced deviations from a constant period (transit timing variations) also shows no significant signals. In contrast, comparison studies of warm Jupiters (with slightly larger orbits) and hot Neptune-size candidates do exhibit signatures of additional companions with these same tests. These differences between hot Jupiters and other planetary systems denote a distinctly different formation or dynamical history

    K+ Channel Regulator KCR1 Suppresses Heart Rhythm by Modulating the Pacemaker Current If

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    Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide sensitive (HCN) channels underlie the pacemaker current If, which plays an essential role in spontaneous cardiac activity. HCN channel subunits (HCN1-4) are believed to be modulated by additional regulatory proteins, which still have to be identified. Using biochemistry, molecularbiology and electrophysiology methods we demonstrate a protein-protein interaction between HCN2 and the K+ channel regulator protein 1, named KCR1. In coimmunoprecipitation experiments we show that KCR1 and HCN2 proteins are able to associate. Heterologously expressed HCN2 whole-cell current density was significantly decreased by KCR1. KCR1 profoundly suppressed IHCN2 single-channel activity, indicating a functional interaction between KCR1 and the HCN2 channel subunit. Endogenous KCR1 expression could be detected in adult and neonatal rat ventriculocytes. Adenoviral-mediated overexpression of KCR1 in rat cardiomyocytes (i) reduced If whole-cell currents, (ii) suppressed most single-channel gating parameters, (iii) altered the activation kinetics, (iv) suppressed spontaneous action potential activity, and (v) the beating rate. More importantly, siRNA-based knock-down of endogenous KCR1 increased the native If current size and single-channel activity and accelerated spontaneous beating rate, supporting an inhibitory action of endogenous KCR1 on native If. Our observations demonstrate for the first time that KCR1 modulates IHCN2/If channel gating and indicate that KCR1 serves as a regulator of cardiac automaticity
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