35 research outputs found

    Metaphors and analogies proposed by perspective primary teachers to support the exploration of magnetic phenomena

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    Analogies and Metaphors play an important role in primary science education to correlate abstract aspects and lived experiences, providing concrete meanings for pupils. They represent important educational tools that can help young pupils to approach towards abstract physics concepts like those related to magnetic phenomena. In order to improve the competencies of Prospective Primary Teacher (PPT) students related to the use of analogies and metaphors in education, a specific module of formative intervention was developed and propose

    Overhaul and Installation of the ICARUS-T600 Liquid Argon TPC Electronics for the FNAL Short Baseline Neutrino Program

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    The ICARUS T600 liquid argon (LAr) time projection chamber (TPC) underwent a major overhaul at CERN in 2016-2017 to prepare for the operation at FNAL in the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. This included a major upgrade of the photo-multiplier system and of the TPC wire read-out electronics. The full TPC wire read-out electronics together with the new wire biasing and interconnection scheme are described. The design of a new signal feed-through flange is also a fundamental piece of this overhaul whose major feature is the integration of all electronics components onto the signal flange. Initial functionality tests of the full TPC electronics chain installed in the T600 detector at FNAL are also described

    Construction techniques and performances of a full size prototype Micromegas chamber for the ATLAS muon spectrometer upgrade

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    A full scale prototype of a Micromegas precision tracking chamber for the upgrade of the ATLAS detector at the LHC Collider has been built between October 2015 and April 2016. This paper describes in detail the procedures used in constructing the single modules of the chamber in various INFN laboratories and the final assembly at the Frascati National Laboratories (LNF). Results of the chamber exposure to the CERN H8 beam line in June 2016 are also presented. The performances achieved in the construction and the results of the test beam are compared with the requirements, which are imposed by the severe environment during the data-taking of the LHC foreseen for the next years

    Esplorazioni di fenomeni magnetici: idee, analogie e metafore di insegnanti della scuola primaria in formazione

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    Lo studio qui presentato \ue8 stato progettato con l\u2019obiettivo di analizzare le proposte didattiche elaborate da studenti di Scienze della Formazione Primaria (SFP) sulle interazioni magnetiche e sul concetto di campo magnetico dopo aver sperimentato i fenomeni magnetici nel contesto informale della mostra GEI (Giochi, Esperimenti, Idee - Universit\ue0 di Udine). L\u2019analisi \ue8 stata focalizzata sulle analogie e metafore che i futuri insegnanti utilizzerebbero per avvicinare i bambini alla comprensione dei fenomeni magnetici

    Molecular characterization of six unrelated Italian patients affected by pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase deficiency

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    Molecular characterization of six unrelated Italian patients affected by pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase deficiency

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    An unusual febrile nonhemolytic reaction occurred after transfusion in a thalassemia major patient with asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection

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    BACKGROUND: Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions occur in 0.12% of transfusions, usually during transfusion or within 4 to 6 hours after transfusion and are not medically dangerous. CASE REPORT: A patient with thalassemia from Togo with asymptomatic malaria in which the infection became clinically manifest only after blood transfusion, mimicking a febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction, is presented. Thirty-two hours after transfusion of 2 O D-red blood cell (RBC) units, the patient (phenotype A 2 D+) developed fever and multiorgan failure and was admitted to the intensive care unit. Direct and indirect antiglobulin tests were negative on posttransfusion samples. Blood cultures and infectious diseases testing were negative. No malaria parasites were found at thick blood smear microscopic examination on Days 1 and 2 and the malaria rapid diagnostic test gave inconsistent results. Plasmodium total antibodies were detected in the serum at high levels. On Day 5, routine microscopic examination of blood smear revealed the presence of parasites in a very small number of RBCs. This finding was almost simultaneous to the availability of polymerase chain reaction testing results that were positive for P. falciparum. The sequential agglutination with anti-A antiserum allowed patient's and donors' RBCs to be separated and revealed that the parasitized cells were almost exclusively those of donors (14.4% vs. 0.029%). Malaria infection in implicated donors was excluded. CONCLUSION: In this patient with thalassemia with asymptomatic malaria, the infusion of two normal RBC units provided a favorable environment for a rapid parasite replication leading to a dramatic acute malaria attack