428 research outputs found

    Primeros resultados del análisis polínico del depósito lacustre del "Pla de l'Estany (Olot, Girona)

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    Se presenta un avance del análi_sis palino l ógico de una prospecc ión de 17 .5 metros, realizada al Noreste de la Península I bérica, al pie de los Pirineos , y centrado en los nivel es turbases o de tríti cos . La turbera superior pertenece al Subboreal y al Subatl ánt i co . En todo el diagrama dominan los árbol es sucediéndose cronológi camente l os bosques de Ab ies /Fagus, Pinus y finalmente Quercus .In thi s paper we present sorne prel iminary data f r om a pal yno logical analysis of a e ore 17.5 m deep taken in t he Pyrenes N. E. Spain . We ha ve examined the peat (which in is upper level appeared to belong to the Subboreal and Subatlantic period) and the al so detritic l ay e r s .. The dominant taxa encountered , ,ere al ! trees which appeared , in c hronol ogical orde r 1 as, follows : Abies/ Fagus 1 Pinus and Quercus

    Acute Malnutrition and Under-5 Mortality, Northeastern Part of India.

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    We assessed the prevalence of childhood acute malnutrition and under-five mortality rate (U5MR) in Darbhanga district, India, using a two-stage 49-cluster household survey. A total of 1379 households comprising 8473 people were interviewed. During a 90-day recall period, U5MR was 0.5 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.2-1.4] per 10 000 per day. The prevalence of global acute malnutrition among 1405 children aged 6-59 months was 15.4% (NCHS) and 19.4% (2006 WHO references). This survey suggests that in Darbhanga district, the population is in a borderline food crisis with few food resources. Appropriate strategies should be developed to improve the overall nutritional and health status of children

    Murine typhus in travelers returning from Indonesia.

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    We report the first three documented cases of murine typhus imported into Europe from Indonesia, discuss clues for the diagnosis of the disease, and urge that murine fever be considered in the diagnosis of febrile disease in travelers

    New constrains on the thickness of the Semail Ophiolite in the Northern Emirates

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    Near-critical angle and refraction studies were performed at IFP as piggyback studies during a wider programme of crustal imagery operated by WesternGeco on behalf of the Ministry of Energy of the United Arab Emirates. The main objective is to illuminate the base of the Semail Ophiolite along part of a regional transect (D1) crossing the Northern Emirates from the Gulf of Oman in the east up to the Arabian Gulf in the west. Results confirm that the sole thrust of the ophiolite has been folded during the Miocene stacking of the underlying Arabian Platform. The thickness of the ophiolite grades from zero in the core of the Masafi tectonic window, up to a maximum of 1.7 km below the axial part of a successor basin which has been preserved on top of the serpentinite west of the current exposure of the main ultramafic bodies. Apatite grains extracted from plagiogranites of the Semail ophiolite also provide evidences for an early unroofing of the gabbros and plagiogranites during the Late Cretaceous, with cooling ages of 72-76 Ma at the top of the ophiolite in the east (not far from the Fujairah coast line), which are coeval and also consistent with the occurrence of Late Cretaceous paleo-soils, rudists and paleo-reef deposits on top of serpentinized ultramafics in the west. Younger cooling ages of 20 Ma have been also found at the base of the ophiolite near Masafi, in the core of the nappe anticline, thus providing a Neogene age for the refolding of the allochthon and stacking of underlying parautochthonous platform carbonate units. These results, together with the occurrence of a thick sedimentary pile illuminated below the metamorphic sole along the north-trending, strike-profile D2 running parallel to the axis of the Masafi window, should stimulate a renewal of the exploration in the central part of the Emirate foothills, where the ophiolite thickness is currently limited, and was already drastically reduced by the end of its Late Cretaceous obduction. © 2010 Saudi Society for Geosciences

    Difficult phylogenetic questions: more data, maybe; better methods, certainly

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    Contradicting the prejudice that endosymbiosis is a rare phenomenon, Husník and co-workers show in BMC Biology that bacterial endosymbiosis has occured several times independently during insect evolution. Rigorous phylogenetic analyses, in particular using complex models of sequence evolution and an original site removal procedure, allow this conclusion to be established after eschewing inference artefacts that usually plague the positioning of highly divergent endosymbiont genomic sequences

    A Semantic Grid Oriented to E-Tourism

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    With increasing complexity of tourism business models and tasks, there is a clear need of the next generation e-Tourism infrastructure to support flexible automation, integration, computation, storage, and collaboration. Currently several enabling technologies such as semantic Web, Web service, agent and grid computing have been applied in the different e-Tourism applications, however there is no a unified framework to be able to integrate all of them. So this paper presents a promising e-Tourism framework based on emerging semantic grid, in which a number of key design issues are discussed including architecture, ontologies structure, semantic reconciliation, service and resource discovery, role based authorization and intelligent agent. The paper finally provides the implementation of the framework.Comment: 12 PAGES, 7 Figure

    Grid-Enabled Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement

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    Abstract. Earth and life sciences are at the forefront to successfully include computational simulations and modeling. Medical applications are often mentioned as the killer applications for the Grid. The complex methodology and models of Traditional Chinese Medicine offer different approaches to diagnose and treat a persons health condition than typical Western medicine. A possibility to make this often hidden knowledge ex-plicit and available to a broader audience will result in mutual synergies for Western and Chinese medicine as well as improved patient care. This paper proposes the design and implementation of a method to accurately estimate blood glucose values using a novel non-invasive method based on electro-transformation measures in human body meridians. The frame-work used for this scientific computing collaboration, namely the China-Austria Data Grid (CADGrid) framework, provides an Intelligence Base offering commonly used models and algorithms as Web/Grid-Services. The controlled execution of the Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measure-ment Service and the management of scientific data that arise from model execution can be seen as the first application on top of the CADGrid

    Витяг з протоколу №3 засідання погоджувальної комісії з проблемних питань українського слововживання, словотворення та написання слів Інституту української мови НАН України від 22.01.2009 р.

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    The lithospheric memory is key for the interplay of lithospheric stresses and rheological structure of the extending lithosphere and for its later tectonic reactivation. Other important factors are the temporal and spatial migration of extension and the interplay of rifting and surface processes. The mode of extension and the duration of the rifting phase required to lead to continental break-up are to a large extent controlled by the interaction of the extending plate with slab dynamics. The finite strength of the lithosphere has an important effect on the formation of extensional basins. This applies both to the geometry of the basin shape as well as to the record of vertical motions during and after rifting. We demonstrate a strong connection between the bulk rheological properties of Europe's lithosphere and the evolution of some of Europe's main rifts and back-arc systems. The thermo-mechanical structure of the lithosphere has a major impact on continental break-up and associated basin migration processes, with direct relationships between rift duration and extension velocities, thermal evolution, and the role of mantle plumes. Compressional reactivation has important consequences for post-rift inversion, borderland uplift, and denudation, as illustrated by poly-phase deformation of extensional back-arc basins in the Black Sea and the Pannonian Basin region