11 research outputs found

    Physicochemical properties of lecithin-based nanoemulsions obtained by spontaneous emulsification or high-pressure homogenization

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    Nanoemulsions composed of a medium-chain triglyceride oil core stabilized by rapeseed or sunflower lecithins were prepared by spontaneous emulsification and high-pressure homogenization. These nanoemulsions are compared with formulations stabilized by egg lecithin. Nanoemulsions obtained by high-pressure homogenization display larger droplet size (230 to 440 nm) compared with those obtained by spontaneous emulsification (190 to 310 nm). The zeta potentials of the emulsions were negative and below -25 mV. Zeta potential inversion occurred between pH 3.0 and 4.0. The results demonstrate the feasibility of preparing lipid emulsions comprising rapeseed or sunflower lecithins by spontaneous emulsification and high-pressure homogenization


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    The use of controlled release fertilizers is a trend for improving productivity, reducing costs and environmental pollution. Such materials release gradually the nutrients to the plant in order to supply its requirement and are an alternative to improve fertilization. The preparation of a microsphere from natural materials (chitosan and montmorilonite clay) added with nutrients, according to the needs of plants nutritional, is one of the main motivations of this work. The addition of lamellar silicates as natural clays is a promising alternative to increase water and chemical compounds sorption capacity. In the present chitosan/montmorilonite clay composites were prepared via inversion phase and thermal, structural and morphologically studies were performed. The release of the KNO3 was realized in water using conductimetry and time domain reflectometry technique was used to monitor the in situ release in soil. Double coated microspheres provide the better nutrient encapsulation and a swelling of 200% was observed. The release was influenced by pH and fast release was observed for pH 4 and 5.5. According to the soil tests a slow release was observed since the KNO3 delivery was accompanied during 60 days showing higher values in the first ten days and a constant value until 60 days


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    Gene therapy is a promising tool for the treatment of ocular diseases. Nevertheless, there are some import limitations, especially related to the ocular route and the characteristics of nucleic acids that must be overcome to ensure the success of the therapy. In this context, nanotechnology-based carriers such as nanoemulsions, nanoparticles, dendrimers and liposomes have risen as a promising vehicle for the protection of genetic material for vectoring the target cells. The success of such approach is closely related to the judicious selection of the biomaterial, where chemical structure and intermolecular interactions play a major role. So, this manuscript reviews some of the most important biomaterials, lipid and polymeric origin, employed in the manufacture of nanotechnologic carriers for ocular gene therapy involving interfering RNA (siRNA), antisense oligonucleotide (AS-ON) and plasmid DNA (pDNA)

    Chemical constituents and pharmacological profile of Gunnera manicata L. extracts

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    Gunnera perpensa L. (Gunneraceae) is a native South African plant widely used in traditional medicine as an antibacterial and antifungal. In southern Brazil there is the native species called Gunnera manicata L. that also belongs to the Gunneraceae. Nevertheless, there is no information about chemical and pharmacological properties of South American Gunnera species. Therefore this study aimed at assessing the phytochemical and pharmacological profiles of aqueous and methanol Brazilian G. manicata extracts. The results showed that antimicrobial activity in an agar diffusion assay was effective against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans . Phenolic compounds were investigated by liquid chromatography coupled with a tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) and all extracts presented gallic acid and only the methanol extract obtained from the leaves exhibited hyperoside. Rutin, quercetin and chlorogenic acid were not found in the samples analysed. Total phenolic content was higher in methanol extract and total flavonoid content was low in all extracts. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical test, and all samples presented good to moderate antioxidant activity. These results encourage complementary studies on the chemical composition of the plant extracts focusing on isolation and structure elucidation of their active compounds

    Maize (Zea Mays L) landraces from the southern region of Brazil: contamination by Fusarium sp, zearalenone, physical and mechanical characteristics of the kernels

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    This work had as objectives the study of the physical and mechanical characteristics of maize kernels in relation to the contamination by Fusarium sp and by zearalenone in twenty landraces of maize from the southern region of Brazil. From the analyzed samples, 60 % has been considered to have a hard endosperm type and 40 % an intermediary one. A correlation between the physical and mechanical variables was observed as an indication that the higher is the proportion of hard endosperm, more dense will be the kernel and more force for its rupture will be necessary. The level of contamination by Fusarium sp was between 5.5 and 24.75% among the analyzed grains, correlating positively with the flotation index, indicating that the landraces of maize with a softer endosperm can present a higher contamination by this genus. The presence of zearalenone was verified in 75 % of the samples, in concentrations varying from 50 to 640 µg kg-1.<br>Este trabalho teve por objetivos verificar as características físicas, mecânicas, contaminação por Fusarium sp e por zearalenona e suas relações, em vinte variedades crioulas de milho da região sul do Brasil. Verificou-se que das amostras analisadas, 60% foram consideradas como possuidoras de endosperma do tipo duro e 40% com endosperma do tipo intermediário. As variáveis físicas e mecânicas se correlacionaram, indicando que quanto maior a proporção de endosperma vítreo, mais denso e maior a força necessária até a ruptura do grão. A contaminação por Fusarium sp esteve entre 5,5% e 24,75% nos grãos analisados, correlacionando-se positivamente com o índice de flotação, indicando que as variedades crioulas de milho com uma maior proporção de endosperma macio podem apresentar uma maior contaminação por Fusarium sp, sugerindo-se a utilização de variedades crioulas com a textura do endosperma predominantemente vítrea. A presença de zearalenona foi verificada em 75% das amostras, em concentrações que variaram de 50 a 640 µg kg-1