1,174 research outputs found

    Sustainable Planning of Land Use Changes in farming areas under ecological protection

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    Land use has been changing in the last decades because of agricultural intensification and land abandonment which implies deterioration in the optimum habitat structure and quality. Habitat degradation and loss, resulting from changes in land use remain significant drivers of biodiversity loss. These trends are widely recognised and have forced national and international agencies to identify protected sites for natural areas with high biodiversity value. Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are natural zones particularly relevant for nature conservation. Regional planning is bound to play an increasing role in nature conservation policies because much biodiversity is located in farming areas outside natural parks. Agriculture in the Mediterranean Basin has always been highly dependent on rainfed crops, cereal, vine and olive. Vine growing plays an important role not only from the economic point of view, but also environmentally as a permanent plant cover in terms of preventing erosion, managing land and water resources in a sustainable way, defending against desertification an settling population in rural areas. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to implement a decision tool system to analyse the feasibility of new proposals to upgrade traditional vineyards in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. The study focuses on the sustainability of current farming practices in Special Protection Areas for Steppe Land Birds. This paper presents a model to quantify the resulting habitat fragmentation basing on infrastructure facilities, leading to mapping areas where to apply restriction measures to prevent physical destruction of the habita

    Measuring satisfaction in societies with opinion leaders and mediators

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    An opinion leader-follower model (OLF) is a two-action collective decision-making model for societies, in which three kinds of actors are considered:Preprin


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    ‘Rainha Claudia Verde’ is a regional cultivar of Prunus domestica L. well adapted to a specific region in the south of Portugal. In order to understand the postharvest behavior of this cultivar produced in different orchards, cell wall poly-saccharides and cell wall calcium fruit content were studied during ripening in two consecutive years. During harvest period pectic fractions soluble in water, carbonate and KOH were prepared from alcohol-insoluble residue (AIR) of plums. Galacturonic and neutral sugars contents were measured during fruit ripening and fruit firmness was also evaluated. The calcium fruit level was determined in the AIR during harvest season as well as in dry matter. Fruit firmness was significantly higher in the second year and was probably related with calcium fruit content and pectic polysaccharides. There was a significant difference in calcium fruit content between orchards, and this might influence the overall fruit texture during the postharvest period. During fruit ripening water soluble pectic polysaccharides did not change significantly, which corresponded with the small decrease in tissue firmness. The occurrence in the supernatant of the cellulosic residue of highly branched polysaccharides might be the consequence of matrix material associated with microfibrilar phase. Depolymerization of the hemicellulosic fraction was not evident during plum ripening. The loss of fruit firmness is a consequence of many cellular events which are influenced by external factors. The knowledge of calcium content in the cell wall and the pectic poly¬saccharides could be of great importance to local farmers to predict fruit texture

    Using Genetic Algorithms with Variable-length Individuals for Planning Two-Manipulators Motion

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    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. 01/01/1997. NorwichA method based on genetic algorithms for obtaining coordinated motion plans of manipulator robots is presented. A decoupled planning approach has been used; that is, the problem has been decomposed into two subproblems: path planning and trajectory planning. This paper focuses on the second problem. The generated plans minimize the total motion time of the robots along their paths. The optimization problem is solved by evolutionary algorithms using a variable-length individuals codification and specific genetic operators

    Quantifying differences in pill swallow patterns in adults

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    Difficulty swallowing pills has become an increasing complaint among patients visiting swallow evaluation centers across the globe. Deficits are reported in healthy individuals as well as in clinical populations. In the USA, 40% of 679 persons responding to a survey reported difficulty swallowing pills (Business Wire, 2009). In an effort to facilitate pill intake, several modifications have been reported: use of liquid formulations, crushing tablet, opening capsule, whole pill mixed with food or via feeding tube (Cornish, 2005). A survey of 40 nurses revealed the most common modification was to use apple sauce (Riquelme et al., 2009). Current literature on swallowing pills focuses mostly on esophageal transit of pills in adults and on how to feed pills to children. However, little attention has been given to the physiology responsible for pill swallowing. The purpose of this prospective study was to identify patterns employed by adults during self-administration of pills and determine differences by medium used (thin liquid water, semi-solid applesauce). Participants included 42 adults, 28 female, referred for videofluoroscopy (VFSS). Age range was 86-27; mean of 66 years. Fluoroscopy data were captured on the Kay Pentax DSW. The contrast material employed was a barium-filled capsule. Participants completed two trials with water and two with applesauce. A total of 129 swallows were analyzed: 71 pill + water and 58 pill + apple sauce. Results revealed 13 patterns for swallowing pills, with cohesive swallow (38.85%), lingual pumping (16.56%), and lingual hesitation (15.92%) among the most prevalent. Additionally, it was found that 63% of the sample utilized different patterns based on medium employed to transport the pill (water vs apple sauce), and 18.2% utilized different patterns across all trials. This study supports the need to further understand changes to the swallow mechanism inherent in transporting a pill, so as to improve management and compliance and reduce unnecessary changes in formulations

    Control y reducción de daños mecánicos en la manipulación de frutos cítricos

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    Durante las operaciones de recolección, transporte y manipulación de frutas y hortalizas se producen inevitablemente lesiones que progresivamente se acumulan sobre cada uno de los frutos, resultando disminuida su calidad, y por tanto su valor comercial. Los mercados actuales, tanto nacionales como internacionales, demandan frutas de alta calidad. Uno de los aspectos que constituyen esa calidad es la apariencia externa del producto, y dentro de ésta la ausencia de daños mecánicos, heridas, defectos de coloración etc. Es por tanto necesario revisar todos aquellos factores y procesos que afectan al producto, desde el momento de la recolección hasta la llegada del producto a manos del consumidor, con el fin de reducir las cuantiosas pérdidas (alrededor del 20% de la cosecha), debidas a la aplicación de diferentes tipos de cargas mecánicas (impacto, compresión, fricción, etc) a lo largo de los procesos, y mejorar el aspecto externo del fruto. Son bien conocidas las consecuencias del estado actual de los procesos de recolección y post-recolección a nivel de fruto. Cuando un fruto es sometido reiteradamente a cargas mecánicas exteriores, éste induce una respuesta fisiológica de autodefensa y, como consecuencia, puede desencadenar en los tejidos cambios tales como envejecimiento acelerado, degeneración y degradación. Todas estas reacciones redundan indiscutiblemente en las pérdidas de calidad arriba mencionadas. Una vez definido el problema, es necesario conocer en detalle las causas, los procesos en si mismos, ser capaces de detectar los puntos potencialmente peligrosos en los que los frutos están expuestos a impactos, compresiones y otras situaciones de estrés mecánico, cuestión que hasta hace poco ha sido mal resuelta. Hasta ahora la detección y caracterización de los puntos críticos se venía realizando de un modo intuitivo, basado en la simple observación de la ejecución de las operaciones por parte del responsable de cada proceso. Actualmente, con la ayuda de los frutos electrónicos simulados, es posible realizar la evaluación de cualquier procedimiento de forma rápida, precisa y objetiva. El desarrollo de los frutos electrónicos viene a cubrir una demanda del sector, tanto de los productores como de los agentes de comercialización, que necesitaban un método objetivo para la evaluación de los procedimientos y líneas de manipulación. Agencias de extensión agraria y algunas cooperativas han mostrado interés por estos dispositivos, empleándolos para la detección de puntos críticos en sus instalaciones. Incluso algunos agentes de grandes cadenas de supermercados han empezado a solicitar "certificados de calidad" de las líneas que manipulan los productos que ellos comercializan como garantía de su calidad

    Detección de puntos críticos en líneas de manipulación de fruta

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    Durante las operaciones de recolección, transporte y manipulación de frutas y hortalizas se producen inevitablemente lesiones que se van acumulando sobre cada uno de los frutos, resultando disminuida su calidad, con el detrimento de valor comercial que ello supone. En el mercado actual, tanto nacional como internacional, se detecta un exceso de oferta de cualquier especie o variedad y las claves del éxito comercial, además de la producción de fruta de primor, se centran en la producción de frutas de alta calidad, para las cuales existe una demanda que el mercado actual no es capaz de satisfacer. Si yuxtaponemos esta realidad a la necesidad de reducir las cuantiosas pérdidas por daños mecánicos, pudriciones, etc. -alrededor del 20% de la producción-, se hace patente la necesidad de revisar todos aquellos factores y procesos que atañen a dicha calidad, desde el momento de la recolección en el árbol hasta la llegada del producto a las manos del consumidor

    L1599B: Cloud Envelope and C+ Emission in a Region of Moderately Enhanced Radiation Field

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    We study the effects of an asymmetric radiation field on the properties of a molecular cloud envelope. We employ observations of carbon monoxide (12CO and 13CO), atomic carbon, ionized carbon, and atomic hydrogen to analyze the chemical and physical properties of the core and envelope of L1599B, a molecular cloud forming a portion of the ring at approximately 27 pc from the star Lambda Ori. The O III star provides an asymmetric radiation field that produces a moderate enhancement of the external radiation field. Observations of the [CII] fine structure line with the GREAT instrument on SOFIA indicate a significant enhanced emission on the side of the cloud facing the star, while the [Ci], 12CO and 13CO J = 1-0 and 2-1, and 12CO J = 3-2 data from the PMO and APEX telescopes suggest a relatively typical cloud interior. The atomic, ionic, and molecular line centroid velocities track each other very closely, and indicate that the cloud may be undergoing differential radial motion. The HI data from the Arecibo GALFA survey and the SOFIA/GREAT [CII] data do not suggest any systematic motion of the halo gas, relative to the dense central portion of the cloud traced by 12CO and 13CO.Comment: 9 Figure

    Study of packing lines for stone fruits and citrus using two instrumented spheres in some cooperatives in the region of Murcia (Spain).

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    Two instrumented spheres IS 100 were used to evaluate the quality of post-harvest operations. Results obtained from measurements made with both IS (8.8 cm 0 and 6.2 cm 0) show significant differences. Both IS measure the same values of the same variables for soft materials, but not for hard surfaces. Four packing lines belonging to different cooperatives of the region of Murcia (two for stone fruits and two for citrus) were tested. IS values obtained in transfers belonging to the tested lines lay well above 50 g's in most of them Much higher impact intensities are registered in citrus lines than in stone fruit packing lines. To study the incidence of a certain packing line on different products an interaction fruit-packing line test was perf01med. In all cases, more than 50% of fruits belonging to the post-handling sample showed some kind of damage. Bruises evolve after 48 hours storage at room temperature

    Baryon Loading of AGN Jets Mediated by Neutrons

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    Plasmas of geometrically thick, black hole (BH) accretion flows in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are generally collisionless for protons, and involve magnetic field turbulence. Under such conditions a fraction of protons can be accelerated stochastically and create relativistic neutrons via nuclear collisions. These neutrons can freely escape from the accretion flow and decay into protons in dilute polar region above the rotating BH to form relativistic jets. We calculate geometric efficiencies of the neutron energy and mass injections into the polar region, and show that this process can deposit luminosity as high as L_j ~ 2e-3 dot{M} c^2 and mass loading dot{M}_j ~ 6e-4 dot{M} for the case of the BH mass M ~ 1e8 M_sun, where dot{M} is mass accretion rate. The terminal Lorentz factors of the jets are Gamma ~ 3, and they may explain the AGN jets having low luminosities. For higher luminosity jets, which can be produced by additional energy inputs such as Poynting flux, the neutron decay still can be a dominant mass loading process, leading to e.g., Gamma ~ 50 for L_{j,tot} ~ 3e-2 dot{M}c^2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap