12,491 research outputs found

    Evaluation of structural analysis methods for life prediction

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    The utility of advanced constitutive models and structural analysis methods are evaluated for predicting the cyclic life of an air-cooled turbine blade for a gas turbine aircraft engine. Structural analysis methods of various levels of sophistication were exercised to obtain the cyclic stress-strain response at the critical airfoil location. Calculated strain ranges and mean stresses from the stress-strain cycles were used to predict crack initiation lives by using the total strain version of the strain range partitioning life prediction method. The major results are given and discussed

    Potts-Percolation-Gauss Model of a Solid

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    We study a statistical mechanics model of a solid. Neighboring atoms are connected by Hookian springs. If the energy is larger than a threshold the "spring" is more likely to fail, while if the energy is lower than the threshold the spring is more likely to be alive. The phase diagram and thermodynamic quantities, such as free energy, numbers of bonds and clusters, and their fluctuations, are determined using renormalization-group and Monte-Carlo techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Post-modernism's use and abuse of Nietzsche

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    I focus on Nietzsche's architectural metaphor of self-construction in arguing for the claim that postmodern readings of Nietzsche misunderstand his various attacks on dogmatic philosophy as paving the way for acceptance of a self characterized by fundamental disunity. Nietzsche's attack on essentialist dogmatic metaphysics is a call to engage in a purposive self-creation under a unifying will, a will that possesses the strength to reinterpret history as a pathway to "the problem that we are". Nietzsche agrees with the postmodernists that unity is not a pre-given, however he would disavow their rejection of unity as a goal. Where the postmodernists celebrate "the death of the subject" Nietzsche rejects this valorization of disunity as a form of Nihilism and prescribes the creation of a genuine unified subjectivity to those few capable of such a goal. Postmodernists are nearer Nietzsche's idea of the Last Man than his idea of the Overman.Articl

    The O(3P) and N(4S) density measurement at 225 km by ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence in the Apollo-Soyuz test project

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    The densities of O(3P) and N(4S) at 225 km were determined during the Apollo Soyuz Test Project by a resonance absorption/fluorescence technique in which OI and NI line radiation produced and collimated on board the Apollo was reflected from the Soyuz back to the Apollo for spectral analysis. The two spacecraft maneuvered so that a range of observation angles of plus or minus 15 deg with respect to the normal to the orbital velocity vector was scanned. The measurements were made at night on two consecutive orbits at spacecraft separations of 150 and 500 m. The resulting relative counting rates as function of observation angle were compared to calculated values to determine the oxygen value. This value agrees with mass spectrometric measurements made under similar conditions. The nitrogen value is in good agreement with other measurements and suggests a smaller diurnal variation than is predicted by present models

    Global Management Effectiveness Study: Integrated Social and Ecological Report for Non-node and Node Sites

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    The purpose of this study is to provide a critical assessment of the implementation, impact, and performance of Marine Managed Area (MMA) projects to serve as a basis for improved planning and implementation of new MMA projects worldwide. The specific objectives of the study are (1) to determine the socioeconomic, governance and ecological effects of MMAs; (2) to determine the critical factors influencing MMA effects, as well as the impact of the timing of those factors on the effects of the MMA; and (3) to provide tools for predicting MMA effects based on ecological, socioeconomic and governance variable

    Trastorn per dèficit d'atenció/hiperactivitat (TDAH) en gimnastes: resultats preliminars

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    És intrínsec a l’esport assolir el rendiment sense l’ajuda de substàncies que el millorin. Tanmateix, la prohibició de medicaments específics discrimina els competidors que pateixen determinades malalties. Per evitar aquestes desigualtats, l’Agència Mundial Antidopatge (AMA) aprovà unes normes internacionals per a les autoritzacions d’ús terapèutic (AUT). El tractament d’esportistes amb trastorn per dèficit d’atenció/hiperactivitat (TDAH) suposa un repte singular. Els estimulants, considerats un tractament de primera línea en el TDAH, estan prohibits a no ser que hagin estat provats prèviament fàrmacs alternatius i hagin resultat ineficaços. La prevalença mundial del TDAH és del 5,3%, tot i amb això no hi ha estudis de prevalença d’afectació d’aquesta malaltia en esportistes. Aquest article tracta el TDAH d’un equip masculí de gimnàstica, les repercussions en futures investigacions, utilitzant el qüestionari que es proposa per mesurar la prevalença d’aquest trastorn i els efectes en la conducta dels gimnastes, i unes consideracions ètiques

    Infrared Emission from the Radio Supernebula in NGC 5253: A Proto-Globular Cluster?

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    Hidden from optical view in the starburst region of the dwarf galaxy NGC 5253 lies an intense radio source with an unusual spectrum which could be interpreted variously as nebular gas ionized by a young stellar cluster or nonthermal emission from a radio supernova or an AGN. We have obtained 11.7 and 18.7 micron images of this region at the Keck Telescope and find that it is an extremely strong mid-infrared emitter. The infrared to radio flux ratio rules out a supernova and is consistent with an HII region excited by a dense cluster of young stars. This "super nebula" provides at least 15% of the total bolometric luminosity of the galaxy. Its excitation requires 10^5-10^6 stars, giving it the total mass and size (1-2 pc diameter) of a globular cluster. However, its high obscuration, small size, and high gas density all argue that it is very young, no more than a few hundred thousand years old. This may be the youngest globular cluster yet observed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 color figures, Submitted to the ApJL, Revised 4/6/01 based on referee's comment

    V-V Bond-Length Fluctuations in Vox

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    We report a significantly stronger suppression of the phonon contribution to the thermal conductivity in VOx than can be accounted for by disorder of the 16 % atomic vacancies present in VO. Since the transition from localized to itinerant electronic behavior is first-order and has been shown to be characterized by bond-length fluctuations in several transition-metal oxides with the perovskite structure, we propose that cooperative V-V bond-length fluctuations play a role in VO similar to the M-O bond-length fluctuations in the perovskites. This model is able to account for the strong suppression of the thermal conductivity, the existence of a pseudogap confirmed by thermoelectric power, an anomalously large Debye-Waller factor, the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility, and the inability to order atomic vacancies in VO.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Ultraviolet absorption: Experiment MA-059

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    A technique devised to permit the measurement of atmospheric species concentrations is described. This technique involves the application of atomic absorption spectroscopy and the quantitative observation of resonance fluorescence in which atomic or molecular species scatter resonance radiation from a light source into a detector. A beam of atomic oxygen and atomic nitrogen resonance radiation, strong unabsorbable oxygen and nitrogen radiation, and visual radiation was sent from Apollo to Soyuz. The density of atomic oxygen and atomic nitrogen between the two spacecraft was measured by observing the amount of resonance radiation absorbed when the line joining Apollo and Soyuz was perpendicular to their velocity with respect to the ambient atmosphere. Results of postflight analysis of the resonance fluorescence data are discussed
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