356 research outputs found

    Implementasi Deteksi dan Pengenalan Wajah pada Sistem Ujian Online Menggunakan Metode Deep Learning Berbasis Raspberry Pi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem yang secara otomatis dapat mengenali peserta dalam tes berbasis online untuk efisiensi waktu dan biaya. Sistem ini terdiri dari Raspberry Pi untuk menjalankan algoritma pengenalan wajah, Kamera Pi untuk menangkap gambar peserta dan server lokal untuk menyimpan data peserta. Pada tahap awal penelitian, dibangun sebuah dataset yang berisi foto terbaru peserta dan id peserta. Dataset ini kemudian digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran menggunakan algoritma haarcascade yang merupakan bagian dari metode deep learning untuk menghasilkan sebuah model. Pada tahap pengenalan, gambar peserta dibandingkan dengan model. Peserta yang berhasil dikenali akan secara otomatis dialokasikan ke komputer yang tersedia. Pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem berhasil mengenali peserta tes dan yang bukan peserta tes

    Penentuan Prioritas pada Jaringan Back-bone Palapa Ring Menggunakan Derajat Node dan Cut Vertex

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    Palapa Ring is a project aiming to connect provinces and cities in Indonesia via a high data speed telecommunication path. The purpose of this  research is to identify the priority scale of each node in Palapa Ring Backbone network by considering the degree of each node and the cut vertices of the network. The result shows that the existing infrastructure in Palapa Ring comprised 48 nodes and 117 links. The nodes with the highest degree in the network were PBR, PTK, BJM, JK, SB and UP, with each of the nodes was connected to four links. Cut vertices in the network consisted of 22 nodes. The nodes in the network are classified into 4 categories. Five nodes (PBR, PTK, BJM, SB and UP) fell into the 1st priority group, two nodes (JK,MDN) fell into the 2nd priority group, 16 nodes fell into the 3rd priority group and the rest fell into the non priority group


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    This research aims to secure data transaction in Internet of Things (IoT)devices using the challenge-response authentication mechanism (CRAM). The research choose uses ESP 8266 and ESP 32 to develop the system for their ability to run micropython programming language. Using a random challenge to grant authentication protects the system from replay attack from intruders. In each authentication process, the client receives a 10 digit random number to be encrypted using a shared key and sent back to the server. The server then checks if the client posses the correct key by decrypting the encrypted challenge using the same shared key. Access is granted if the decryption result is equal to the original challenge


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    Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis kualitas sinyal dan kinerja jaringan data antar LoRa gateway RFM95 dalam kondisi Line Of Sight. Posisi antar pemancar dan penerima saat pengukuran berada pada jarak 100 m, 200 m, 500 m dan 700 m menggunakan antenna gain 2 dB dan daya pancar 10 dbm. Perubahan Spreading Factor diterapkan untuk mendapatkan parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi kinerja sistem LoRa yaitu antara lain RSSI terhadap jarak, SNR terhadap jarak, Packet Delivery Ratio terhadap jarak, Delay terhadap jarak, Delay terhadap panjang paket dan perbandingan perhitungan transmission delay terhadap hasil pengukuran delay. Hasil pengujian memberikan informasi bahwa RSSI menurun terhadap jarak sedangkan Spreading Factor tidak terlalu mempengaruhi RSSI. Parameter lainnya yaitu SNR dipengaruhi oleh jarak, kondisi noise pada kanal area pengukuran dan Spreading Factor. Packet Delivery Ratio menurun ketika jarak bertambah tetapi dengan menggunakan SF 9 menunjukan hasil yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan menggunakan SF 7, terlihat pada jarak 700m dengan SF 9 mempunyai PDR 76% sedangkan dengan SF 7 mempunyai PDR 44%. Delay dipengaruhi oleh panjang paket dan penggunaan SF9 menghasilkan delay yang lebih besar daripada SF 7 terlihat pada jarak 700m dengan SF9 menghasilkan delay 0.996678 s dan SF 7 menghasilkan delay 0.060945s&nbsp

    Postmarketing nutrivigilance safety profile: A line of dietary food supplements containing red yeast rice for dyslipidemia

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    Introduction: In the absence of a European standardized postmarketing food supplement surveillance system (nutrivigilance), some member states and companies have developed their own approaches to monitoring potential adverse reactions to secure a high level of product safety. This paper describes the use of a nutrivigilance system in monitoring the incidence of spontaneously reported suspected adverse reactions associated with food supplements containing red yeast rice (RYR). Material and methods: We report the data from a widely used product marketed under the trademark Armolipid/Armolipid Plus. Postmarketing information was collected in a voluntary nutrivigilance system established by the manufacturing company (Meda Pharma SpA, a Viatris Company, Monza, Italy). From 1st October 2004 to 31st December 2019, this system captured cases of suspected adverse reactions spontaneously reported by consumers, healthcare professionals, health authorities, regardless of causality. Results: The total number of case reports received mentioning the RYR food supplement product line was 542, in which 855 adverse events (AEs) were reported. The total reporting rate of AEs was estimated to be 0.037% of 2,287,449 exposed consumers. Of the 542 cases, 21 (0.0009% of exposed consumers) included suspected serious adverse events (SAEs). After careful investigation, 6 cases (0.0003% of consumers exposed) and 6 AEs were assessed by the manufacturer as serious and potentially related to exposure to the above-mentioned RYR-based nutraceutical. Conclusions: This nutrivigilance-derived data analysis clearly demonstrates a low prevalence of suspected adverse events associated with the red yeast rice product line. Consumer safety of food supplements could be generally improved by raising awareness of the importance of following the indications and warnings detailed in a food supplement's labeling

    Improved understanding of self-sustained, sub-micrometric multi-composition surface Constantan wires interacting with H2 at high temperatures: experimental evidence of Anomalous Heat Effects

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    This article is an extension of what presented by our team at 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion, ICCF-17, in Daejon, Korea, in 2012 [1]. It documents the improvements on Constantan-related experiments, started in 2011, in order to study the feasibility of new Nickel based alloys that are able to absorb proper amounts of Hydrogen (H2) and/or Deuterium (D2) and that have, in principle, some possibility to generate anomalous thermal effects at temperatures >100°C. The interest in Ni comes in part because there is the possibility to use also H2 instead of expensive D2. Moreover, cross-comparison of results using H2 instead of D2 can be made and could help the understanding of the phenomena involved (atomic, nuclear, super-chemical origin?) due to the use of such isotopes. Keywords: calorimeter, LENR, Nickel based alloys, sub-micrometric surface

    The SAFFO Study: Sex-Related Prognostic Role and Cut-Off Definition of Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (MLR) in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    Background: Emerging data suggest that gender-related immune system composition affects both immune response and efficacy of immunotherapy in cancer patients (pts). This study aimed to investigate the sex-related prognostic role of MLR in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) pts. Methods: We analyzed a retrospective consecutive cohort of 490 mCRC patients treated from 2009 to 2018 at the Oncology Departments of Aviano and Pordenone (training set) and Udine (validation set), Italy. The prognostic impact of MLR on overall survival (OS) was evaluated with uni- and multivariable Cox regression models. The best cut-off value to predict survival was defined through ROC analyses. Results: Overall, we identified 288 males (59%) and 202 females (41%); 161 patients (33%) had a right-sided, 202 (42%) a left-sided primary, and 122 (25%) a rectal tumor. Interestingly, gender was associated with MLR (p = 0.004) and sidedness (p = 0.006). The obtained cut-off value for MLR in females and males was 0.27 and 0.49, respectively. According to univariate analysis of the training set, MLR (HR 9.07, p ≤ 0.001), MLR > 0.27 in females (HR 1.95, p = 0.003), and MLR > 0.49 in males (HR 2.65, p = 0.010) were associated with poorer OS, which was also confirmed in the validation set. In multivariate analysis, MLR > 0.27 in females (HR 2.77, p = 0.002), MLR > 0.49 in males (HR 5.39, p ≤ 0.001), BRAF mutation (HR 3.38, p ≤ 0.001), and peritoneal metastases (HR 2.50, p = 0.003) were still independently associated with worse OS. Conclusions: Males and females have a different immune response. Our study showed that high MLR, both in males and females, is an unfavorable Independent prognostic factor. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm these data
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