6 research outputs found

    The SuperB silicon vertex tracker.

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    In the current design of the high luminosity SuperB asymmetric e+-e- collider, the center of mass boost is reduced with respect to BaBar and to ef\ufb01ciently perform the time-dependent measurements an improved vertex resolution is required. A vertex tracker based on the layout of the BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) with an additional innermost layer (Layer0) is a design that achieves such a tracking resolution, provided that the extra layer is placed at radius of 1.5 cm from the interaction point, its thickness is less than 1% X_0 and it is able to withstand a background rate of several MHz/cm^2. The different options for the Layer0 are reviewed, starting from the most technologically mature solution, a high resistivity short strip detector, describing then a small-pitch hybrid pixel detector and \ufb01nally presenting the most challenging proposal, based on CMOS MAPS

    SuperB Progress Reports -- Physics

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    SuperB is a high luminosity e+e- collider that will be able to indirectly probe new physics at energy scales far beyond the reach of any man made accelerator planned or in existence. Just as detailed understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics was developed from stringent constraints imposed by flavour changing processes between quarks, the detailed structure of any new physics is severely constrained by flavour processes. In order to elucidate this structure it is necessary to perform a number of complementary studies of a set of golden channels. With these measurements in hand, the pattern of deviations from the Standard Model behavior can be used as a test of the structure of new physics. If new physics is found at the LHC, then the many golden measurements from SuperB will help decode the subtle nature of the new physics. However if no new particles are found at the LHC, SuperB will be able to search for new physics at energy scales up to 10-100 TeV. In either scenario, flavour physics measurements that can be made at SuperB play a pivotal role in understanding the nature of physics beyond the Standard Model. Examples for using the interplay between measurements to discriminate New Physics models are discussed in this document. SuperB is a Super Flavour Factory, in addition to studying large samples of B_{u,d,s}, D and tau decays, SuperB has a broad physics programme that includes spectroscopy both in terms of the Standard Model and exotica, and precision measurements of sin^2theta_W. In addition to performing CP violation measurements at the Y(4S) and phi(3770), SuperB will test CPT in these systems, and lepton universality in a number of different processes. The multitude of rare decay measurements possible at SuperB can be used to constrain scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model

    SuperB Progress Reports - Physics

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    SuperB is a high luminosity e+e- collider that will be able to indirectly probe new physics at energy scales far beyond the reach of any man made accelerator planned or in existence. Just as detailed understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics was developed from stringent constraints imposed by flavour changing processes between quarks, the detailed structure of any new physics is severely constrained by flavour processes. In order to elucidate this structure it is necessary to perform a number of complementary studies of a set of golden channels. With these measurements in hand, the pattern of deviations from the Standard Model behavior can be used as a test of the structure of new physics. If new physics is found at the LHC, then the many golden measurements from SuperB will help decode the subtle nature of the new physics. However if no new particles are found at the LHC, SuperB will be able to search for new physics at energy scales up to 10-100 TeV. In either scenario, flavour physics measurements that can be made at SuperB play a pivotal role in understanding the nature of physics beyond the Standard Model. Examples for using the interplay between measurements to discriminate New Physics models are discussed in this document. SuperB is a Super Flavour Factory, in addition to studying large samples of B_{u,d,s}, D and tau decays, SuperB has a broad physics programme that includes spectroscopy both in terms of t he Standard Model and exotica, and precision measurements of sin^2theta_W. In addition to performing CP violation measurements at the Y(4S) and phi(3770), SuperB will test CPT in these systems, and lepton universality in a number of different processes. The multitude of rare decay measurements possible at SuperB can be used to constrain scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. ..

    SuperB Progress Reports - Detector

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    none240This report describes the present status of the detector design for SuperB. It is one of four separate progress reports that, taken collectively, describe progress made on the SuperB Project since the publication of the SuperB Conceptual Design Report in 2007 and the Proceedings of SuperB Workshop VI in Valencia in 2008. The other three reports relate to Physics, Accelerator and Computing.noneE. Grauges; G. Donvito; V. Spinoso; M. Manghisoni; V. Re; G. Traversi; G. Eigen; D. Fehlker; L. Helleve; A. Carbone; R. Di Sipio; A. Gabrielli; D. Galli; F. Giorgi; U. Marconi; S. Perazzini; C. Sbarra; V. Vagnoni; S. Valentinetti; M. Villa; A. Zoccoli; C. Cheng; A. Chivukula; D. Doll; B. Echenard; D. Hitlin; P. Ongmongkolkul; F. Porter; A. Rakitin; M. Thomas; R. Zhu; G. Tatishvili; R. Andreassen; C. Fabby; B. Meadows; A. Simpson; M. Sokoloff; K. Tomko; A. Fella; M. Andreotti; W. Baldini; R. Calabrese; V. Carassiti; G. Cibinetto; A. Cotta Ramusino; A. Gianoli; E. Luppi; M. Munerato; V. Santoro; L. Tomassetti; D. Stoker; O. Bezshyyko; G. Dolinska; N. Arnaud; C. Beigbeder; F. Bogard; D. Breton; L. Burmistrov; D. Charlet; J. Maalmi; L. Perez; V. Puill; A. Stocchi; V. Tocut; S. Wallon; G. Wormser; D. Brown; A. Calcaterra; R. de Sangro; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; P. Patteri; I. Peruzzi; M. Piccolo; M. Rama; S. Fantinel; G. Maron; E. Ben-Haim; G. Calderini; H. Lebbolo; G. Marchiori; R. Cenci; A. Jawahery; D.A. Roberts; D. Lindemann; P. Patel; S. Robertson; D. Swersky; P. Biassoni; M. Citterio; V. Liberali; F. Palombo; A. Stabile; S. Stracka; A. Aloisio; S. Cavaliere; G. De Nardo; A. Doria; R. Giordano; A. Ordine; S. Pardi; G. Russo; C. Sciacca; A.Y. Barniakov; M.Y. Barniakov; V.E. Blinov; V.P. Druzhinin; V.B.. Golubev; S.A. Kononov; E. Kravchenko; A.P. Onuchin; S.I. Serednyakov; Y.I. Skovpen; E.P. Solodov; M. Bellato; M. Benettoni; M. Corvo; A. Crescente; F. Dal Corso; C. Fanin; E. Feltresi; N. Gagliardi; M. Morandin; M. Posocco; M. Rotondo; R. Stroili; C. Andreoli; L. Gaioni; E. Pozzati; L. Ratti; V. Speziali; D. Aisa; M. Bizzarri; C. Cecchi; S. Germani; P. Lubrano; E. Manoni; A. Papi; A. Piluso ; A. Rossi; M. Lebeau; C. Avanzini; G. Batignani; S. Bettarini; F. Bosi; M. Ceccanti; A. Cervelli; A. Ciampa; F. Crescioli; M. Dell’Orso; D. Fabiani; F. Forti; P. Giannetti; M. Giorgi; S. Gregucci; A. Lusiani; P. Mammini; G. Marchiori; M. Massa; E. Mazzoni; F. Morsani; N. Neri; E. Paoloni; E. Paoloni; M. Piendibene; A. Profeti; G. Rizzo; L. Sartori; J. Walsh; E. Yurtsev; D.M. Asner; J. E. Fast; R.T. Kouzes; A. Bevan; F. Gannaway; J. Mistry; C. Walker; C.A.J. Brew; R.E. Coath; J.P. Crooks; R.M. Harper; A. Lintern; A. Nichols; M. Staniztki; R. Turchetta; F.F. Wilson; V. Bocci; G. Chiodi; R. Faccini; C. Gargiulo; D. Pinci; L. Recchia; D. Ruggieri; A. Di Simone; P. Branchini; A. Passeri; F. Ruggieri; E. Spiriti; D. Aston; M. Convery; G. Dubois-Felsmann; W. Dunwoodie; M. Kelsey; P. Kim; M. Kocian; D. Leith; S. Luitz; D. MacFarlane; B. Ratcliff; M. Sullivan; J. Va’vra; W. Wisniewski; W. Yang; K. Shougaev; A. Soffer; F. Bianchi; D. Gamba; G. Giraudo; P. Mereu; G. Dalla Betta; G. Fontana; G. Soncini; M. Bomben; L. Bosisio; P. Cristaudo; G. Giacomini; D. Jugovaz; L. Lanceri; I. Rashevskaya; G. Venier; L. Vitale; R. Henderson; J.-F. Caron; C. Hearty; P. Lu; R. So; P. Taras; A. Agarwal; J. Franta; J.M. RoneyE., Grauges; G., Donvito; V., Spinoso; M., Manghisoni; V., Re; G., Traversi; G., Eigen; D., Fehlker; L., Helleve; A., Carbone; R., Di Sipio; A., Gabrielli; D., Galli; F., Giorgi; U., Marconi; S., Perazzini; C., Sbarra; V., Vagnoni; S., Valentinetti; M., Villa; A., Zoccoli; C., Cheng; A., Chivukula; D., Doll; B., Echenard; D., Hitlin; P., Ongmongkolkul; F., Porter; A., Rakitin; M., Thomas; R., Zhu; G., Tatishvili; R., Andreassen; C., Fabby; B., Meadows; A., Simpson; M., Sokoloff; K., Tomko; A., Fella; Andreotti, Mirco; Baldini, Wander; Calabrese, Roberto; Carassiti, Vittore; Cibinetto, Gianluigi; COTTA RAMUSINO, Angelo; Gianoli, Alberto; Luppi, Eleonora; Munerato, Mauro; Santoro, Valentina; Tomassetti, Luca; D., Stoker; O., Bezshyyko; G., Dolinska; N., Arnaud; C., Beigbeder; F., Bogard; D., Breton; L., Burmistrov; D., Charlet; J., Maalmi; L., Perez; V., Puill; A., Stocchi; V., Tocut; S., Wallon; G., Wormser; D., Brown; A., Calcaterra; R., de Sangro; G., Felici; G., Finocchiaro; P., Patteri; I., Peruzzi; M., Piccolo; M., Rama; S., Fantinel; G., Maron; E., Ben Haim; G., Calderini; H., Lebbolo; G., Marchiori; R., Cenci; A., Jawahery; D. A., Roberts; D., Lindemann; P., Patel; S., Robertson; D., Swersky; P., Biassoni; M., Citterio; V., Liberali; F., Palombo; A., Stabile; S., Stracka; A., Aloisio; S., Cavaliere; G., De Nardo; A., Doria; R., Giordano; A., Ordine; S., Pardi; G., Russo; C., Sciacca; A. Y., Barniakov; M. Y., Barniakov; V. E., Blinov; V. P., Druzhinin; Golubev, V. B.; S. A., Kononov; E., Kravchenko; A. P., Onuchin; S. I., Serednyakov; Y. I., Skovpen; E. P., Solodov; M., Bellato; M., Benettoni; Corvo, Marco; A., Crescente; F., Dal Corso; C., Fanin; E., Feltresi; N., Gagliardi; M., Morandin; M., Posocco; M., Rotondo; R., Stroili; C., Andreoli; L., Gaioni; E., Pozzati; L., Ratti; V., Speziali; D., Aisa; M., Bizzarri; C., Cecchi; S., Germani; P., Lubrano; E., Manoni; A., Papi; A., Piluso; A., Rossi; M., Lebeau; C., Avanzini; G., Batignani; S., Bettarini; F., Bosi; M., Ceccanti; A., Cervelli; A., Ciampa; F., Crescioli; M., Dell’Orso; D., Fabiani; F., Forti; P., Giannetti; M., Giorgi; S., Gregucci; A., Lusiani; P., Mammini; G., Marchiori; M., Massa; E., Mazzoni; F., Morsani; N., Neri; E., Paoloni; E., Paoloni; M., Piendibene; A., Profeti; G., Rizzo; L., Sartori; J., Walsh; E., Yurtsev; D. M., Asner; J. E., Fast; R. T., Kouzes; A., Bevan; F., Gannaway; J., Mistry; C., Walker; C. A. J., Brew; R. E., Coath; J. P., Crooks; R. M., Harper; A., Lintern; A., Nichols; M., Staniztki; R., Turchetta; F. F., Wilson; V., Bocci; G., Chiodi; R., Faccini; C., Gargiulo; D., Pinci; L., Recchia; D., Ruggieri; A., Di Simone; P., Branchini; A., Passeri; F., Ruggieri; E., Spiriti; D., Aston; M., Convery; G., Dubois Felsmann; W., Dunwoodie; M., Kelsey; P., Kim; M., Kocian; D., Leith; S., Luitz; D., Macfarlane; B., Ratcliff; M., Sullivan; J., Va’Vra; W., Wisniewski; W., Yang; K., Shougaev; A., Soffer; F., Bianchi; D., Gamba; G., Giraudo; P., Mereu; G., Dalla Betta; G., Fontana; G., Soncini; M., Bomben; L., Bosisio; P., Cristaudo; G., Giacomini; D., Jugovaz; L., Lanceri; I., Rashevskaya; G., Venier; L., Vitale; R., Henderson; J. F., Caron; C., Hearty; P., Lu; R., So; P., Taras; A., Agarwal; J., Franta; J. M., Rone

    SuperB: A High-Luminosity Asymmetric e+ e- Super Flavor Factory. Conceptual Design Report.

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    The physics objectives of SuperB, an asymmetric electron-positron collider with a luminosity above 10^36/cm^2/s are described, together with the conceptual design of a novel low emittance design that achieves this performance with wallplug power comparable to that of the current B Factories, and an upgraded detector capable of doing the physics in the SuperB environment

    Measurement of the CP violating asymmetry amplitude sin 2beta

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    We present results on time-dependent CP-violating asymmetries in neutral B decays to several CP eigenstates. The measurements use a data sample of about 88 million Y(4S) --> B Bbar decays collected between 1999 and 2002 with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We study events in which one neutral B meson is fully reconstructed in a final state containing a charmonium meson and the other B meson is determined to be either a B0 or B0bar from its decay products. The amplitude of the CP-violating asymmetry, which in the Standard Model is proportional to sin2beta, is derived from the decay-time distributions in such events. We measure sin2beta = 0.741 +/- 0.067 (stat) +/- 0.034 (syst) and |lambda| = 0.948 +/- 0.051 (stat) +/- 0.030 (syst). The magnitude of lambda is consistent with unity, in agreement with the Standard Model expectation of no direct CP violation in these modes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 postscript figures, submitted to PR