674 research outputs found

    Site-occupancy factors in the Debye scattering equation : a theoretical discussion on significance and correctness

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    The Debye scattering equation (DSE) [Debye (1915). Ann. Phys. 351, 809-823] is widely used for analyzing total scattering data of nanocrystalline materials in reciprocal space. In its modified form (MDSE) [Cervellino et al. (2010). J. Appl. Cryst. 43, 1543-1547], it includes contributions from uncorrelated thermal agitation terms and, for defective crystalline nanoparticles (NPs), average site-occupancy factors (s.o.f.'s). The s.o.f.'s were introduced heuristically and no theoretical demonstration was provided. This paper presents in detail such a demonstration, corrects a glitch present in the original MDSE, and discusses the s.o.f.'s physical significance. Three new MDSE expressions are given that refer to distinct defective NP ensembles characterized by: (i) vacant sites with uncorrelated constant site-occupancy probability; (ii) vacant sites with a fixed number of randomly distributed atoms; (iii) self-excluding (disordered) positional sites. For all these cases, beneficial aspects and shortcomings of introducing s.o.f.'s as free refinable parameters are demonstrated. The theoretical analysis is supported by numerical simulations performed by comparing the corrected MDSE profiles and the ones based on atomistic modeling of a large number of NPs, satisfying the structural conditions described in (i)-(iii)

    Tamm Plasmon Resonance as Optical Fingerprint of Silver/Bacteria Interaction

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    The incorporation of responsive elements into photonic crystals is an effective strategy for fabricating active optical components to be used as sensors, actuators, and modulators. In particular, the combination of simple multilayered dielectric mirrors with optically responsive plasmonic materials has proven to be successful. Recently, Tamm plasmon (TP) modes have emerged as powerful tools for these purposes. These modes arise at the interface between a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) and a plasmonic layer and can be excited at a normal incidence angle. Although the TP field is located usually at the DBR/metal interface, recent studies have demonstrated that nanoscale corrugation of the metal layer permits access to the TP mode from outside, thus opening exciting perspectives for many real-life applications. In this study, we show that the TP resonance obtained by capping a DBR with a nanostructured layer of silver is responsive to Escherichia coli. Our data indicate that the modification of the TP mode originates from the well-known capability of silver to interact with bacteria, within a process in which the release of Ag+ ions leaves an excess of negative charge in the metal lattice. Finally, we exploited this effect to devise a case study in which we optically differentiated between the presence of proliferative and nonproliferative bacteria using the TP resonance as a read-out. These findings make these devices promising all-optical probes for bacterial metabolic activity, including their response to external stressors

    2,12-diaza[6]helicene: An efficient non-conventional stereogenic scaffold for enantioselective electrochemical interphases

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    The new configurationally stable, unsymmetrical 2,12-diaza[6]helicene was synthesized as a racemate and the enantiomers were separated in an enantiopure state by semi-preparative HPLC on chiral stationary phase. Under selected alkylation conditions it was possible to obtain both the enantiopure 2-N-mono- and di-N-ethyl quaternary iodides. Metathesis with bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion gave low-melting salts which were tested as inherently chiral additives to achiral ionic liquids for the electrochemical enantiodiscrimination of chiral organic probes in voltammetric experiments. Remarkable differences in the oxidation potentials of the enantiomers of two probes, a chiral ferrocenyl amine and an aminoacid, were achieved; the differences increase with increasing additive concentration and number of alkylated nitrogen atoms

    Taxon ordering in phylogenetic trees by means of evolutionary algorithms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In in a typical "left-to-right" phylogenetic tree, the vertical order of taxa is meaningless, as only the branch path between them reflects their degree of similarity. To make unresolved trees more informative, here we propose an innovative Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) method to search the best graphical representation of unresolved trees, in order to give a biological meaning to the vertical order of taxa.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Starting from a West Nile virus phylogenetic tree, in a (1 + 1)-EA we evolved it by randomly rotating the internal nodes and selecting the tree with better fitness every generation. The fitness is a sum of genetic distances between the considered taxon and the <it>r </it>(radius) next taxa. After having set the radius to the best performance, we evolved the trees with (<it>λ </it>+ <it>μ</it>)-EAs to study the influence of population on the algorithm.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The (1 + 1)-EA consistently outperformed a random search, and better results were obtained setting the radius to 8. The (<it>λ </it>+ <it>μ</it>)-EAs performed as well as the (1 + 1), except the larger population (1000 + 1000).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The trees after the evolution showed an improvement both of the fitness (based on a genetic distance matrix, then close taxa are actually genetically close), and of the biological interpretation. Samples collected in the same state or year moved close each other, making the tree easier to interpret. Biological relationships between samples are also easier to observe.</p

    Helicity: a non-conventional stereogenic element for designing inherently chiral ionic liquids for electrochemical enantiodifferentiation

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    Configurationally stable 5-aza[6]helicene (1) was envisaged as a promising scaffold for non-conventional ionic liquids (IL)s. It was prepared, purified, and separated into enantiomers by preparative HPLC on a chiral stationary phase. Enantiomerically pure quaternary salts of 1 with appropriate counterions were prepared and fully characterized. N-octyl-5-aza[6]helicenium bis triflimidate (2) was tested in very small quantities as a selector in achiral IL media to perform preliminary electrochemical enantiodifferentiation experiments on the antipodes of two different chiral probes. The new organic salt exhibited outstanding enantioselection performance with respect to these probes, thus opening the way to applications in the enantioselective electroanalysis of relevant bioactive molecules

    The Maugeri daily activity profile: A tool to assess physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) report reduced physical activity (PA). There are only few tools available to assess PA and sedentary behavior in these patients, and none of them aims to differentiate between sedentary and active patterns. The aim of the study was to evaluate an easy tool to profile daily activity time in a cohort of patients with COPD, compared to healthy subjects; the study was set at the Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri (ICS), IRCCS of Tradate and Lumezzane, Italy, and at the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Novaggio, Switzerland (Italian Speaking). The populations were inpatients with COPD, healthy subjects. The items of the Maugeri Daily Activity (MaDA) profile were chosen based on literature, interviews with patients and health professionals. Time spent during sleep (ST), when awake (AT), active (ACT) or in sedentary behavior (SET) were recorded. Lung function tests, arterial blood gases, the modified Medical Research Council (mMRC), the six-minute walking distance test (6MWD), the COPD Assessment Test (CAT), and the body-mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise capacity (BODE) index were also assessed in patients. Sixty patients with COPD and 60 healthy controls filled in the questionnaire. As compared to controls, patients showed longer AT and SET. Active time of patients was significantly cor-related with mMRC, CAT, Bode Index and 6MWD, but not with demographics, anthropometrics or stages of disease. Using this tool, we found that patients with COPD spent longer time awake and in sedentary behavior. The MaDA may be useful to evaluate PA in patients with COPD

    Long-term outcomes of a pilot CT screening for lung cancer

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    Background: Low-dose computed tomography (CT) screening can detect early stage lung cancer in high-risk populations. However, no data on repeated annual screening over more than 5 years are available, and the impact of screening on lung cancer mortality is controversial. Methods: We analysed outcomes in high-risk asymptomatic volunteers (smokers and former smokers, >50 years) enrolled in a pilot study over 1 year from June 2000, who received annual low-dose CT for 7 years. Cumulative lung cancer incidence and survival were represented by Kaplan 12Meier curves. Standardized incidence and mortality ratios were used to estimate risks relative to the general Italian and US population. Results: Compliance was 86% at the end of the seventh year in 1035 recruited volunteers (71% men, mean age 58 years). Lung cancer was diagnosed in 54 (5.3%); radical surgery was possible in 48/54 (87%); 39/54 (72%) had stage I disease. Five-year survival was 63% overall, 89% for stage I cases. During 6308 person-years of observation, 47 participants had died versus 75 expected in the Italian general population standardised for age and sex. Fourteen lung cancer deaths were registered versus 27 expected in a standardised US smoker population. Conclusions: Seventy percent of screening-diagnosed patients had stage I disease, and the survival of screen-detected cancer patients was high. Lung cancer mortality was favourable compared to age- and sex-matched population of US smokers, suggesting that mortality can be lowered by screening, although larger trials with longer follow-up are necessary to confirm these findings

    The body of evidence of late-life depression: the complex relationship between depressive symptoms, movement, dyspnea and cognition

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    Background: Physical symptoms play an important role in late-life depression and may contribute to residual symptomatology after antidepressant treatment. In this exploratory study, we examined the role of specific bodily dimensions including movement, respiratory functions, fear of falling, cognition, and physical weakness in older people with depression.Methods: Clinically stable older patients with major depression within a Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison program for Primary Care underwent comprehensive assessment of depressive symptoms, instrumental movement analysis, dyspnea, weakness, activity limitations, cognitive function, and fear of falling. Network analysis was performed to explore the unique adjusted associations between clinical dimensions.Results: Sadness was associated with worse turning and walking ability and movement transitions from walking to sitting, as well as with worse general cognitive abilities. Sadness was also connected with dyspnea, while neurovegetative depressive burden was connected with activity limitations.Discussion: Limitations of motor and cognitive function, dyspnea, and weakness may contribute to the persistence of residual symptoms of late-life depression

    Generalized Fano lineshapes reveal exceptional points in photonic molecules

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    The optical behavior of coupled systems, in which the breaking of parity and time-reversal symmetry occurs, is drawing increasing attention to address the physics of the exceptional point singularity, i.e., when the real and imaginary parts of the normal-mode eigenfrequencies coincide. At this stage, fascinating phenomena are predicted, including electromagnetic-induced transparency and phase transitions. To experimentally observe the exceptional points, the near-field coupling to waveguide proposed so far was proved to work only in peculiar cases. Here, we extend the interference detection scheme, which lies at the heart of the Fano lineshape, by introducing generalized Fano lineshapes as a signature of the exceptional point occurrence in resonant-scattering experiments. We investigate photonic molecules and necklace states in disordered media by means of a near-field hyperspectral mapping. Generalized Fano profiles in material science could extend the characterization of composite nanoresonators, semiconductor nanostructures, and plasmonic and metamaterial devices
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