140 research outputs found

    Habitats and nekto-benthic communities of the bottom-trawl fishery developed on the continental shelf of the Balearic Islands

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    Director de la tesis doctoral: Dr. Massutí, E. (Enric). Ponente de la tesis doctoral: Dr. Bosch, R. (Rafael)Summary: The presence of biogenic benthic habitats in the continental shelf of the Balearic Islands is well known. In the circalittoral, outstanding due to their presence, the following can be found: the bottoms of calcareous red algae of the Corallinaceae family (known as maërl beds), considered particularly sensitive to the anthropogenic impacts; the crinoids beds, considered an essential habitat for the vital cycle of the fishing resources; or the Peyssonnelia beds, characterized by high biomasses of soft red algae, mainly of the Peyssonnelia genus. The bottom trawl fishery, developed in the continental shelf of the Archipelago takes place in these types of bottoms. In spite of this, and the negative effects of bottom trawling on benthic habitats, in the Balearic Islands, there is little information on the relationships between these habitats and the exploited species, whose biology and exploitation state is also unknown for the majority. This doctoral thesis studies the benthic habitats and the nekto-benthic communities exploited by the bottom trawl fishery developed on the continental shelf of the Balearic Islands. The main objectives include determining: the relationship between habitats and fishing resources, the main factors affecting the distribution of both, and how the presence of the main biogenic habitats affects the physiological condition of the associated fish species characterizing them. For the first time, the biology and exploitation state of some of the fishing resources characterizing these bottoms is studied, as well as the effect of changing the mesh geometry in the codend of the bottom trawl gears, from diamond to square, on the selectivity of this fishery. The results highlight that the presence of maërl and Peyssonnelia beds in the bottom trawl fishing grounds of the shallow shelf, and the crinoid beds in those of the deep shelf, is an important factor for the distribution of nekto- benthic fishing resources. Hydrodynamics influence the distribution of both habitats and fish. In this sense, fish size appears as a key trait for their distribution across gradients of change of both habitat and hydrodynamic regime. The study of the biology of characteristic fish species of the shallow shelf indicates that the most structurally complex biogenic habitats, showing the highest algae biomasses, such as maërl and Peyssonnelia beds, allow the individuals inhabiting them to have a better physiological condition than those distributed in habitats showing lower structural complexity and benthic biomass, such as the sandy bottoms. The main by-catch species of the bottom trawl fishery developed in the continental shelf of the Balearic Archipelago show a similar, or even more pronounced, level of overexploitation than the main target species of this fishery, which are the striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) and the hake (Merluccius merluccius). The use of square mesh in the codend substantially improves the selectivity of the bottom trawl gears, reducing the discarded catch and increasing the size at first capture of most species. However, these sizes are still smaller than the size of sexual maturity of most species, and in some cases, even smaller than the minimum landing sizes. The results highlight the importance of the presence of the biogenic benthic habitats for the populations of nekto-benthic organisms. Some of these habitats can play the role of oases where fish could face the energetic requirements of their vital cycle in a better physiological condition. In the Balearic Sea, an area standing out by its oligotrophy and where the most important commercial species show signs of overexploitation, the sustainability of fishing resources will depend on the ability to implement management measures aiming beyond the improvement of the current exploitation regime. They will have to take into account key aspects of the vital cycle of these species and the conservation of the habitats supporting them.Resum: La presència d‘hàbitats bentònics biogènics a la plataforma continental de les Illes Balears és ben coneguda. Al circalitoral hi destaquen per la seva presència: els fons d’algues vermelles calcàries de la família de les coral•linàcies (coneguts com a maërl), considerats especialment sensibles als impactes antropogènics; els fons de crinoïdeus, considerats un hàbitat essencial pel cicle vital dels recursos pesquers; o els fons d’avellanó, caracteritzats per presentar biomasses elevades d’algues vermelles toves, principalment del gènere Peyssonnelia. La pesquera de ròssec que es desenvolupa a la plataforma continental de l’Arxipèlag coincideix amb aquests tipus de fons. Malgrat això i els efectes negatius del ròssec sobre els hàbitats bentònics, a les Balears existeix poca informació sobre les relacions entre aquests hàbitats i les espècies explotades, de les quals tampoc se’n coneix la biologia i estat d’explotació de la majoria. Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia els hàbitats bentònics i les comunitats necto- bentòniques explotats per la pesquera de ròssec de la plataforma continental de les Illes Balears. Els principals objectius són determinar com es relacionen hàbitats i recursos pesquers, quins són els principals factors que afecten la distribució d’ambdós, i com afecta la presència dels principals hàbitats biogènics a la condició fisiològica d’algunes de les espècies de peixos que els caracteritzen. També s’estudia per primer cop la biologia i estat d’explotació d’alguns dels recursos pesquers característics d’aquests fons, així com l’efecte del canvi de la geometria de la malla del cop de les xarxes de ròssec, de ròmbica a quadrada, sobre la selectivitat d’aquesta pesquera. Els resultats destaquen que la presència dels fons de maërl i de Peyssonnelia als caladors de ròssec de la plataforma costanera, i els de crinoïdeus als de la plataforma profunda, actua com a un factor important per a la distribució dels recursos pesquers necto-bentònics. La hidrodinàmica condiciona tant la distribució dels hàbitats com la dels peixos. En aquest sentit, la mida dels peixos apareix com una característica clau en la seva distribució a través de gradients de canvi d’ambdós, hàbitat i règim hidrodinàmic. L’estudi de la biologia d’espècies íctiques característiques de la plataforma costanera, indica que els hàbitats biogènics estructuralment més complexes i amb major biomassa algal, com els de maërl i Peyssonnelia, permeten als individus que hi habiten gaudir d’una millor condició fisiològica que els que es distribueixen a hàbitats menys complexes i amb menor biomassa bentònica, com els fons de sorra. Les principals espècies ‘by-catch’ de la pesquera de ròssec que es desenvolupa a la plataforma continental de l’Arxipèlag Balear es troben en un nivell de sobreexplotació semblant, o inclús més pronunciat, que les principals espècies objectiu d’aquesta pesquera, el moll (Mullus surmuletus) i el lluç (Merluccius merluccius). La utilització de malla quadrada al cop suposa una clara millora en la selectivitat dels arts de ròssec, reduint la captura rebutjada i augmentant la talla de primera captura de la majoria d’espècies. Tot i així, aquestes talles segueixen essent menors que la talla de maduresa sexual de la majoria d’espècies, i en alguns casos, fins i tot menors que les talles mínimes legals. Els resultats remarquen la importància que té la presència dels hàbitats bentònics biogènics per a les poblacions d’organismes necto-bentònics. Alguns d’aquests hàbitats poden actuar com a oasis que permetrien als peixos afrontar amb una millor condició fisiològica els requeriments energètics del seu cicle vital. Al Mar Balear, una àrea que destaca per la seva oligotròfia i on les poblacions de les principals espècies comercials mostren signes de sobreexplotació, la sostenibilitat dels recursos pesquers dependrà de la capacitat d’implementar mesures de gestió amb objectius més enllà de la millora del règim d’explotació actual. Hauran de tenir en compte aspectes clau del cicle vital d’aquestes espècies i la conservació dels hàbitats que els hi donen suport.Resumen: La presencia de hábitats bentónicos biogénicos en la plataforma continental de las Illes Balears es bien conocida. En el circalitoral destacan por su presencia: los fondos de algas rojas calcáreas de la familia de las coralináceas (conocidos como maërl), considerados especialmente sensibles a los impactos antropogénicos; los fondos de crinoideos, considerados un hábitat esencial para el ciclo vital de los recursos pesqueros; o los fondos de avellanó, caracterizados por presentar biomasas elevadas de algas rojas blandas, principalmente del género Peyssonnelia. La pesquería de arrastre que se desarrolla en la plataforma continental del Archipiélago coincide con estos tipos de fondo. A pesar de ello y de los efectos negativos del arrastre sobre los hábitats bentónicos, en las Baleares existe poca información sobre las relaciones entre éstos hábitats y las especies explotadas, de las cuáles tampoco se conoce la biología y estado de explotación de la mayoría. Esta tesis doctoral estudia los hábitats bentónicos y las comunidades necto-bentónicas explotados por la pesquería de arrastre de la plataforma continental de las Illes Balears. Los principales objetivos son determinar cómo se relacionan hábitats y recursos pesqueros, cuáles son los principales factores que afectan la distribución de ambos y cómo afecta la presencia de los principales hábitats biogénicos a la condición fisiológica de las especies de peces que los caracterizan. También se estudia por primera vez la biología y estado de explotación de algunos de los recursos pesqueros característicos de estos fondos, así como el efecto del cambio de la geometría de la malla del copo de las redes de arrastre, de rómbica a cuadrada, sobre la selectividad de esta pesquería. Los resultados destacan que la presencia de los fondos de maërl y de Peyssonnelia en los caladeros de arrastre de la plataforma costera, y los de crinoideos en los de la plataforma profunda, actúa como un factor importante para la distribución de los recursos pesqueros necto-bentónicos. La hidrodinámica condiciona la distribución tanto de hábitats como de peces. En este sentido, el tamaño de los peces aparece como una característica clave para su distribución a través de gradientes de cambio de ambos, hábitat y régimen hidrodinámico. El estudio de la biología de especies ícticas características de la plataforma costera, indica que los hábitats biogénicos estructuralmente más complejos y con mayor biomasa algal, como los de maërl y Peyssonnelia, permiten que los individuos que los habitan disfruten de una mejor condición fisiológica que los que se distribuyen en hábitats menos complejos y con menor biomasa bentónica, como los fondos de arena. Las principales especies ‘by-catch’ de la pesquería de arrastre que se desarrolla en la plataforma continental del Archipiélago Balear se encuentran en un nivel de sobreexplotación similar, o incluso más pronunciado, que las principales especies objetivo de esta pesquería, el salmonete (Mullus surmuletus) y la merluza (Merluccius merluccius). La utilización de malla cuadrada en el copo supone una clara mejoría en la selectividad de los artes de arrastre, reduciendo la captura descartada y aumentando la talla de primera captura de la mayoría de especies. Aún así, estas tallas siguen siendo menores que la talla de madurez sexual de la mayoría de especies, y en algunos casos, incluso inferiores a la talla mínima legal. Los resultados remarcan la importancia que tiene la presencia de los hábitats bentónicos biogénicos para las poblaciones de organismos necto- bentónicos. Algunos de estos hábitats pueden actuar como oasis que permitirían a los peces afrontar con una mejor condición fisiológica los requerimientos energéticos de su ciclo vital. En el Mar Balear, un área que destaca por su oligotrofia y donde las poblaciones de las principales especies comerciales muestran signos de sobreexplotación, la sostenibilidad de los recursos pesqueros dependerá de la capacidad de implementar medidas de gestión con objetivos más allá de la mejora del régimen de explotación actual. Deberán tener en cuenta aspectos clave del ciclo vital de estas especies y la conservación de los hábitats que las sustentan

    First record of the reticulated dragonet, Callionymus reticulatus Valenciennes, 1837 (Actinopterygii: Callionymiformes: Callionymidae), from the Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean

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    The reticulated dragonet, Callionymus reticulatus, was originally described based on a single specimen, the holotype from Malaga, Spain, south-western Mediterranean, probably collected before 1831. The holotype is now disintegrated; the specific characteristics are no longer discernible. The species was subsequently recorded from several north-eastern Atlantic localities (Western Sahara to central Norway), but missing in the Mediterranean. Specimens of C. reticulatus were observed and collected during two cruises in 2014 and 2016 in the Balearic Islands off Mallorca and Menorca. The collected specimens (8 females) have been deposited in the collection of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ). All individuals of C. reticulatus were collected from beam trawl samples carried out during the DRAGONSAL0914 in September 2014, and during the MEDITS_ES05_16 bottom trawl survey in June 2016, on shelf and slope bottoms around the Balearic Islands. Both surveys used a ‘Jennings’ beam trawl to sample the epi-benthic communities, which was the main objective of the DRAGONSAL0914 and a complementary objective in the MEDITS_ES05_16. The ‘Jennings’ beam trawl has a 2 m horizontal opening, 0.5 m vertical opening and a 5 mm diamond mesh in the codend. Trawls had duration of 1 to 3 min of effective sampling (bottom time) at a speed of 2 knots. Catches were sorted out to species and standardized abundances of callionymid species (individuals per 500 m2) were obtained by calculating the sampled surface (distance covered × beam trawl horizontal opening). Callionymus reticulatus is recorded from the Balearic Islands for the first time; the specimens are described and illustrated. The new record confirms that the species is still extant in the Mediterranean. A key to Mediterranean callionymid fishes is provided to distinguish C. reticulatus from other species of the family in the area. The callionymid fish fauna of the Mediterranean now comprises 11 species, including three Lessepsian migrants originating from the Red SeaVersión del edito

    First record of the Alboran dragonet, Protogrammus alboranensis (Actinopterygii: Callionymiformes: Callionymidae), from the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean)

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    The Alboran dragonet, Protogrammus alboranensis Fricke, Ordines, Farias et García-Ruiz, 2016, was originally described based on four specimens from Alboran Island, Spain, south-western Mediterranean, collected in 2014 and 2015. This species was previously considered to be endemic to Alboran Island. A surprising new record of this rare species from the Balearic Islands is reported hereVersión del edito

    Improving the ecological efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery in the western Mediterranean: it’s about time!

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    The improvement of fishing technology has been detrimental to the sustainability of fisheries, which is particularly clear for the bottom trawl fishery. Reducing its environmental impact is a key point for the development of a more sustainable fishery. The present work analyzed different possibilities to mitigate the impact of gears on the seabed and to increase the efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery of the Western Mediterranean. The analysis of three experiments showed that innovative technical and regulation measures can lead to benefits such as the reduction of fishing effort, the improvement of the cost-benefit relation and the reduction of the direct impact on the seabed and the indirect effect on the ecosystems through reduce discards and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. After years of studies focused on improving the sustainability of this fishery, it's about time to turn this improvement into realityPreprint1,86

    N90, a Diversity Index Sensitive to Variations in Beta Diversity Components

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    Species diversity in a community is mainly related to the number and abundance of species that form it. N90 is a recently developed diversity index based on the results of the similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis that represents the number of species contributing up to ninety percent of within-group similarity in a group of samples. The calculation of N90 is based on the Bray–Curtis similarity index and involves the number of species and abundances in a group of samples. We have explored the properties of N90 compared to other alpha, beta and gamma diversity indices and to beta diversity measures accounting for nestedness and turnover. We have used a non-real data set to compare the values of all indices with N90 and two real data sets of demersal fish communities along large and short depth gradients with higher influence of turnover and nestedness, respectively, to correlate the same indices with N90. The sensitivity of N90 to reductions in the frequency of occurrence and the evenness of the distribution of species abundances among samples allows the detection of diversity loss due to the fishing-induced retreatment of species populations to localities presenting the most favorable ecological conditions. This property, both in the identification of species replacement and species loss through SIMPER analysis, make N90 a useful indicator to support the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries within the current context of global changeEn prens

    Libanon : Heiße Spuren im „Mordfall Hariri“?

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    The teleosts Chelidonichthys cuculus, Trigloporus lastoviza, Serranus cabrilla and Trachinus draco, are important by-catch species, in terms of landed biomass and commercial value, from the continental shelf bottom trawl fishery off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). The main biological parameters of these species were calculated from monthly biological samplings, and were used along with three years pseudo-cohorts (2008-2010) obtained from monitoring on-board of the bottom trawl fleet, to assess their exploitation level through Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and Yield per Recruit (Y/R) analysis. Time series of fishery independent indicators based on MEDITS surveys data such as the evolution of the abundance and biomass, the distribution range, and the Conservation Status of Fish b (CSFb), were also analyzed. All four species analyzed showed growth overfishing. The reductions of the fishing effort required to reach the Y/RF0,1 reference point were lower, 66-73% depending on the species, to those reported for the target species M. merluccius (87%), but higher than that reported for M. surmuletus (53%), in the study area in the period 2000-2010. The abundance and biomass, and the distribution range did not show any trend for the period 2001-2011, whereas the CSFb showed signs of recovery that may be due to the displacement of the trawl fishing effort from the shelf to the slope during the last decade. Our results underline the necessary incorporation of monitoring and assessment of by-catch species to the management of fisheries as their populations can show a more pronounced overexploitation than target ones

    First record of Neoscopelus macrolepidotus Johnson, 1863 (Actinopterygii: Myctophiformes: Neoscopelidae) from Irish waters (Porcupine Bank, north-eastern Atlantic)

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    The blackchin, Neoscopelus macrolepidotus Johnson, 1863 (known also as large-scaled lanternfish), originally discovered at Madeira, is a globally distributed benthopelagic fish species that inhabits depths between 300 and 1100 m in the tropical and subtropical regions. Despite the sampling site of the original description, the species seems to be very rare in the eastern Atlantic, particularly at northern latitudes. The worldwide distribution of the species seems to be restricted to latitudes lower than 45º either in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. During the Porcupine 2016 bottom trawl survey a specimen of N. macrolepidotus was collected at a depth of 628 m and latitude 51ºN in the Porcupine Bank, situated in the north-eastern Atlantic, approximately 204 km off the west coast of Ireland. This is the first record of the species in the Porcupine Bank. It significantly extends the distribution range of N. macrolepidotus and represents the highest latitude reported for this species either in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. This extended distribution may have been facilitated by the course of the Mediterranean Outflow Water, which on its way to the north-eastern Atlantic reaches the slope of the Bank at depths where N. macrolepidotus is usually distributedVersión del editor0,54

    Diamond vs. square mesh codend in a multi-species trawl fishery of the western Mediterranean: effects on catch composition, yield, size selectivity and discards

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    Selectivity studies usually describe the effects on target species, whereas information on by-catch and discards is scarce. Nevertheless, large quantities of undersized individuals and invertebrates are discarded in the Mediterranean multi-species bottom trawl fishery. The present work analyses the data from two surveys carried out on the shallow and deep continental shelf (50–78 m, and 147–189 m, respectively) off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). In these surveys, the traditionally used 40 mm diamond mesh codend and an experimental square mesh codend were used under commercial conditions. Catch composition, yields, size selectivity of both target and by-catch species, and discards were compared between the two mesh types. The mean selection length (L50) clearly increased for most species when using square mesh, escaping many more individuals under their minimum landing size. Yield of Spicara smaris was significantly lower by using the square mesh, changing the composition of the retained catch. Escapement ratio and economic loss were significantly higher with square mesh, although economic loss was almost negligible for both meshes on the deep continental shelf. The use of square mesh significantly reduced the discards of algae in the shallow waters and fish on the deep continental shelf. The results confirmed that square mesh codend reduces the fishing pressure on small specimens as well as the impact of trawling on the ecosystem. These benefits would not lead to a reduction of the yields neither of the main target species, the fishes Merluccius merluccius, Mullus surmuletus, Zeus faber, and the cephalopods Loligo vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris, nor of the rest of commercial categories, except for Spicara smarisPublicado