733 research outputs found

    Velocity Distribution of Topological Defects in Phase-Ordering Systems

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    The distribution of interface (domain-wall) velocities v{\bf v} in a phase-ordering system is considered. Heuristic scaling arguments based on the disappearance of small domains lead to a power-law tail, Pv(v)vpP_v(v) \sim v^{-p} for large v, in the distribution of vvv \equiv |{\bf v}|. The exponent p is given by p=2+d/(z1)p = 2+d/(z-1), where d is the space dimension and 1/z is the growth exponent, i.e. z=2 for nonconserved (model A) dynamics and z=3 for the conserved case (model B). The nonconserved result is exemplified by an approximate calculation of the full distribution using a gaussian closure scheme. The heuristic arguments are readily generalized to conserved case (model B). The nonconserved result is exemplified by an approximate calculation of the full distribution using a gaussian closure scheme. The heuristic arguments are readily generalized to systems described by a vector order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, no figures, minor revisions and updates, to appear in Physical Review E (May 1, 1997

    Scaling Model of Annihilation-Diffusion Kinetics for Charged Particles with Long-Range Interactions

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    We propose the general scaling model for the diffusio n-annihilation reaction A++AA_{+} + A_{-} \longrightarrow \emptyset with long-range power-law i nteractions. The presented scaling arguments lead to the finding of three different regimes, dep ending on the space dimensionality d and the long-range force power e xponent n. The obtained kinetic phase diagram agrees well with existing simulation data and approximate theoretical results.Comment: RevTEX, 7 pages, no figures, accepted to Physical Review

    Fluctuations and defect-defect correlations in the ordering kinetics of the O(2) model

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    The theory of phase ordering kinetics for the O(2) model using the gaussian auxiliary field approach is reexamined from two points of view. The effects of fluctuations about the ordering field are included and we organize the theory such that the auxiliary field correlation function is analytic in the short-scaled distance (x) expansion. These two points are connected and we find in the refined theory that the divergence at the origin in the defect-defect correlation function g~(x)\tilde{g}(x) obtained in the original theory is removed. Modifications to the order-parameter autocorrelation exponent λ\lambda are computed.Comment: 29 pages, REVTeX, to be published in Phys. Rev. E. Minor grammatical/syntax changes from the origina

    Phase Ordering Dynamics of the O(n) Model - Exact Predictions and Numerical Results

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    We consider the pair correlation functions of both the order parameter field and its square for phase ordering in the O(n)O(n) model with nonconserved order parameter, in spatial dimension 2d32\le d\le 3 and spin dimension 1nd1\le n\le d. We calculate, in the scaling limit, the exact short-distance singularities of these correlation functions and compare these predictions to numerical simulations. Our results suggest that the scaling hypothesis does not hold for the d=2d=2 O(2)O(2) model. Figures (23) are available on request - email [email protected]: 23 pages, Plain LaTeX, M/C.TH.93/2

    Vortex annihilation in the ordering kinetics of the O(2) model

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    The vortex-vortex and vortex-antivortex correlation functions are determined for the two-dimensional O(2) model undergoing phase ordering. We find reasonably good agreement with simulation results for the vortex-vortex correlation function where there is a short-scaled distance depletion zone due to the repulsion of like-signed vortices. The vortex-antivortex correlation function agrees well with simulation results for intermediate and long-scaled distances. At short-scaled distances the simulations show a depletion zone not seen in the theory.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Integrated methods for the conservation and restoration of archaeological sites. An experimental application on the "Balneum" of Piazza Dante in Catania (Italy)

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    Abstract. Archaeological sites in urban areas are often poorly integrated with the modern urban fabric and appear as "trenches" at a lower level than the road. They become neglected and unvalued places. The study of archaeological ruins in urban centres must involve archaeologists and architects to integrate restoration, enhancement and improvement of physical and visual accessibility projects. New digital technologies can improve these activities thanks to 3D models, "digital replicas" that allow even remote study (especially during a pandemic). The paper presents the case study of a private Roman-imperial bath in Catania. The open-air site is located at a depth of 3 metres above the road level and is not exploited. Our study consisted of historical-bibliographical research, direct and SfM surveys that allowed creating a high-resolution textured 3D model. We have extracted orthophotos and sections for geometric and technical-constructive analyses and recognition of decay from this model. We drew up an archaeological restoration and valorisation design. In addition, we imported the model into the Sketchfab portal. So, we enriched the mesh with information from the analyses employing specific tags about annotations, 2D drawings, historical and technical-scientific information. In this way, the model becomes an interactive document to monitor over time the conservation state, validate the restoration design and contribute to the valorisation of the site. This is an easy tool of exchange between all involved users (researchers, professions and students). Thus, the digital replica also represents a very high potential for dissemination purposes

    Early stage scaling in phase ordering kinetics

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    A global analysis of the scaling behaviour of a system with a scalar order parameter quenched to zero temperature is obtained by numerical simulation of the Ginzburg-Landau equation with conserved and non conserved order parameter. A rich structure emerges, characterized by early and asymptotic scaling regimes, separated by a crossover. The interplay among different dynamical behaviours is investigated by varying the parameters of the quench and can be interpreted as due to the competition of different dynamical fixed points.Comment: 21 pages, latex, 7 figures available upon request from [email protected]

    Comparative Study on Phenolic Profile and Biological Activities of the Aerial Parts of Sinapis pubescens L. subsp. pubescens (Brassicaceae) Wild from Sicily (Italy)

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    This work aimed to investigate Sinapis pubescens subsp. pubescens spontaneously grown in Sicily (Italy) as new potential source of active metabolites; specifically, a comparative study on leaf, flower, and stem hydroalcoholic extracts was performed. Polyphenols were quantitatively determined by spectrophotometric methods and characterized by HPLC-PDA/ESI-MS; a total of 55 polyphenolic compounds were identified, highlighting considerably different qualitative-quantitative profiles. The extracts showed antioxidant activity, evaluated by in vitro assays; particularly, the leaf extract displayed the best radical scavenging activity (DPPH test) and reducing power, while the flower extract showed the greatest chelating activity. The antimicrobial properties of the extracts were investigated against bacteria and yeasts by standard methods; no antimicrobial activity was found against the strains tested. The extracts resulted to be non-toxic after preliminary toxicity evaluation by the Artemia salina lethality bioassay. The aerial parts of S. pubescens subsp. pubescens proved to be valuable sources of antioxidants for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications

    In vitro evaluation on HeLa cells of protective mechanisms of probiotic lactobacilli against Candida clinical isolates

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    Aims: To characterize in vitro the ability of human Lactobacillus strains to inhibit the adhesion, to displace and to compete with clinically isolated Candida strains. Methods and Results: Three types of assays were performed to determine the inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 319, Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501, Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502 and a specific probiotic combination (SYNBIO) on adhesion of Candida pathogens to HeLa cells: blockage by exclusion (lactobacilli and HeLa followed by pathogens), competition (lactobacilli, HeLa and pathogens together) and displacement (pathogens and HeLa followed by the addition of lactobacilli). Bacterial adhesion to HeLa was quantified by microscopy after May-Grunwald/Giemsa stain. The inhibition results highlight a significant (P < 0.05) competition of the considered probiotics against all the Candida strains. The results suggest that the probiotic strains used in this study could prevent colonization of the urogenital tract by relevant pathogens such as Candida strains through barrier and interference mechanisms (mainly displacement and competition), but the degree of inhibition of adhesion was bacterial strain-dependent. Conclusions: The results support the potential of these Lactobacillus probiotic strains as anti-infective agents in the vagina and encourage further studies about their capacity to prevent and manage urogenital tract infections in females. Significance and Impact of the Study: To optimize the defensive properties of the vaginal microbiota, improving the health of many women by probiotic intervention

    Resezioni polmonari limitate “intenzionali” versus lobectomie nel trattamento dei tumori polmonari periferici non microcitomi allo stadio IA

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    Scopo del presente studio è valutare, attraverso l’analisi retrospettiva della nostra casistica e la revisione della letteratura, se le resezioni polmonari limitate siano equivalenti alla lobectomia nel trattamento dei tumori polmonari non microcitomi (NSCLC) periferici allo stadio IA (T1N0M0), in termini di radicalità oncologica, sopravvivenza e tasso di recidive locali, regionali e sistemiche.Viene inoltre preso in considerazione l’impatto delle resezioni limitate, rispetto alle resezioni lobari, sulla funzionalità polmonare postoperatoria. Pazienti e metodi. Abbiamo analizzato una serie consecutiva di 36 pazienti, 28 uomini e 8 donne, di età compresa fra 61 e 81 anni (media 73 anni), sottoposti ad intervento chirurgico, nel periodo compreso fra gennaio 2000 e dicembre 2003, per NSCLC periferici T1N0M0; sono state effettuate 11 resezioni limitate e 25 lobectomie. Sono state analizzate comparativamente sopravvivenza e recidive (follow-up 3-5 anni), nonché le prove di funzionalità respiratoria ad un anno dall’intervento. Risultati. La sopravvivenza a 3 e 5 anni è stata pari all’88% ed all’82% nel gruppo dei pazienti sottoposti a resezioni limitate, al 93% e all’88% nel gruppo dei pazienti sottoposti a lobectomia. Si è verificata una recidiva locale (9%) nel primo gruppo, una (4%) nel secondo. Ad un anno dall’intervento si sono osservati un moderato decremento del volume espiratorio forzato in 1 secondo (FEV1) e della capacità di diffusione per monossido di carbonio (DLCO) nei pazienti sottoposti a resezione lobare, e un sostanziale mantenimento dei parametri funzionali preoperatori, eccezion fatta per la DLCO, nei pazienti sottoposti a resezione limitata. Conclusioni. La nostra circoscritta esperienza, in accordo con le tendenze attuali della letteratura, indica che l’intervento di resezione polmonare limitata, in pazienti selezionati, con NSCLC periferici allo stadio IA, rappresenta una valida alternativa alla lobectomia in termini di sopravvivenza e tasso di recidiva, determinando altresì un minor decremento della funzionalità polmonare postoperatoria. La segmentectomia può essere dunque considerata, in tali casi, procedura chirurgica di scelta, anche in pazienti in grado di tollerare una resezione maggior